What do you all drink?

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What do you all drink?

Post by AK » Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:59 am


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Post by DollSpace » Sat Apr 11, 2009 11:17 am

I don't drink alcohol...my system can't process the alcohol and it gives me a lot of pain. ^^; But I find myself drawn to it, anyway...I wish I could drink! lol

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Post by Stephaniebot » Sat Apr 11, 2009 11:26 am

White Wine
Vodka and Coke

though both in very small quantities
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Post by petey » Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:54 pm

I've largely quit drinking, but my drink of choice was either a Gin&Tonic or Gin and Orange Juice. I never developed a taste for beer or wine.

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Post by minkwheel » Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:19 pm

I'm not a drinker of alcohol... I have no problem when someone is COOKING WITH IT though....I DO bend the rules if I am in places like Germany, Australia, or New Zealand, and the folks that I'm staying with serve something that MUST be enjoyed with their favorite beer, I'll join in, but just a pint.......and the only other time will be on my BIRTHDAY... a friend always takes me out for a steak dinner, and you meed to mix that with ale for the full effect..... I'll do something like a GUINESS stout, or PETE'S WICKED ALE ----I'm not a BUD drinker...... on regular days, fruit juice, water, or a nice PEPSI or diet lime Coke will do.... but if there's a sub sandwich in front of me ....only a DR PEPPER or a STEWARTS ROOT BEER will do....... I also love NEW ZEALAND'S "LEMON AND PAEROA" L&P !!! -- minkwheel
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Post by csoloist » Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:19 pm

My tastes are terribly common...

Social drinker only - cider or maybe lager if it's decent. Also screwdrivers, vod/lime/lemonade or anything else with vodka or just vodka from the freezer. There's a local brand of grapefruit schnapps that turns into a fantastic grapefruit sludge if you put it in the freezer, tastes great but gives you brain freeze :lol:.
Seldom find reds that are easily drinkable so prefer whites. Ooh ooh - Baileys or Amarula with coffees, absinthe and orange with the gothie friends 8).

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Post by Gorgo » Sat Apr 11, 2009 6:09 pm

Being diabetic means that I really shouldn't drink any sort of alcohol. But even before I was diagnosed back in 2005, I always avoided it, preferring soft drinks like Coke instead. I never really liked the taste and every time I even tried a beer or anything harder, I always got woozy. Eventually, someone told me that I was most likely allergic to alcohol, so that was the excuse I used from that point on (and I served in the military from 1985-91, including two years aboard a Navy helicopter destroyer!).

After being diagnosed, I switched totally to diet drinks. It's been okay for me ever since.
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Post by Outsider » Sat Apr 11, 2009 7:16 pm

Tea all the way!

I find alcohol tastes something like phenylthiocarbamide, but with more burning and less bitterness.

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Post by code_author » Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:40 pm

:shock: Doesn't anyone drink Jack Daniels anymore?

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Post by tectile » Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:50 pm

Beer and lots of it. Busch or Bud light are my poisons of choice. I'm enjoying one now :)
When I need a clear head, I like white grapefruit juice over ice or a local brand of cola called Vess. It tastes just like RC cola and costs about 25 cents a can. They also make a great Dr. Pepper clone.
Around the holidays, I treat myself to a big bottle of Baileys Irish cream.
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Got to see if I can round up some of that grapefruit schnapps. Sounds yummy.

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Post by Baron » Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:20 pm

I never drink...........wine........... :shock:

In the soft category - iced tea, Coca-Cola, chocolate milk, ruby red grapefruit juice, Country Time lemonade, and the odd VESS ORANGE WHISTLE {or Shasta during the winter}.

Firewater - Michelob, Long Island Iced Tea, Whiskey Sour, Tidal Wave, Purple Passion, Black Russian. Aside from mixed drinks, I swore off dark alcohol years ago after a lost weekend due to heavy Southern Comfort abuse.............
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Post by minkwheel » Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:32 am

I don't like the taste of alcohol EITHER... OR the taste of milk, so it's fruit juices, soft drinks, or water for me....except for the birthday bit mentioned above.... I had an alcoholic father--he's alcohol and smoke free now for over 25 years, and I'm proud of him---but I saw what I didn't want to become --plus I know that drinking kills brain cells, and I don't really want to be dumber than I already feel...I would lose my creativity, which is something that DEFINES me......so I'll stick to the safer drinks mostly. -- minkwheel
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Post by Korby » Sun Apr 12, 2009 1:02 am

Pabst Blue Ribbon has become my favored beverage, largely because it happens to fall at a nice intersection between affordability and drinkability on the Great Graph Of Sauce.

I love beer generally, and when finances permit I like to try new and different things. My tastes tend toward nice hoppy ales, for the most part, but I like most any style of beer. Continental European type-lagers are probably toward the bottom of the list though.

Special mention goes to pretty much any product of my hometown heroes, the Great Lakes Brewing Company--they make many different styles, and none of them are much short of excellent.

Extra-special mention goes to Guinness, which I have theorized is essential to the proper functioning of the Irish parts of my DNA, and therefore counts as something like 'necessity of life' rather than 'drinking beer'. If I don't get a bit of the black stuff down my neck every so often, I go all funny.

Apart from the oat sodas, I like a drop of Irish whiskey now and again. I used to drink Wild Turkey a lot, but I got to a point where I felt it had done more than enough damage and so cut it out entirely.

I like the occasional gin and tonic in warm weather, and I have a deep and abiding love of the wondrous creation which is the Bombay Sapphire martini (up; in and out; two olives). Once in a while I get a wild hair for a Ketel One mart instead (same formula but replace olive with a twist). I've been known to enjoy a Stoli White Russian or a Capt. Morgan Cuba Libre at times, as well.

But mainly it's just the PBR, 'cos I'm dreadfully dirt poor most of the time.

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Post by DukeNukem 2417 » Sun Apr 12, 2009 1:14 pm

Coke Zero FTW.
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Post by Outsider » Sun Apr 12, 2009 3:21 pm

Off-topic, but Coca-Cola hired the AUC to kill off some of its critics in Colombia.

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Post by Rotwang » Mon Apr 13, 2009 3:45 am

Being a super-taster, stuff like alcohol tastes icky to me so I never bothered. Carbonated sodas don't taste too good either. Water, juice, milk etc ...

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Post by DollSpace » Mon Apr 13, 2009 8:46 am

Baron wrote: I never drink...........wine........... :shock:

In the soft category - iced tea, Coca-Cola, chocolate milk, ruby red grapefruit juice, Country Time lemonade, and the odd VESS ORANGE WHISTLE {or Shasta during the winter}.

I love trying new soda flavours, and ones from smaller operations (not Pepsi or Coke, etc). Jones Soda has some great flavours (Crushed Melon, Strawberry, BubbleGum, Cream Soda, Green Apple, and Red Apple, though I miss their Watermelon flavour) Where I used to live I used to get stuff from Mercury Brewing Company all the time. They had great cream soda, strawberry, watermelon and green apple flavours, and in my opinion, are better than Jones!

One of my friends from Manchester (England) once brought me a Fanta Black Currant, since we can't get them over here. I liked it a lot, but it's definitely more of a drink to drink slowly, rather than gulp down for refreshment. I love IRN-BRU, but getting it around here seems to be difficult.

I used to go to a local soda fountain (long since closed) where they would make awesome Vanilla Cokes, and when Coca-Cola actually started selling Vanilla Coke, I'd buy it all the time. I generally like Pepsi better, though, so when Pepsi Vanilla came out, I usually chose that. Looking to see if they still make Pepsi Vanilla, I came across a huge variety of Pepsi flavours that haven't been sold here or were discontinued. One day, when I can afford it, I need to find an online soda retailer and just buy a ton of random sodas...

I prefer Pepsi over Coke since Pepsi tastes "lighter" to me, I suppose. They use a mixture of sugar and high fructose corn syrup, where Coke just uses the syrup. Around Passover I used to be able to find Coke with just real sugar in it, due to something about HFCS being not Kosher, but I came up empty these last two years. They sell it that way normally in a lot of Europe, but here it's only with the syrup.

I love Cola, Root Beer, Cream Soda, Orange, Grape, Green & Red Apple, Cotton Candy, Bubblegum, Watermelon, Strawberry, Birch Beer, Ginger Ale (Polar Beverages makes a great Golden Ginger Ale, along with Bitter Lemon soda, which I think is supposed to be a cocktail mixer, but I just drink it plain!), Cola with Cherry, Vanilla Cola!, Dr. Pepper (I have to be careful drinking this because my system can't handle too much, but I still drink it when I can), Dr. Pepper with Cherry or Vanilla-Cherry, Fresca, Hansen's fruit sodas (especially Pomegranate & Grapefruit), Mountain Dew (I loved the strawberry-melon-flavoured one, but it didn't win the contest *sad face*, as well as the "Midnight" one, I think it was called, that tasted like sour grape), IRN-BRU, Fanta Black Currant and a lot of others I can't think of this early in the morning.

Wow... I just wrote way too much.... Sorry if you read all that! Another thing that's important is that (most of the time) it can't have any artificial sweetener in it, like Aspartame (NutraSweet), Saccharin, or Sucralose (Splenda), since I can't process those, either. Things sweetened with xylitol, and other similar chemicals, seem to be okay, but I've yet to encounter one in a soda. I also had to take this medicine once, and it tasted to me like lemon-flavoured seawater, and every time I drank something like Sprite or 7Up, it would remind me too much of that awful taste... And lastly, mint soda just doesn't cut it. :)

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Post by AK » Mon Apr 13, 2009 8:52 am


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Post by DollSpace » Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:00 am

AK wrote:Man oh man. I knew the guys at Mercury when I was in high school and they used to send me case after case for almost nothing.
I wish they still did - I'd order some of it from you! (assuming they're still in business, hopefully!)

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Post by Nathan » Mon Apr 13, 2009 10:09 am

loled, i have to say, for my size i can actually drink ALOT before i'm good and trashed. seriously, i can have like 12 beers, 6 shots, 4 smirofs, and some mixed saki before i actually crash. And i'm the shy one of the crew, seriously.


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Post by Outsider » Mon Apr 13, 2009 1:17 pm

Kishin wrote:LOL not to derail the thread Outsider, but where do you have news or proff of that?

The article mentions Chiquita so I wondered if you had any actual articles or topics to check out on the coca-cola thing (good for my Cultural geography class).
Not off the top of my head. I heard the story, first, from a folk singer, and second, from a union organizer from Colombia, who discussed it at length.

Wikipedia has an overview of the legal case.

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Post by Baron » Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:37 pm

DollSpace wrote:
I love trying new soda flavours, and ones from smaller operations (not Pepsi or Coke, etc). Jones Soda has some great flavours (Crushed Melon, Strawberry, BubbleGum, Cream Soda, Green Apple, and Red Apple, though I miss their Watermelon flavour) Where I used to live I used to get stuff from Mercury Brewing Company all the time. They had great cream soda, strawberry, watermelon and green apple flavours, and in my opinion, are better than Jones!

One of my friends from Manchester (England) once brought me a Fanta Black Currant, since we can't get them over here. I liked it a lot, but it's definitely more of a drink to drink slowly, rather than gulp down for refreshment. I love IRN-BRU, but getting it around here seems to be difficult.

I used to go to a local soda fountain (long since closed) where they would make awesome Vanilla Cokes, and when Coca-Cola actually started selling Vanilla Coke, I'd buy it all the time. I generally like Pepsi better, though, so when Pepsi Vanilla came out, I usually chose that. Looking to see if they still make Pepsi Vanilla, I came across a huge variety of Pepsi flavours that haven't been sold here or were discontinued. One day, when I can afford it, I need to find an online soda retailer and just buy a ton of random sodas...

I prefer Pepsi over Coke since Pepsi tastes "lighter" to me, I suppose. They use a mixture of sugar and high fructose corn syrup, where Coke just uses the syrup. Around Passover I used to be able to find Coke with just real sugar in it, due to something about HFCS being not Kosher, but I came up empty these last two years. They sell it that way normally in a lot of Europe, but here it's only with the syrup.

I love Cola, Root Beer, Cream Soda, Orange, Grape, Green & Red Apple, Cotton Candy, Bubblegum, Watermelon, Strawberry, Birch Beer, Ginger Ale (Polar Beverages makes a great Golden Ginger Ale, along with Bitter Lemon soda, which I think is supposed to be a cocktail mixer, but I just drink it plain!), Cola with Cherry, Vanilla Cola!, Dr. Pepper (I have to be careful drinking this because my system can't handle too much, but I still drink it when I can), Dr. Pepper with Cherry or Vanilla-Cherry, Fresca, Hansen's fruit sodas (especially Pomegranate & Grapefruit), Mountain Dew (I loved the strawberry-melon-flavoured one, but it didn't win the contest *sad face*, as well as the "Midnight" one, I think it was called, that tasted like sour grape), IRN-BRU, Fanta Black Currant and a lot of others I can't think of this early in the morning.

Wow... I just wrote way too much.... Sorry if you read all that! Another thing that's important is that (most of the time) it can't have any artificial sweetener in it, like Aspartame (NutraSweet), Saccharin, or Sucralose (Splenda), since I can't process those, either. Things sweetened with xylitol, and other similar chemicals, seem to be okay, but I've yet to encounter one in a soda. I also had to take this medicine once, and it tasted to me like lemon-flavoured seawater, and every time I drank something like Sprite or 7Up, it would remind me too much of that awful taste... And lastly, mint soda just doesn't cut it. :)

~Catie (a.k.a. the girl who types too much)
Uh oh, here's a lass after me own heart. :mrgreen:
Every so often I'll get the urge for a different flavor, and I'll start hunting. Stewart's Soda has probably the best range of flavors, and I'll drink them all, save their Peach. Same goes for Shasta - their Ruby Red Grapefruit is THE perfect "leaded" counterpart to "unleaded" Fresca, which I also love. Both Stewart's and Shasta are readily available online - just Google their names. Had quite a thing for Fanta when I was abroad many moons ago; in addition to black currant, I got serious about their orange/cola combo, which can be approximated with a 50-50 mix of Coke and Sunkist {Coke owns Sunkist and Fanta, BTW}.

There is no finer ginger ale on the market than Vernor's - if it doesn't have that "bite" to it, I won't drink it.

In addition to a fondness for Schweppes Bitter Lemon, I'm prone to drink straight chilled Tonic Water if I'm feeling flu-ish, or if my ulcers act up; the quinine soothes the queasies.

Barrelhead and Barq's are my choice for root beer, with the occasional Wild West Sasparilla to shake things up; all three make great root beer floats in the summertime. And please make my Cream soda RED - the white stuff looks like weak beer, or something you take into the doctor's office......... Finally, I have to nod to the only "disco" soda still on the market, which I still drink now and again - Faygo Diet Frosh.
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Post by minkwheel » Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:07 am

FAYGO is actually SHASTA IN A DIFFERENT BOTTLE on the East Coast.....but by me, they only get like THREE of the many flavors they offer....and I've never had FROSH..... looks like I haveta have a SHASTA. --I STILL wish that i can get L & P locally.... since COKE now owns it...I think L & P TASTES BETTER than MELLO YELLO though. --TRY AND FIND THAT around here. Can't happen. -- minkwheel ---OH, ONE SHASTA SODA THAT I MUST MUST STAY AWAY FROM IS THAT GAWDAWFUL TIKI PUNCH!
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Hop Head Here

Post by barakuda » Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:27 pm

I love ales and darker beers. None of the water down mass market stuff. I drink lots of New Castle Brown Ale. There is a brown ale micro brewed in cali called DownTown Brown thats really good. On the hoppier side I like to drink Arrogant Basterd which states on the bottle complaints we dont want to hear them go back to drinking your yellow wussy beer leave us alone. Another brew they make thats even more hoppier is call Ruination IPA. I also drink stouts such has Guiness, and Youngs Double Choclate Stout.
When I go to my Favorite Local hang out I drink the very awsome Widmere Brothers Unfiltered Hefenwiezen and the ocasonal Snake Bite Shot or Irish Car Bomb. But for most the part i like my ales very hoppy and will try anything i havnt thats in the same vain

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Post by Baron » Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:51 pm

minkwheel wrote:FAYGO is actually SHASTA IN A DIFFERENT BOTTLE on the East Coast.....but by me, they only get like THREE of the many flavors they offer....and I've never had FROSH..... looks like I haveta have a SHASTA. --I STILL wish that i can get L & P locally.... since COKE now owns it...I think L & P TASTES BETTER than MELLO YELLO though. --TRY AND FIND THAT around here. Can't happen. -- minkwheel ---OH, ONE SHASTA SODA THAT I MUST MUST STAY AWAY FROM IS THAT GAWDAWFUL TIKI PUNCH!
:shock: Twikki, er, Tiki Punch?
I remember the roll-out hype well: "An exotic blend of tropical flavors."
My take on it was pithy and straight to the heart - "Five WRONGS don't make it RIGHT!!!" :twisted:

BTW Mink - Faygo Frosh {a lemon-lime combo} is impossible to miss visually - it's electric green!!
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