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A new comic.

Post by droidlvr » Sun Mar 16, 2008 8:58 pm

Check it here. [LINK REMOVED]

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Post by jukes » Mon Mar 17, 2008 2:39 am

:( why cant I read it! lol

Nice find.... where do you find them?
Do Androids dream of electric sheep?
I don't know....
But I dream of electric People! lol

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Post by droidlvr » Mon Mar 17, 2008 4:21 am

It's called BlueMax. :)


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Post by droidlvr » Mon Mar 17, 2008 6:02 am

Seriously, my bad man.

Checked again myself,sheeesh. :shock:

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Post by csoloist » Mon Mar 17, 2008 12:23 pm

Didn't know Bluemax was on the FCentral shitlist too... Is rather a lot of schoolgirl TF though, so guess I should have realised.

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Post by Chevy Monza » Mon Mar 17, 2008 1:41 pm

I'm not sure if this simply the result of personality conflicts, or the material in question is offensive, or if it's just a misguided attack agaisnt society's boogey man.

The 'rules' around underaged robots seems to be a moving target at best around these parts and although Robotman has always acted in my opinion fairly, it does seem that he's been on a personal crusade on this issue.

May I suggest, and I don't know how feasiable this is, that when questionable material is posted, other mods are consulted, before being removed. I can certainly understand the desire to rid the board of anything illegal, however I think in the absence of clearly defined (cut and dried) rules around of age material, the decision would be more readily accepted if the appearance of an unilateral (and biased) crusade was removed.

Just my 2 cents, I'll return to lurking


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Post by Borias » Mon Mar 17, 2008 2:58 pm

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Post by csoloist » Mon Mar 17, 2008 4:01 pm

Chevy Monza wrote:May I suggest, and I don't know how feasiable this is, that when questionable material is posted, other mods are consulted, before being removed. I can certainly understand the desire to rid the board of anything illegal, however I think in the absence of clearly defined (cut and dried) rules around of age material, the decision would be more readily accepted if the appearance of an unilateral (and biased) crusade was removed.
Thought the FC staff had collectively come up with this policy, so surely Robotman's just doing his modly duties. Not that I don't find it a bit strange and all, but I don't live in the US.
Borias wrote:Robot fetishists are viewed by society today as "lonely geeks"- a tag thats had a lot of potential for upward mobility in the past. When that perception moves into "monstrous predators" you're in trouble.

And don't think I just don't sympathize because Jenny Wakeman XJ-9 gets me hard enough to smash a cinderblock.
Lol, that show's great fun - and such fanart - huzzah.

Fetishists? Jeez, an honest pervert can't go anywhere these days without running into a buch of weirdoes :wink: :lol:.

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Post by fection » Mon Mar 17, 2008 5:00 pm

Uh... I suspect you weren't actually asking for 'votes', but just in case you're inundated with responses, count mine as a 'PLEASE keep moderating!'. I definitely would not stick around long otherwise.
And how is this not cut and dry? If someone appears under 18 it gets removed, right?
Keep up the good work.

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Post by andoroido » Mon Mar 17, 2008 7:27 pm

It does seem that 1 or 2 people are choosing to be assholes about this, and another 2 or 3 are cheering on those assholes.

Being polite doesn't seem to have worked.

You now, there are other steps that could be taken.
I'm no Internet genius, but I'm pretty sure a board moderator
could look up the offending party's IP address and such and do whatever:

ban him and any new accounts made from the same IP address
for the (seemingly only) purpose of continuing to be an asshole

report him to the feds

or worse (we trust the admins with a bit of sensitive info when we join a board, pissing any admin off is not a good idea)

Maybe at least the threat of "going nuclear" on these couple of assholes can scare some sense into them.

I still don't really understand the motive of these assholes.
Are they just immature jerks with a knee-jerk "don't censor me, dude" attitude?
Are they a self-styled right-wing relgious purity squad bent on preventing people from having fun, by infiltrating the alt. groups and planting illegal stuff?

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Post by juva » Tue Mar 18, 2008 4:59 am

Well said RM.

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Post by Frostillicus » Tue Mar 18, 2008 6:04 am

The moderators have my support on this issue and my appreciation in their daily efforts to thwart the forces of evil! Seriously, a LOT goes into maintaining this site to the standards that we are able to freely enjoy. The key word here is FREELY. Somebody is paying for this domain, the bandwith, etc. and others are keeping it going. So if they decide they want things a certain way, it's THEIRS to decide. And we are fortunate enough to have mods that are extremely fair and tolerant. We are fortunate to have this community and a place to express our shared interest. And we are fortunate enough for them to let us come here FREELY.

Thank You MOD SQAUD!
Thaw me out when robot wives are cheap and effective.

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Post by droidlvr » Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:01 am

report him to the feds
Ya know andoroido,never had a problem with your take on the many things discussed on this board,which I cannot honestly say the same when it comes to several others here. I wasn't going to make any further comments until I happened upon your post above. I cannot help (and I hope I'm seriously wrong) but to think that you're insinuating I'm that A-hole with nefarious motives and maybe should be reported. Let me just say that throughout my involvement with this forum I've posted very few links here and they were probably, if not very likely to do with Japanese ASFR. My post of which this run-on thread is based,was A FIRST EVER such that was judged to offend in the manner discussed above,period. I acknowledged this with a follow up posting. That said,If this is wasn't enough for some here,well,tough (keeping things G-rated). Some here may have recognized my partiality to Japanese styled ASFR,though there happens to be some aspects that many "key" members here may have issues with. My original post (as I initially saw it) was because of the detailed ASFR aspects of the drawings and such as (in my opinion) often the case with a lot of Japanese ASFR. Irreverent,un-pc,raunchy even crude to many here? Maybe and to me that's what I like about much Japanese ASFR and before anyone take this as tacit approval for CP and thus the need for threats let me know as directly as this medium allows.We'll take it from there.

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Post by droidlvr » Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:54 am

Robot fetishists are viewed by society today as "lonely geeks"- a tag thats had a lot of potential for upward mobility in the past.
This to me has been immediately understood from the VERY beginning,which is why this forum is precious to me.
When that perception moves into "monstrous predators" you're in trouble.
Again my statement above is meant to make clear (maybe I should post periodically) my appreciation of the VERY fact there is an ASFR at all. Why would I do anything to destroy it? The lonely geeks tag in this culture is synonymous with ASFR,no question about it. I dare to say that in Japan the opposite seems to be true and the rather more highly developed aspects of ASFR from there reflects this. I think that "negative" aspects aside, to many in this forum Japanese A.SEX.F.R. is TOO blatantly SEXUAL at times.

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Post by Nathan » Tue Mar 18, 2008 4:24 pm

I honestly don't understand why people can't read it and get it the first time they see this rule. "No underage fembots, PERIOD!" And while i don't have the huge impact like robotman and Kishin do, i certainly don't want my art assoicated with that kind of thing. If anything the mascot is in it's only little corner of the community views. If People contuine to place this stuff on here then i would move to have noid take the fembot central mascot offline. If that's how the board wants to be, then count me out. I'm sure Noidguy is disappointed with those acts.


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Post by mysticblueca » Tue Mar 18, 2008 5:56 pm

I don't post on here often. BUT I fully back up the work of the Fembot Central administrators and their policies.

This is what makes this the best site for our community to gather. Respect and common knowledge.

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Post by jolshefsky » Tue Mar 18, 2008 7:02 pm

Nathan wrote:I honestly don't understand why people can't read it and get it the first time they see this rule. "No underage fembots, PERIOD!"
I've tried having a dialog about this to help make the rules stronger and the enforcement consistent, but I get shut down every time. The reason I do this is because this forum is important to me and the rules are weak and the enforcement inconsistent.

First, the weak rules revolve around "under 18 years old". As far as I know there are no real humanoid robots (i.e. Actroid) that have been in existence longer than a few years, much less 18. So they're out, right? But that's just a mechanism, right, so it's an exception.

So what about sentient fictional robots? The fembot in the "Copper Top Girl" episode of the "Weird Science" TV show was -- by concession of the characters -- barely more than 3 minutes old at first appearance. But that's okay, too, right? Why? Well, it's because the actor playing the character was older than 18 and/or the character is (or could believably be) more than 18 years old. So that might be a rule, right? Something about the age of the actor at the time the video was created -- something that is actually pertinent to the feds.

So what about cartoons? Is it the age of the voice-actors? Or is it the age of the characters? And what if the characters are drawn [so poorly, for instance] that their age is not discernible? Kim Possible anyone? Or Hentai where eerily young-looking "robots" are raped? Cool or not cool?

And then there's the question of "porn" entirely. If we're dealing with actors playing robots who are fully clothed, is it even porn? Sure, a shutdown or a few blinking lights might get us turned on, but will it offend the sensibilities of the "know-it-when-I-see-it" pornography-sniffing crowd? I doubt it.

Plus Fembot Central -- from an outsider's perspective -- is totally and exclusively about female robots. Sexbots are part of that but not all of it.

Now on to Part 2 (and more briefly): inconsistent enforcement.

While most posts with remotely questionable content get nuked fast and unceremoniously, there's this recent thread where Noidguy posted a link to a video with underage kids (Negima, the Japanese [?] Harry Potter look-alike) and Kishin responded, "I do feel sorta guilty looking at girls who APPEAR to be school age though. Eh. I'll just have trust that they're of age." If it wasn't Noidguy posting, I guarantee there would be met with stern warnings, or -- more likely -- those rapid, unceremonious deletions.

Clearly-defined rules and consistent enforcement are necessary for the long-term survival of this forum -- more so for the pleasant experience of the authors and readers. But it's not my site and I suspect the weak "under-18" rule will stay and the inconsistent enforcement will stay.

And you know what? No feds are going to care either way. Our collective hobby is "weird" to outsiders, but nowhere near like a cache of kiddie-porn.
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Post by Keizo » Tue Mar 18, 2008 9:40 pm

Wow. Honestly... Wow. I can't believe that someone would consistently and openly try to rationalize a form of pedophilia and then try to justify it by arguing technicalities. I don't think I've ever seen the Admin's pushed so far that they have to solidify their points with harsh language as with this issue. They are very clear and they need to be respected.

What they are asking is not unreasonable by any definition and trying to vilify them is either ignorant or plain stupid. Being blunt and feeling confident about a statement does not entitle anyone to immunity from accountability or consequence. It is not vindicated by virtue of it's utterance no matter how much ghetto attitude is behind it.

I'm grateful for this site and to the people that have created and maintain it. Those who wish to open it to potential destruction because of something ILLEGAL that they can't keep to themselves cannot be allowed to put the rest of us at risk. We are not impressed with your rhetoric.

I live in the state of Texas and even taking a picture of anyone for the purpose of sexual gratification is illegal. An adult without their consent and/or knowledge and completely illegal where children are concerned. While this is difficult to prove since the subject can be FULLY CLOTHED, it is still the law here. Regardless, it has been made clear that this site is dedicated to a SEXUAL theme. No kids allowed. Don't be surprised if forcing an issue becomes a liability.

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Post by Nathan » Tue Mar 18, 2008 11:37 pm

oh hell no. don't you ever dare use me to explain your BS to ppl jolshefsky. They made it clear, I'M MAKING IT CLEAR, NO MEANS NO. End of discussion. Do not start arguing semantics with us, it was made clear, I'm also from Texas, and we stare down on that BS. Kids and teens under 18 should never ever have to go thru shit like that. It's wrong, immoral and plain o demented.

please leave this forum if you're going to press this more. It' not needed or wanted.


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Post by Stephaniebot » Wed Mar 19, 2008 12:45 am

Have to back up the anti under 18 pics and clips stance on here by the admins, its right and correct.
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Post by fection » Wed Mar 19, 2008 1:38 am

Uh! And I was steering clear of the 'discussion' board to avoid... well, 'discussions'.
But it's NOT a 'weak rule'. If the age of the fembot (cartoon OR actor) could be deemed to be under 18, it's safer (and right) to remove it. Ask yourself WHY you're arguing FOR underage images.
I'm with droidlvr as well - he acknowledged that the original link was inappropriate. If we avoid name calling it will be better for the forum long-term too.

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the Admins are right

Post by Glitch-172 » Wed Mar 19, 2008 1:52 am

the rule stays...if it goes i go too. the admins are right on this 100% no argueing this rule...admins i think you shold lock this thread before any more people try to argue...and fail udduerly

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Post by keraptis » Wed Mar 19, 2008 4:42 am

This thread is making me a bit ill. I was trying to stay out of it completely, but it's become necessary that all of us who enjoy and appreciate this board come out in support of the people who make it possible.

In my eyes, it's really simple:
1. If you are questioning the reasons behind the rules, then your head is up your ass and you need to go.
2. If you are parsing the meaning of the word "age" then you are either a complete moron or a smart-ass who thinks it's cute to try pissing off the rest of the community, in which case you need to go.
3. If you are questioning the mods' intent or biases or fairness in applying the rules, then you aren't paying very good attention.
4. If you see a post where you believe the rules should have been applied but were not, and you do not fall into categories 1 or 2 above (in which case you should be gone, you shouldn't even still be here long enough to read this), then the ONLY correct response is to be part of the solution by politely notifying the mods instead of trying to crucify them for lack of thoroughness or fairness.

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Post by jolshefsky » Wed Mar 19, 2008 5:13 am

There appears to be some confusion about me that has only been hinted at, so let me clarify: I am not a pedophile. I do not derive sexual satisfaction from images of children. Period.

I rarely post links to content and have (on one occasion, re: Quack Pack screenshots) been told that was inappropriate. I was just confused about the purpose of the board. Once framed as a porn site, well duh: "no underage" makes perfect sense. Got it.

Let's just all calm down and resume our regular ... programming.
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Post by Nerfherder » Wed Mar 19, 2008 12:17 pm

I'm not even going to give this the time to post a massive rhetoric about it.

The fact is there are many ages of consent, but the one that the servers and our own admins are subject to is 18. No ifs, no ands, no buts.
The age of consent in Blighty is 16, but am I pissing and moaning about it? No.
I respect the decisions of those that build and maintain this site. It is, purely and simply - Their site, their rules.

If you don't like it. Fuck off.

nuff said.

p.s. Keizo man, where are you? I've not seen you online in bloody months!!!
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