The Rental Ch 5

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The Rental Ch 5

Post by General » Mon Oct 10, 2005 9:39 am

Brian entered his shower with a still naked Katie in tow, and he moved to adjust the shower to a decent temperature. Not knowing exactly what to do now, she waited in the back corner for orders. Once he had the shower ready he started to wash his hair, and then seeing Katie was still idle, instructed her to give the rest of his body a good scrubbing.

During her work, Katie made note that Brian was still unaroused and calculated that he did not desire any further sexual stimulation. She was a little worried her decision may be incorrect, as this was her first one on one time with Brian, so she contacted Julie over the network for advise. She fed her visual data to the more experienced unit, and Julie quickly concurred that sexual activity was not desired.

When Brian was finished showering he grabbed his towel and instructed Katie to clean up and then use Rachel’s old towel when she was done. He finished getting ready and exited the bathroom to find Rachel and Julie waiting for him in his bedroom. They were fully dressed and made up for an afternoon out.

“Good afternoon Brian, I hope your shower was refreshing,” Rachel purred as she took Brian’s damp towel. “I took the liberty of laying out several choices of outfits for today.”

Brian smiled as he looked at the various sets of clothing lined out on his bed. Many of the shirts and pants were old standards of his, but he never imaged them being used in their current combinations. All of them looked very sharp together, and much better than he could have done on his own. “Thanks Rachel, Julie, I appreciate this,” he said as he grabbed a set of jeans and a light sweater.

“What would you like to do for the rest of today?” Rachel asked after seeing that Brian was done dressing.

“Well, I actually have a few errands to run today at the mall, would you like to come along and help me out?” Brian asked, being sure to look to Rachel, Julie and even Katie, who was just coming out of the bathroom all made up and ready to go. He wanted to be sure that they all could come if they wanted to.

“Of course Brian, we would be happy to help.” Rachel replied. All four piled into Brian’s car and within 15 minutes they were walking around the mall. They spent several hours wandering from shop to shop picking up what Brian needed. During that time, he made an effort to talk to each of the 3 girls and try to engage her in conversation.

Rachel was, as always, a very good conversationalist, and was always offering timely advice and good suggestions about what Brian should buy. Julie was less talkative and mainly just agreed with him whenever he had an idea. The only suggestions she offered were sexually related. IE “that tie would look great tied around my hands” or “I like those pants but I would like them better with my face pushed up against them” etc. It was kinda kinky at first, but got old pretty fast. Katie was even worse because she didn’t even have sexually perverted ideas. She would just agree with whatever he said and stand quietly beside him while he looked.

Brian did notice during his shopping that he got a few stares from folks. I guess it wasn’t every day that a man came in to shop with 3 beautiful women following him around. It stared to grate on him after a while so he asked Rachel if the girls to go look somewhere else until he was ready to leave.

“Of course dear,” Rachel replied, and without a word Julie and Katie wandered off doing their best simulation of two girls shopping together.

About 45 minutes later, they all met back at Brian’s car and loaded his new purchases into the trunk. The ride back was fairly silent, as he felt somewhat bad for “rejecting” Julie and Katie at the mall. He knew they were only androids, but the looked human enough that he thought he could catch a look of disappointment in their eyes.

When they got home, Brian had the younger girls unpack the car while he and Rachel went into his bedroom. “Do you think the girls are mad at me?” he asked Rachel quietly.

“No they aren’t mad,” Rachel responded warmly, “but they are somewhat disappointed that they could not perform up to your expectations in the mall. But don’t worry it isn’t your fault; they just aren’t experienced enough for complex social situations. They will get better the more they work.”

“That makes me feel a little better,” Brian said, “but I still feel guilty seeing their disappointment.”

“Ok,” Rachel said calmly, “I do not want you feeling uncomfortable in any way. I could deactivate them until tomorrow morning, or I could alter their personality mode to something that would not show their emotions.”

“Well I still wouldn’t mind having a little more fun with them, so I would rather not shut them off, so let’s try the personality alteration,” Brian said with a slight smile, curious as to what Rachel would do.

In about thirty seconds, Julie and Katie entered Brian’s bedroom and stood in front of him. “Robotic mode engaged master,” they both said in a flat monotone voice as they stared directly ahead.

“Is that better?” Rachel asked coyly.

Brian looked at their expressionless faces and thought of the fun they could still have, “oh yea this will do quite nicely. But before we have any fun, I am getting a bit hungry.”

“Of course Brian, but it doesn’t take all of us to cook dinner. I could take one girl to help and leave another here to keep you excited,” Rachel proposed.

“Sounds good to me,” Brian smiled as he started to remove his clothes. “Julie, go assist Rachel to prepare dinner. Katie you will stay here and stimulate me.”

“Yes Master,” both young girls replied.

“You have fun, but save some energy for me later,” Rachel giggled as she led Julie out of the room and into the kitchen.

“Please take off your clothes Katie.” Brian commanded as he started to get undressed.

“Yes Master,” Katie replied flatly. With efficient but somewhat stiff movements she slipped off her dress and then removed her bra and panties; carefully stacking them on a chair in the corner. Now fully naked she stared blankly at Brian waiting for a new command. He was now sitting on the corner of the bed as naked as she was.

“Lie down on the bed and spread your legs,” Brian commanded.

“Yes Master,” Katie replied as she stiffly made her way to the other side of the bed and laid down, then stiffly spread her legs.

Brian ran a hand down her firm body, stopping to gently squeeze her tits and slip a finger into her crevice. Katie was plenty attractive for him, and any other weekend she would have him incredibly excited, but right now she just wasn’t doing it for him. He had one last idea to get him going. “Katiebot, play with your self until I tell you to stop.”

“Yes Master,” Katie replied, as one hand stiffly moved to squeeze a tit and another moved to mechanically stroke her clit. Her body began a slight spasmatic jerk, and she let out a low monotone moan. As much as Brian tried to get into her, he just couldn’t get himself excited. Maybe she reminded him too much of all the airhead blonds that blew him off all through high school and college. He watched her for another few minutes, as she went through cycles of stimulation followed by mechanical orgasm, he completely lost interest. He got up, and threw on a robe, purposely leaving her in her current state in case he changed his mind later on.

Brian left his bedroom and stepped into the office to check his email and prepare for tomorrow morning. Enterprise RAD had sent him an email reminding him that he had to return Rachel and the other droids by 8am tomorrow morning. He looked at the directions to the office and sighed a bit. He had enjoyed having Rachel’s company and would miss her presence after tomorrow morning. The other girls were sexy and nice to have around, but he wouldn’t miss them nearly as much as Rachel.

Rachel popped her head into Brian’s office just then, breaking him from his daydreams of her, “Dear, dinner is ready if you are.”

“Oh yea sure, I will be right in,” Brian replied, trying to conceal his sadness that he would have to return her tomorrow.

Once again, Rachel had managed to craft a wonderful meal out of ingredients Brian didn’t think he had in the pantry. He ate, while they engaged in conversation about a wide range of topics including his new job, politics and the current state of android technology. Fortunately for him, Rachel had sent Julie away since she computed she would add nothing to the conversation and only serve to distract him.

When the meal was over, Rachel collected the dishes and quickly loaded them into the dishwasher while Brian finished his drink. She noticed that during the meal, he had generated a facial expression that fell within her parameters for “sadness” at least 15 times in the last hour. She had tried to broach the subject delicately since she knew most males didn’t like to discuss their emotions, especially with an android. However, he did not respond to her subtle probes, and she felt compelled to discover the cause of his sadness. She calculated a direct approach would have a 78.5% chance of success and decided to attempt it.

“Brian, are you ok? You seem somewhat sad tonight?” Rachel asked in her warmest voice possible while sitting down next to him and placing a soft hand on his knee.

At first Brian hesitated since he didn’t know if Rachel could do anything, and he didn’t want to ruin what little of an evening they had left. He looked into her eyes and saw what appeared to be genuine concern, and figured she wasn’t going to relent until she knew what as bothering him. “Well, to be honest, I am a little depressed because I am not looking forward to returning you tomorrow. I have had such a wonderful time with you that I think I will be quite lonely after you leave.”

Rachel smiled and gave Brian a warm hug. “I am very happy that I have been able to give you such a wonderful weekend,” she whispered into his ear, “and I am sorry that I can’t stay with you.”

Brian separated from the hug gently and bit his lip while mulling an idea in his head. He gave Rachel a good look up and down then said softly, “Please don’t be offended, but how much does an android like you cost?”
Rachel smiled while her processors began to calculate the different paths this unexpected topic might take. In all her rentals, nobody had every broached the subject of purchasing an android. “Well, cost is highly variable depending on features,” she started as her wireless connection pulled more data from the internet. “When I was purchased new for Enterprise, my MSRP was $2.5 million. But that was several years ago. A new series 6 model like Julie or Katie is going on the open market for between $2 and 4 million.” At those quotes she could see Brian’s disappointment. Apparently that was too much money to spend for him. Her online searches then came across another possibility, “However, Enterprise does run a little known program that allows customers to purchase older model androids for greatly reduced prices.” Her eyes closed briefly as she focused her energy into a few more intensive searches in the Enterprise mainframe. “I am not currently for sale, but there are several other series 5 units available for somewhere in the range of $120,000.”

Brian smiled when he heard a number he might be able to afford. His new boss Jerry did mention he could expect a good sized bonus if they nail the new fighter contract and this might fall into that bonus range. “Well that is a much more reasonable figure, but I had sort of hoped to be able to buy you.”

Rachel blushed and gave Brian another big hug. “Thank you very much. Nobody has ever paid me that high of a compliment that they would be willing to spend that much money for me. I am not for sale now, but Enterprise is buying more and more series 6 units, so I can only imagine I will be phased out eventually. I will put a note in your account that you are to be informed if I ever go up for auction.” They both smiled and kissed, happy with the possibility that they might get an opportunity to somehow extend what was developing into a wonderful relationship.

Brian and Rachel’s kissing moved to petting and as it became more aggressive, they got up and moved to the bedroom. Clothes fell off in the hallway and they were both completely naked when they arrived at the bed. Katie was still stimulating herself and Julie was naked and awaiting orders thanks to an advanced message sent from Rachel a few moments ago. Rachel stopped at the bed and motioned to the two other androids, “How would you like to use them tonight?”

“I honestly don’t know,” Brian replied. To be honest, all his kinky fantasies had been used up.

“I have an idea,” Rachel cooed, “just follow my lead.” She pulled Brian down onto the bed and they started making out again. In a few moments he felt a pressure on his hips as they were moved away from Rachel. He looked down and saw that Julie had her face buried in Rachel’s pussy and Katie was about to take his cock into her mouth. He made room and allowed her to suck him in. The geometry worked out perfectly so that while the two younger droids went to work on their respective genitals, he and Rachel could still kiss and fondle her breasts.

After a few minutes the girls backed away and Rachel rolled on top of Brian. They made love with her on top and climaxed shortly there after. The night progressed along in the same method for several hours. They would make love, and then while they rested, the young droids would re-excite them. Brian was lucky to have remembered to set his alarm before he drifted off to sleep after an unknown number of sexual rounds.

In the morning, Brian awoke cradling Rachel in his arms. He killed the alarm and grumpily made his way to the bathroom. Twenty minutes later he came back into the bedroom to find clothes laid out for today and all three girls packed up and ready to leave. He exchanged knowing glances with Rachel, but they said nothing as they made their way to his car.

Rachel was at first worried by Brian’s lack of intimacy this morning, but then computed that he was probably deeply saddened by returning the girls and she didn’t want to upset him at all with conversation.

Brian’s car pulled up to the Enterprise office only a few minutes before 8am. Katie and Rachel got out of the back seat and went in the return door. Before Rachel left, she leaned over and gave him a warm kiss on the lips. “I will miss you,” she said softly.

“I will miss you too,” Brian replied. Rachel considered staying for a bit more (she had 183 seconds before she was due back) but she observed a slight watering of his eyes and calculated that he would be upset if she stayed and possibly saw him cry. So she smiled again, gently squeezed his leg and left the car with her bag in tow.

Brian silently watched Rachel walk into the service door, and then quietly drove the rest of the way to work. At first he thought the sadness of not having her around anymore would constantly occupy him, but within hours of arriving at the office, he was consumed by his work and she slowly faded from his mind. Her face was still there but she became a fond memory and a source of happiness rather than sadness.

On a Monday several weeks later, Jerry stopped by Brian’s new office to deliver some good news. Apparently they had made it through final source selection and Brian’s proposal had won the new fighter competition. Jerry was so excited for both of them that he nearly forgot the two packages he held in his hand.

“You really deserve this,” Jerry beamed as he handed Brian a thin envelope. Eagerly opening it, he found a bonus check that was beyond his greatest expectations. He could buy a new house, get a new car, pay off his parent’s home… The ideas kept flowing through him. The final idea didn’t hit him until Jerry left the last package on his desk and invited Brian out for drinks after work.

Brian unwrapped the paper on the rectangular package and found a wonderful frame containing a picture of himself and Rachel taken during the party at Jerry’s house. He had almost forgotten about her in the excitement. He put the frame on the corner of his desk and barely got a warm smile in before Jerry and the rest of the guys dragged him out of the office for a wild night of celebration.

Brian didn’t make it home until at least 3am, and was grateful when Jerry had given him the rest of the week off. Before he crawled into bed, he checked his email quickly. His face shifted from an expression of utter exhaustion to one of great joy, and with a skip in his step he stumbled down the hallway and collapsed into bed.

Still displayed on Brian’s computer screen was an email from Enterprise RAD that read:

“Dear Mr. Granger,

Our records indicate you are interested in purchasing a Series 5 android, serial number RACHEL:1594638b. This message is to inform you that said android will be up for auction this Friday afternoon at our midtown office. The auction will include several other androids and accessories and will start promptly at noon. If you would like to attend please respond to this email or cal our business offices during normal hours. Bidding on the androids will start at $100,000 and we accept most major credit card brands or cashier’s checks.

Thank you for your interest and we look forward to hearing from you.

Enterprise Rent-A-Droid”

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Post by DollSpace » Mon Oct 10, 2005 12:36 pm

Yay! It's good to read more of this story finally - please don't keep us waiting for the next installment! ^^


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Post by General » Mon Oct 10, 2005 3:23 pm

Sorry Rynchan but I think this is the last one for this story. My ideas of where to go with this one have pretty much petered out, and I think what happens between Rachel and Brian can be left up to the reader's imagination. However, if anyone else feels there is more story to be told, they are more than welcome to take the characters and run with it.

I finally finished this one up so I could explore a few other shorter story ideas. I am hoping to release those in one shot rather than a little at a time.

Thanks for the encouragement though.

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Post by tectile » Tue Oct 11, 2005 5:46 am

Very nice work General. Your stuff is always good and this last installment is no execption.

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Post by tc » Tue Oct 11, 2005 7:01 pm

Great work

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Post by A.N.N. » Tue Oct 18, 2005 9:19 pm

Yeah! He's nice guy, he deserves a Rachel in his life :D

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