Galatea Episode 5 - A Bargain Is Made

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Galatea Episode 5 - A Bargain Is Made

Post by ButchyBoy » Sun Oct 02, 2005 1:38 am

ANNOUNCER: The Adventures of Galatea

(Horses galloping hard)

MAN: Look there, on a horse as black as night! A girl of silver!

WOMAN: It is a statue come to life

VOLTAIRE: It is the outlaw, Galatea! After her, after her!

GALATEA: (echoy voice): Many thanks for the shards, Captain. Catch me if you can! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

ANNOUNCER: In our last episode, Galatea, the young android girl had discovered how mistreated the people of Pangea had become, especially young childern forced to work in the mines to dig for Pangeium, the fantastic crystal-like subtance that powers nearly everyting on Pangea, and the other worlds within this star system as well. And while her new friend, Jason Rivers, blames Pangea's current troubles on King Phillip the IV, Galatea believes that not to be so. She is convinced that Captain Voltaire is the man behind the tyrrany the people of this kingdom face. And what's more, our heroine has learned that Voltaire plans to take control of the only home she has ever known; the estate belonging to her creator, the late Dr. Eric Tanner. And now, as our story continues, Galatea and Jason are at a remote cabin also belonging to Dr. Tanner, off the shore of Lake Pangea. Also in that cabin, is a strange silver box with a flashing light at its base. The box gives off a beeping sound that is getting louder and louder........

JASON: The sound coming from that box. I'm having to hold my hands to my ears.

GALATEA: Yes, I am as well.

JASON: Are you sure it's not some sort of explosive device?

GALATEA: If it were, would I have us still standing here?

JASON: Good point. Well we have to do something.

GALATEA: That light. It's flashing in sync with the beeps. Perhaps I should press it.

(A click is heard. The beeping stops)

JASON: Well, that worked. Hey look, it's opening. It looks like some sort of refrigirated compartment. What's that cylinder in the center?

GALATEA: I'm not sure, but that mechanical arm beside ir is holding some sort of note. I'll just reach down and take it.

JASON: Be careful.

GALATEA: It is addresed to me. I wonder....(the note can be heard being opened) It is from my father. My dearest Gala...

ERIC TANNER: ...tea. I have programmed this safe to open on the Earth date, October 1, 2345. If you're reading this note without me there, then my deepest fear has come to pass. It must be assumed that I am dead , and that you are now alone. I can only imagine what you are feeling at this moment. You must be strong my dear Galatea. You must be strong in so many ways. And if he still lives, you must find a way to get to King Phillp, and present yourself to him. I believe you are his only hope now for his true recovery. And if he is not alive......well, I must admit, I don't like to entertain such a thought.
Last edited by ButchyBoy on Sun Oct 02, 2005 8:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ButchyBoy » Sun Oct 02, 2005 9:14 am

The cylinder your now see in this safe contains several thousand nanites; tiny living machines. I have created them to perform in sync with your own body and thought patterens, Galatea. Consider them your little guardians. Once inside you, they will operate on your command only. You'll notice the inside of the cylinder looks to be a silver liquid. On the verbal command that you alone can give, these nanites will bind together to give your a sort of second skin, and a much denser alloy structure. So long as the nanites remain active within your body, you will be virtually indestructable. You'll be able to walk through fire. You'll body will be able to withstand at minimum 500 degrees fairenhieght. You'll have the strength of a hundred men. You'll be able to run as fast as the wind. You will indeed be able to do great things, Galatea. I know that if you choose to inject these nanites into your body, you'll use the powers contained within to aid not only King Phillip, but all of Pangea. Especially those oppressed by Minister Crane, and Captain Voltaire. But be warned, Galatea. The bonding of the nanites has olnly lasted two hours at a time in tesing. After that, they go dormat for at least twelve hours, and you return to normal. But this can work to your advantage also. You must return home, Galatea, but do not use that name in public. Choose another, and perhaps a false persona to go along with the new name. I believe in this way, you will able to get close to the enimies of our King, and discover their plots. Then, when the time is right, you can call your nanite guardians to foil those Galatea. I know this is so very much to ask of you my darling daughter, but I know what....

GALATEA: .....ever choices you make, they will be the right ones. I will always believe in you and be with you, even in death. (Sniff) All my deepest love, your father, Eric Tanner

(she cries just a bit)

JASON: loved him very much, didn't you?

GALATEA: Yes I did and still do.

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Post by ButchyBoy » Sun Oct 02, 2005 8:43 pm

JASON: That's amazing. You, a machine, being capable of feeling love.

GALATEA: Oh, amazing? I'm afraid you have not even seen amazing yet.

JASON: What do you mean?

GALATEA: I now know what my father had planned for me all along. The nanites, this "second skin" he wishes me to use. Then there is the hand held compact library he left for me on this desk. It's full of many interesting stories. Robin Hood, The Curse of Capistrano, about a masked man named Zorro, The Lone Ranger, The Green Hornet, The Shadow, and of course, there are the very famous classic stories about the NVA female android named Nova. All these stories have given me much guidance for what I'm about to do now.

JASON: And just what are you planning to do? You do know all of these stories you've mentioned are fiction. You know, not real?

GALATEA: Yes, I am aware of that, but now I intended to turn fiction into reality.

JASON: And just how do you.....

(A horse whinny is heard from outside)

JASON: What's that outside the window? Hey, that black horse is bumping my bike. (He runs outside) away from there!

(Horse whinnies louder)

JASON: Go on horse, shoo, away, spilt.

(Horse grunts then whinnies)

JASON: Hey, whoa, take it easy. Ease up there. I didn't mean....

GALATEA: (Running after him) Jason, wait...that horse it sounds like....

(Horse whinnies loud)

GALATEA: THUNDERBOLT!!! Oh, Thunderbolt, it's really you.

JASON: You know this monster?

GALATEA: Shame on you, Mr. Rivers. This is no monster, this is my horse, Thunderbolt. My first year birthday present from my father.

(Thunderbolt neighs)

GALATEA: Oh Thunderbolt, I thought you had been taken away by that awful Captain Voltaire. What's that? You ran away before thay could find you? And you went looking for me?

(Thunderbolt grunts and neighs in answer to each question)

JASON: You actually understand this animal?

GALATEA: Yes, of course. I understand what he means by the different sounds he makes. You know if more of you humans took the time to understand animals, you might not abuse them so much.

(Thunderbolt neighs in agreement)

GALATEA: Yes, Thunderbolt, we're going back home. Very very soon.....that is if Mr. Rivers will agree to help us.

JASON: Who me? I'm just a poor dumb human who doesn't understand animals. What can I do?

GALATEA: (in a very soft tone) Oh please Jason, I truly do need your help. What I need to do, I can't do alone. You seem to have many connections that I.....that we can use to help the people of our kingdom. Help these people so desperetly need.

JASON: (sighs) Ok princess, I'm in one one condition.


JASON: The first ones will help will be the childern you saw tonight.

GALATEA: Mr. Rivers, you have got a deal! Now first, we're ging to need a carriage. As big and as fancy as you can get.

JASON: But why?......Oh yes, the note your father left. Your actually going through with his wishes then?

GALATEA: That's right. Tomorrow morning, the daughter of Dr. Eric Tanner is going to present herself to Minister Crane and lay claim to the Tanner estate.

ANNOUNCER: And so, Galatea and Jason strike a bargain, and make plans to return to Paradise City and reclaim the home of the late Dr. Tanner. But will the plan succed? Will Galatea's true nature be revealed before she can fufill her destiny as a champion of the people? Don't miss the next thrilling installment of.....Galatea!

(Horses galloping hard)

VOLTAIRE: There goes the outlaw, Galatea!! After her, after her!!

GALATEA: (echoy voice) I ride for freedom and the people of Pangea!! Till we meet again Captain!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!

ANOUNNCER: Galatea is a copywrited feature of Fembot Central

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Post by DollSpace » Mon Oct 03, 2005 10:42 am

Lookin' good XD Perhaps we won't have to wait as long for the next installment? :-P


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