Where Did Dollspace Go?

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Where Did Dollspace Go?

Post by DollSpace » Mon May 03, 2021 7:28 am


Ok, I know it seems I’ve vanished, and I owe people an explanation. Shortly before the holidays my pain management doctor switched my anti-depressant from Prozac to Cymbalta. At first no big changes were noted, but as the last of the Prozac left my system, I started to withdraw and to become really unmotivated. I was also really tired and was in a constant low state of sadness. My mind turned to mush and I could barely concentrate. I tried taking on more tasks to shake some more motivation from the tree, so to speak, but nothing was helping. It took me till near the end of April to figure out what was really going on, but my psychiatrist kept cancelling my appointments as he was out due to personal reasons. I have an appointment with the person covering for him on the 5th. Meanwhile my pain management doctor is back today, so I had to wait until today to speak to him. I hope he can shed some light on this. At the same time I’m on a pain medication that works, but I use it sparingly. I do not want to have to choose between being on the Cymbalta which has left me in this huge brain fog yet have this great pain medication when I need it (once every few days for intractable pain OTC pain relievers like paracetamol (Tylenol) or ibuprofen have no effect (Tylenol actually makes it worse)), and being back on Prozac and feeling at least marginally happy but having these terrible episodes of pain, usually about 8 on a 1-10 scale.

Also, with my current computer setup, my laptop is on a chair next to my bed where my head lies, and I prop my shoulders up and type that way. It’s making my arthritis and my ankylosing spondylitis worse, and since TOMORROW, 4 MAY, IS MY BIRTHDAY, I’m asking for a new computer as a present. Just one present, as they’re expensive. Well, that, and to get my medications fixed, obviously. But if you’d like to contribute to my “hey get my a computer so my Catie doesn’t end up with irreversible neck damage”, contact me and I’ll give you my PayPal. I’ll post a picture of the new computer when I get it and that’s all your donations would be used for. Meanwhile…that is why I have dropped off the map and have seemingly been unreachable over the last few months. I’m sorry if I’ve let friendships slip but I’m working to make it better. Please have patience as I convince my doctor to make the medication switch, and hope the Prozac still has the efficacy it had before, and hope I can get out of this rut I’ve been in. I'm still here, also still doing some moderating, just not nearly as active. I miss all of you.

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Re: Where Did Dollspace Go?

Post by DollSpace » Sat May 08, 2021 9:51 pm

I'm actually conducting a fundraiser for a new computer for writing, streaming and voice-acting work. It's through Facebook but if you don't have a Facebook account I can send you my PayPal info. Any amount is welcome. My health and my body is running down and I have few options for maintenance, and my computer is the way I reach out to the world. Wondering why you haven't seen stories from me? This is why. Please leave me a Private Message if interested or contact me on the Discord Server. Thank you so much, all of you. <3

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