Trigger Warnings?

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Trigger Warnings?

Post by Outsider » Sat May 31, 2008 11:56 am

I'm sorry, but there are some stories, perhaps good stories, that I find too painful to read. Maybe if I were especially relaxed to begin with and was reading short sections at each time... But that's not the best way to read.

I can easily imagine that someone might find my story triggering, and that most readers might not find these stories triggering.

I'd like to offer some solution where I can avoid my triggers and other people can avoid their triggers, but none of us have to avoid good stories which happen to cover themes close to our triggers. But that's beyond me.

Any thoughts?

P.S. there are other stories where I've been stressed to begin with and the story goes in directions that look like they could lead to something triggering, and I've had to stop.

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My Trigger is...

Post by Chevy Monza » Sat May 31, 2008 12:33 pm

Stupid people. I find having to deal with the terminally whiney to be very stressfull and very painfull. Unfortunately the government generally frowns upon my perferred solution, so I deal with's called life.


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Post by Frostillicus » Sat May 31, 2008 8:29 pm

Hey! It's that TRIGGER-GUY! We don't take too kindly to trigger-guys 'round these parts! Don't forget, "Words are like bullets."
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Post by WilloWisp » Sat May 31, 2008 8:49 pm

It's strange. The above posts all seem to be written in English, with decent sentence structure. The authors seem to have coherent thoughts and ideas they wish to convey, and seem to have gone about doing so in a clear and concise manner.

And yet, I somehow come away from reading the above posts feeling as though they are written in a language entirely alien to me. Put a bit more simply, Whuchew talkin'bout, Willis?

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Post by Korby » Sat May 31, 2008 10:19 pm

I have to confess, I'm a little baffled too.

I feel like I kind of get a sense of what you're talking about with 'triggers', Outsider, but I can't say for sure that I know what you mean.

I will say it sounds like your heart is in the right place in terms of not wanting to write anything someone might find upsetting or offensive.

On the other hand, when it comes to writing (or indeed any creative endeavor), my gut response is, you gotta say what you gotta say. You have to write what you're writing. You have to express what you have to express.

And if others find that what you're expressing is disturbing to them, that's unfortunate, but you know, it happens. Not everyone's gonna agree with what everyone else has to say.

That's just my feeling on the matter. I could be wrong. Wouldn't be the first time.

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Post by Outsider » Sat May 31, 2008 11:55 pm

It's not about offending/not offending anyone.

I was attacked and violated and injured, physically, though not sexually, some years back. I don't want to talk about it. I sometimes have to avoid "triggering" things that call up the original trauma.

I was wondering how to help other members who have similar problems.

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Post by minkwheel » Sun Jun 01, 2008 3:02 am

It is QUITE NOBLE of you to want to help others with what offends them... but it is QUITE DIFFICULT to determine --or even to write a story without ANYTHING that can be described as OFFENSIVE to SOMEONE out there... the world is VERY VAST, with BILLIONS of people.....each one has a set of beliefs, each one has a set of MORALS ...and each will be offended by SOMETHING that someone else will find to be JUST FINE..... Simply put.... you can't please EVERYONE ALL OF THE TIME. I HAVE been dumped on here in the past by some folks who didn't think that my stories belonged here because they weren't like everyone else's....... I try to make people laugh with a bit of sci fi and pop culture thrown in a blender in what I write... some folks like what I write, some don't. I'll write when I get the itch to do so, and those that wish to read what I wrote, will DO so (AND I THANK THEM VERY MUCH) ----THE FACT IS.... that my stories are still here, and the folks that complained......just up and LEFT. There is NO MAGIC BULLET to make everyone like what you DO.... although MASS HYPNOSIS, or TURNING EVERYONE INTO ROBOTS might do the trick .... bottom line is.... HELP IF YOU CAN...but in the end, everyone must work through their own likes and dislikes THEMSELVES, seeking help if they NEED IT...just as there are diverse people....their CURE for what ills them is just as different. --minkwheel
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Post by Brianna 1365 Gamma » Sun Jun 01, 2008 5:06 am


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Post by Tio » Sun Jun 15, 2008 10:01 am

(Trigger - an image/story/film etc that triggers a persons memories of a previous traumatic incident eg: rape, and may cause person to relapse into saddness, depression, self-harming etc.)

Considering peoples sensitivity to things, if I write a story I usually put if it contains gay/les/bi stuff, robots with robots (as some find that offensive), trans, rape, torture or graphic violence. I usually warn of graphic sex too as it may save people time should it not be their thing.

Triggers are a difficult thing as they are different for everyone. I used to have them as I have a history that would upset most people, but I have overcome mine and now I just stop reading/turn off when something comes on that I know will upset me.

We are robot fetishist but that means a lot of different things to different people and the stories here range from romance to porn to violence. I dont think its about censorship but rather stating the genre of your work when you post it.
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