Galatea - Episode 3: New Friends Are Made

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Galatea - Episode 3: New Friends Are Made

Post by ButchyBoy » Sat Aug 20, 2005 8:42 pm

Episode 3: New Friends Are Made

ANNOUNCER: The Adventures of Galatea

(Horses galloping hard)

MAN: Look there, on a horse black as night, a girl of silver!

WOMAN: It's a statue come to life!

VOLTAIRE: It is the outlaw, Galatea! After her, after her!

GALATEA: Many thanks for the shards Captain Voltaire! Catch me if you can! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

ANNOUNCER: And now....Galatea! A mechanical girl who found she had a human-like heart of gold. Created to be a consort for a King, she now devotes her exsistance to help those in need. In our last episode, Galatea narrowly escaped the search for her by the black-hearted Captain Voltaire and his inhuman RUR 500s. She escaped by use of a decoy - an earlier version of her to run in her place. That duplicate was destroyed by the RURs and allowed Galatea to escape to a remote cabin on the shore of Lake Pangea, where she now hides. And as for Voltaire, he has made his way to the great Hall of Wisdom in Paradise City, where, as our story now continues, he addresses a meeting of Pangea's nobles, the kingdom's most prominet land owners.

(Much discussion by the nobles, followed by the banging of a gavel)

MR. WHITBY: Gentlemen, order, order....Voltaire speaks.

VOLTAIRE: My dear nobles, I know you still await the arrival of dear Doctor Eric Tanner, but I regret to inform you he will no longer be joining you, for you see, I just left his estate where, sad as it is to report this.....I and my guards found him dead.

NOBLES: Dead???.....Did I hear him right???.....Can it be true???

MR. WHITBY: Gentlemen, Gentlemen.......Hear him out.

VOLTAIRE: I had gone to meet poor Eric early in the day, and when I arrived, I found the man had jumped out the window, and had fallen on one of his garden tools. I know these pictures I now display on the screen are quite horrid, but these along with this note composed on his word pad comfirm Dr. Tanner's........suicide.

NOBLES: Suicide???......Not Tanner, surely not....No, not Eric, I refuse to believe it.

MR. WHITBY: (Banging Gavel) Gentlemen, gentleman, I am afraid the evidance here is clear.....Dr. Eric Tanner is no longer with us.

MR. HART: And what for us now, Mr. Whitby? Dr. Tanner told us he possesed the greatest hope for helping King Phillip recover.

MR. WHITBY: Perhaps something in that note of his?

VOLTAIRE: I am afraid not. Nothing here was mentioned about help for the King. I would suggest Mr. Hart, that you and the other nobles double your efforts.....monitarily, to help our good King Phillip recover.

MR. RANDALL: More taxes Voltaire?? To be paid by us??

VOLTAIRE: I see where we have little choice in the matter Mr. Randall. Well, since you gentleman have a funeral to plan, I'll take my leave. Good day gentlemen.

NOBLES: More taxes...I still don't believe it was suicide......Voltare's mad.....But who can stop him??? (Voices fade)

(Sound of Rain, followed by thunder, then more rain)

GALATEA: I am taking a grave chance coming here to my father's funeral, near the house. But I must be here. I must say goodbye one last time. Thankfully, no one is taking notice of me buried in this thick cloak, and uner this oak tree. I see the nobles gatherd around my father's coffin. Thay are beginning to leave now. But where is the one who conducted the service, I could not see him before. I will approach and ask that portly woman by my father's coffin. (Raises her voice and calles out). Excuse me please.

FRIAR MERRY: (An Irish woman in her 50s) Yes, my child? Oh do come closer, out of that horrid rain. Here, come under the canopy.

GALATEA: Thank you. You are most kind. I seek the one who conducted this funeral.

FR. MERRY: Why that would be me child. (Galatea gasps) Oh don't sound so shocked child. It's not uncommon for women to be in charge of a chruch in this day and age. Even on a far away planet as remote as Pangea. I am Friar Merry child. And who might you be?

GALATEA: I.....I am......I was an old......friend of Dr. Tanner.

FR. MERRY: Well, child, you can come out of that cloak now. It's dry enough under the canopy.

GALATEA: I.......I would perfer not to good Friar. If the King's Guards should see me...

FR. MERRY: Oh, you poor dear child. Say no more. Tis indeed a sad day when the citizens of Pangea must hide from those who are supposed to be our protectors.

GALATEA: Thank you good Friar. May I remain here a while to pay my respects?

FR. MERRY: Of course my child, of course. You may remain as long as you wish. I'll see your not disturbed.

GALATEA: Thank you good Friar. I shall remeber your knidness. (Fr. Merry leaves) Oh Father.....I can see peace.....even with the coffin lid closed. Oh why did they do this?? What reason does Voltaire have to hate you so? And what shall I do now, without your guidence?? I only have memories now. And I shall remember everything you taught me father.....And somehow.....whihout you......(she begins to cry)....I.....I will go on.......And somehow.....I shall fulfill your last living wish....I shall present myself to King Phillip as his gift. Father......Goodbye. (She continues to quietly cry as she walks) What is to become of me now??? What shall I feel.......feel so......... tired? Oh, power......I lost track of time here at the.....the.....cem-e-tary. My.....pow-er lev-el......only.......only 3 per-cent left.'s so hard walk.....Per-haps is can no mind.............slip-ing........I......IIIIIII

(a motorcycle is heard, it gets closer, and comes to a screeching halt)

JASON RIVERS (Young man in his 20s) Hey.....Hey you in the cloak, I almost ran over you, what in the hell is the matter??.....Hey, hey did you hear me? I almost knocked you down.......Hello???.....Hello??? Fine, be a statue. I'll just get off my bike and move you myself.'re a girl....Are you ok.

GALATEA: (Very very soft): Help me, pow-er.

JASON: Power? Hey lady, you look pale. You need help. You're barly moving but your head seems to be nodding yes. Look, I'm going to get you into my motorcycle, ok? I have a side car I use for packages, and it's empty, so you can sit right here, and i'll get you to a doctor.

GALATEA (as long as she can but still soft)

JASON: Must go where? Hey, your touching my navigation screen, what's it doing? How did you do that?? It's a map of Lake Pangea. Is that where you need to go? Yes. Now look.....

SGT SPARKS: (A goofball blowhard) Hey you there, on the can't park on the road. (Horses clip-clop closer) Oh, it's you Rivers. What do you mean by stopping here?

JASON: Well hello there Sargent Sparks, I was just helping my sister in the bike. She's tagging along with me to make a delivery to Lake Pangea...see the screen?

SPARKS: Yes, I see it....another sister eh? Someday I want to meet this very large family of yours Rivers. You seem to have an endless supply of sisters. Just move on ok?

JASON: Yes, Sargent, I'm moving along. (They ride off) Well, sister....I guess I'm taking you to Lake Pangea.

ANNOUNCER: And so, a powerless Galatea is taken back to her late father's cabin by this mystery man, Rivers....Who is he, friend or foe? Don't miss the next thrilling installment of.....GALATEA!

VOLTAIE: There goes the outlaw Galatea!! After her!! After her!!

GALATEA: I ride for justice, and all of Pangea!! Till we meet again Captain!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Galatea is a copywrited feature of Fembot Central.
Last edited by ButchyBoy on Sun Aug 21, 2005 4:45 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Post by DollSpace » Sat Aug 20, 2005 9:22 pm

*hugs* Getting better all the time; I really enjoyed acting this one out, too :) Can't wait to read the next part! :D


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Post by ButchyBoy » Sun Aug 21, 2005 4:43 am

Thanks Ryn :D Hey kids, a kewpie doll for the one who figures out what Mr. Whitby, Mr. Hart, and Mr. Randall have in common.

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