Long Time Member and Poster - Needs to be said

Found an interesting gallery online or added some new images to FembotWiki? Post photo-manipulations, artwork, or other visual media here.
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Long Time Member and Poster - Needs to be said

Post by xeran-gere » Sat May 25, 2024 7:17 am

I just need to say it - and then I'm out.

As one of the original's from more than 20 years ago I'm totally saddened by the group now and where it's going. This used to be a place where "We" could all get together and share what we loved, what made us... it's in the domain... love the fetish of robots. Now its become an original art house. We post TV and Movie spots with special effects, CGI, and more than likely anything new will have AI in it as far as movies and TV go. There's no going back - and for me to see 2 posts just disappear because they're AI - that's sad. The Andrea images took hours upon hours to photo shop and correct the outcomes.

I will never post any of the work I do on this board again since now it's obvious that we're not here to share everything and create a collective collection of clips, images, and other assets that pertain to our fetish. This has become an "art" society that's judged on the type of art you submit. Let me tell you how hard it is to get AI to perform as richly as the Andrea models. It's hard, it's expensive and takes plenty of time and effort and skill. Hell I was one of the original photoshop editors and retouchers to create synthoids.com and robotgilrs.com I can tell you the photoshop work was sometimes easier.

At some point this place needs to step up to the table and serve it's original meaning or maybe I've just been in the smoke for years and never understood it.

The other thing - and I'm guilty of it as well. People work hard on this stuff that's posted (doesn't matter what it is, stories, images, GIFs, whatever) and it sucks to see that there's 1000s of members/viewers looking at the work and 1, 4, maybe 15 comments about the work that people put hours upon hours and then share for free for your enjoyment.

YOU KNOW WHY THE ARTISTS, CREATORS, AND WRITERS DO WHAT THEY DO? They do that so you can all say "OMG THAT'S AWESOME" to make them feel not alone or that someone else likes what you like. Instead a ton of the supporters of this group get "nothing" blank stares(ZERO comments).

Gotta go - today I showed up to post a bunch of photos for the Buffy Bot... learned that that's a waste of time to share.

Thanks -

If you can't tell then why ask.

My Westworld work - https://www.fembotwiki.com/index.php?title=Xeran

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Re: Long Time Member and Poster - Needs to be said

Post by andoroido » Sat May 25, 2024 8:08 pm

Been your lurking fan for all this time. I don't post here much, but made a lot of anonymous contributions back in the old days. :nerd:

It's always sad to see various forums where people share content take a turn in which it starts ban content for not being the "right" content, for reasons that are not quite adequately explained but basically boil down to "Some of the loudest people here don't like it, because reasons..."

I can understand banning shitty AI "art" if it floods the boards. That's just SPAM. Most forums handle SPAM accordingly.

But AI is already getting much better, people who know how to use it, learn the skills to use it well, can make amazing stuff. What's wrong with more amazing content? Is the forum running out of storage space?

Where does the call to ban it come from if not the spam aspect?

Hurt feelings? And "It's not fair!" ?? or "It's not art!" Do the artists who don't like AI think all the AI artist does is type "Hot robot girl" into an AI art app and voila! it's done? 20 years ago we could have said the same about Photoshop. All you have to do is use the autoselect tool, drag come circuits onto a photo of a hot chick and Voila! It's fembot art!

AI is bad because it steals/copies original artists work? There is a legit major societal issue there, but as far as our standards?
Nobody was worried about stealing the work of the original photographers of the models nor of the electronics catalogs to make photo manips.

There has been PLENTY of ...frankly, quite terrible photo manips for decades here. But we don't go around calling for shit manips to be BANNED. We don't tell the creators their stuff "needs improvement", because that's just rude. I just appreciate the effort, usually very appreciate the model they chose to manip 8) , or just ignore that thread of manips and hope the artists get better with time as they learn to use the tools better. Many have.

Same with art made with AI tools.

Tribalism and purity tests within forums destroys forums. It definitely drives away a lot of the more silent members when a noisy few dictate new rules. Have you looked at reddit recently? :P

Live and let live.

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