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by Kube² » Sat Sep 14, 2019 6:28 am
The year was going to be difficult for Ryan, his practical work in computer science, one of the most important courses in his engineering school, was supervised by Mike Parson, a teacher-researcher who was much more interested in research than in teaching, he knew he was the worst teacher possible. Despite this bad news, the young student tried to remain optimistic, but his first computer class of the year really turned into a nightmare when he realized that the work was done in pairs on a single computer and that obviously the number of students was odd. From that moment he had already understood what was going to happen he was going to be the unlucky guy who was going to find himself alone and was going to have to do everything himself and unsurprisingly this first practical work session of the year had turned into a disaster... and of course Parson had done nothing to help him despite being at a disadvantage.
The following week Ryan had prepared himself psychologically to undergo his new 4 hours of weekly torture, it was going to last all year, he knew it and he had resigned himself to it now, he was ready to endure the criticisms and harsh remarks of Parson, who, by the way, had not yet arrived. He was not the kind of teacher who arrives late and everyone began to hope that the afternoon would be free until he arrived accompanied by an incredibly attractive young brunette that he didn't even bother to present to the rest of the class. He held that stunning young woman firmly by the arm and brought her directly in front of Ryan and explained to her that she was automatically paired with him for the academic year.
"Now let me introduce you to Ryan, every Thursday afternoon, we'll come here and you'll work alongside Ryan" Parson motioned the young woman to sit down and continued.
"This is your workstation, you must help Ryan to solve the exercises, without forgetting to speak with him, I'm sure he'll be very happy to get to know you better" he was now addressing Ryan
"Katie is one of my most promising students, but she also has a bit of an autistic side, but I really care about her! so be patient if she's a little slow" As she sat obediently right in front of him Ryan couldn't believe how she chose to dress for her first day, pink heeled shoe, redish pentyhose, ultra short mini skirt, and a short and excessively tight pink cardigan, compressing an incredible pair of breasts... It was obvious that she was not wearing a bra. Parson was petting her small head as he spoke to her again.
"You will get used to spend time with Ryan, I'm sure he'll be nice to you and that you two will get along very well" the young woman nodded happily
"Come on, introduce yourself, say hello to Ryan" he added while patting her head, a sweet smile immediately plastered itself across her lips
"Hi Ryan, I'm Katie Sparks, I just arrived on the university campus so excuse me for being a little shy" Her voice sound youthful, flirty, and had an over-enthusiastic pitch and tone that was nice but also felt a little off.
"Yes exactly, everything is new for her, she still needs to adapt to her new environment, so I ask you to be understanding with her, especially at the beginning" Ryan mumbled a "yeah, sure" while avoiding looking at her too much. Any other girl dressed like this would have seem a bit too slutty for Ryan taste but strangely this was not the case with her. Behind her friendly and bright smile Ryan could feel that deepdone she was not so confident, almost shy and hesitant, somehow overwelmed, inexplicably she seemed fragile and delicate. Ryan thought that indeed Parson was telling the truth about her, she seemed to be taking her first steps outside of a specialized establishment, certain things in her behavior could indeed suggest autism but Ryan was far from stupid, he also knew that a robotics lab took up a good part of the the university campus, he knew that Parson worked there and he knew that this lab had developed almost completely realistic looking robot prototypes. There was even a persistent rumor that these machines could be crossed in the corridors of the university without anyone realizing it. Could she be one of those ultra-advanced robots ?
If so, she was altogether an incredible marvel of technology because Ryan couldn't even hear the slightest sound of whirring micro-motors or the whine of servos. His suspicions came rather from the way she answered questions and solved exercises. She and he were working in pairs so he was the only one to notice but she clearly seemed to have been programmed with all the answers, only she seemed to have no understanding of what she was doing : Every time Ryan asked her a question about what she was doing or how she solved an exercise so easily she was unable to explain a single thing to him... In the end she didn't seem so different from all those artificial intelligence systems based on deep neural networks, she was a formidable machine to imitate, but remained unable to make any sense of what she was doing and of the world that surrounds her.
He was more and more tempted to take her arm and pinch her as hard as possible, at least he would have the clear heart of it but he still hesitated, if in fact she suffered from a form of autism, he thought of the utter humiliation she might have felt at being mistaken for a robot. It would have been horrible for her and he didn't want to risk traumatizing her. Too many questions had piled up in his head and luckily the break came, the 4 hours didn't happen all at once and the students had 30 minutes to decompress, he quickly left the classroom to clear his mind until 2 of his mates came over and told him everyone was talking about this new girl before adding "man she's super hot" Ryan suddenly realized that Katie hadn't followed the group and was probably left alone in the classroom, he hurriedly returned to the classroom building.
Indeed she had stayed in her place, he took the time to observe her from the doorstep, she was not aware that he was looking at her, in fact she seemed to be totally lost...
When he got closer, he realized there was definitely something wrong: She looked like she was on drugs or something. Her mouth was half open, she was looking at her feet, then at the ground around her, then her feet again. She seemed unaware of what was happening around her. Her beautiful hazel eyes blinked slowly in a strangely frequent and regular way. Then her little head just tilted forward as the steady blinking stopped. Her eyes seemed half-closed and everything that gave her the illusion of life seemed to have stopped. Ryan advanced little by little towards her, she had really beautiful silky, slightly curly light brown hair that fell to her shoulders. She seemed to be sleeping peacefully, Ryan sat in front of her as silently as possible, he expected her to come back to life at any moment.
Ryan kneels in front of her and started to touch delicately her legs through her semi sheer pantyhose. He looked at her. She was still frozen. He decided to push things a little further and started to massage her left leg as his heart started to beat faster. It was really tight incredibly tight. Ryan could smell the elusive scent of plastics and rubber, It was like the smell in a brand new car. Maybe it was coming from those pink high heels shoes she wore... or maybe she had been put toghether just a few days ago and Parson wanted to test how realistic she was
As he was inspecting her left thigh he noticed something. There were two faint plastic marks running on the outside and the inside of her left leg. It was hard to tell if that line came from her pantyhose or was a mark of how her legs were made.
As his mind raced, Ryan was still touching her but he couldn't feel any muscles or anything of that sort. He spread her legs a little more until he got a nice view on her panties. As he was now touching her thigh, it started to feel a little wrong. he was pressing hard, trying to grab some muscle or something but it felt like I was groping a thick layer of silicon with some rubber under it. He pinched her leg as hard as he can, just to be absolutly sure... No doubt about it. Katie was a real robot.
Glancing over her to make sure he was still alone in the classromm he moved his hand closer and closer, as he reached her crotch, he could tell she was fully “equipped.” Then when he push his hand against her clit, he heard a distinct "BIP" coming from the inside of her as she suddently spring back to life.
She immedialty open her eyes again and after a second she smiled warmly at him without saying anything, Ryan was looking deep in her big bright hazel eyes, then at her soft smiling lips, She wore some nice red lipstick with some warm orange undertone, it was beautifully done, Ryan suspected it was not lipstick it was just how her silcone lips where painted as she came out of the factory. Her youngfull friendly face just looked impossibly naturally flawless her tanned complexion were too perfect to be real but her makeup was somehow almost invisible.
"They all left me here all alone... Mister Parson told me that the students would come and talk to me if I was nice to them" she said, he was totally amazed by the perfect piece of technology she was. For now Ryan was determined to be as nice as possible with the lovely robot girl, after all, she hadn't done anything wrong and she was just so sweet and friendly towards him.
"Look at me, I came back to see you" he told her with a smile as she giggled with sincere delight "Looks like you're the only one who likes me, Ryan !" Katie chirped, sounding just as enthusiastic. Something was totally different, he knew she was a robot, a machine, but he just felt comfortable with her. He felt relieved to no longer have the slightest doubt about her, everything was simpler now, her perfect body no longer intimidated him, she was after all only a sophisticated toy and for now he felt rather playful. Katie on her side was confusely aware her private parts had been touched but she did not understand much what it could mean. Her intuitive AI only sensed that Ryan was in a different mindset about her.
"Something happens to me...My panties seems tighter... When I spread my legs" Katie said with a coyness to her voice that caused Ryan to raise an eyebrow. He take quick llok at the rest of her incredible body, she seemed to have applied way too much self-tanner everywhere but again Ryan had to admit, it really looked good on her.
"The seam presses into my crotch" She licked her lips and smiled, then added, "I could have trouble taking it off sometimes !" Ryan notice her pink panties were clearly visible under her shockingly short miniskirt. She spread her legs and arched her back. He was wondering if she did it on purpose and can't help to think "God damn ! That thing is really hot" She was just surreal. He suddenly realized that his eyes were fixed on her chest. Unlike the previous hour, he no longer felt any embarrassment looking at her unreasonably compressed pair of breasts in her ultra-tight pink top... after all, he knew she wouldn't judge him. He was still in his thoughts as she interrupted him.
"Do you like looking at my boobs?" The lovely little android was still smiling, beaming practically. "I think I should wear a bra." She added as she crossed her legs. The leg on top was slightly swinging, her left high heeled foot was pointed toward him, bouncing up and down. Ryan had noticed that some student had already returned to the computer lab and he expected Parson to be back any moment, it was time to calm things down.
"Well, Katie, I'm not an expert but I'm not sure it's really the best idea to wear a bra with such a tight top..."
Katie’s head tilted, ever so slightly, to one side and she pursed her lips. Ryan could tell that she wasn’t actually “thinking” rather her processors were mulling over the words, converting them into usable data, and formulating a response.
"Yesterday mister Parson told me wearing a bra is always better !" He felt he should respond something to her, but the conversation had gotten so awkward "My boobs look bigger when I am standing bare breasted but the weight of my breasts makes my balance harder… I should wear very tight top or nice bra to lift them and separate them nicely… that's what mister Parson says ! Ryan was suddenly shivered when he saw Parson come back into the room. He grabbed the robot firmly by the arms to make sure she was fully focused on him.
"mister Parson... wants - us - to - work... together" He made sure to pause to give her the time she needed in case she has trouble to understand him, then seeing the teacher coming towards them he hastened to add "please don't talk about your boobs or your crotch when he's there"
Ryan could never have imagined that a machine such as Katie could exist. She looked so real, with her sparkling eyes and kind smile, she was just the prettiest girl on the university campus and she only cared about him, it was just too good to be true.
But as soon as he got back to his tiny dorm room he felt very uncomfortable thinking about her again. He enjoyed talking and watching this wonderful young beauty but in reality she was only a machine made to manipulate him and deceive his senses. He knew that the day his classmates found out what she was he would look like a fool. he considered more and more he should reveal to them what she really was but he quickly realized on the contrary that he was rather lucky to be the only one to know her secret.
His first idea was to use her to cheat on exams, after all she knew all the answers in advance but very quickly Ryan realized that his privileged and seemingly very warm relationship with one of the most beautiful girls on the university campus had completely changed his social status in its class. Girls who would never have talk to him before now seemed to be interested in him... Of course sometimes they asked him about this "mysterious girl that we only saw in practical computer work and then disappear after" but often they just came to see him... just for him, because after all, if this "Katie" revolves around him so much... there must be something really special with this guy !
But after a few months his perception of her changed, in his eyes Katie has become much more than a simple technological curiosity that can sometimes prove to be useful. After all, she was a perfect girl fantasy evolving by his side and very quickly Katie became an important part of his sexual dreams and fantasies, at first as a very real young woman, but after a while he also dreamed of himself, repairing her or reprogramming her... Sometimes he also imagined himself literally tearing her to pieces, thus clearly exposing her for what she was: an imitation of a living being. After all, she was the object of his fantasies but she was also really an object...It was no surprise that he took pleasure in imagining her totally short-circuited and destroyed, since that was the only state in which, the sexual fantasy that she was beginning to become and the reality of what she was in truth could coincide in his mind. Progressively Ryan became fascinated by the absolute ideal of feminine beauty and the concentrate of technology that she was, and this dual nature of her was never more visible than when he imagined her firm and voluptuous body melting from the inside, revealing some electronic circuits, smoking and malfunctioning inside her as the perfect creature she seemed to be, simply ceased to exist.
Paradoxically, this mental phase helped Ryan to feel fully at ease with her. His mind began to accept the idea that she was both a machine, an object made to give the illusion of life, but also something beautiful to look at and that he was simply happy to be able to share moments with her in such a privileged way. He spent more and more time explaining all sorts of things to her that she didn't seem to understand. The artificial girl's inability to make obvious logical connections between simple concepts had become an object of amusement for Ryan. Gradually he had developed a certain talent for explaining the basics of the computer course to the synthetic young woman, he used simple words, breaking down the ideas between them in order to be certain that the computer or whatever was inside her can grasp the meaning of his explanations. It was hard work, but each time the electronics inside her tight little plastic body, seemed to really understand what was being explained to it, the delightful reaction of naive surprise and shyly concealed pleasure that followed really did something to Ryan. Each week with the robot was more enjoyable than the previous one.
Yet he still suspected that all that seemed to think and feel the young robotic student was only an illusion. That enthusiastic smile, that little wave of the hand, that grateful look was nothing but the fruit of billions of weightings and parameters of her neural networks. Networks whose each exit controlled a mechanism behind her beautiful face or an artificial muscle of her dream body, a network whose each entry received information relating to their interactions but without really understanding them, a formidable imitation machine, but nothing more. Ryan knew this but couldn't help but feel some form of empathy for the robot, she seemed to have the IQ of a naive 5 year old child while exhibiting the body and attributes of a 20 year old young woman at the peak of her beauty and fertility. This strange mixture was doing something to Ryan, he had a hard time admitting it to himself but this machine, this beautiful artificial young woman, he began to feel a deep sense of attachment to her.
For his part, Parson, the teacher who supervised the practical computer work, very quickly understood that a special relationship had developed between the young synthetic woman and this student. Katie was the most important research project of his career, and he constantly watched the robotic girl out of the corner of his eye throughout the lab sessions. Besides, he did not hesitate to intervene regularly even if it meant interrupting the exchanges of this young couple of a new kind. Indeed when Parson spoke to Katie it was never about exercises or practical work in fact he came to tell her how to stand, what to do or what to think "Why did you say that?" "Don't stand so straight" "Look Ryan in the eye when he talks to you" "Go see the other girls during breaks" "Stop smiling at me stupidly, I'm your teacher not your boyfriend" "Don't give answers too quickly" "Did you even realize that Ryan was trying to help you?"
In fact he behaved with her as with a pet that must be rewarded or punished... and Ryan was always in the front row to witness these exchanges. Throughout the year Ryan had begun to feel increasingly sorry for the artificial girl who usually didn't know what to respond to Parson's verbal assaults until she often found herself on the verge of crashing. Once, he had even had to directly interrupt an exchange between the teacher and the young synthetic girl for fear that her system would end up crashing in front of the whole class because he felt her so confused and lost by the flood of questions and uninterrupted remarks that she had to undergo.
In fact Parson was such an unpsychological man that he didn't even know how to talk to the robot he was developing. Fortunately he was smart enough to realize that Ryan, on the other hand, was rather good at talking to the machine and that the boy was "useful" to him...
Then quickly summer arrived, the end of the school year approached and Katie... katie became very different from what she was at the beginning of the year, more curious, more sociable, more talkative also, before class started she was always going to greet Ryan warmly the second she saw him walk down the hall, so everyone in the class considered the two to be officially together.
The reality was quite different though, in fact Ryan wasn't even sure she was capable of sex or even just kissing. Obviously he knew from their first meeting that she was apparently fully equipped for it, but everything she said or did since that first day seemed to indicate that she just wasn't programmed for that sort of thing yet. Anyway, he didn't know how to approach the subject with her. It's not that Ryan was shy but he was starting to know Katie very well and he just suspected that she probably wouldn't even understand what he was talking about. He just didn't have the possibility to broach the subject in good conditions for her as for him... Katie just disappeared too quickly at the end of class and the break in the middle was too short for that too.
Finally to his great dismay Ryan had noticed that Katie had unfortunately started to show signs of multiple wear and tear, for example the synthetic skin around her knees was taking on more and more unnatural looking creases when she was standing up... but it was especially her hands that had begun to seriously worry him, they were frail in appearance with small fingers that were quite short but above all very thin, which seemed to him really fragile. Throughout the year they had seemed less and less mobile until she stopped typing or even writing and it seemed to him that today her hands were barely good enough for turning a door handle without being able to do much more.
Eventually ryan was slowly starting to realize that once the year was over he would probably never see her again.
Then one day when the school year was almost over she just didn't show up at the start of the class, Katie had never been late before and Ryan immediately thought it was all over that she was probably already disassembled and that there was nothing left of her except spare parts stored somewhere in a laboratory.
He had regrets but regained hope when he realized that Parson looked obviously worried and upset, that day, things didn't seem to be going as normal, so maybe Katie hadn't been scrapped yet, maybe it was just something else... Then suddenly she appeared through the window, she was walking in the inner courtyard of the school and she was wearing only an ultra tight yellow bikini, it was surreal ! Ryan knew right away that something serious had happened to the robot and had the good idea to show Parson the half naked robotic student just before she entered the building they were in. The teacher immediately rushed to intercept the synthetic young woman in the hallway before she entered class, Ryan left his seat to see what happens but only managed to understand a few sentences "No, no, how you can you be that stupid? "you look like a cheap sexbot" "no, you stay in there"...
After 5 minutes Parson came back to the class alone, he was still upset, Ryan was also upset to hear him talk so badly to what had somehow become his girlfriend and at the end of the computer class he discreetly posted himself at the end of the corridor.
20 minutes later he saw the teacher come back and open a locker in the hallway... Katie was quietly waiting inside, he saw Parson take the robot out of the cabinet he had apparently left her in earlier. She barely fit in and he had a little trouble pulling her out, then he brought her to his classroom.
Before he locked her in his classroom, Ryan could see that Katie had suffered minor damage to her thighs and forearms. The building was totally empty now, Parson closed the door behind them and immediately started yelling at her.
"it's only been a month that i let you get dressed and come here alone and look what you do to me ! You're fuckin half naked ! And you fell over !"
"look how you screwed up your thighs, they are ruined ! Do you realize what are you doing to me ? what went through your head?" Ryan had to put his ear to the door to hardly hear Katie's little voice, she was trying to explain but Ryan only understood the end of her sentence.
"...and I have to practice walking with those new shoes Ryan bought me, it's very..." Parson interrupted her again.
"You're not supposed to practice walking in stupid shoes while wearing a beach bikini in the middle of the school, you really have nothing in your plastic head" Ryan swallowed his saliva, lately Katie had become very interested by the clothes other girls wore, especially those who dared to dress even more provocatively than her. She constantly questioned him about it "Do you think it's pretty" "Would you like me to wear that?" "I love the color" "I would love to have the same"...Then last month he had bought her a pair of wedge sandals hoping that he could invite her to try them on with him but she had kindly declined. He hadn't taken it the wrong way, he had seen her react as if it was the first time someone gave her a present and seeing her so happy was enough for him. He just suspected that something in her program forbade her to accept the invitation. He thought back to that moment between them while on the other side of the door he still heard the poor synthetic thing apologize again and again.
"I...I...just want... to look like a real girl...a real girl for Ryan to look at..."her soft, innocent little voice was starting to pause more and more in the middle of her sentences, Ryan knew that her AI was starting to break down.
"Yes and look at the result, you just look like a damaged sexbot now, except that you don't even fuck" You could feel disappointment in his voice coupled with a hint of contempt.
"You're just an useless a bunch of plastic and electronics now, when the others see you, they'll send you straight to the junkyard" That was too much for Ryan, Parson was just torturing that thing, he knew she was always doing her best and did not deserve such treatment, taking his courage in his hands he entered the room and decided to face his teacher.
"Sorry to listen at the door but firstly I've known what she is for months and...it doesn't stop me from liking her...really liking her you know ! And secondly I... I really don't like how you talk to her! You want her to interact with us so that we develop her human side and you... you treat her like a dog... maybe that's why she constantly fails !" Parson let him talk before smirking.
"Ryan Daniels...what a spectacular entrance...so you really think you can save your robot girlfriend...? Katie seemed to go through a shiver as she understood that they seemed to be talking about her, Ryan continued his plea.
"Save her from what? Only me in class knows about her, if others knew, they would have come to tell me or laughed at me... everyone in the class thinks that we're dating" While Katie seemed a little lost, Parson didn't seem surprised at all by the turn of events.
"It doesn't change the fact that in 2 days absolutely everyone in the school will know it's an android" he replied but Ryan got an idea.
"Wait! She arrived at 2:30 p.m. 30 minutes late, the halls are empty at this time, I don't think many other students saw her like that. If she was seen outside the building, it's by people who don't know who she is, where she goes, or what she does"
Parson seems to think "the little bastard might be right"
"honestly I think the situation is not that serious" added Ryan
Parson finally seemed to relax "ok, so what would you do champ?"
Ryan then takes off his jacket and ties the sleeves in a knot around the artificial girl's hips with the rest covering the damage to her thighs, saying "look, that's already better..." As the robot girl seems delighted, Ryan takes her by the hand and speaks again to Parson.
"Bring me back some bandages from the infirmary and everyone will just think she just bruised herself..." Parson wasn't the kind of guy you told what to do, but he had to admit that this Ryan was a resourceful young man.
"Okay, I see that your brain immediately works much better as soon as... something... interests you... So let me explain to you first" he sat down facing them on a table behind him passing his gaze from one to the other "First, Katie is a research project that I have been working on for years and on which I play a good part of my career...Normally I should drive her back to laboratory but if my colleagues see her in this state they will ask questions, make a report and I could even be forced to interrupt the experiment"
"Interrupt ?" Repeated Ryan fearing the worst.
"That's a nice way of saying we hold her under a hydraulic press and press the big red button, I spent too much time on this project to tear it apart like that" It was indeed the answer that Ryan feared. He asked him with anguish if there was a way to avoid that. Parson thinks for a bit.
"A way to avoid it... maybe... if you take her home tonight... I'll tell the lab you kiss her and took her right out of class, it won't surprise anyone, half the team bet it would happen before the end of the year"
Parson looked at him with a carnivorous smile before adding "well, what are you waiting for, go ahead it's your lucky day my boy ! Tomorrow morning I will come to your dorm house with what it takes to repair her and erase this annoying little accident from her memory"
Ryan could hardly believe what had just happened, he had finally made it, he was finally going to be able to go out with her, without having lie to her or manipulate her, without having to pretend to take her for what she was not, just by being himself and expecting the same from her... that she simply be herself. They were finally dating and in a certain way Parson had just allowed that... In any case he hoped that she saw it that way too.
Max made a sweeping gesture with his arm and bid Megan a polite, “After you.” The haphazardly dressed schoolgirl smiled and set off to the Headmaster’s office unsteadily, the smooth motion of her tawny legs interrupted by a twitch or stutter that would lead her to stumble, pause for a few seconds in recovery, and then resume walking as if nothing had happened, only to repeat the process. While he was in no great hurry, Max found the uneven progress frustrating, and at the next one of her pauses, he slid his arm around her. When she hesitated, Max, encouraged her forward with a swat on the back of her skirt.
The unconscionably fresh gesture from a classmate who barely knew her only solicited a confused, “I… oh. I… ah,” from the robotic schoolgirl before she was walking again, stiffly leaning on Max whenever her legs suffered their occasional glitch.
“What can you tell me about the headmaster?” Max asked.
“I’ve neeevvvvver met him,” she answered blithely, her voice developing a metallic echo for a moment.
“Well…. what made you think we needed to see him?”
“Ummmmm…” she seemed as though she were on the cusp of answering, but as they walked she kept silent, wearing a pleasant but vapid expression, eyes blinking at too-regular intervals.
“Calling Megan? Hello?” He slid his hand under her skirt, not entirely surprised she had neglected to put on panties. “Anyone in there?” He gave her a firm squeeze, but she only blinked once more.
He left the classroom holding her by the hand. Katie let him guide her and walked obediently beside him watching him without saying anything, it really seemed that she I will follow him without question wherever he goes
Ryan turned to her saying in a reassuring voice "i don't care you're a robot, for me your as real as anybody !"
She started by smiling at him first and tried to speak but she just babbled and let out a string of syllables and half formed words. She still had her usual playful tone but Ryan realized that something was seriously wrong and he would rather hurry up and get her home before she crashed in the middle of the university campus.
They began to descend side by side the stairs from the engineering school, Ryan look at his lovely robot girlfriend with real concern as she seemed to have more and more troubles. Katie was still smiling, vaguely and at nothing in particular but her head was beginning to twitch repeatedly, she let go of his hand while with each step her balance seemed more and more precarious, arriving at the last step the girl stumbled towards him. As he felt for the first time the incredible firmness of her delicious pair of breasts pushing firmly against his upper abdomen he nearly leaned over to kiss the robot.
Katie was still smiling and seemed ready to kiss but as she try to talk to him, all he could hear from her wasn't making any sens, he only recognized a few words, they came out in an enthusiastic tone before suddenly breaking off, she seemed to go from one idea to another without making any connection between them. Ryan understood that she was in great distress, her system was obviously struggling to keep up with the new situation.
He invited her to take a few more steps but she stumbled back again, her breasts bouncing wildly despite the unreasonable pressure exerted by her ultra-tight bikini. Fortunately, he had the reflex to grab her by the waist just before her fragile plastic body fell completely backwards and smashed against the concrete steps behind her.
She was still smiling, he wanted to kiss her so badly at that moment, but he hesitated again when he noticed that her big cristalin hazel eyes were staring into space. Still holding her, Ryan could feel that her knees seemed to buckle every time he stopped supporting her, he made her sit on the first step behind her and lay beside her.
He noticed her beautiful hazel eyes were blinking slowly in a strangely frequent and regular way... he had seen this before, he remembered the beginning of the year when she shut down the first day he saw her... Ryan understood that she had already started to deactivate and was not at all sure that this time she will restart again.
Still keeping that same calm, confident smile, she looked at her feet, then the ground around her, then her feet again. Ryan knew that her head was slowly emptying.
------------------REAL REWORK------------------
He watched her head dipped down, staring at those wedge sandals Ryan bought her earlier, he feel helpless, as her operating system fully crashed. Katie’s eyes remained open and vacant, and for only a brief moment powered off. Ryan waited anxiously hoping his damaged robot girlfriend came back online.
It took longer this time but suddenly, the robot back arched repetitively with a loud "BIP", all her muscles tense a few time as her lovely breast bounce in her tight bra. She was apparently trying to reconfigure her system. Ryan never see her really malfonction until now, not sure how to help he put his hand on her waist and felt the subtle vibrations of the electronics inside of her body. She was trying to re-engaged her AI but fail to find a last known good state for the current situation. Katie was not designed or programmed to develop a romantic relationship with someone knowing and accepting it's artificial nature. She simply have no idea about how to handle it.
“Ryan I…I...I'm....” She desperately searches for the next word “I feel, I... ohh…” her sweet voice stops abruptly again… at the same time Ryan realized that a strong smell of overheated plastic was in the air.
As her body lack proper ventilation a significant amount of heat built up inside of her, she knew most of it was radiating behind her chest right over the gel packs inside of her breasts, she needed to check if they were still firm as they should... Without really thinking she started fondle and press clumsily her generous breasts with her fragile small plastic hands ... There was nothing sexual in this, it was just was an automatic response intended to ensure that the overwelming heat inside her was not starting to melt the inside of her delicate silicon skin.
From Ryan perspective it just seemed to be total chaos in her circuits. Ryan toke her right hand to make her stops the inappropriate massage motion. At the same time, the confused robot girl almost immediately abandoned her other breast. Her frail left hand remained frozen in the air for a few more seconds as her confused AI was looking for something else to do. Ryan watched with concern as the clearly erroneous robotic girl was still struggling. The left hand began to twirl and play with his hair while Ryan still held the other small, flimsy plastic hand, she was progressively recovering and she finally seemed to felt his presence and let out an adorable little giggle...then she looked at him and started talking in a playful tone as if nothing had happened :
"Look! Did you see those nice wedge sandals you bought me, they make me pretty, don't you think ?"she pointed at her perfectly manicured small feet as she was looking at them then looked at Ryan again insistently, she was clearly waiting for an answer.
“Yes... they make you pretty, I like them a lot too” She started opening her adorable little mouth as if to say something but nothing was coming out. Ryan knew he had to be patient. Clearly, she was still dealing with the aftermath of her system crashing moments ago.. He just hoped that now, after what felt like an emergency reconfiguration, she would be much more comfortable with the idea that now he knew she was a robot.
When he felt that she had give up about answering him he tried to restart the conversation "That's why I buy you those, that was a gift to make you happy" He told her as affectionately as possible. Ryan wait again a few seconds, he wanted to be was sure she had fully recovered, he was trying to keep the discussion as simple as possible. Katie on her side seemed to be back in top form.
"Mr. Parson says it's useless to give a robot a present, but it really made me happy" It was followed with a chaste peck, then a coy smile that seemed to promise more... Ryan was in ecstasy, as much from the kiss as from the fact that she managed to recover totally and seemed to have resolved the conflict within her. She no longer had a problem admitting to him that she was a robot. It was amazing that she got there on her own ! In fact Ryan was quite proud of her at this moment.
"Mr. Parson looked very upset that people could see that I'm not a real girl, but you don't seem to be angry about that..." He watched her smiling face, even with its faintly artificial sheen, she was perfect, her eyes twinkling as they looked into his.
"Nobody should get mad at you because you're a robot, it's not your fault" He leaned down and kissed her back on her smiling lips. they were as sweet as he had imagined, but as soon as he started to explore her mouth her synthetic body shivered slightly as she broke the kiss.
"You shouldn't kiss me, I did something wrong while hurting myself, I should be punished when I do something stupid" She seemed to really mean what she was saying, her playful smile had disappeared for a moment and Ryan felt it was the right time to try to make her understand what he really wanted from her.
"You didn't do anything wrong, it's just an accident, it can happen... I'm not here to punish you, just tell me what would make you happy ?" The synthetic girl then paused for a long time, staring into space, she seemed to mobilize all her resources to articulate a few bits of sentences and concepts.
"...I was made to...imitate real people...I want you to... forget I'm a robot...yes...all I want is for us to get along... like when you still thought I was a real girl... I wish... we could pretend and carry on as before" Ryan waited patiently for the robot to painfully finish expressing what her system was generating, but it wasn't really the kind of response he was hoping for.
"We can't continue some kind of fake relationship together, where you pretend to be someone you're not and I pretend not to see it" She looked at her feet then looked at him again asking why.
"I want us to have real, honest and sincere exchanges about you sweetie, I want to know what you really think, I know it's difficult for you but if we manage to do that, I'm sure I'll see you more as a person"
Ryan felt all the irony of the conflict inside of the robot girl, for their relationship to become more real and sincere she had to admit its artificial nature. Ryan didn't know if the robot would foolishly pursue its programming. He hoped that she would choose to preserve everything she had built with him so far by not only assuming his true nature but also accepting that their relationship would become truly intimate. He told himself that the decision the robot would make would give a good first indication of what kind of machine she really was and what he meant to her.
"You were happy before when you knew nothing about me, you didn't need to know all these things about me, I'm afraid you don't like it!" Ryan couldn't help but think that she was somewhat right. Anyone other than him would probably have rejected her upon discovering what she really was. Ryan wanted to make her understand that he was different.
"I shouldn't tell you, but... I love that you're a robot, I really love how human you look, I love everything about you, so you have nothing to hide, that's the only thing that really matters... and don't worry I don't need to understand how you work if you're not comfortable explaining it to me" While he was talking Ryan could feel that she was completely focused on him and strangely still. Then a flash of lucidity seemed to light up her face, she seemed almost to have surprised herself to have suddenly understood what Ryan wanted from her and felt the need to rephrase it in her own words:
"You want me to continue being like a real person, but at the same you know that I'm a robot and you quite like it" Ryan shook his head positively and instantly the Katie he had been infatuated with suddenly came back on board, he could see the smile, the look and the gestures and all the little mannerisms to which she had accustomed him reappeared. Delighted with her reaction, Ryan took her affectionately by the back of her neck, smiled at her but remained silent, he did not want to disturb her when her synthetic mind seemed to be trying to adjust to this new mode of operation that Ryan was asking for. He was careful to give her time to react and adapt to what was happening to her.
"Ryan, I really love the way you touch me and talk to me, no one ever touches me the way you do..." She froze again, she was still smiling as Ryan wait the time she needed "I often look at the other girls in the computer class, I was created to imitate their behavior, I see them being touched and kissed by their boyfriend... I would like to do the same thing with you" She added after a long moment of reflection, Ryan could not believe that she was approaching the idea of more intimate and carnal interaction between them by herself.
"Yes honey, it's a good idea, it's great that you think of that on your own" Suddenly Ryan felt immensely proud of her, he knew she has gone through an incredible amount of thinking to come up with this idea and the robot's intuitive AI was perfectly picking up on Ryan emotions. Katie felt like she had reached a milestone in the development of her relationship with him and even though she didn't quite understand why, her digital mind confusedly felt the need to rephrase that last idea again.
"I would like you to use my body the same way, I don't know if I can but, I think you can help me to learn how to do that" She said, smiling and nodding enthusiastically, anticipating a similar reaction from Ryan.
They got up from the steps they had been sitting on earlier and resumed their walk towards the part of the university campus where Ryan's dorm room was in. As her AI still continued to adjust to the new direction their relationship was taking, the robot gradually changed its gait to accentuate the rolling of her hips, she had spent more time than Ryan would have imagined observing the other girls in the class, trying to understand and replicate the kind of pose they take especially when a popular boy was around. She had understood it was the right time to duplicate this kind of behavior.
"So... is there a part of my body you really like and you want to know how it works ?" She said as Ryan took her hand.
"lol dunno, I love this new way to move your ass when you walk" He told her with a smirk as she seemed to think before she said :
"...My ass is the part were my legs and my pelvis are connected... it is very soft and pliable so my body have a movement range like... the one of a real girl !" The technical explanation ended with a sort of chuckle before adding
"is there an other part of my body you like and you want to know more of ?" Ryan was fascinated, one moment he saw her as a young woman trying to emancipate herself from the machine she was and the next moment she seemed to him to be only a machine imitating the young woman he would like her to be.
As they took a little-frequented path, he interrupted her walk by taking her by the waist, he gently leaned the synthetic young woman against the wall of the building they were walking along.
"it's your whole body that I like... It's amazing how firm and soft your skin is, do you know what it's made of?" He added, looking at her deeply in her big crystal eyes.
"It depends on where you touch it...I made of silicone plastic and rubber" Ryan was trying to feel what was inside her, he knew that under her dream body sophisticated mechanisms gave her this illusion of life, he wanted to be able to feel them with his hands, now he wanted to be able to embrace the totality of herself, externally but also internally. Ryan had large hands and pressed harder and harder on her waist trying to get his fingers deeper into the layers of silicone and rubber that gave her synthetic skin that almost unreal firmness. After all, she was just a robot, it didn't hurt her...
With one hand he could almost encircle half of her waist and by pressing ever more intensely into her he could suddenly feel the inside of what she was. In the depths of the deformable silicone shell that made her feel so lifelike, Ryan could feel the machine hiding deep within her. At the bottom of her belly he guessed the presence of some sorts of flexible tubes which seemed to penetrate into something, maybe a kind of soft reservoir, maybe there were several of them, something next to it seemed to vibrate gently... surely some artificial muscles that reacted erratically to the unreasonable pressure he exerted on her fragile little body. Her incredibly firm and soft skin was nothing more than a thick layer of silicone, it was just enough to make her look life like... a beautiful shell, designed to protect her most sensitive and delicate internal mechanisms.
“How are you feeling honey, are you okay?” Katie had never been touched like this and she was deeply enjoying it.
"I can fell my skin from the inside of my body when you push on it really hard like this" For the first time in her short life she suddenly realized that those circuits and wires inside her were real things she can feels.
"I really like that feeling, that's the first time I can feel all those things inside me" While she kept her calm and reassuring smile Ryan realized that she had completely stopped blinking, something was really happening to her. Ryan smiled seeing this, he was starting to really know her well , she was experiencing something new, all her resources were devoted to it and for a few seconds the machine inside her became a little more visible...
"It's okay ? you love to feel what's inside you?" As he was talking his lips were now a few centimeters from hers, never had anyone been so close to her, she was stuck between him and the wall behind her.
Ryan could feel a continuous breath coming from her, she was not breathing, hot air was continually escaping from her lips and her nose, without ever stopping. She was so close he could smell her... It was the same smell as the one inside a new car, it was the smell of new plastic, a smell that Ryan found rather pleasant but which also reminded him of what she really was, a manufactured object... He knew he wouldn't have too much trouble getting used to it!
The artificial girl continued to wait for that first kiss which did not come. She wasn't designed to look at someone so closely for so long. Her eyes were slightly misaligned as she could no longer focus on him. Katie realized her system was starting to break down. She had to do what she was made to do, imitate what a real girl would do at that moment, all year she had observed how the other girls in the class went about kissing their boyfriends. Without even realizing it the inside of her small plastic mouth was filling with artificial saliva.
She smile with renewed intensity and without a word she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him. Ryan was so happy she finally make the first move, he touched delicatly her lovely lips, slowly, sensually, then she start to suck at his finger to show him she was wet inside. Her silicone lips were incredibly soft, she start to press her ample breast over his chest then kiss him on his lips him slowly.
Ryan break the kiss and push her back gently against the wall, he was looking deep inside her big cristalline hazel eyes, "I like it so much Ryan... I never feel my own body like this before" He knew she wanted more, he was pushing harder and harder against her, he wanted to feel every inch of her incredibly tight plastic body, he pushed with all his weight on her chest compressing her magnificent pair of silicone breasts as much as was possible to do it. Ryan could hear a rubbery rubbing sound coming from the friction between her plastic skin and the rubber of her artificial muscles just below... She was such an incredibly delicate piece of plastic and electronics such a sensual doll, he was so excited, he could feel what she really was, he could even hear it !
The sensation was too much for Ryan, he took her by the waist and kissed her hungrily, squeezing her ass as his tongue probed her mouth, it was pure bliss ! He instantly felt her artificial saliva comes from all the inside of her mouth as he felt a small wet tongue against his deep in the inside of her sweet mouth. The wetness inside her was tasting like chocolate, with the hotness of her plastic lips that was the craziest combination he ever tasted, Katie was better to kiss than a real girl, she was very different, but it just feel better to him.
He leaned in and gave the robot girl a real deep hot wet "fuck me" French kiss, kissing her and sliding his tongue into the girl's plastic mouth, holding her tight. It was a real lover's kiss, full open-mouth kiss that lasted, mouth over open mouth, lips locked tightly together, tongue-in-mouth kiss. An intense, serious and a decidedly sensuous kiss. He start to suck her small tongue as Katie started to emit a loud BIP sound !
It was maybe a little too much for her and he decided to broke the kiss, Katie stay frozen in exctasy, eyes closed and her lips half open, some saliva was dropping by the corner of her mouth and was dripping on her chin. Ryan delicately wiped away the little excess of drool escaping from the corner of her lips "little saliva leak on the corner of your mouth sweetie" He said while smiling at her "Are you okay ?"
The robot girl gradually regained her thoughts, she seemed to come out of a dream and didn't know what to say, small bubbles of synthetic saliva continued to appear on one corner of her lovely mouth... "Are you going to be okay ?" Her system was finally going back on tracks as she was realizing the small problem with her mouth "Sorry... I can't control the wetness of my mouth if you suck too hard on it.. my tongue can obstruct my overflow valve and I might..."
Ryan interrupted her by putting his finger to her lips "Stop, I prefer to keep a some mystery, I don't need to know everything about you...I'm sure they will find a way to fix all these little problems" He took her by the hand and the two resumed their walk side by side, they finally arrived at their destination: Ryan's student bedroom. It was barely big enough to hold a small desk and and a narrow bed, there was a microwave on the corner of the desk and a small sink at the back.
As soon as they entered Ryan's tiny bedroom he untied the sleeves of his jacket, still attached around the robot's hips, then sat on the corner of his bed. He took some time to contemplate her wonderful little round and plump ass while she was discovering the place.
He was relieved she was finally safe, he finally had her with him, at home and they had the whole evening ahead of them.
For a moment Ryan was a little uncomfortable welcoming such a beauty in such a modest place, then he quickly remembered the truth: she was a machine, she had no problem with that. On the contrary she seemed absolutely delighted to be here, Katie seemed irresistibly attracted to the small sink at the back of the room, she turn toward him "There is exactly the same water point in my laboratory" she told him with a big smile, she start looking at the glass in which he put his toothbrush and toothpaste, she seemed really intrigued by it. She stopped a few seconds then took the sponge from the edge of the sink, proudly showing it to Ryan "That's what they rub me with if I'm dirty" Without answering anything, Ryan got up and kissed her affectionately on the neck, he made her sit on the edge of her bed, then tilted her to lay her on her side, she let herself be guided obediently, then suddenly let out a little nervous laugh asking him what he wanted to do, Ryan leaned over her damaged thigh, explaining:
"One of your legs is damaged, look, the skin is really torn here, it's gonna be okay but we'll need to be careful, tell me you will be cautious Katie?" She nodded timidly and stood up to look at the damage, Ryan pointed to the damaged area. "It looks like they made you with some kind of mold and they glued the front and back to the side... and that's the area that gave way when you fell...
Being careful not to enlarge the tear Ryan passed his fingers under her skin and tried to go deeper in her damaged thigh by making his way through the artificial muscles in it. Katie seemed to discover at the same time as Ryan how the inside of her was done, she seemed perplexed "Is this how I look in the inside?... It doesn't look pretty..." Ryan was still trying to understand if the damage to her thigh was to be taken seriously, very quickly he could feel that a warm and fairly large object was occupying the entire interior "that's a power cell... you must have one in each thigh... I hope it's not damaged..."
Ryan removed his fingers as the robot started to move "Katie, I need to check that your batteries are not damaged, I will need to recharge you" The robot girl smiled to him as she immediatly got on all fours "I know how to do that, to charge me you have to remove the tatoo on my back!"
She proudly got on all fours on his bed, her beautiful little bubble butt was right under his nose, he just wanted to smack it hard but she was showing him something else : She had a tattoo in the shape of a butterfly on her lower back, but there was something strange about it ; there was a sort of notch at the base of it and the surface was smoother and more rigid than the dermis all around. It was clearly a cover that could be removed completely and just underneath was exactly what Ryan thought he would find.
But what caught Ryan's eye was not the electrical outlet in her lower back but the little tab just above it which seemed to have several positions 3, 9, 20, 50... Ryan grabbed the indicator and dropped him from 20 to 9 then from 9 to 3.
He sat down behind her, he was thinking... He remembered that his student rooms was limited in power to 4 kWh, he looked at his microwave next to the sink and said to himself "Damn, if I turn on my microwave at the same time, I'll trip my room... Maybe I short her out at the same time..."
Katie was still sitting on all fours with her firm lovely butt in the air, the little inverted triangle of yellow fabric covering her little pussy was visible under her adorable silicone butt, just under his nose, he could see her slit peeking out slightly through the folds of the fabric.
He was about to take her from behind, he just wanted to pound her sweet little ass until he emptied himself in her. Katie looked back, she understood what he was looking at, she said nothing but smiled innocently. Despite everything, Ryan managed to regain some control over his libido.
"I can use the cable from my microwave but it's a little short, I'm going to see if I can find an extension so that you don't risk pulling on the plug and that you're comfortable" Ryan left his room and went to the common room to borrow one of the extension cords.
Ryan left her alone in his tiny bedroom, he was hurrying, he wanted her so bad but he also wanted to treat her the best he could, they had spent so much time together since the beginning of the year, he had seen her evolve little by little, becoming smarter. Of course sometimes, she was still telling some stupid things, but it no longer bothered him, he had gotten used to it, for him it was just part of what she was. In a way he had the impression of having gone through all the stages by which a "normal" romance would be built and he especially didn't want to take the risk of ruining everything at the finish line.
Finally Ryan found an extension cord and went back to see Katie, Ryan discovered her rubbing the opening in her damaged thigh with a waterlogged sponge, he had left her alone for just 5 minutes and she was already on the verge of short circuiting herself !
Ryan took the sponge out of her small hands and quickly took a cloth which he tucked into the inside of her thigh, hoping that it could absorb most of the water that she had already spread inside her body.
"How can you be so stu...?" He stopped just before finishing his sentence, thinking about the way Parson had gotten into the habit of insulting the robot, he told himself that he would treat her better.
"Katie I just left you for 5 minutes alone... you almost damaged yourself" He continued to wipe deep in the damaged thigh while talking to her “I get it, you don’t like the look of the opening in your thigh, but there’s no point in trying to clean it" Ryan knew what was going through her head, she simply wanted to make herself beautiful for him. There was no point in shouting at her, he had to continue to explain her patiently.
"If some water get to the power cell connectors, it could be catastrophic for you” explained Ryan "It could damage the power cell and create surges throughout your most delicate systems...it could fry your circuits or even cause you to catch fire...always be very careful with water please" Katie nodded her head and apologized politely, Ryan wasn't sure the robotic girl really understood what was the problem. Katie seemed to be thinking hard.
“If I do something stupid and it breaks me, will you be angry at me?” Ryan was taken aback by the question, she seemed to give more importance to his opinion of her than to herself.
"No I won't be angry but I would be very sad... I know you're doing your best, you don't deserve to end up broken" He was sure she was capable of understanding but he knew he had to explain things to her like a child.
“Even if I break myself because I did something stupid?” Ryan shook his head "I don't want you to think you're stupid, because you're the smartest robot I've ever seen in my entire life! It's true that sometimes you're not as smart as a real human being but maybe one day you will be" Katie relaxed again and her usual smile came back on her lovely face “Even if sometimes you can do mistakes you can be proud of yourself, you are a true marvel of technology and I am happy to spend time with you” Ryan put his hand against her crotch and began to tenderly stroke her synthetic sex through her underware, Katie knew what that meant.
"I'm happy to be with you too...I think that now that you’re taking care of me, only good things will happen to me" She placed herself again on the edge of the bed and lowered her panties down her legs while looking at him with a big knowing smile.
"There's something between my legs, which goes deep inside, it's a bit like my mouth, it can get wet, but not in the same way... it's the only part of my body that I'm not allowed to show, but I would like you to take a look at it"
Ryan saw her spreading her legs wide on her bed, the robot girl delicately spread the moist lips of her lovely slick plastic pussy with her two fragile little hands.
In the harsh light of his little student room she really looked like a doll : The wetness on the inside of her thighs and the scarlet and slightly shiny red of her small lips betrayed her real nature, her pussy was really made of plastic just like her thighs, her legs and all the rest of her.
The robotic girl continued to show him the inside of her with an inviting smile. In reality, Katie lacked the little details that can be found on a real woman's pussy and the total absence of hair, even traces of hair removal around it, further accentuated the unreal aspect of the spectacle.
"Once at the laboratory a technician forced me to trigger a test then he put his fingers inside by touching that part that folds up above, maybe we should do the same?"
Ryan was fascinated but worried at the same time. You could tell that the inside of her pussy was already active and moving. Her fragile little fingers still held her vagina wide open and you could actually see it contract and relax inside as if he was already inside her... He didn't know if that was part of the test but he really had the impression that the device between her legs was not functionning normally, Ryan began to gently stroke around her clitoris and spoke softly to her.
“It look amazing babe, I want you to enjoy it too when I enter it” The robot seemed to have a moment of realization while its beautiful crystalline eyes opened wide and asked with an innocent tone: "is this part where you have to insert your penis ?"
Ryan was stunned Katie was a sexbot who knew nothing about sex, her AI was still trying to guess even the most basic things... On the other hand, what she had understood was that the growing form that had formed in Ryan's underwear was something very interesting. Katie was already trying to free his erect penis while continuing to ask Ryan questions.
“isn’t it going to be used for the inside of my mouth? You said you really liked kissing me?” Katie finally discovered her boyfriend's penis and lowered herself almost to his level, shyly touching him with her little hands, then looking back into his eyes waiting for his response:
“I won't put it inside your mouth, I don’t want to risk damaging or dirtying your face, there may be mechanisms that are fragile underneath” he said, tenderly caressing her lips.
Katie threw herself around his neck saying "you really careful with me, I'm a really lucky girl" he felt her breasts pressed against his chest while his member fully in erection pressed against her little flat stomach, Ryan tilted the robot backwards with its back against the bed by placing itself on top, she had the little nervous laugh that she had every time she felt that Ryan was carrying her or manipulating her.
Without waiting another moment he pushed himself inside of her slick folds, throwing his head back in pleasure as he felt her synthetic vagina squeeze him tight, the sensations she gave him was completely different from anything he had anticipated.
He expected to penetrate some sort of latex tube but instead he discovered a soft texture like silk. her intimate walls swelled all around his rock-hard member giving him a delicious sensation, he felt himself sucked in some sort of soft, warm, vibrant cocoon.
He had the impression that she was coming to life and he knew he could never see her as a machine again after this. Katie, however, remained perfectly still and passive, she just smiled calmly at Ryan, he stopped moving too as he was captivated by that enveloping moist sensation. She actually seemed not to feel him, but the device inside her still reacted to his presence...
Ryan realized that he could remain perfectly still, her vulva opening and closing delicately around him while a subtle internal contraction stroked his member with a slight sensation of sussion. Very quickly he had the impression of becoming one with her, her sliding interior seemed animated by slight spasms, this thing inside her vibrated by applying small, delicate variations of pressure all around his penis.
It was incredibly exciting and Ryan knew he was already out of control. He barely had time to ask her to stop but he already know he was about to cum. He was about to ruin everything, he pulled out of her hastily, but pitifully emptied himself onto her wonderful little pussy while the confused robot blinked repeatedly. Katie understood that something might have gone wrong but thought the problem was hers. Her beautiful, calm and reassuring smile had disappeared and she shyly asked Ryan if he was happy with her, repeating the question several times in a row. Ryan didn't know what to say and held his head in his hands. He had been dreaming of this moment for a year and he had barely been able to hold inside her for a minute, probably less...
Ryan incredulously touched their juices which were mixing and flowing onto the smooth, shiny surface of her hot synthetic labia . He told himself that if he couldn't even hold it inside her while remaining still, he had no chance of succeeding the day Katie learned to move her little dream body like a real woman would do. He realized that this thing inside her was so well design to maximize pleasure it was a problem at the moment... She had to find a way to control the sensations that this device inside her could give him, otherwise he wouldn't be able to have a normal sex life with her, she was simply too beautiful, too pleasant, too perfect.
Katie had gotten up and sat on the edge of the bed and Ryan was sitting cross-legged next to her. He was thinking of a way to explain to her what had happened without her feeling guilty, she already seemed very worried and somewhat confused. He thought for a while then told her: "you know, sometimes, malfunctions also happens to humans..."
Last edited by
Kube² on Sat Dec 30, 2023 1:09 am, edited 4 times in total.