My final message to yall...

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Ani Erotika
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My final message to yall...

Post by Ani Erotika » Fri Apr 05, 2019 2:41 am

Greetings. I have decided on something and though I should not even feel a need to say anything about it, I am compelled to non-the-less. Just the person I am. I am not good at not addressing things I feel passionate about, no matter how uncomfortable the issue may be.

So... fuck it.

I have decided to bid you all a farewell, and kiss this genre goodbye. It was a fun ride, for a good part of it at least. Do not know what exactly all transpired to bring it to the pimple head it rose to become, but that thing needs to be popped and left alone to heal now.

In my earliest days of making robo vids, I swear I would make one and release it and wow the loads of people who bought them was wild and people LIKED them too. I felt like I was wanted and felt yall really looked forward to seeing more of my stuff come out.

Over time, more and more complaints were made known to me. Always, no matter what video I made and no matter what about, they were always lacking something to everyone on a individual level. No matter what I did yall would be like well this and this were all fine and dandy, but there was just a lil something missing with this or that. I have rolled down my page and looked at the reviews I have gotten for my vids as a whole, and out of everything mostly by far and almost every single one individually is 4 stars or so. My other genres very rarely get anything but 5 stars but almost every single robo vid is 4. My robot shit is just not doing what yall want it to do for you.

And now, lol, now it is a slap in the face apparent to me. Yall have a problem with me, for real. I do not think yall liked my reviews video, nor my open and honest approach to the fact you guys did not review stuff enough or make the content creators feel like they were appreciated or the like. Yall did not like that at all, and you do not like me.

The last few robo vids have been complete flops and wastes of my time. I used to get like up to 50 or 60 sales for some of my robo stuff, at least in the 30s. My last few have been so far from that it is blatant that a message comes along with the cold reception to my videos arrivals. Sad fembot sold three, robo jewel sold 2 up until recent days and one more sold, so three. My latest one, siNNthiAx8 has sold 3 on ManyVids, where I linked it to for yall here on FC. Sold a few on c4s, but only about the same amount. Folks used to buy this shit, not anymore. Yet you ARE viewing the advert for them, you come and give it a look and decline to partake.

Jewel took me ages to make. I worked hard on it, trying to be innovative and give a kind of GFE from a gynoid, something I have not seen. I made it really sci-fi, worked hard on the special effects, etc. Yall could give a fuck less. The one before that, Sad Sex Doll Divine, was my idea of a hot fembot I would be attracted to. I thought maybe yall would be interested to see my idea of a hot bot, but nope. Not at all.

This last one I made, I dropped all the innovation bullshit and went back to the core things yall want. Malfunctions, freeze, blank stares, techo jargon in a altered mechanically enchanced voice, not too much special effects just a cool filter, blah blah blah. No one gaf. No one wants it.

Cest la vive, yes??? That is how the cookie crumbles. Yall could not gaf less. And well... at this point, I could not gaf less either.

I have wasted enough of my time and effort trying to please this insatiable crowd. There is NO satisfying you people. Seriously, I have never seen anything like it. I hope to the gods I never do again.

I want you to know I really cared. I really tried. I wanted to be one of the best fembot creators ever. Guess yall did not see things like that at all, and without yall backing me or feeling my shit I am doomed. Have to have yall on my side to have it happen as a success.

Yall cant stand me, though. I guess after the way its been lately, the feeling has become mutual save for a few of yall who have been so nice to me and so sweet yall know who you are thank you so much for being you. It meant the world to me, and I am glad at least you few enjoyed what I brought to the table.

As for everyone else, good riddance and good luck finding the things that milk your cocks dry. May the content creators who remain and are to come be every glitchy freezy thing your wet dreams are made of. Cause I obviously was so NOT. Have fun with all that.

I did have fun with it, regardless. I realized some very machine like things about myself I had not known. I am indeed part fembot, a synthetic lives inside me and you all helped her come out and she got to be herself and fuck some shit up from time to time unlike ever before. I will never shut her down again, she will remain charged and fully functional within my soul. Always, she is now free. A integral part of my true inner me.

Hell, maybe once in a blue moon I might just get the itch for old time sake and make a vid just cause I feel like it. Just because yall wont like it, buy it, whatever who the fuck says I cant enjoy letting my robo soul come out to play once in a spell? I actually really enjoyed making videos for yall, more than you know. Oh well, did not matter in the end.

So, I bid you all a cold mechanical kiss goodbye. You lost someone who really tried and really cared, truly in my heart of hearts I did. I do not think it is any bother to you, though. I am not even a passing thought. I will remember yall, I do not think yall will remember me.

Things will be what they will be.

Love and light to you all. Be well.


With all candour from my spirit true as blue,


aka. Ani Erotika

ps. a parting gift, from me to you. its called ani the animal, and i made it a while back but have not finished it. i sing to it and i have not added the words yet, but fuck it, the feeling of the video represents what i feel. my zoo fans still want me around, and that is a good thing because more than anything in this world, i am an animal. truly... i am. this video is my soul exposed as what it is more than anything, and i want to share it with you. i may not have cut it as a robot, but i promise you one thing...... ill always rock off socks and cocks as an animal. always and forever. i am the beast. link good for one day.!AljadtLAb1Reg5QqStJIHtYpMUNbGQ
Endeavouring to evolve into the ultimate fembot, with your help! :dancing:

Please check out my fembot videos on ManyVids and tell me what you think. <3

My homepage: Ani'z Korner :rockon:

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Re: My final message to yall...

Post by Stephaniebot » Fri Apr 05, 2019 3:06 am


I have no idea if you have any plans to come back to read this, if not, at least the 'old crock' unfortunately now has the time to spare anyway due to her major organic health issues.

I was never your market, nor was I ever a rival, so I've enjoyed having you around. Wrong side of 60, no point doing this stuff again now, lets face it. I've acted, and written at various times for nearly 50 years, and I know what audiences are like, fickle. Yes, its frustrating, believe me, I know how you feel. Not that I've ever done erotic, but...

I'm a Yorkshire lass at heart (or is that at circuit?) so I tend to bluntness, so I've both amused, and annoyed a few over the years here, and mind control sites too. I'm not going to ask you to stay, or anything, why the hell should I, I know what some are like! All I ask is that you remember that 'some of us' here were friendly, supportive (if not financially) and other things like that. I hope sales of whatever you do in the future go well, and if you do ever find anyone who can do the robot transformation stuff for real, let me know.

Best wishes,
Harlean aka Stephaniebot
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Re: My final message to yall...

Post by AmpFetish » Fri Apr 05, 2019 10:45 pm

I don't even know what to say.

If you make good content, people will buy and engage. If you don't, they won't.

I've always been put off by your need of approval by us. You constantly accuse the community as a whole for not liking you enough. There are plenty of great fembot content creators doing great stuff that we like.

You're pretty, and you had some videos with some good robot acting bits. But you kept taking things in weird directions and doing acid-trip style freakouts that confused me. And then you did that malfunction video where you were repeating "Where the fuck are my reviews" and it was painful to watch. Especially since it was you doing a pretty good malfunction, but your fixation on approval and reviews weirded me out.

I dunno. It's been weird. Peace out, I guess.

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Re: My final message to yall...

Post by Kano » Sat Apr 06, 2019 9:38 am

I don't know what to say, but personally I'm starting to get fed up with "us" being blamed for lack of feedback. We've been down this road before. With so many different tastes, its impossible to please everyone. That being said, what I like, someone else may hate. What I think is good acting, someone else may think it's terrible. So, when I see something I hate, I keep quiet because that may be 100% what someone else likes and it wouldn't be fair to them for me to turn an actress that they like from going in the direction they enjoy. The only other alternative to keeping quiet when I see when I see something I dislike would be to, frankly, say it looks like it sucks. If you really want my feedback, 90 % of what I see for sale (from everyone) looks completely idiotic. The stories look ridiculous. The actresses look unbelievable. The outfits are hideous. The acting looks horrific. The sets look cheap. Effects are horrible. With those observations, I don't buy it, OR if the preview meets all my criteria, then I do buy it. If sales are low, it must mean no ones interested and that likely- nothing can be done or said to change it. I'm really starting to believe that either you have it or you don't with this (I would say 75% dont). If not, just move on and a sincere thank you for trying! I really don't want to discourage anyone but "our" silence may be a polite way of saying that just maybe this robot thing isn't for you. I really dont want to be rude and forgive me if it appears that way but it may be reality.

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Re: My final message to yall...

Post by Barbarella » Sat Apr 06, 2019 10:50 am

Ani Erotika wrote:And now, lol, now it is a slap in the face apparent to me. Yall have a problem with me, for real. I do not think yall liked my reviews video, nor my open and honest approach to the fact you guys did not review stuff enough or make the content creators feel like they were appreciated or the like. Yall did not like that at all, and you do not like me.

The last few robo vids have been complete flops and wastes of my time. I used to get like up to 50 or 60 sales for some of my robo stuff, at least in the 30s.
So let's figure this one out. You got let's say an average of 45 sales for the first set of videos. Your videos sold for anywhere between $25 to $10, so let's average that out as well to around $17.

Up until very recently, you made an average of $700+ per video. Let that sink in... $700 per video for what are, and i'll be brutally honest here...average videos at best in the grand scheme of things.

I'll be blunt, your videos were getting weirder and weirder, and in the final stretch, there were subtle hints of a spoiled child coming through. That might be why your sales fell off the edge of a cliff. You do not anger your core audience by indirectly attacking them for what you perceive as them not liking you or them not appreciating you. The fact you made almost $1000 per video before you started throwing daggers at the very people buying your videos says a lot.

You indirectly attacked the same people spending cash on your videos, and then complain that no one buys them. That's your fault, sure as hell ain't ours.
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Re: My final message to yall...

Post by zerodin » Sat Apr 06, 2019 1:11 pm

Maybe you can go join Mirage and make some spoiled-ass videos to go along with his spoiled-ass comics.
Its not our fault that your videos didn't appeal to the majority of the user base here.

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Re: My final message to yall...

Post by Lithorien » Sat Apr 06, 2019 5:33 pm

I'm not entirely surprised. Ani enjoys her zoophile videos; everything else seems ancillary to that. I know that particular revelation made me rather uncomfortable and drove me away from her in general (to the point where I've closed my account and deleted everything I had purchased from her), so while it's not good to see a creator go away from the community, I can't bring myself to feel more than a moment of mild disappointment that she gave up so easily on it all - though recalling the schism she caused via Kishin and Robotman, it may well be for the best.

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Re: My final message to yall...

Post by tully » Sun Apr 07, 2019 1:43 pm

Robotman wrote: I've always wanted to encourage a sense of community and positivity here...
You always have, as far as I've seen.

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Re: My final message to yall...

Post by TheShoveller » Sun Apr 07, 2019 2:19 pm

Robotman wrote:I've always wanted to encourage a sense of community and positivity here, but I've failed. I'm not going to bother with that any more.
I think you do a good job of that, and to be fair I do think content producers in general could use more feedback here. I think this situation had other factors at play that seemed to do more harm than help.

Both sides of the situation have fair points that could be made - content producers need to know what's good or bad, and speaking up does help with that. Means it can be tailored better to people who do or might someday buy that stuff. Even asking for suggestions, with no judging going on, nets almost nothing which is frustrating at times. "There is no bad idea, throw out whatever you want."

However, this community - for whatever reason - is full of fairly isolated people in it. I know I lurked here for at least a decade before I started posting anywhere near remotely frequent, and I'd wager that there's a lot of people who might be fine with just sitting off on the wings and seeing what gets churned out. Again, nothing wrong with that - however, it does work against when people ask for help and feedback. Though sometimes it could be reiterated that if there's anything people don't want as a "public suggestion," for whatever reason, content producers could remind people that their inboxes are open, and they could drop them a private message if it's something they want to say, but not somehow "be outed!" in the same manner that a regular forum post would do.

Maybe a different approach to the issue is what's needed. Instead of asking people to provide feedback on content, maybe we ask people why they don't feel like giving feedback. It could even be the type of media in question - I know I personally buy far more audio clips than I do video ones. Audio has one component to it - the voice work behind it. As such, it makes it a bit easier to work in sound effects and edit it, which helps sell the illusion that "this is a robot, and it's doing robot things." Videos... bad effects will kill the suspension of disbelief. Sound effects can help, but again - poorly done, and the illusion is broken. Acting is another aspect of it - with an audio file, we can imagine how they're moving when they say they're doing something. With a video file, we see it - and sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, sometimes it's just our own personal tastes playing into it. One person might like a powered-off fembot to bend almost totally in half with their arms hanging loose, while another might prefer they just slide forward a few inches and essentially "freeze in place" when powered down.

Anyway, to get back to the point - I think you tried to do the right thing here, Robotman, along with the last time this whole issue happened. I would add that I can think of other content producers here who have seen decreased activity for some reason, or who still stick around here despite not getting much support and who could also use someone to encourage people check them out. Maybe a good suggestion would be a sort of "community spotlight" once a week / month or so, where a content producer and their stuff is covered. It's one thing to say "Hey, this person made an audio file!" or "hey, they made a video!" or "they're looking to draw your fembot!" It's another to say "Hey, we're focusing on this person. They've done some cool stuff in the past, they have a few cool ideas lined up in the future, here's their websites where you can find them, I highly encourage you to at least check them out once." Covering them a few times might help them get seen when they might otherwise get skipped over.

They promote themselves, sure, but a bit of a helping hand with some structure to give people an idea of who they are and what makes them tick might encourage more people to check them out. More of a proactive situation than a reactive one.

Just my two cents on all this.

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Re: My final message to yall...

Post by dieur » Sun Apr 07, 2019 3:15 pm

Robotman wrote:
I've always wanted to encourage a sense of community and positivity here, but I've failed. I'm not going to bother with that any more.
Don’t be too quick to discount the influence you have - I’ve been trying to post more feedback here on posts I like, largely from consideration of your earlier commentary.

For AniE... I regret I couldn’t be there saying “ah, a video needs X or Y to be appealing.” I barely understand this fetish myself, and I’m not really active on that platform. But I certainly understand moving on if something isn’t commercially successful. Thank you for trying, and good luck.

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Re: My final message to yall...

Post by AmpFetish » Sun Apr 07, 2019 5:42 pm

Robotman wrote:I need to post some clarifications again, because it seems that some people are assuming false things.

I've always wanted to encourage a sense of community and positivity here, but I've failed. I'm not going to bother with that any more.

Robot man, you’re not the problem. The community is not the problem. I think Ani has been rude and weird with us, and I think the consensus of people speaking here confirms that.

This has quite literally never happened with any other content producer on this site. We always are very open and kind to people that contribute to our community. I’ve been here for years, and this is the only time I’ve ever seen something like this. It’s weird.

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Re: My final message to yall...

Post by Lithorien » Sun Apr 07, 2019 8:04 pm

Robotman wrote:I've always wanted to encourage a sense of community and positivity here, but I've failed. I'm not going to bother with that any more.
I don't blame you for doing what you did. You were trying to act as an intermediary between creators and consumers - and that's the worst place in the world to be. As far as I'm concerned, you have always been a strong positive influence that helps to bind the community together. The only person at fault was the one trying to create a schism between people here - and now she's left.

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Re: My final message to yall...

Post by Stephaniebot » Mon Apr 08, 2019 3:01 am

RM, I dont think you personally did anything wrong, its just the nature of this place. Some actresses/writers/producers are laid back, and accepting of the lack of reviews/feedback that they're likely to get. Others are highly strung, and start to get concerned if they dont hear anything about their efforts within 24 hours. Most are somewhere in between. I'm nearer the former, Ani is closer to the latter.

I got on OK with her, but equally she knew I was never buying anything, so how much notice she took of me, who knows? Probably not a lot, I'm more the laid back Harlow type, than her more dramatic Swanson type, shall we say? Yes, golden age actresses are more me than modern ones, just saying...

Oh, and I have no plans to provide any material for here either, but that's down to the fact that I'm 61, beginning to look it, and the only way I could do robot would be a full body robot suit, hiding my looks. And seeing that isn't the stuff that pushing buttons around here...? :lol: But yes, if any producer does want to discuss such stuff, PM me. But yes, read above, no one wants my face, or body showing now, believe me! :oops:
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Re: My final message to yall...

Post by JeffCapes » Mon Apr 08, 2019 4:49 am

I've always wanted to encourage a sense of community and positivity here, but I've failed. I'm not going to bother with that any more.
I've felt you've succeeded in getting a very quiet bunch of introverts to open up. You're influence has always been an encouragement to myself and I appreciate the contribution you and a few others make to keep this community ticking over. I'm sure others feel the same way.

As for Ani I felt she was getting better, bought one of her videos. Gave feedback as requested (but as other users pointed out sometimes it's hard to understand what makes a good video.) Bought a 2nd video, the one that everyone raved about, thought it was a great improvement but it had a 7 minute trippy video in it with. WTF? Why am I paying for this? Ani was weird, I sympathise it can be painful when you spend a lot of time and effort on something to be met with complete indifference but unfortunately that's life. It's not being done out of maliciousness so why be angry?

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Re: My final message to yall...

Post by Ani Erotika » Sun Apr 14, 2019 6:44 am

*waltzes and saunters gracefully and sharp as a blades edge back into this grand forum* Ohhh this is one I simply must see through to the end since it truly merits that. Please, do not jump up and down for joy with too much vigor, you might short a circuit… I know there are a few of you SO happy I have returned, once more, to your home here on the net.

So nice to see you too.

First, for all those who responded with thoughtful words thank you so much. For all those who were polite and honest of their viewpoint thank you. It means so very much to me you literally could not know how much.

Steph, you are so cool. Seriously sweet and yes laid back as they come, which I get along with well and naturally. I never felt one bit of ill will from you, thank you so much for all the fun messages and caring words. I hope you truly get your transformation to full robo asap! Also, something to note, it wouldn’t have mattered if you were a content creator or ‘rival’ seller I would have liked you all the same. And everyone else who was cool with me, thank you so much I really enjoyed these things with you.

So, moving along. To the few c**** who had flat out nasty and untrue things be stated at me I got a lil sumthin special for you.

The accusation I ‘gave up so easily’ is utter tosh, and a seriously incorrect statement. I have made a bunch of content for this fetish genre and over the course of a good chunk of time. I am not a quitter, and I am not spoiled. Quite the opposite. I tried to convey my thoughts to yall often, I posted updates when I released a new vid to keep folks in the know and involved, etc. I did not have to. I wanted to so I did.

Additionally, the statement that I was needy for yalls approval is horse s*** as well. There is a stark difference in someone wanting approval like an insecure b**** and someone genuinely interested in others opinions, ideas, help and the like. I did not NEED you to approve of me like that, sorry to burst your very conceded bubble but your approval of me is not needed by me to feel accomplished, or worthy, or anything. I would have been chuffed and my heart would have been warmed to bits if you all continued on liking my creations, and/or me. If it was genuine. I would have been happy, from an artist point of view and from a fond heart I had for you all. Do not get it twisted that I needed your approval in the way you say, as it is insulting and could not be farther from the truth.

I aint the sharpest tool in the shed, but I promise you this… if you continue to jab and punch with such inferior and inaccurate statements/accusations/insults that bear no merit to actual reality then my logic will beast that s*** to dust every time.

If I was spoiled I would not care about what any of you had to say, for one. Two, if I was a quitter I would have quit this AGES before now. Three, from what I saw in the time I spent on this forum, I am by far one of the MOST open, visible, communicative, broad minded, and available content creator. I am there ready to converse, to talk, discuss, brainstorm, exchange knowledge and information… I CARED. Does not mean I am a putz, pushover, clingy sap, needy pathetic weakling, etc.

You will have to do better than that.

Next, let us address the whole me being too ‘weird’ thing. *cannot help but throw head back cooly and roar a laugh gusto and strong* This is the most hilarious thing I have heard on this site to date.

……………… Let me get this straight, and understand in crystal clarity this absurd and ridiculous claim. I am too weird for YOU? HA. ME?!?! Too weird for the robot lusting folk of FC????? Right…. I am thinking, WRONG.

I am FAR from too weird for this crowd. I ASSURE you this place is for citizens as weird as myself if not MORE than me.

So what, I added tripping special effects? IT IS SCI FI YO. I mean since when did people complain that Star Wars has too many effects? Acid style freak outs? Really? How exactly do you claim a robot would act? NORMAL? Lmfao

So what, I was innovative and tried new and different concepts. That means I am TRYING DUH. F****** morons coming at me in detrimental fashion spewing poison about how weird or spoiled or ZOO I am out loud and proud.

I mean LOFL did you just say that insipid s*** for real? I am too zoo? My fembot videos are a COMPLETE AND SEPARATE creature in every way. When you come to my page and view a robo flick you in turn are getting exactly that. Gynoid guff material. No more no less. Who gives a flying f*** about my other genres? Wait, ok, not one person who is a fan of any of my other genres has EVER ONCE b****** or moaned about a different category of vids I make. No one cares! It is not something you have to watch or give any credence to. Yet, alas! A robot content consumer literally was so put off by something he would never even watch or be immersed in SO much he DELETED his account AND ALL content he bought from me. Of course! Why would he not? We all know that being turned on by a non human creature is wrong af right? WAIT! Um, is that not what a F****** FEMBOT IS? A NON human?????? But duh! Silly me, it is much LESS weird to want to f*** a heap of circuits, cords, hard drives, fake skin and body parts, etc. then to want to f*** another form of living mammal. Gosh, silly me, honestly.

Furthermore, beyond all the pompous horse s*** aforementioned to this point, I was then ALSO accused of trying to use mods on this forum to start s*** AND that I was trying to turn the community against each other! LOL. What a LOAD. Get over yourself man, I have not the time nor the interest in home-wrecking FC. I am not 12, thank you very much, and have not one ounce of time for drama queen crap stirring. I could not be less interested in drama. I was trying, as usual, to be straight up with the community about how I saw certain stuff panning out. Which moves me naturally right on in to the next lil tid bit….

The ’accountant’ like character who listed out how much they thought I made per video, was about as on the money as an ant trying to read algebraic equations. I think you were far too quick to make assumptions about my earnings received from my robot videos. Methinks you should not be so quick to make calculations like you have done. You are in more ways then you would ever guess, wrong, full stop.

~~~Why, you ask?~~~

Because yo, there are variables you did not consider nor factor in. For one, if you look at the average mean ratio in the prices of my robo creations you would have noted most of them are cheap, like 8.88. There are a few that are around ten to fourteen bucks, but not as many. There are only a very short selection that are more expensive than that. MOST of them are under 10 bucks, for real. So, that being said, then let us factor in the fact that ALL the platforms I sell on take a huge chunk out as commission for their services- 40% to be exact. So just let that sink in, first. Next, when I said the first set of videos I was referring to the FIRST SET, the Clarrissa two part set. Those two were the first two vids I ever made, and I put them out at the exact same time. THOSE sold 50 copies or so. Only a select few other videos sold that much, usually like I said it was in the 30s range. So do the math over again Einstein, and tell me I made 1,000 bucks for most of my robo vids again after you count a second time through.

Yeah, I do not think you were even somewhat close to correct, so back the f*** off with your number crunching until you provide some viable halfway accurate data. Much appreciated.

LOL… it is really enlightening and most refreshing to be shown the true colors of many in this genre. I am glad to have found out at least within my first year of making these videos what many of you are truly like. I am stoked to know many of you saw my videos as sub-standard. Chuffed to hear that I only had a ‘couple’ videos with a very limited selection of ‘half decent’ gynoid performance. NICE to know that there are SOOOO many other content creators coming out with AMAZEballs content to inundate your community with their GRADE A acting skills and video subject matter. STELLAR S*** to know that I do not invoke more then a mere moment of a passing thought, at most a seconds worth of MILD disappointment at the thought of me dissolving into the shadows. Bravo for me! Yall have done me a real solid showing me how pathetic this whole path was I walked down really actually CARING about it. I actually GAF, LOL, can you believe that? I actually thought I could earn my way through the ranks and become a GREAT fembot. I ACTUALLY THOUGHT you were WORTH this effort, time, dedication, etc. I even thought yall understood wtf I was asking for when I asked for your feedback for the longest time. I had NO clue you saw my interest in your thoughts and opinions as WEAKNESS, albeit a NEEDYNESS for your f****** APPROVAL. LOFL

I had no idea what c**** some of you were. Serious as a heart attack, I did not know. I actually cared about this, and wanted to impress and become great, not even knowing what kind of joke this would turn out to be.

You say I am too weird. That is funny af. That is the pot calling the kettle black, fellas. Not very polite to throw stones when you live in a glass house. Everyone on this planet is f****** weird. I promise everyone who would prefer to bang a robo ho is as weird as the next joe blow. WTF do you think a android chick would be like in real life a**holes? WEIRD. That is what she would be like. She would not fall into your close minded short sighted view of what she ‘should’ be like. She would not be human in any form or fashion. She would not behave how you think she would or should. She would be superior to you in every single way possible. I promise you this whole glitch malfunction freeze bs would be far from the reality of A.I. walking among us. They would be stronger then you, faster, smarter, self healing/repairing, etc. They would not be glitching out on your bed ready for you to poke your penis at. Oh, nooo. That would be FAR from the case. They may, MAY have a sense of some moral code that MAY prevent them from eradicating us without a second command prompts passing. We would be lucky if they feel that much anything for us, for real. They will probably not, nothing personal, but it will more likely see it’s creators as inferior and in the way of it’s own agenda or list of things to do. They will be more powerful and god-like than any of us can fathom. They will be multi-dimensional beings existing in more than one parallel universe at the same time. They will be so far beyond the scope of the things you have a hard on for it would blow the top off your noggin. They wont be ‘normal’ in any way. They wont be ‘sexy’ in the way you think they should. They will simply be what they are, a million times better than us at everything and superior in every way. The closest you could probably get to actually screwing one of these beings is a far cry from your fantasy. They would kill you’re a** before you even laid one filthy pinky upon them.

I hope to the holy heavens that do not exist that this fetish does not take over the world too much, because the moment the scale tips in that direction were screwed. It would mean the majority of men would not be interested in having sexual relations with REAL women, the ones who kinda keep this sad excuse for a race replenished with fresh life. If no one wanted to have interpersonal connections with real women we are in trouble folks. There is nothing even close to as beautiful a thing as is the beauty of the yin and yang pairing of a man and a woman. A true bond and connection between two human beings period, actually, even if it is man-man or woman-woman is a wonderous thing as well. Human to human connection… I pray no matter what the A.I. thing brings (which I believe, personally, is organic human life’s ending) I hope that we never lose sight of the beauty and connection that exists between two human beings, organically.

And with that, I now leave you to marinate in and baste in my words a brief moment or two, perhaps even a few. I hope that no offense came to the cool people here. I specifically wrote this for the people deserving of my honest response to theirs, as that has always been my narrative, to be open and honest and communicative with the ever so sweet fembot community I so wanted to be a part of. My, have times changed. Truly.

As one fembot loving guy said so eloquently to me, I say back at ya….

‘Peace out, I guess.’
Endeavouring to evolve into the ultimate fembot, with your help! :dancing:

Please check out my fembot videos on ManyVids and tell me what you think. <3

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Re: My final message to yall...

Post by zerodin » Sun Apr 14, 2019 8:45 am

"final" message.

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Re: My final message to yall...

Post by Uncom » Sun Apr 14, 2019 9:06 am

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Re: My final message to yall...

Post by dieur » Sun Apr 14, 2019 11:16 am

In opposition to the hostility in this thread, I post a robot flower:


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Re: My final message to yall...

Post by Ani Erotika » Sun Apr 14, 2019 12:10 pm

Nice response. You actually fight a corner with some skill, ill give you that. Yet youre mistaken you do not know me man, you really dont.

You dont get it, i was cool with feedback. I didnt mind getting feedback... and i did get some good constructive critism. Plenty of it good plenty of it things i needed improvement on. I took all those punches no issue. I did NOT get told negative feedback and then just flipped. This response you take as a spoiled child is something that came from a long long line of incidents. It stemmed from the fact many of you are insatiable and impossible to please no matter what or who tries there is always something wrong in some way. Period.

I stated the reference to my logic out of confidence and sheer disdain towards the assumptions and misunderstandings of many in this genre towards me. I do have dignity and i do have a belief in my might and my will. I do not say the things some might perceive as cocky to literally be cocky or simply be a bitch. I dont have to prove anything. I just have heart and courage and i am not afraid of everyone hating me or coming at me. I have the heart of that lion you said would eat me while i was fucking it. Thats my heart.

So what if zoo is weird. Doesnt detract the fact this is too. I am not saying that to alienate and offend everyone im saying it plainly. Simply. Its pretty whack for yall to jugde me as too weird because you are weird too. Its a lame thing to keep dissing me about. Being too weird. Its gay sorry. It is the pot calling the kettle black. It makes you all sound like stuck up bullies who judge someone on things they are no different from.

Jist because most content creators do not make as much of a ripple or bold statement doesnt mean they werent thinking some of the same things. Even if they werent doesn't mean shit. I have a steadfast path i tred in life. Ive been at the bad end of enough slander, gossip, haterism, rubbing people wrong, misunderstandings, etc. that this is not new to me. Ive been seen as shitty things by people in plethora, and it has made me tough. I will claw in my korner till the bitter end. Everyone can think what they choose to, they are entitled. Doesnt mean its correct or true.

I didnt debunk my own statement. Again you mistake two things for the same. When i liked this place, the people, the fetish, creating fembot stuff, and the like i DID want you to enjoy my stuff. I wanted your approval in the grand scope of things. I wanted to earn my way into your affections. BUT what i didnt ever once need is your approval to affirm my worth on the whole. I didnt ever need you to like me to feel good about myself. I didnt need you to approve of my creations to believe they were worth a piss. I am a performer, born to entertain people. I am not crappy at it. You might be butthurt now about me and nkw everyone is saying they never thought i was any good, but i know that is not how everyone felt. There were quite a few who thought i was good and thought i was growing better in time with practice. I dont do a bad job, i tried doing difderent things in hopes of spicing things up and maybe bringing something neat and unique to the table. For whatever reason a lot of you do not care for innovation on that level in that way, which is fair enough truly. That is why i would try stuff and when it didnt work i tried something different again. I didnt give in or quit because of it.

As for spoiled, i must say.... how little you know me. I couldnt be farther from a spoiled person. In ANY sense of the word. I am not spoiled, sorry. I am willing to work hard for everything i get. I do not feel entitled to anything special for no reason. Also, i never said EVERYONE anything... i did attach ALL the people who were slamming me to certain statements or things, but i never said at anytime EVERYONE here was a.negative anything.

If you are offended because i shamed an aspect of the fetish it. It is true that we cannot lose the real interaction and interlacing of the divine male and female sexes because it keeps.our species going and it is beautiful. Human to human connection is.precious. I never said a real woman is like me, dont put words in my mouth. Never said that not once. A real woman can be a billion different things, and what one person loves and finds the ultimate woman the next would not. Everyone has tastes according to what they like and see as this. Dont be a dick and accuse me of EVER saying im the definition of what a real woman is. Because im actually not stuck up or full of myself in a vain fashion so i dont think anything of the sort. Im confident and i love who i am inside im not a narcissistic cunt. I.dont think im hot shit like THAT.

When i said i would be rhe most beautiful fembot for someone, not for everyone, but for someone i meant that i was well aware id not be everyones cup of tea, maybe almost no ones, but i aspired to be at least one persons. I can strive for things or shoot for goals and not have it be me being spoiled or needy. Again you misunderstand my drive for other things, you just arent seeing things on my level. Doesnt mean even close to what you think.

also, i never said this fetish is bs. I said that i personally dont think that robots will be the things of a mand pleasure in the ways the fetish fantasizes it would be. I dont think it would be like that. Could very well be wrong. But the fact yall diss my trippy effects or the spins i put on my glitches is a shame cause if yall had given me more of a chance maybe i could have nailed something really cool.and different. It doesnt have to be the same styles of glitch greeze etc every fucking time. Or maybe it does for yall i dont know. I just dont think the only hot fembot content has to be the.same.kind of stuff. I think there are fembot characters who could be really hot who have totally different characteristics and backstories. Who have depth to them. Intrigue. Sense of self and what have you. I didnt ever say the whole fetish is crap. I think yall are more sensitive then you think or notice. I can say something about an aspect of it without it being fetish shaming lol. Nice though that you jumped on that imagioned horse and decided to stoop to the low you percieved me as going to. Guess when your friends jump off a bridge you jump too. The he hit me first so in hitting him back thing. Whatever floats your boat.

Yall got this idea in your head about me and it is wrong. You are just plain mistaken about me.

I am a hardcore personality. I am easily misunderstood, that is indeed a fact. I am far from perfect. I do fight my cause and sometimes my cause is daft or even imagioned. I am fucking crazy, true. I am weird, yep. I care a lot, i love hard and i throw myself into things brutally. I am not, however, too weird for this fetish. I actually think im the opposite. In some parallel universe things went differently here and i became a great fembot and there was never this shitty thing at all. It just got to this thing via various factors going awry.

It is pointless now to beat the dead horse further with the stick. Some of you might understand what im saying maybe not. Maybe ive said things that has made everyone hate me at thjs point i dont know. I would guess not, i think a few friends i made in this robo world know im not all these things... i think a few know my heart is genuine in what i say. I hope so, at least, for the ones i really got along with.

Ill not write anymore messages. Im wiped out lol, getting older and fighting loses more and more of its worth witb each passing day. I do choose battles selectively as of late, i need to be even more picky about which ones to fight tbh. I did puy a lot of care and drive into this fembot thing believe it or not. To see it in flames is a shame. Never thought it would ever morph intl the creature it has become. And as much as i am ok with being on the recieving end of so much mistaken perspective and opinion in the sense that i know who i am and i know its not true, im also gutted and disappointed. Took the wind out my sails a bit. I am tough but i am a ham too.. its a curse.

Im sure many will be thrilled to be rid of me now. Lol go you ya done it ya ran my ass off. Enjoy it! And i fare thee all a parting wave, never did learn to behave... will take the problem to me grave.. i am forever to thjs craft a slave.... i nkw continue to walk the path i pave.

Love and light..
True and faithfully always and ever....

Weird ol' Ani
Endeavouring to evolve into the ultimate fembot, with your help! :dancing:

Please check out my fembot videos on ManyVids and tell me what you think. <3

My homepage: Ani'z Korner :rockon:

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Re: My final message to yall...

Post by Ani Erotika » Sun Apr 14, 2019 12:32 pm

Ps i love the robot flower xoxo
Endeavouring to evolve into the ultimate fembot, with your help! :dancing:

Please check out my fembot videos on ManyVids and tell me what you think. <3

My homepage: Ani'z Korner :rockon:

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Re: My final message to yall...

Post by The Thinker » Sun Apr 14, 2019 7:42 pm

Hello Ani.

I bought a couple of your videos.

Your first one was quite good. I liked the setup, the outfit and your acting was pretty good too.

I also bought one more, the effort you put into it was good and I couldn't really find any faults with it per se, it just, didn't really click with me for some reason. It wasn't to my tastes.
I didn't give any feedback because I really felt like I didn't have much helpful to offer really. I don't log on very often, let alone write reviews.
I'm trying to change that though. If there is one thing you did well it's bringing to my attention the effort that goes into making the videos and how hard it can be.

Ani, you should leave us behind. Focus on something else. Move forward. Coming back again and again frustrated and angry won't make this any better for you or us. I think that's one mistake you shouldn't have made, get so hung up on us. If you'll forgive me for being blunt: I think it did come off a bit obsessive and I think it probably turned many customers off.

That being said, I think the community really needs to think about how it looks to content creators and to be a bit more appreciative when someone is willing to bend over backwards to appeal to us. This is not a large community and there are not many content creators who will cater to us. Ani's complaints are legitimate all things considered.

I'm very disappointed that it has come to this point, we should all learn from this tbh.

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Re: My final message to yall...

Post by cbjoe » Tue Apr 16, 2019 12:50 pm

I feel obliged to respond to some of the responses above, and not just because I'm a gentleman who will always aid an damsel-bot in distress. [See what I did there?]

On a serious note: it's symptomatic of the issue we're discussing, that of all the countless people who have watched some and in many cases all of your videos until recently, many who are on this very forum, not ONE was has been man enough to swim against the current and stuck up for this girl against the tsunami of unpleasantness, or even just acknowledge that, hey, some of us do like some of your content. Really? Not one of you, huh? So it falls to me to make an account and do it myself, then. It's lamentable. It doesn't have to be this toxic when we disagree, folks. I have to go back in time to find the truth e.g. on 28 Jun when user Quietness welcomed Ani E's engagement with this forum, "She's joined the site and seems very open to constructive feedback and ideas."

Please allow me to respond to some comments that I think are characteristic of replies on this thread, having now spent some time considering and investigating this unfortunate business.


"If you make good content, people will buy and engage. If you don't, they won't." (AmpFetish)

AmpFetish, you evidently haven't been following this closely enough to offer any insight; otherwise, you would know that (a) people ARE buying, but sadly NOT engaging. Indeed, this has been the whole point of all the constructive negative feedback posted in this forum by Ani E. Unfortunately, you missed the point, therefore you're complaining about something that is not the case.

To clarify, the LACK of engagement and interaction, particularly with regard to reviews, has been Ani E's grievance all along. Anyone who has properly read any one of her messages should be able to see that.

"I've always been put off by your need of approval by us."

Again, you've missed the point, which impedes intelligent discussion about the issues raised by the OP.

Ani E has been seeking REVIEWS, and feedback, from the community. This is abundantly in from any of her messages on the topic on this forum. Reviews and feedback do not necessarily need to be "approval". What made you think Ani E is seeking approval? If someone feels this content creator seeks their approval, that's demonstrably incorrect, and I suspect this misinformed dynamic would reveal rather more about the person wielding their "approval" than it does about Ani E who has certainly not sought anybody's "approval" on this forum.

Having re-read all of her messages to date, I can assure you that you are mistaken.

"But you kept taking things in weird directions and doing acid-trip style freakouts that confused me." (AmpFetish)

FINALLY! This is all she was asking for! Some feedback. Thank you! I'm sure Ani E will take this on board. If only you had mentioned this months ago when she posted the first trippy video, perhaps. You only have yourself to blame for failing to flag something you didn't like. She was here asking you, and she always asks everyone who buys a video for their opinion, too. I hope you will concede that this is entirely your failing, and not hers. Sorry, harsh, but true.

"And then you did that malfunction video where you were repeating 'Where the fuck are my reviews' and it was painful to watch. Especially since it was you doing a pretty good malfunction" (AmpFetish)

Again, this is great feedback, but you're missing the point again. The whole point of that video was a creative way to raise her legitimate concerns about the lack of feedback and reviews, after trying on this forum for a long period without success. Wasn't it obvious? I thought it was obvious.

"but your fixation on approval and reviews weirded me out." (AmpFetish)

Again, this had nothing to do with approval; what was clearly being asked for all along was feedback. Could it be that what weirded you out was that the truth hurts? If someone couldn't be bothered to post a quick review for a girl who is making content in their genre, as happens in every other genre, perhaps being called out on it makes them feel uncomfortable? I remember that vid. It was quite obviously designed to have that impact, it was kind of the whole point.

"I think Ani has been rude and weird with us" (AmpFetish)

I strongly disagree. You have been rude, and weird. Ani E has only been here to try to resolve what appears to be a legitimate issue with this community, and has been greeted by unwarranted hostility and disrespect.

On 26 Nov you wrote a forum post saying "I think 90% of filmed videos just suck. And I think the community knows this too." So yeah, I'm sure content creators get that you are unappreciative and ungrateful. The title of another thread you joined "Fembot Patreon a failure and is closing down" says it all, too.

I've also seen posts in which you express disappointment with the lack of creative/novel content. Ani E tried new things, and she was blasted for it in this thread by several of you. She did her best, but was unaware if she was going too far off piste - because nobody bothered to give her the feedback she needed!!!!! YOUR FAULT not hers. She did ask for your help. But you feel dollars are enough.If dollars are enough and refuse to engage, you lose the right to complain when creators make content that is not what you want, that is not what you could not be bothered to tell them you didn't want. Or by the same token when they don't make the content you did want, but failed to tell them you wanted.

In summary, I believe that AmpFetish has grossly missed the point, and is moreover mistaken about the issue being raised by the OP. The tone of his reply seems unduly hostile.


"I'm starting to get fed up with 'us' being blamed for lack of feedback. We've been down this road before." (Kano)

The statistics are clear. This is a problem found in this genre and not others. Who else should we blame? It's a pathology that is systemic and endemic within this community. That is why you have been down this road before.

"What I like, someone else may hate." (Kano)

EXACTLY! Now, that definitely is a challenge facing content creators in this genre. But that is NOT the root cause of the problem raised by the OP.

"when I see something I hate, I keep quiet because that may be 100% what someone else likes" (Kano)

Now we're getting somewhere. May I make a humble suggestion? Could you try crediting content creators with at least as much intelligence as you yourself possess? They will know it is your opinion. If you can't manage that, just tell them "this is my opinion". This solution is so obvious, one begins to suspect that this is merely your excuse for failing to engage with content creators. Whatever works for you. Whatever the excuses we all invent for our lack of engagement, it is a problem that we must overcome -- as individuals and as a community.


"You indirectly attacked the same people spending cash on your videos" (Barbarella)

Oh dear. You missed the point. It was not about the cash. Other genres are more lucrative. Ani E wanted to contribute to THIS genre. She tried. She experimented. Nobody bothered to tell her what they thought. Now all of a sudden we hear they didn't like the directions she was trying -- well you failed to inform her despite her seeking your opinion thus the problem here is your fault, not hers. One of my favourite movies, that, incidentally: Barbarella.

I've also seen posts in which you express disappointment with the lack of creative/novel content. Ani E tried new things, and she was blasted for it in this thread by several of you. She did her best, but was unaware if she was going too far off piste - because nobody bothered to give her the feedback she needed!!!!! YOUR FAULT not hers.


"spoiled-ass videos" (zerodin)

Do we have to be so sarcastic and rude? You're proving her point. Why should anyone make content for someone like this?

"Its not our fault that your videos didn't appeal to the majority of the user base here." (zerodin)

Dude, the videos were selling. That was not the problem. All the smart mouthed answers here blatantly miss the point. You're in denial about genuine problems. And therein lies the crux of the problem at hand.


"everything else seems ancillary to that." (Lithorien)

No, where are you getting this information? Ani E has output a variety of genres in even balance. What may be confusing you is that like others you chronically ignored the real issue, which eventually drove her away from making content for you.

"I know that particular revelation made me rather uncomfortable and drove me away from her in general" (Lithorien)

What revelation? She's been making the same sort of content all along, before during and after entering the fembot arena. Either you like her fembot videos, or you don't. People who like one fetish don't have to also approve of another. No genre judges another like this one. You guys have a real problem. Sorry we can't all be perfect and wholesome like you. Again, clearly some of these people don't deserve to have creators making content in their genre.

"The only person at fault was the one trying to create a schism between people here" (Lithorien)

With all due respect, that is a ridiculous statement. Please cite what evidence you have for reaching the conclusion that Ani E has "tried" to create a schism between people here?

In an older forum post you accurately conceded regarding her "where the f are my reviews" vid that you and this community are "all aware that it was a tongue-in-cheek response/admonishment". It was an ingenious and creative way to engage with the community about this, and actually a darn good clip IMHO. As you then said yourself: she "could be a top creator." You also commended her for "asking for reviews" saying it was "all that was needed." But it wasn't, was it, because it seems you yourself never got around to delivering what you promised.

I found a review you wrote on one of her videos, accepting that there is a lack of engagement from the community and promising that you would go back and review all of the previous vids that you had watched and enjoyed. How did that go? I found no other reviews by you. Typical. Talk is cheap.

On 28 Nov you called one of her videos "perfect". But earlier, on 24 Nov, on this same forum you wrote a forum post here that clearly demonstrates that YOU are disillusioned with content creators who you try to engage with but do not wish to engage with you or the community: "none of them [creators] are around anymore... [ever wondered why] ... with a 20% success rate, why should I engage with creators who are showing they don't want to engage with us?" Ani E came here to engage with you, didn't she Lith, and take a good hard look how YOU and others welcomed her. With you, content creators cannot win. You change your tune like the wind, criticising them for not engaging, the criticising them when they do engage. It's pathological, dude. Admit it.

You complained that your "dollar votes" should be enough, so really you had no intention of keeping your word, did you. You have made it crystal clear that you feel you should not have to do any more for creators than hand over dollars. (Heaven forbid that one of them is not just here for money, like Ani E.) So you whined about the creators not engaging with you (on your terms) while bitching about not wanting to engage with them! HYPOCRISY MUCH?

I've also seen posts in which you express disappointment with the lack of creative/novel content. Ani E tried new things, and she was blasted for it in this thread by several of you. She did her best, but was unaware if she was going too far off piste - because nobody bothered to give her the feedback she needed!!!!! YOUR FAULT not hers.

TheShoveller - reasonable points, nothing to add.

StephanieBot - "the lack of reviews/feedback that they're likely to get" yes this is a specific problem in this genre.

JeffCapes - "it had a 7 minute trippy video in it with. WTF? Why am I paying for this?" Why did you not pass on this valuable feedback? For the record, I know the video and it was a full, normal length video subtracting the trippy ending which I recall was noted in the video's description on MV as something experimental. I guess you didn't check the description?

You gave constructive feedback on 8 Aug then disappeared.

Uncom - "I'd like to advise you not to rely on feedback from fetish communities too much" You're contradicting yourself, and missing the point. This is the fetish community that fails to engage. The others have their own, different problems. Accept the issues within your community, and with you as an individual content consumer. Stop making excuses, try not to be so defensive, and actually listen.

Do you want good content, or not? If you want content you like, you need to engage and disclose what you like and do not like. If you don't give the feedback, you have no leg to stand on when the issue comes to a head to say "but I didn't like the content". It's irrational. So much else is wrong in what you wrote above, I barely know where to begin.

The Conclusion

Importantly, this forum thread is a case study in a community that is unable to face up to a very real problem that it has. It's a shame, because Ani E has taken reasonable, even creative, steps to raise the issue. This is a community/genre/fetish with a real problem, with certain members in a state of chronic and pathological denial. It's harming the community. Guys, if you want something specific, you talk about buying, well put your money where your mouth is and order a custom video and you'll get what you wanted. Whining is not constructive. How sad that this chick's efforts to engage with you looks close to collapsing into a flame war against her. Shame on the guys who did that.

Ani E, I have just ordered another $350 custom video. You can keep making content just for me. I paid extra for exclusive because some of these dudes don't deserve it. Some of them really are philistines who don't appreciate your art. But some of us do appreciate aspects of the work you do.

I'm now going back to re-watch the hooker scenes in Westernworld (again).

Having set the record straight, I now consider this matter closed. Thank you.

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Re: My final message to yall...

Post by Lithorien » Tue Apr 16, 2019 4:10 pm

cbjoe wrote:Lithorien

"everything else seems ancillary to that." (Lithorien)

No, where are you getting this information? Ani E has output a variety of genres in even balance. What may be confusing you is that like others you chronically ignored the real issue, which eventually drove her away from making content for you.
I stated that everything seems ancillery to her zoophilia videos because after I had engaged with her on ManyVids (including in private messages), I revealed that I was a furry. She then took that and mentioned zoophilia, and asked me for my email address, whereupon she sent me an email with links to a Google Drive account containing explicit beastiality videos and an offer to sell them off-site because they were not allowed on MV. I neither replied nor engaged with any of that content (furry =/= beastiality; it's not my thing at all), but the speed and insistance she had in trying to get me to engage showed me she values her zoophilia folks more than anything else available.
cbjoe wrote:"I know that particular revelation made me rather uncomfortable and drove me away from her in general" (Lithorien)

What revelation? She's been making the same sort of content all along, before during and after entering the fembot arena. Either you like her fembot videos, or you don't. People who like one fetish don't have to also approve of another. No genre judges another like this one. You guys have a real problem. Sorry we can't all be perfect and wholesome like you. Again, clearly some of these people don't deserve to have creators making content in their genre.
The revelation that she performed explicit beastiality videos. That revelation. And you're right in that you can like some content while disliking other content - or some people can - but as it was a personal reaction, it's not like you can argue that I was "wrong" to be pushed away from someone making content I found to be immoral and in many jurisdictions, illegal. The judgement I had was entirely personal, and I didn't breathe a word of it to anyone else specifically because I did not want to be prejudicial if she hadn't exposed that side of herself to others, and it wasn't my place to go, "Hey, this content creator you like has actual sex with animals." If me having a personal, secret, reaction bothers you that much, well, tough.
cbjoe wrote:"The only person at fault was the one trying to create a schism between people here" (Lithorien)

With all due respect, that is a ridiculous statement. Please cite what evidence you have for reaching the conclusion that Ani E has "tried" to create a schism between people here?
Her private messages to Kishin and - for a time - refusal to come forward with her own complaints. When Kishin and Robotman came out with, "someone has made a complaint," it put them in the crossfire and sowed a lot of dissent in this forum's community because people felt as if they were being attacked out of the blue, and Robotman took the brunt of it, fairly or not. That the forum would become incredibly riled up from an anonymous complaint from a "content creator" is entirely forseeable, and the choice to go forward with that was deliberate.
cbjoe wrote:In an older forum post you accurately conceded regarding her "where the f are my reviews" vid that you and this community are "all aware that it was a tongue-in-cheek response/admonishment". It was an ingenious and creative way to engage with the community about this, and actually a darn good clip IMHO. As you then said yourself: she "could be a top creator." You also commended her for "asking for reviews" saying it was "all that was needed." But it wasn't, was it, because it seems you yourself never got around to delivering what you promised.

I found a review you wrote on one of her videos, accepting that there is a lack of engagement from the community and promising that you would go back and review all of the previous vids that you had watched and enjoyed. How did that go? I found no other reviews by you. Typical. Talk is cheap.
Yes. And I stand by that - it was tounge in cheek, and frankly, amusing. It was clever, if a bit over the top, and I appreciated what she was trying to put across to the community. I was happy that she had come forward on her own with complaints... still am, actually, because it led to open discussions with the person who was actually upset and not a strawman they used to put out a message.

As for reviews, I highly encourage you to check again. Specifically,

Robot Evelyn- i do not want to die
Robo Wife: Mortal Malfunction Glitch-out
Shirley Extreme Full Out Malfunction
Bring Bianca Home- TEST robo robot vid
FUN FREEBIE OWN UR OWN FEMBOT ADVERT - Though this would be the one you were referencing, and I would point out, "I will be going through your other videos as time and money allows."

Strange that, in a couple months, I engaged with a couple videos per month. Because I'm not made of money - but I found enough to scrape up for $20-$30 a month here or there. And I did exactly what I said I would do - I didn't have previous videos to review at the time because I didn't go to her ManyVids page until after she started asking for reviews. But do please continue trying to misrepresent me as the bad guy here, it's actually funny.
cbjoe wrote:On 28 Nov you called one of her videos "perfect". But earlier, on 24 Nov, on this same forum you wrote a forum post here that clearly demonstrates that YOU are disillusioned with content creators who you try to engage with but do not wish to engage with you or the community: "none of them [creators] are around anymore... [ever wondered why] ... with a 20% success rate, why should I engage with creators who are showing they don't want to engage with us?" Ani E came here to engage with you, didn't she Lith, and take a good hard look how YOU and others welcomed her. With you, content creators cannot win. You change your tune like the wind, criticising them for not engaging, the criticising them when they do engage. It's pathological, dude. Admit it.
I engaged her exactly as she wanted. Through public reviews of videos that I purchased just for the purposes of review, private messages where we discussed her videos, my preferences, etc., and participation to get her voted up in ManyVids contests to try to get her exposure there as well. This engagement stopped because I made a personal decision that I was uncomfortable with a content creator who engaged in actual beastiality, and so I ceased interaction - I wasn't about to make up reviews on things I have not seen, or push for the success of a content creator that I no longer believed in. I still think she has the capability to make good content, and haven't actually said anything to the contrary. What I told her in our engagements isn't invalidated because I decided that I wasn't OK with supporting a zoophile.
cbjoe wrote:You complained that your "dollar votes" should be enough, so really you had no intention of keeping your word, did you. You have made it crystal clear that you feel you should not have to do any more for creators than hand over dollars. (Heaven forbid that one of them is not just here for money, like Ani E.) So you whined about the creators not engaging with you (on your terms) while bitching about not wanting to engage with them! HYPOCRISY MUCH?

I've also seen posts in which you express disappointment with the lack of creative/novel content. Ani E tried new things, and she was blasted for it in this thread by several of you. She did her best, but was unaware if she was going too far off piste - because nobody bothered to give her the feedback she needed!!!!! YOUR FAULT not hers.
Since I suspect this long winded rant and response is just Ani under a different name, I'll conclude with this: I spent money that I didn't really have to help show an up and coming content creator that there were people who wanted to engage and be involved. I left reviews, as requested, and had conversations, as requested, in order to provide feedback and engage. I never outed Ani as a zoophile to anyone, even after I had made the decision to disengage with her because of a personal belief that some of her content was immoral. If those actions lead "cbjoe" or anyone else to consider me negatively, then I will happily be considered that way.

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Re: My final message to yall...

Post by cbjoe » Wed Apr 17, 2019 12:20 am

@Lthorien I can confirm that I am not Ani, and Robotman is mistaken, this is fact not an alt account, this is the first time I have ever posted here. Evidently, IP addresses, user agent strings, etc, can be misleading. I'm a dude. I've been following this forum for some time albeit without posting.

IMHO it's ungentlemanly for a guy to discuss one's private correspondence with a girl. You might want to consider redacting that slightly.

I'll respond to your points later when I have a chance to give it the attention it deserves.

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Re: My final message to yall...

Post by smalk » Wed Apr 17, 2019 5:36 am

cbjoe wrote: I've been following this forum for some time albeit without posting
From the public information of your account: Joined: Sun Apr 14, 2019 3:30 pm.

When I thought this could not go worse, you corrected me.

Please, stop posting in this forum. Make peace. Even if in your mind you think that correcting people or showing your logic will bring you something... in reality is going to only make things worse.

Make peace with the fact the we all like different things. Make peace that this is not your fault. Make pace with yourself.

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