Android temporary employment service.

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Android temporary employment service.

Post by fembotfan » Sat Sep 22, 2012 7:03 pm

This is just the outline. If any producer would like the specific dialog they will need to PM me.
Anna, Young successful business owner. She inherited a large sum of money and opened a business, as well as a few other things (which she is keeping private about).
Sasha: A young woman that has signed a contract with Anna's company. She is beginning a journey that will change her life.

Scene opens with Anna working in a home style office. She will be working at a computer, and she can read her script directly from it. Behind her charging her batteries is Sasha. Laying or standing deactivated.
Anna takes a call from a potential customer, the customer asks about the capabilities of the Cyber-temp employees. She answers the questions happily, until the customer asks an inappropriate question. Anna answers the question stating that the employees can be programmed for many different tasks, but they can only do legal activities. She then ends the conversation.

She takes another call and the request is for an administrative officer, and the temp will need to have her memory wiped for confidentiality purposes. They agree to the transaction, and they end the call. Anna Activates Sasha, and explains that she will have her personality backed up to the company mainframe, and be reprogrammed for an admin role for the next few weeks.
Sasha is frustrated but is reminded of the contract she signed when she came to work at Cyber-temp. Once she is agrees with it. She lays on the table, and is deactivated.
Anna, backs up Sasha's personality, the loads the administrator program.
Sasha restarts, she believes she is Anna, as Anna has mistakenly loaded a copy of her own personality into Sasha.
Sasha gets in a verbal altercation with Anna, and Anna is confused on how a copy of her personality is in the company mainframe. Sasha forcefully deactivates Anna and reprograms (with the correct admin program) her for the next few weeks of work. After Anna has Left, Sasha finds the Anna personality program (with Anna's photo, and then her own). She then has to decide if she wants to do the right thing, or keep being Anna.

this can be pg-13 or more naughty.

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