Transformation v Build poll

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Transformation v Build poll

Post by Stephaniebot » Wed Sep 27, 2006 12:39 pm

Firstly can I say that it probably looked a good idea to put this poll up, it gives people a guide to others tastes etc, and I suppose thats no bad thing.

Trouble is I sort of knew how the results would look even early on, and as a transformation fan, I've sadly been proved right. We are massively outnumbered here, and even counting those who voted for 'both' we are currently behind in the poll by 2 to 1.

Now thats neither wrong nor right, just a statement of fact, but it does make me wonder at least if I'm in the right place nowadays. And indeed have felt that for some time, as some may have noticed from my massive drop off in postings in the last few months.

As I say Robotman probably had his 'heart' in the right place when he started this poll, but for me I've a horrible feeling its going to only divide the built and transformation fans as we realise that maybe this isnt the place for us. I'm certainly sure it isnt the place I joined quite some time ago now, that is for sure. Is that good or bad, I dont know, but its not as 'good' for me as it used to be.

I'm not planning on going...........yet, but if this leads to a drift to 'built only' I probably will, but I hope that wont happen.

OK, thats my 2 cents on the matter.
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Re: Transformation v Build poll

Post by Doctor Robo » Wed Sep 27, 2006 3:20 pm

Stephaniebot wrote:I'm not planning on going...........yet, but if this leads to a drift to 'built only' I probably will, but I hope that wont happen.
I don't think you have to worry about that. The 'transformed vs. built' debate has probably been around as long as ASFR itself. We just happen to have two sides to the same dysfunctional family... :wink:

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Post by Stephaniebot » Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:31 pm

As I said I'm not planning on going, but it is a fact my posting rate and time spent here has dropped off alot this year.
To be honest Robotman the results are more or less what I would have expected, but then again pessimism always was my strong point as a human! Makes another good reason for becoming a robot!
If only someone would/could..............
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Post by darkbutflashy » Thu Sep 28, 2006 3:54 pm

Hmm. I haven't voted so far on the orginal thread. I'm not sure I ever will. I'm a little in favour of transformation ideas, because transformation means change, and ongoing change/difference is the very core of erotics in my view (and that's why I'm here).

A good "build from scratch-robot" type story has to play with the difference between the robot and the human way again and again to keep the temper high -- but then, the origin of the robot is not so important, as this is only a small part of the story.

The big drawback on most transformation stories, in contrary, is their focus of turning a human into a mindless thing. I find that a great pity -- a good transformation story where an existing *human* mind must adjust his/her prevoius memory of the world to a complety new impression of an artificial body and the way people act with this "person" would sure make me tickle. Seems to be a kind of "blossoming girls" fetish, but without the underage problems...

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Post by ASFRyan » Sat Sep 30, 2006 11:15 am

The lean of this site has always felt like it was towards a "built" side with a few vocal "transformation" people to give some semblence of balance. Most of whom have already posted in this thread. :P

Ideally I'd have a site that would be strictly transformation, as "built" does nada for me, but I'm quite used to having to rummage through the various sites in hopes that one, perhaps two "crossover" stories will occur in any given update period between the various sites that have a history of doing robot stuff... here, EMCSA, LTBSA, etc.

And even then the idea of "transformation into a fembot" is hardly a guarantee that every transformation fan on this board will be satisfied. The degree of robotization will vary from full humans being hypnotized (mind control) to various degrees of marking a physical transformation that run from an undetectable degree of external change (i.e. Dyson Institute) to more robotic looking forms. Then there is the method of transformation which can also range again from hypnosis to nanobots to extreme discussions of the assembly process. And all that is not even touching the controversial sub-topic of consenting vs. non-consenting transformation and the degree of humanity that the "vitctim/subject" maintains after the transformation. Or for that matter gender/age/ethnicity/sexual orientation.

Each of these (and probably many more I overlooked) play heavily into the part of the fetish that each of us find so appealling, and if one or more is missing it could mean the difference between an erotic story/image/discussion and an impatient scroll to find the "good stuff"

Let's face it, we're a niche market, and we've all got our own little twists on that niche. It serves us best to be as encompassing as possible with the hope that through that girth of views and fetishes that enough crossover material will be included to keep everyone happy, even if it means a little more digging and/or catagorization by authors/artists.

The more people that come here and contribute their own view on the ideal fembot, the greater chance that we'll find someone that matches up with our own, no matter how it's created.
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Post by Doctor Robo » Fri Oct 06, 2006 6:22 pm

ASFRyan wrote:Ideally I'd have a site that would be strictly transformation, as "built" does nada for me, but I'm quite used to having to rummage through the various sites in hopes that one, perhaps two "crossover" stories will occur in any given update period between the various sites that have a history of doing robot stuff... here, EMCSA, LTBSA, etc.
I'm with ya, buddy. I used to scrounge around looking for the best transformation stories and images, and I used to get discouraged when the well ran dry. I still do. I think you hit it right on the head when you said that we are a very niche group. I used to run a Yahoo group called "Women in Laboratory Scenes" which was originally dedicated to the transformation genre, but I had to expand the scope a bit in order to attract more members. Then Yahoo closed it down for no good reason. Why do you think I got the bright idea to start writing my own stories and comics? Because there wasn't enough stuff out there that I wanted to read, and I figured that there had to be others who agreed with me!

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Post by confusitron! » Fri Oct 06, 2006 10:40 pm

Transformation is very much what does it for me, provided it's without any overt aspect of cruelty or torment.

"Built" comes in a close second, however, when the build-ee is very close to human in behaviour/outward appearance/emotional affect, etc. I know I'm probably in the minority there. Pure automata don't do it for me, or if they do, not on anywhere the same level as the above.

I do like stories where there's an emotional dimension to the fembot.

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