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Post by ezezmog » Tue Jul 25, 2006 7:25 am


By Tokiwa Ryuichi
Translate Dr.Temma

What is really the matter with me?
Nursing a throbbing hangover, yours truly
took a deep breath.
I know the truth too well that she's a robot.
It doesn't matter if she's a robot... As long as
[feelings] exist within her....
I cannot believe that she, who has such bold
haunches to take me, has no feelings!
That exquisitely crafted body, down to her
genitalia, is virtual-human, no, above-human in its
match for my ideals.
She is that ideal itself, with that beauty of
perfection, and sex ability, all but for real
If it weren't for her lack of feelings it would
be unimportant that she was a robot.
Perhaps I could even learn to love her.
I've grown too sober over human women.
But if she's just a [puppet] obeying her
programming, pretending to have emotions then I
have no interest in loving her. Impossible.
When I began thinking about that I lost sleep
over it, and eventually ended up drinking too much
last night.
Maybe I need to make a decision...
There's no point in beating this around the
Today... I'll ask her.


It was noon.
Today's Saturday so class is out now, and
I had a little test that I was late for. Minatsu
should be
waiting for me afterwards.
"You're Kizahashi, aren't you. Didn't you go
home with
Mina-chan already?"
Minatsu's best friend Natsumizu Kitagawa said
to me, as I stuck my head in Minatsu's classroom.
Natsumizu Kitagawa was a big-bodied girl over 170
cm but kind of slender, and quite a beauty. With taut

sort of features, she has an allure totally different
Minatsu's. I didn't know girls like this existed here.
However, what was this all about?
"She'd said Handa-kun told her he had a
message from you ... Having heard that, that girl,
she ran out somewhere and disappeared. So I
assumed all along she'd gone home with you."
"Is this true?!"
I had no memory of asking Handa a favor
like that.
What was this all ab...
Just then, yours truly found that bastard
Handa walking past the corridor over there.
When I called him, Handa turned about to
look at me.
Handa was like a stalk of celery and there
was something you couldn't warm up to about the
But today, he's oddly serious looking than
"Handa... you.... what about Minatsu?"
"Yuya-san, it's about that... will you just
let her go easy on this one?"
Huh? I don't get it.
"Handa, you don't have a problem with
me hanging around with her, do you now?"
He gets spooked, stammers an answer
while getting sweaty and all at yours truly asking
"If you're thinking of going out with her
proper then I've got no problem sir. However...
She's no whore off the block. All said it's grand
of you to give us a chance to get to know such a
fab girl... Will you spare her the blame if you
can help it in the least? Minatsu's been genuinely
fond of you from a long while back. I...
swallowed my pride, with all due respect to you
sir, and accepted this trade for the mean time...
since you did seem to be but out on a light fling
with her... Anyway, much obliged!"


"What do you mean? Wasn't it you... that....
Yukiko-san... said..."

Oh, now I see...

"Handa... See here, I broke up with
Yukiko no bones and clean yesterday."
Yours truly stared Handa down while
saying this.
"What? That means..."
Yours truly stared the now very pale
Handa with a vengeance.
"Handa! ... Spill it... Where the hell is
"In the room..."
After throwing Handa down, yours truly
hurried over now to the chamber music rehearsal
"Yuya-san, please hurry... If you don't
hurry Mina-chan will.... Oww!!"

SLAMMM ! BAM! ! ....

Handa had skillfully fallen on his unskilled
(Sorry clutz, the fellow was).
No time to be fooling around with a bastard
like this... if I don't save Minatsu now...
I tore towards the chamber music rehearsal room.

Yours truly opened the door with a
considerable yank when he finally got there.
For the mean time, Shingo Okawa, a goon
who is supposed to be in charge of four grades of
this lousy school (this school has six grades so this
would be junior high one yours truly speaks of) and
some of his underlings all turned to stare at yours
In a pained voice Minatsu called me.
Minatsu was in a shameful pose, with both
arms and legs tied up but she was still wearing
underwear. Looks like I got there in time.
"How *could* this...!?! They said he had a
small exam this afternoon... which should've gone
on for at LEAST another half hour..."
Yukiko pale white, stammered, as she was
about to shame Minatsu.
Staring these bastards down, yours truly
sucked in his anger, deliberately aimed to talk down
his rage.
"Okawa... Get this into your head, I cut all
ties with Yukiko yesterday."
As I say this Okawa and his minions are
visibly shaking.
"S-so then...."
"Why would I of all things hand something
I went through the pains and sufferings of my pride
to get over to you? Some bitch I could care little
about like Yukiko would be a different matter, and
I'd be glad to lose her on you but..."
When I say this, Minatsu's face takes on
some glow.
As I stared Okawa down, yours truly gave
Minatsu a loving wink.
"My apologies.... Kizahashi..."
As Okawa gave a bow of humility, he turned
then to Yukiko, grabbing her by the chest.
"You fucking skank, putting us on like that
"Who was it that strode off like a blinking
beet when he heard he had a chance to make it out
with this girl?"
"STOP IT.... Okawa."
I demanded a cease and desist and put Okawa
in place, who at a loss for words, was flailing at the

other girl in rage.
"Okawa, yours truly will put the final finish
on this one. Will your boys leave the ring for a bit?

When it's all over I'll give you Yukiko. When
everybody gets what's coming to them we'll let you
choose what you want to do."
"Got it."
Okawa nodded and departed scene with his
"Too bad huh, Yukiko. Give him ten minutes
and yours truly can deal with a stupid exam in no
Now, let's see you give Minatsu back."
I aimed my gaze of cold murder, and slowly
approached Yukiko, who herself was staring me inch
for inch down with spite.
"Don't come any closer... Come here and I'll
knife this girl."
Pulling a blade out of somewhere on her
person, Yukiko lurched toward Minatsu.
"Don't talk... Talk and you'll be knifed."
Minatsu muffled her words after the real
As Yukiko gave a final sort of bittersweet
smile of regret, she cut open Minatsu's panties and
brought out her love-hole into full view.
"A pretty.... love-hole, isn't it. So this is
what you used to seduce Yuya..."
Yukiko poised her gaze at Minatsu's naked,
pink, beautiful synthetic love-hole, a mixture of
burning jealousy and envy.
"Maybe I'll just shave off her clitoris, huh?
Or cut up her labia, that would be nice too,
wouldn't i---t?
"Yukiko! .... Don't do it!!"
When yours truly said this Yukiko's face
filled with even more spite.
"Yuyaaaa.... You're seriously smitten by
this woman, aren't you?.... Hmm? Yuyaaa.... If
you get down on your haunches and apologize to
me then maybe I could forgive youuuu."
"Yukiko, that's no bluff is it?"
"Yeahhh.... Looook, why don't you do
and showww me..."
Yours truly confronted her gaze while
skillfully, getting down onto his knees.
"Kizahashi-san.... There's no need for
you to do something like this for a SOME-THING
like me. I don't mind... so please stop it now."
Minatsu said so with a look of desperation.
Her body may get injured but as long as she's
a robot repair is always possible.
That's what yours truly would have said, but
I don't want to see her beautiful body get injured!!
Besides... now I've been able to confront
Yukiko properly.
If Yukiko gives a moment I might be able to
jump her.
"I'm really sorry. Yukiko. I was wrong."
As I said this I touched my forehead to the
When I looked up Yukiko is laughing with
sweet, utter victory.
B- A- N- G!!!

That very moment the door flew open violently.

"Is Mina-chan safe sir...."
(It's that moron Handa).
N -- o --- w!
Yours truly leaped onto Yukiko, knocking her
right hand with the blunt end of his blade. He gave
the coup de grace with an even blow.
Making sure she'd fainted, I issued Handa
with these words.
"Tie this one up!"
Handa was sort of losing away with his
mouth open at something behind me.
"Uh... Y-...... Yes!...."
What the hell was he dumbfucking about? I
followed Handa's gaze and confirmed what is was.
There was Minatsu there with her still naked
Handa, you bastard, be warned!
"Minatsu... Are you alright?"
Was it that she was embarrassed about her
love-hole, she's unable to put words into scenes.
Yours truly picked up the knife that Yukiko
dropped, cut the ropes that were tying Minatsu up,
and freed her.
Minatsu shut her legs like air was escaping
out from in between there and hid herself with her
When I passed her her torn skirt she quickly
covered up her person.
"Minatsu... Come... "
"Kizahashi-san... I... I...."
Minatsu just buried her face in my chest and
sobbed uncontrollably.

How can this girl not have any emotions...

When I picked her chin up with my hand all
she did was close her eyes.
How fondly I took her up and stole her kiss.
"Um... Excuse me, sir, for interrupting
Handa calls on me.
Insensitive moron, this.
"Tied up Yuriko, like you said. She'll wake
up any moment now, looks like."
"That right... Oh, Handa, yesterday, you
still got those panties you ripped off during that
game of yours?"
"Course, no girl'd ever give us anything like
that... Uh, yes, I do have it on me but what're you
going to do with it?"
"Need something else for Minatsu... Hand
He took a vacuum bottle from the back of the
room, which he shook, and a pair of panties packed
in a plastic capsule came out.
"Minatsu... Go wear this in the back of the
room... Size may not be perfect but, better than
being non-pantied I bet."
After seeing Minatsu off walking into the
other room, yours truly inquired of Handa quietly
this --
"Handa, you... didn't see Minatsu's "what"
back there did you?"
Handa is undoubtedly shaking when he
answers yours truly on this.
"N-- no..... of course not, how could I see
such a thing sir..."
"You sure about that.... if that's the case....
And something else, what's this thing about Minatsu
liking me from way back?"
Handa has a chance to breathe and replies.
"Oh, about that. No, you see it was about a
week after Minatsu transfered to our school around
April ... Mina-chan comes over to us and says
'That person you were talking to before, who was
he?' or something like that, blushing and everything.

That someone we were talking about, Yuya-san? It
was you. And there was that time when you were
working out at the gymnasium, she was looking your
way, obviously excited and heavy on the breath,
know what I mean, about you that is. Well it's not
like she confessed it personally but I'm pretty
"That right..."
"But you know, to get that amount of
attention from a cute girl like HER. Imagine how
jealous I AM!
....Though I... admit it's true though, you Yuya-san

and Minatsu-san make a really great twosome, honest."
"You think so?"
(You're making me embarrassed now, damnit).
"Well, now all that's left is getting rid of that
skank...what a piece of work, that..."
"Piece of work, your pencil dick.... You
scrawny twerp."
That moment Yukiko had just woken up, not
a minute too soon.
Ever since Yukiko was a virgin, I had the hots
for her sweet nastiness with her mouth.
Looks like this Handa's had his fair share of
insults too.
"Yukiko... You do understand. I'm going to
express my thanks for what you did to Minatsu. First
Yours truly twiddled his knife and sliced into
Yukiko's panties.
Yukiko's blackened sex, turns to dark purple.
"Yuya-san, that's a nasty looking love-hole no
matter how many times I see it, you know?... That
Mina-chan's gorgeous pink little one, who would've
mistaken the two together?"
"Handa-- .... Just earlier, you said something
about not seeing anything no?"
"Uh... oh fuck...."
"Well, first thing's first. Hmm? Looks like
Minatsu's done changing."
"Kizahashi-san... I am done changing."
Minatsu emerges from the other room.
"Minatsu.... got something nice to show you
... Come over for a sec."
Yours truly showed Minatsu Yukiko's love-
"Kizahashi-san... What in the world are you
Minatsu who was taken aback by this was
taking Yukiko's side for that moment, and glaring
at me with serious eyes.
Minatsu is really pissed off...
"What do you mean what, I'm getting back
for you, can't you see?.... This bitch put you
you through something incredible earlier..."
"This is true... Until you came now to save
me, they took my body's freedom away... And
that moment.... my heart was nearly torn to shreds.
I cannot bear to have someone do something like that
knowing this... Kizahashi-san, please make them
stop for her... I beg you...."
"Minatsu.... you want to betray me?"
Even saying what I was saying yours truly
was in pain holding back the joy that was overcoming
She has...
Minatsu has a soul....
I've proven that.

If this was just an emotionless droid she
wouldn't have thought twice about betraying me.
And then Minatsu shook her head tiny-like
at yours truly's inquiry.
Watching Minatsu look back at me worried-
like, I wafted her a smile of compassion and
answered her.
"Minatsu... You're... ever so kind...I
don't think I would've been this smitten....If
you were the type of woman who'd take vengeance
for vengeance's sake... Minatsu... On your behalf
we'll decide to forgive this one."
But ironically the one who got hurt more
from Minatsu's selflessness was the object of this
selflessness Yukiko.
Minatsu's kindness was to pummel Yukiko's
confidence as we speak.
"How far are you going to... play the
virtuous slut? Who the hell said I wanted to be
rescued? I'd rather die than be rescued by the likes
of you... Poser!... Yuya, I have a final request of
you. I want you to order Okawa and those bastards
to screw me up like in the beginning, alright?
Alright?? It's so much better than being rescued by
this posing slut.... I beg you Yuyaaa!!!"
Seemed Minatsu also understood that Yukiko
would rather be debauched than be saved by her.
"... "
Her chin sank below her eyes in sadness.
"So that's the story. Handa... call Okawa
and his gang. I'm going to take Minatsu home."
Looking at Minatsu with eyes that could
eat meat Handa says to her:
"Mina-chan, you understand don't you?
This slattern's not a proper girl like you are, she's
a different race altogether... All she wants is
pleasure, there isn't such a thing as modesty in
her!... "
As Okawa and his goons came in, laughing
obscenely, yours truly hugged Minatsu by the
shoulders and left that room.


"That's so wonderful Mina-chan, you were
able to find Kizahashi-kun..."
As we were trying to put on our shoes at
the school entrance, Natsumizu Kitakawa saw us
and started conversation.
Was it because we were caught off guard
being so hubby-hubby, Minatsu blushes deeply.
"Oh, guess that moron Handa was wrong,
'cause I just found this girl waiting in the room.
Thanks for earlier..."
"Alright... But I didn't know you two
were so... hand in hand... Didn't know you went
for this type..."
This should've been my first time getting
to know Natsumizu Kitakawa but it doesn't feel
that way. I've seen her...somewhere... before...
"Hey! If it ain't Miss Kitakawa..."
I remembered... That girl one year my
senior -- about a year and half ago when I was still
a junior she got seriously injured in a traffic
accident, went to America to get treated Did some
favors for me at the student's club one time.
"Kizahashi-kun, you didn't by chance
forget about me did you? Not one to remember
are you?... And besides we're in the same year
now so no need to call me 'Miss' okay?"
"Okay then... Kitakawa-san... allow me
to call you by that name. But you seem to have
really gotten well. I'm glad to see that..."
When yours truly said this Natsumizu
Kitakawa had an unusually sad expression for that
one instant.
"Oh that's right, um... Mina-chan. This
... You dropped this earlier. It's something
important isn't it? ... Here..."
That said, Natsumizu Kitakawa handed
over a small good-luck charm.
"Natchan, thank you."
"You're welcome... Oops, I shouldn't
get in the way of you guys any further should
I. Well then have fun, see ya..."
She leaves, laughing amusedly.
"Oh Natchan, you..."
"So that's what it was... Kitakawa-san
was back..."
"Um, Kizahashi-san? I knew about
Natchan, I mean Kitakawa-san, getting sick all of
a sudden and taking a year off but, was there
something seriously the matter with her?"
"That's right... You don't know about
this, do you. She was traumatically injured in
a traffic accident about a year and a half ago. At
one point she was in critical condition but she got
treated in America and supposedly made a come-
back to the point where she is now."
"Was that what happened... That's why
she was absent from gym so many times..."
Yeah... she looks quite good now but
she's still suffering from the after-effects no doubt.
That's what that sad face was about
"So Minatsu...should we get going now?"
The minutes that followed we both walked
As soon as yours truly made sure we were
alone he opened his mouth again.
"Minatsu... I'm sorry about today, alright?
Thanks to yours truly's carelessness you had to go
through all of that..."
As yours truly said this Minatsu just shook
her head little-like.
"It doesn't matter any more... Because I'm
... I'm a THING... But Yukiko is a human being
... And she was really in love with you... I was...
stupid, I didn't know how much she would get hurt
on account of me. And what's more I'm just what
she said I was, a fake, a poser. B-because, I was
happier for myself the fact that you chose me over
her... I... I am..."
"Minatsu, just forget about Yukiko now. I
did something wrong to her, that's true, but I don't
have a thing about her anymore. You're the only one
I have any feelings about."
"Kizahashi-san... but..."
"Minatsu... I made it clear to her from the
start we were just playing around. What can I do if
she tells me she really likes me out of the blue,
"It may be just play for you Kizahashi-san...
but it was different for Yukiko-san. Even if she
knew it was a game for you I think she wanted to be
hugged. I can... understand that feeling... really
As Minatsu looked down mournfully, yours
truly took her close to his chest and held her.
"So then... you, you're feeling the same thing,
is that what you mean? That Handa was saying, it
seemed like you'd liked me even before that letter
business ever came about, you became yours truly's
possession not because I found out your secret that
you were a robot, but because you really loved me?"
Minatsu looked up in sudden surprise at those
words spoken just now by yours truly.
"I don't know... I'm not capable of...
comprehending this... I... I want to believe I love
you from the bottom of my heart... but... as you
know too well I am not a human being... What I
think as 'feelings' might just be an illusion of some
kind... What do you think, Kizahashi-san? Do you
think I have 'feelings?'"
So that's what it was...
Minatsu was worrying herself over that
question herself, whether she had real emotions or
not... Hm? 'Worry?'..."
"Minatsu... you have a fine set of feelings...
I'll guarantee it."
"Kizahashi-san?.... Really?"
Yours truly gave Minatsu a kind smile as her
eyes lit up that moment.
"Yeah, I've even got proof. Minatsu, if you
didn't have any real feelings, how could you 'worry'
about not having them? The fact you have these
'worries' is unshakable proof that you have real
feelings, isn't it? Pretty dumb aren't ya?"
Minatsu perked up lovingly just as soon as
yours truly said this.
"It is true isn't it... It is just as you say, looks
like I'm pretty.. dumb..."
"Minatsu... is it okay if we go to your house
right now?"
When yours truly said this, Minatsu just
bloomed happy-like.
"Yes... Kizahashi-san..."
"And oh, by the way Minatsu? What was
that lucky charm you received from Kitakawa-san?"
"This is..."
Minatsu looks troubled and stammers.
"I'm kind of curious in seeing it... That
"Since you asked for it... I have no choice...
Please look at it..."
As yours truly opened the lucky charm bag
Minatsu handed him, a plastic toy ring came out.
What's this?
Harmless looking, it tickles yours truly's
fascination madly nonetheless.
"Minatsu?... What's this ring for?..."
That moment, some forgotten memory
came back to life in yours truly's head.
"Minatsu... Mina?.... Mina-chan?..."
The image of the Minatsu before me
suddenly overlapped with the one of a certain girl
I once knew as a child. I remembered... So
tender a memory I'd completely forgotten about it.
A memory involving Mina, Dr. Fujiwara's real


"It's Mina-chan... Yuya, say hello."
"Yuya, you can do better than that,
properly now."
Urged on by his grandmother, a very
young yours truly could do nothing but lower his
"Go ahead, Mina, this is Yuya-kun, say
hello to him."
Mina gets urged on by her mother as well, and
opens her mouth.
"... Hajimemashite (To begin with) ... my
name is... Mina. It is a pleasure to meet you... One-
gai-shi-ma-su (beg your kindness)."
Was it that she had a habit of not trusting
people, Mina turns beet-red, and even so tries
desperately hard in her little voice to say this, and
(*fup!* ) drops her head quickly.
"Shame on you Yuya. Why is it that
Mina-chan can say a proper hello and you can't? Now
say a proper hello to her."
"Hey. Yours truly, Yuya. [Damn!]"
That's what he says looking rather annoyed.
"Tsk! What a nerve you are... You're in
knots because she's such a cute girl... That's right
isn't it?"
As soon as grandmother says this yours truly
steps up to Mina and says.
"She's cute but she's not my type... I, don't
like 'sad' little girls."
That's what Yuya says getting up his balls.
"What on earth did you just say? How? The
nerve of your twisted... I'm so sorry Mina-chan.
Yuya's just embarrassed because you're such a
pretty girl, don't you worry about it."
"I'm not embarrassed... I'm telling the
truth...'Cause you never know one day I might be
doing that 'engaged' thing with her right? And if I
up doing that 'engaged' thing now one day I'll have to

'marry' her right? The other day Mr. Yokoda was
telling me, if you 'marry' someone you don't like
you'll regret it for the rest of your life... That's
why I
gotta be firm 'bout these sort of things."
"Yuya, where did you learn suc-..."
"The other day I heard you and Yuka-san
talking. Yuka-san was saying all sorts of nice things
about me but I still don't wanna 'marry' someone I
don't like."
"Mr. Yuya, then, what kind of girl do you
like? You can tell Yuka-san that much won't you?"
Mine's mother, Yuka-san asked, bending
over and matching her gaze with Yuya's.
"Cheerful... kind... someone like you
Yuka-san...And besides Yuka-san, you're still
young and pretty so don't call yourself 'Mrs.'"
Yuka-san and Grandma looked at each other
laughed when they heard Yuya say this.
"Mr. Yuya... you're quite the flatterer, aren't
you...I guarantee you you'll be a lady's man when
you grow up...Heck, you're already handsome,
you're smart, athletic and you've even got down
how to flatter someone..."
"It's no 'flattery,' I really like you Yuka-san...
you've got great hooters also."
"Yuya! That's not the kind of thing for a little
boy to say! ! What a flirt! Are you really sure you
want to brush off little Mina-chan right now? Ten
years from now this girl'll have big breasts too.
got a good face, looks just like what I looked like
when I was her age, so she'll probably look just like

me when she grows up... I won't say I didn't warn
you if you regret it later."
"Really?... Will this girl really become like
you, Yuka-san?"
"Yes of course, she's my daughter. I can write
you up a certificate of authenticity, dear."
"Well, no doubt she's cute... Besides Mr.
Yokoda was saying you can't judge a girl from the
first impression..."
That said Yuya took another very good look
at Mine.
This time she didn't flinch seeing that he
didn't stare at her quite so mean. But he still stared

alot and it appeared she was pretty embarrassed.
"Come to think of it she's really cute... Shy
type ain't so bad either... Sorry about that, I said

some nasty things. Name's Yuya, you're Mina right?
Can I really call you Mina-chan?"
Said Yuya, giving her a big grin. Mina
seemed to get carried away by that grin and smiled also.
"Yes... Um, is it alright if I call you
Mina was red to the ears and managed this
in a tiny little voice.
"Yeah. Of course it's alright. You've got a
cute voice too. Okay, I've decided... We can get
'engaged' if you want... Yuka-san's great also but
Mr. Yokoda says Yuka- san's already taken so I
can't... Besides a pretty girl like you is hard to
come by, and you'll be just like Yuka-san when
you grow up, Yuka-san even said she'd write me a
guarantee so... Mina-chan, it's okay yeah?"
Without the slightest clue Mina just nodded.
She probably thought I said let's be friends.
"Okie doke, close your eyes 'cause I have
something nice to give you."
Mine closes her eyes innocently.
Yuya stepped swiftly up to Mine's lips and
gave her a peck.
"Mr. Yuya! What are you doing! What a
flirt you are. But now that you've kissed I expect
you to take proper 'responsibility' of course."
"What's 'responsibility'?"
Yuka-san just laughed half-cruelly at yours
"That you really get 'engaged' with Mina.
Is that understood?"
"Okay. A man's word... Miss."
"You better be sure!"

Then a few days later...
"Mina-chan... show me your left hand..."
Mina just did exactly as Yuya asked, putting
out her cute little hand.
Yuya took out a toy ring and put it on her index
"Yuya-san... Thank you."
"No need to thank me, this is what they call a
'man's responsibility' so... Mr. Yokoda taught me
that. If you're 'engaged' you've got to put a ring on

your mate's hand, he said... Looks like you really got

to get a diamond or some twenty-four kay, something
expensive but on my salary this is the best I can
Even with this I've got to massage grandma's
shoulders for ten days, didya know?"
Mina didn't really seem to understand but she
smiled as though she was really happy.
However that was the last that Yuya saw

The story returns to now...

"Minatsu... What are you.... exactly...."
"Kizahashi-san... you did remember..."
Minatsu laughed, a little sadly.
"Are you... really Mine?"
Minatsu shook her head to yours truly's
"I am Minatsu... not Mine, something else...
But... I took on Mine's memory... Mine's memory
was taken out of her deceased brain and was linked
with my A I circuitry. During the ten years it took
to complete my body I lived in a virtual-reality
environment. All that time... I thought about you.

At the time I thought of myself as Mine... I didn't
know any better... I thought as soon as my body was
completed you'd come to get me and make
me your bride... Eventually... I found out the
That I was nothing more than a bunch of circuitry
that Mother programmed... That this memory of
mine wasn't even my own... Kizahashi-san... Do
you really think I have 'emotions'... Or... These
feelings of mine, towards you, nothing more than
an illusion..."
Tears trickled out of Mine's eyes, suddenly
filling me with such love that I hugged her,
strongly, towards me.
"Minatsu... Will you show me the
blueprints to your A I circuitry and your
source-code?.... I might be able to prove it..."
Minatsu nodded small-like.


Minatsu pulled out a portable computer from
out of her handbag, now at her house, and I waited
for her fetch her data disc.
"In this disc is all the data that exists about my
I put the disc that Minatsu eventually handed to
me into the laptop.
From out of the many files I searched under
ones related to A I circuitry which sprung up by the
First off, the blueprints to your A I circuitry...
Yours truly took a deep breath as he stared at
the data displayed on the laptop terminal's monitor.
Minatsu's A I architecture was fairly average
fare from what I could see.
No, not hardware... it's a software issue.
That said, yours truly opened another window,
and displayed the program list for the A I circuitry.
Hm? That's all?
What might have been a tremendous amount
of data snugly fit in the window he had open at its
largest size.
To realize the kind of sophisticated cognition
Minatsu exhibits is IMPOSSIBLE with this level of
That means... wait a second...?
"Minatsu... Is this all your A I-related data?"
"Yes... Supposedly..."
Minatsu stared down sadly as soon as yours
truly asked her.
"So it was true... I was... nothing more
than an emotionless robot...."
"No... Minatsu... Whether you have
emotions or don't have emotions doesn't matter,
it's impossible for you to exhibit this amount of
sophisticated cognition with just these programs.
There should be something else still..."
"No... that is all there is, supposedly. Other
than that there's some short-term memory in my
cortex, and learning-data memory stored in my left
chest cavity."
"Minatsu... Can I take a look at this
"Yes, it should be possible to interface
your console with my body through a connection
"So let's try and see."
As Minatsu nods, she opens up her sailor
outfit shyly, baring her white belly.
Inserting her finger into her navel, and
widening it right and left, her abdomen splits open
with a whir to the sides, baring a sophisticated inner
Yours truly pulled out a cable from his
console and connected it to Minatsu's console.
In order to save Minatsu's OS he tries to
copy her learning data.
What's... this...?
It was impossible copying the learning-data
from Minatsu's A I,
Minatsu's learning-data had tens of thousands
of associated receptors, which all fed back on each
other, and was a completely interdependent system.
This was a... neuro-computer...
Yours truly just laughed, out of sheer joy.
Minatsu has a 'soul.' 100%, she has a soul.
"Minatsu... there exists a soul within you... It
makes total sense why those were the only programs
you needed. What kind of program would you need
anyway if you had a soul to begin with, right?"
"Kizahashi-san... is it really true? I... I... "
"Ahh... Minatsu, in you, addition to standard
A I circuitry you have something like emotion
circuitry.That's not something that Professor
Fujiwara programmed, it's something that took ten
years to grow, your virtual-reality childhood
wasn't meant, I don't think, for you to wait for
your body's completion but to let your emotion
circuitry grow."
When Minatsu heard yours truly's words she
smiled blissfully, and placed her hand on her left
chest, unawares.
"Consider this carefully. Yukiko's a human
being of course but as of today, yours truly chooses
you, a robot, over her. Simple reason. You're
more to my liking than she ever will, period. Minatsu.

Take off your panties, and sit on the sofa with your
legs wide open so I can see your love-hole."
As yours truly orders Minatsu, she blushes
in shame while taking off her undies, and sits on the
sofa with her legs wide open, just as yours truly
ordered her.
Like the bud of a rose, a lovely synthetic
love-hole bares before my eyes.
"This body of yours is built to perfection
down to your love-hole.. is too human, no above
human. It has a beauty that no human can begin
to match. You saw Yukiko's shit-black love-hole
also didn't you? How about you flawless love-hole
in comparison?"
"Kizahashi-san... I... Ah-I.... Nnn-"
Yours truly stole yet another kiss from
Minatsu, and deftly inserted his finger inside her
crotch, who whilst looking all the more ashamed
couldn't help but smile blissfully all the same.
"HAAA... HAAA... HAAA... HAAA..."
Fondled where she was weakest, and
spoiling her cheeks until they were red, yours truly
whispered these sweet words while her breath grew
coarse with lust.
"Not only that... your sensitivity's above
human, sex ability, need I say unwomanly, perfect.
Minatsu, your looks, your personality, you're
everything yours truly's ideals and dreams. Minatsu,
... I'm going to order you do one very important
thing for me. You're to become my true lover from
now on. That is, until I grow utterly bored with
you. Got that?"
"Kizahashi-san... Are you... really sure
you want ME?... A mechanical construct like
"All the more better that you're a
mechanical construct, a robot. A lover to yours
truly here is something that he can dominate,
nothing that can ever be HIS equal. It's
because you're a robot he can totally dominate
you. HE can do anything HE wishes to protect
your above human beauty. And besides, as a
robot, emotions or no emotions, you can never
be at equals with a human, isn't that right? You
should be totally WILLING to be dominated by
yours truly who loves you. Anything wrong with
"No... It's as Kizahashi-san mentions.
No matter what kind of emotions I have I'm still
a robot, made to be property, built to be dominated.
Kizahashi-san. Take me... Dominate all that I am,
a mechanical construct that I am, please!"
"Alright. From now on yours truly is
going to dominate you as lover, and love you.
You are to use all of your given functions as a
robot and serve me. That understood?"
When yours truly says this, Minatsu
smiles as though from the bottom of her heart.
"Yes... I may be lacking, but I will do as
much as I can. Kizahashi-san. Please order me
to do anything you please."
Yours truly's chest grows hot with these
meaningful words. He gets that hand in her
crotch moving a little faster, and a little faster.
"Ah!! .... Oh!"
Cheeks growing ruddier in shame,
Minatsu blissfully lets out a high whimper.
"How is it? Feel good?"
"Yes... Very much. It feels VERY
GOOD. It's like a dream to me to have you
touch my important parts..."
Minatsu said such cute things now and
"Kizahashi-san... I, I can say it now.
That I love you from my heart..."
Yours truly's breathing grows a bit
short hearing such confessions from Minatsu's
However, maybe it was that I was
embarrassed, I couldn't help saying mean things
to her.
"Emotions or no emotions you're still
a machine, nothing but a robot doll. If I open
up your chest like this all you've got are
mechanical parts. No matter how well you're
made, with human-like feelings, you're not
human in the end. Whether you love yours
truly or not, so long as you're yours truly's
property, you're to follow my every order."
Even against such cruel words
Minatsu nods cheerfully.
"Yes... Kizahashi-san. My feelings,
my body, I am all yours. For you, Kizahashi-
san, I will do anything."
As yours truly took out the cable from
Minatsu's console while she was saying this ever
smiling, he took a good look at her inner
Whether it was because of embarrassment
at having her inner gimmicks stared at, Minatsu's
cheeks bloom beet-red, and tries to close the open
access hole spread out to the sides.
"Don't close it, I'm going to look at your
robot mechanisms a while longer so stay just the
way you are."
As soon as yours truly commanded Minatsu
this way, he adjusted his line of vision nice and
firmly on Minatsu's exposed mechanics."
"You're a really well-made 'bot but I
don't see any groundbreaking tech here. Imagine!
To find in such a human-looking you, of all things,
a gasoline engine, and gears! It never even occurred
to me."
With yours truly's words Minatsu looked
down sadly, drawing her body close together in
"What's the matter? You care that much
about me staring at your inner mech -- ... the truth
of your machineness? You don't like it?"
Minatsu of course shook her head to yours
truly saying this but her face was betraying her
Even as a robot, one that has human
emotions I might add, Minatsu seemed to harbor
a complex about her mechanical construction, about
the lie her body told.
Yours truly floats Minatsu a meaningful
"Minatsu, you're not thinking you wished
you'd been born a real human being, not a
mechanical, are you?"
Minatsui just shrinks melancholicly and
stammers at the mouth.
"So what is it, Minatsu. You're to always
answer yours truly's questions when asked. This
is an order."
Minatsu nods little-like when yours truly
says this.
"You're thinking, if you'd been a human
woman maybe you'd be yours truly's real lover,
aren't you. Am I wrong?"
Taking the speechless Minatsu's body closer
to his, hugging it tenderly, yours truly drew forth
After that brief, hot kiss, yours truly blew
these words of encouragement in her ear.
"Dumb, aren't you... Aren't you. If you'd
been a mere, lowly human girl I wouldn't have
thought twice about you. Still convinced you'd
rather been born a human?"
Minatsu looked up as soon as yours truly
said this.
"It's no dream. If you wish it, I'll take care
of your tender little love-hole. 'Cause you know
I love looking at you freaking naked like this."
Minatsu's crotch took on fire and from
within that opening a sweet honey came trickling
As he pokes his finger into that opening
even more her body trembles in taut little quivers,
letting out rawness in her breath and screams.
Puwah!! From deep within her love-juice
wets yours truly's hand.

(Noises of finger rubbing inside shaft... and
then... KACLICK!!)

"Ah! AAANNNN----!!!"
Pikun! Pikun! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen....
Her clitoris switch activated, Minatsu lets
out a faint mechanical whir from within her love-hole,
and begins shaking violently.
Then losing all strength from her body,
Minatsu buries her face in yours truly's chest, and
lets out huge heaving breaths.
Exhaust fumes let forth heartily from her
rear, and Minatsu covers her face frantically.
"I activate your clit switch a little and look at
what happens, all this, and breaking fucking wind on
top of it all. You're really a shameful wench, you."
"Kizahashi-san... I'm sorry. Disgusting you
like this..."
"Junkbrains, nobody said anything about
feeling disgusted, did he? Yours truly's just so
someone responded THIS WELL to his performance!
Let me make you feel.... even better."
As yours truly said this he wrapped Minatsu's
left arm behind her back and hugged her strongly to
his person, and made love to her madly.

Part Three... Finished.

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