Long live Manami!(and other Chen's new work)

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Re: Long live Manami!(and other Chen's new work)

Post by Chen » Tue Sep 28, 2021 7:22 am

I Fell

"...I fell."
"Do you mean that you failed the final exam?"
"No, I said that my head just fell to the floor."
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Re: Long live Manami!(and other Chen's new work)

Post by Chen » Wed Apr 20, 2022 11:13 pm

Tabooed Torso

This is the secret room, and I found some weird android's parts here. Among them, a headless torso is the most conspicuous one. It looks outdated and coarse, but... Why does it catch my eye so badly? I can't get myself out of it. I feel the dangerous smell of it. It's a tabooed one. I--- ???
What the hell? What's happened to me? What's me?


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Re: Long live Manami!(and other Chen's new work)

Post by Chen » Tue May 10, 2022 5:42 am

Sleeping Beauty


Finally I find you. sleeping in the corner of a silent room. You look so peaceful, though in pieces. Let's come together, my love.
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Re: Long live Manami!(and other Chen's new work)

Post by Chen » Tue Jun 21, 2022 7:22 am

Please Sit Down


Don't be afraid. Sit down, look at me and listen to me.
You have defeated that me, awesome. See, I have to repair my head. You're strong enough to be that me's boyfriend, congratulations.
Later, please pick up my head and set it onto me. I will give that me to you.
Please treat that me as your dearest girl, and don't let that me know that I am a robot, thank you.
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Re: Long live Manami!(and other Chen's new work)

Post by Chen » Mon Jul 04, 2022 11:43 pm

You Are Here

She came from the Machine Kingdom and fell in love with him, and that offended the Machine Kingdom. The Machine Kingdom got her back and he couldn't find her. He decided to pursue his love at any cost. He fought the Kingdom Guard and got defeated deliberately. Parts of his destroyed body had been retrofitted into shabby bots and devices for serving the e Machine Kingdom. One day, the new he passed by a disintegrated robot girl.


Oh, that's she. You are here.

He kept on walking through.
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Re: Long live Manami!(and other Chen's new work)

Post by D-wolfmaster_2022 » Mon Jan 01, 2024 12:46 pm

Hi Chen!

I just wanted to let you know that you're awesome.

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Re: Long live Manami!(and other Chen's new work)

Post by Chen » Tue Mar 05, 2024 11:20 pm

Really thank you :bighug:
Request Japanese translations of my works. Please help me :D

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Re: Long live Manami!(and other Chen's new work)

Post by D-wolfmaster_2022 » Mon Mar 11, 2024 4:07 pm

Chen wrote: Tue Oct 04, 2011 9:31 am Go Shopping

"Mei-Hua,I will return your body to you."
"Oh,really? :shock: "
"Yeah. I will need you to buy something and can't let you go out your legs."
"Haha,thank you,dear master! You say I will come back to be a pretty girl,right? :bighug: "
"Hm? I think...well..."
---------------------As time goes by----------------------------------
"Mei-hua,you looks like not happy."
"That's right. Master,you said that you will return my body."
"Yes,and I have done it. Only kept some parts for other usages."
"...Well,forget it. I'll go shopping for you,BYEBYE!!!"

http://www.fembotwiki.com/index.php?tit ... opping.png
Now that's some creative engineering!

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Re: Long live Manami!(and other Chen's new work)

Post by D-wolfmaster_2022 » Mon Mar 11, 2024 4:08 pm

Chen wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2012 12:02 pm In the beach---
"Hey, robot boy, watch out!"
"Damn, you kicked me, then called me a robot boy? I am a girl!"
"Haha, you're a girl? Very funny. Which girl will assemble her pretty face on an ugly toyish robot hero body?"
"So what? Does anybody regulate that a robot girl shall not like super hero? Besides, I don't want to let my perfect body be tainted by this polluted beach, got it?"
"Come on! Your perfect body? That must be your macho body, hahaha."
"Ok, come with me! I will let you see!"

And then-------------------
I think this is my favourite one of your pics.

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Re: Long live Manami!(and other Chen's new work)

Post by D-wolfmaster_2022 » Mon Mar 11, 2024 4:24 pm

Chen wrote: Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:20 am Campus Queen Laura

Jerry bought a fembot's damaged head from the flea market and remade that head into a small bot. However,the bot didn't speak any words and always pulled a face. Jerry spent a lot of time to communicate with her and treat her with full heart. Finally,the bot smiled and start to talk. As time went by,Jerry had more and more fun to stay with her day by day.

One day,Laura(that fembot's name) asked Jerry a question.
"Jerry,you treat me such kindly. Will you be nice to me forever?"
"Hum? Sure I will. You don't know how much joy you brought to me. I appreciate you deeply."
"Oh...So touching. Dear Jerry,I think I can entrust all of myself to you. Please come with me."

Laura led Jerry to an abandoned plant. Jerry found a hanged headless female torso,and a pair of broken legs.


"Wow,what's that? Trashed fembot's body?" Jerry asked.
"Hey! Those are not trash! They are parts of my body!"
"Your body parts?"
"Yes! Also as the most popular campus queen's body, the body of Laura Lee!"
"Laura Smith? That Laura Lee? Wow,really? You are the legendary idol of my university? Unbelievable! Wow! But why did you lose your body? May I ask what had happened to you?"
"Right, I am that Laura. Since I was elected as the campus queen, some classmates hated me more.They thought it's unfair for a robot to compete with human girls in appearances. Soon they took me here and dismentled me, smoe of they even were my friends..." Laura said sadly.
"Oh,I feel so sorry. I don't think you just beat them in appearances. Your charm is from your heart,I know. You are the true queen!"
"Haha,thank you,Jerry. You are kind and sweet,that's why do I want to give all of me to you. Shall you repair and reassemble Laura Lee?"
"Assemble Laura Lee! Wow, assemble the girl of my dream by my hands! I am going to die for the great happiness! If you permit,I will assemble Laura Lee 100,1000,10000 times!"
What does 'pulled a face' mean?
What kind of face did Laura make? Was it a smile? A frown? Did she cross her eyes while sticking her tongue out? Why you gotta be so vague?

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Re: Long live Manami!(and other Chen's new work)

Post by D-wolfmaster_2022 » Mon Mar 11, 2024 4:26 pm

Chen wrote: Sat Aug 25, 2012 8:28 pm Battle Lower Body Haruka

http://www.fembotwiki.com/images/3/3b/B ... erHalf.png

Fembot Haruka's owner commanded her to scout a cave, but Haruka feared that she might meet some horrible creatures. Finally she found a way to obey the instruction without facing those fearsome things---
"Haha! I'll send half of me to scout that cave!"
Talk about 'bats in the belfry!'

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Re: Long live Manami!(and other Chen's new work)

Post by Chen » Wed Mar 13, 2024 2:33 am

"What does 'pulled a face' mean?"
Thank you for admiring my works :bighug:
It means that Laura didn't have any emotional expressions on her face. She looked not happy all day long. Of course, Jerry finally made her to open her mind by treating her gently. He got Laura's heart.
Request Japanese translations of my works. Please help me :D

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