Malfunction ideas

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Malfunction ideas

Post by fection » Wed Jul 15, 2020 10:58 pm

Hi there.
I'm in the process of developing a 3D model of 'Candy', a recurring fembot character in my stories and animations, with the aim of making my first 3D animation. I'd like to 'start small' so I thought I'd see if anyone had some simple ideas for what might make Candy malfunction.
What I'm looking for is, ideally, a very brief vocal exchange that causes Candy's programming to become conflicted. So some sense that something in her 'flawed' design (she has, in the past, been programmed to appear not-too-bright...) is exploited to disastrous effect.
I have a couple of longer ideas; one that involves Candy's 'vanity factor' being boosted so high that she is constantly distracted from the task at hand by her own reflection. And then there's an idea about Candy being instructed to cut a birthday cake with precise instructions that can't, in the end, be followed.
But those are probably longer animations.
I'd like just two or three lines, ideally, that set the ball rolling. Alternatively there's always the old spilled drink idea, I guess...
I could include a 'prize' if that appeals. Maybe a credit in the animation, as 'Script Consultant'? (If that's lame, I can try and think of something else).
But if you have any - extremely short - ideas, feel free to post them here.

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Re: Malfunction ideas

Post by Pylon » Wed Jul 15, 2020 11:41 pm

Well this is certainly surprising to see! I'm guessing you're trying to make a 3D model to animate for future use and ease? Either way though, I'm glad that you're reaching out to the community for some ideas!

As for an idea I have; perhaps Candy is being prepped either after being assembled or before a new duty and someone is trying to confirm the commands with her, but unfortunately for them find that they underestimated how unstable Candy really is and gets overwhelmed with each command going into a programming loop/error.

Sorry it's not much of a concept, but good luck with finding the right idea!


Re: Malfunction ideas

Post by --NightBattery-- » Thu Jul 16, 2020 12:30 am

Hey Fection.

You could try paradoxical statements.

For example

You could have candy walking towards a cellphone beeping with a recorded message.
The message could more or less replay:

If you didn’t get this message, call me. But whatever you do, don't ignore me

Candy loses focus and immediately shutdowns at the contradiction.

Depends of course in what are you looking for dialogues and scenarios.


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Re: Malfunction ideas

Post by Aaack » Thu Jul 16, 2020 6:45 am

What about something simple with deep implications?
Like if Candy is so concerned by her appearance then the mere fact of opening a panel to perform maintenance could threat her concept of beauty making her enter into panic mode.
On the other hand if she can't be maintained the neural network that's flawed already reinforces the idea of keep the look integrity at all costs even if that prevents maintenance, in time this feedback would turn really bad, I guess.

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Re: Malfunction ideas

Post by Lithorien » Thu Jul 16, 2020 7:03 am

I kind of like the old standby of conflicting directions, like "watch the house," and "get the mail," where to get the mail, Candy would have to stop watching the house, which sets off that conflict. Maybe something like a quick voiceover from the morning's instructions that leads into whatever the animation idea you have is?

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Re: Malfunction ideas

Post by 7273 » Thu Jul 16, 2020 9:36 am

How about those short story wrote by Rexxy, such as "Outdated Bunny" or "Jodie is So Hot"?

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Re: Malfunction ideas

Post by DocHoliday » Sun Jul 19, 2020 2:02 am


So, this one has less dialogue:

Candy is in the kitchen baking a cake (in a sexy apron and high heels of course). She opens a cupboard and something falls on her head with a metallic "clang!". She then pauses with a surprised look, and goes into a malfuction while saying error gibberish, and mixed parts of the cake recipe.

It could end there. But, if the story goes further, Tom comes into the kitchen and says "not again." He shuts her off mid sentence. Her voice lowers out digitally. Kind of like this: ... hobot).mp4

Simultaneously, her look of confusion fades into a blank stare looking down accross the kitchen. She is frozen in a awkward but sexy way. Tom opens her back access panel and hits the reset button. Just then a phone call distracts Tom from the kitchen. Candy boots up and returns to baking (with back panel still open). She again begins to malfunction from something getting in her open panel or continued issues from something falling on her head. It results in a complete Candybot meltdown.
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Re: Malfunction ideas

Post by DocHoliday » Sun Jul 19, 2020 2:53 am

Sorry, I have a ton of ideas!

Tom takes Candy shopping for some sexy clothes. Candy is left with the sales lady while Tom looks at something else. The sales lady helps pick out some sexy items to try on and shows candy the dressing room. The lady says a few things to Candy from the other side of the dressing room curtain. Candy turns around to respond and mistakens a mannequin for the sales lady. Candy can hear the lady's voice but only see the mannequin. The mannequin is very realistic with beautiful attire. Candy is confused while the lady offers assistance and tries to hand her more clothes from over the curtain.

At this point Candy is cluelessly having a conversation with the dummy about sexy clothes and how Tom thinks she is hot. (It's very comical) She mistakenly takes some of the clothing from the mannequin (thinking this is what the real lady is talking about). Of course, Candy is experiencing errors with all of the contradictions. She accidentally removes the mannequin's arm. This what ultimately sends her into a full state of error. This leads to Candy having a malfunction and the mannequin being tipped over.

Post Credits Bonus:

Tom is looking for Candy throughout the department store. Meanwhile, someone mistakens the shutdown robot for another beautiful mannequin. The stiff Candy is now relocated and put on display (re-dressed with a different hairdo) with the other inanimate-mannequin ladies, while Tom cluelessly walks passed his now mannequin-bot girlfriend.

Something like that... I just like the comical idea of the fake robot lady getting cunfused by a fake mannequin lady.

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Re: Malfunction ideas

Post by fection » Sun Jul 19, 2020 3:23 am

Thanks everyone! These definitely have potential. I have a pre built 3d model of a kitchen so maybe something baking based... If anyone has any other specific pieces of dialogue, I'd be keen to read them. Contradictions or paradoxes are what I'm after too.

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Re: Malfunction ideas

Post by DocHoliday » Sun Jul 19, 2020 3:33 am

Last one! (For now) :D

Candy is walking down the sidewalk (or at a social gathering). She encounters another Candybot with different clothes and hair, but obviously a Candy model.

(This could be Tom's friend's date or just another-coincidental botgirl at the gathering).

At this point, they are either competing or are having an awkward and very artificial conversation about themselves. This could lead to one of the fembots sabotaging the other fembot out of jealous competition, or they both mistakenly just confuse themselves by saying the sames things to each other. This could lead to the malfunction.

Or possibly,

They are both programed to think they are real women (or at least deny their artificial nature) but they each know the other lady is a robot from the same company. Both Candybot versions keep making comments about the other fembot's features, programming, etc... They keep going back and forth while trying to deny the other. This results in a contradiction of their programming. Every time one Candy is told about her true nature, she starts to have errors. They could both just malfunction. Or, one could open the other's access panel to show wires and circuitry and prove her opponent's robotic nature. Like expectected, one or both fembots will malfunction in result of this interaction.

Can you imagine a Candybot trying to have a conversation with another Candybot. LOL!

Two fembots is better than one fembot ;)

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Re: Malfunction ideas

Post by 33cl33 » Sun Jul 19, 2020 7:46 am

Candy's in an office as secretary, and is asked to fudge some numbers. A circular logic problem: Must balance numbers vs must follow all instructions from boss.
SynthSuite audio clips, etc:

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Re: Malfunction ideas

Post by fection » Sun Jul 19, 2020 10:53 am

Hey now - that could also tie in as part one of "destined for the junk pile'!....

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Re: Malfunction ideas

Post by Sparky9000 » Sun Jul 19, 2020 3:56 pm

I ALWAYS enjoy stuff getting into her circuits and messing her internals up, this version of Candi is a smarter bot and she begins to malfunction as she tries to understand whats happening to her to no avail ;)

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Re: Malfunction ideas

Post by DZiegler » Mon Jul 20, 2020 7:54 pm

'Catch 22 In the Kitchen'

Candy gets a bit mixed up reading through a recipe for cookies.

She reads through the entire recipe without issue and gets to the bottom. There's a bit at the bottom that says 'High Altitude: For BEST RESULTS, increase oven temperature to 375 degrees F'

"Tom says he wanted the best cookies. I better turn the oven up to 375."

Her internal altimeter reads 'Sea Level'. "I better turn the oven down to 350."

A beat.

"Tom says he wanted the BEST cookies. I better turn the oven up to 375."

Her internal altimeter reads 'Sea Level'. "I better turn the oven down to 350."

"Tom says he wanted the BEST cookies. I better turn the oven up to 375."


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Re: Malfunction ideas

Post by Mixgull » Tue Jul 21, 2020 12:51 am

Maybe a type of sequel to "Worst spy ever" where she has to take the place of a maid to some high up politician/business owner that just so happens to also be called candy and when it seem that she has achived her mission of getting the job the real human candance shows up.

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Re: Malfunction ideas

Post by bluebot » Wed Jul 22, 2020 12:21 am

Excited to hear this news :)

Here's and idea:

Teresa: Looks like Tom bought another plastic looking robot with fake boobs and hair...

Candy: Candy is not Fake. Candy is perfect and so realistic. All candy bots have been created to be perfect.

Teresa: All candy bots are perfect?

Candy: Yes, all candy bots are perfect. Candy has always been perfect.

Teresa: Oh really? Well if Candy has always been so perfect, how do you explain what happened to the last candy bot I saw around here?

Candy: All candy bots are perfect, what are you talking about?

Teresa: You said you're perfect... so I'm sure you must have a shared memory system with your other candy bot friends... why don't you take a look at some history you probably have stored in that metal brain you have there and tell me what you see...i wouldn't call it's pretty embarrassing if you ask me...

[Candy Enters first person Computer Vision mode and assess the threat of Teresa as "minimal'. She then assess the threat of watching video footage stored in her database of previous candy bots as an "extremely high threat" to her perfect image]

[Teresa sees that Candy's face shows visible struggle and glitching]

Teresa: are you having trouble their perfect girl?

Candy: Candy is perfect. I never have trouble. All Candy bots are perfect and never have any trouble [malfunctioning is starting to be outwardly visible]

Teresa: Well if you're all so perfect, why don't you go ahead and take a look at what happened to the last perfect girl I saw around here. It didn't end too well for her, but I'm sure a perfect girl like you won't have any issues with how perfect the last candy bot here was.

Candy: Inspecting perfectly designed database of candy's perfect history. Jus..just... just.....a plea..plea. pleasee.....Inspec...Inspecting data.. da.database.... just.....a plea..plea. please

[Teresa Now sees candy's malfunctioning getting more and more out of control]

Teresa: oh and while you're at it perfect girl, why don't you see if you can find anything on your perfect friend Chantelle too...If i remember correctly... she couldn't even open a beer correctly...sounds pretty perfect to me.

[Candy goes into first person robot vision and sorts through her database to pull up historical data containing video footage of the candy carwash incident and chantelle's beer incident. She begins watching them simultaneously and side by side in her computer vision. She begins a "perfection analysis" of both videos to see show how perfect all candy robots are... the following is said outloud by candy during the analysis and is also showing on her screen in text.]

"breasts are too large.... Not perfect"
"fake blonde hair.... not perfect"
"noisey ruber exterior...not perfect"
"over femininely accent... not perfect"
"can't open can of beer...not perfect"
"can't successfully wash exterior of vehicle...not perfect"

[the list above goes on and on]

[Candy continues to criticize how imperfect all other candy bots were and realizes she must then be imperfect and goes into full blown malfunction.]

[As this is going on, Teresa now has the opportunity to keep throwing in additional insults and references to spiral candy's malfunction even further out of control]

Teresa Oh did you also notice how your friend forgot to wash the tires on that car?

[all Candy lines from here are in full malfunctioning fashion]

Candy: It was a car are not cars...why didn't she wash the tires? This was not perfect...All candy bots are not perfect...

Teresa: Did you notice Chantelle couldn't even remember to charge her battery.... sounds like a perfect plan to me...

Candy: Why did she need to recharge...she is not perfect... all candy bots are not perfect... I am not perfect....

I'll end this idea here since it's starting to get long :)

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Re: Malfunction ideas

Post by Kano » Wed Jul 22, 2020 9:46 am

It doesn't sound as if you are particularly thrilled with the spilled water concept ( I know it's been done before and it's not as easy to set up as one would think LOL) but if she is going to be in the kitchen, maybe instead of cooking she can be cleaning. Candy is walking with a large bucket of soapy water to prepare to mop. Maybe while walking past a door, Tom who is running late, slams it open, knocking water into her face and head, getting her soaked. Tom doesnt think too much of it as he has to quickly leave. She then tries to complete her tasks as she slowly begins to malfunction.

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Re: Malfunction ideas

Post by AmpFetish » Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:39 pm

Oh my LORD, this is so exciting! Candy is my favorite fembot in all of media, so the idea of you animating a 3D version of her blows my mind.
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Re: Malfunction ideas

Post by ANNA » Sat Jul 25, 2020 3:19 pm

Maybe in a scenario where someone makes a request where it puts them at risk, but she is also supposed to serve the customers requests?

Customer is always right.
Must not put customer at risk.

Also, the new render, dark hair, realistic breast size you posted is the hottest version you have ever purposed. So good.

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Re: Malfunction ideas

Post by cod386 » Mon Aug 03, 2020 10:29 pm

Remember your flash animation about Candy turning to sex mode after someone pours water into her panel?
A remake of that would be nice, maybe a bit different like:
- the conflict is triggered by a phone call form Tom saying he 'will be late tonight but i want to make love as soon you see me back home'
- nobody else is in house/bed but a picture of Tom on the wall next to the bed triggers her love mode although she realize he is not home but must follow his orders

I guess that is simple enough for first 3d anim with no other characters involved

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Re: Malfunction ideas

Post by robov » Fri Feb 19, 2021 6:33 pm

Cannot wait for this!

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Re: Malfunction ideas

Post by fection » Mon Mar 15, 2021 2:30 am

I realise it's been a while and I've recently had almost literally no spare time to work on anything non-RL. But, assuming I do at some point, does anyone know how to make smoke in the 3D program Blender? I've been googling and forum-searching and experimenting, without luck. I've found tutorials on making 'big' smoke, but when I scale it down to something useful it doesn't display.
Like I say, hopefully at some point I'll be able to invest more time in figuring it out, but in the meantime if anyone here just happens to know how to make 'small smoke', feel free to let me know!
Thanks, potentially, in advance.


Re: Malfunction ideas

Post by --NightBattery-- » Mon Mar 15, 2021 2:58 pm

Have you consider partner with the youtuber netto that has made several renders inspired in your robots? He seems to have a lot of assets that might be useful for you. I bet he would cherish the opportunity to help you, if he is not already. ... l=netto601

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Re: Malfunction ideas

Post by fection » Tue Jun 29, 2021 8:58 am

I just thought I'd post a message because I've had a couple people PM me asking about 'progress'.
Thanks for all the ideas above, but honestly I don't think I'll be able to make much progress on things fembot-related for the foreseeable future.
I've recently taken on a big (BIG) project that takes up a lot of my time and there's another 'thing' I want to get underway too that will be an enormous time sink (though ultimately, I hope, cathartic in a way that 'fembot content' isn't for me).
So again - thanks for all the suggestions and encouragement! I just thought I'd get ahead of any 'whatever happened to THAT guy' comments (although I'm probably flattering myself there!).
Obviously at some point, I'd like to return to the few fembot-related things I have semi-starts for, but I've got to accept that at the moment I won't be making any progress on those for a while.
I will be around, I just won't be 'creating' in this context for a bit.
See you around.

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Re: Malfunction ideas

Post by robov » Thu Nov 24, 2022 1:32 pm

I hope we get to see something from you eventually! You’re the GOAT

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