The Handler - Chapter Nine

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The Handler - Chapter Nine

Post by botfriend2000 » Tue Feb 09, 2021 3:24 pm

:D :D Here you go guys and gals. This is the final chapter in this story adventure of mine. It’s lengthy, it’s sexy, it’s steamy, sorry though no malfunctions or breakdowns. There is an Epilog that I’ll post later today or tomorrow. Thank you all again for reading and your comments.

The Handler - Chapter Nine

My body ached as I slowly regained consciousness. There was a dull ache on the back of my head, yet it felt soft where I lay. Had I hit it on the wall as I fell? How long was I out? I asked myself.
I could tell that I was laying on a bed, propped up slightly with at least two pillows under my head and shoulders and that I was under the bed covers. I didn’t want to open my eyes yet, my throat was still dry as I attempted to swallow. The room was dim, but not fully dark, that much I could tell.

As I lay there I listened carefully for any noise that could help me with where I was, and with what time it was, any music, conversation, anything. However all I could hear was silence, strange I thought.

I recalled my last words spoken to Katelyn, I had been angry with her, she had lied to me. Her and Faith both. Oh shit, Faith! She had crashed spectacularly. Josh was going to kill me for sure. I remembered that I had yelled at Katelyn and the room had begun to spin me around! I was falling and .. Oh God! I had passed out. Fainted dead away, probably from a lack of food. I hadn't had the chance to eat while outside and I hadn’t actually had much all day to begin with.

Between everything that had happened with Katelyn, and then Faith, the physical and emotional stress of it all, it had taken its toll on me. I let out a sigh and held my eyes tightly closed.

“You’re finally awake.” It was Katelyn’s voice. Gentle and soft.

She was near me, but not next to me, not on the bed though, but close, watching me, that much I could tell.

Taking a deep breath and still holding my eyes closed I asked my first question. “How long was I out?” I sounded raspy.

“Nearly an hour.” She answered.

I shifted my body and rolled over to the left, towards the sound of her voice.

“Won’t you open your eyes to me?”

Slowly I shook my head to decline. “An hour?” I sighed. “I need some food Katelyn. Just some food please. No more tricks, no lies, no sarcasm please. Just some food.”

“There is a tray of food just behind you, beside the nightstand. Some of it should still be warm. There’s also some fruit and juice too. Water if you prefer that.” Katelyn answered with very little emotion.

After several seconds of silence I popped open my eyes, then reached up and rubbed the both of them to clear out the blur and haze. She was sitting quietly, watching me.

“Oh God my head hurts. Uhh!” I slowly pushed myself up to a semi sitting position with the pillows behind me towards the headboard and looked over at Katelyn who was sitting in an upholstered high back chair right beside the bed. Her bed. I was still in her upper bedroom. She now wore a grey t-shirt and sweats with her hair pulled up into a rough bun. Taking a quick glance around the room I saw no one else with us, and no other androids. No Sabrina and no Faith.

Katelyn’s party dress was draped across the edge of the bed. The lights had been turned down low in the room so as not to disturb me most likely. I turned my gaze back to her.
Upon seeing me looking at her she clasped her hands together and looked down at her knees, out of embarrassment or out of shame.

“Thank you Katelyn.” I said. She didn’t look up, but continued to stare at her hands and knees.
“I take it that the party is officially over?”

“Yes.” She nodded but still didn’t look my way.

“An hour? Really?” I asked sitting more uprightly now, pushing the pillows further up behind me.

With some hesitation Katelyn looked my way. “Fiftyone minutes and thirty four seconds from the moment your eyes closed till I knew you were awake again just now.” She stated.

“Mmmm” I affirmed, nodding my head.

“Are you needing anything else, do you still feel dizzy or ill?” Katelyn asked cautiously as she moved to stand up from her chair.

“Just a meal to eat and I’ll be good.” I answered.

She nodded half turning away from me. “Alright,. I’ll be back in twenty minutes if that’s alright with you?”

Shocked by her change in demeanor and attitude I stared at her dumbfounded. “Uh yeah, ok.” I answered.

She turned and headed towards the partially open bedroom door when I asked my next question. “Katelyn. What else happened while I was out?”

Pausing but not turning back to look at me, “Please eat something Tim. I will explain as best I can when I return. I will say that Josh has taken measures to alleviate any further complications.”
She answered, adjusting the lighting levels at the switch, making the room a little brighter. She smoothly exited the room leaving the door halfway open.

Staring at the doorway I was still trying to process what little she’d said. However the growl from my stomach was more pressing. Rolling over to the opposite side I saw the tray of food at my bedside. Rice, beans and enchiladas. A fruit cup, a glass of apple juice and a glass of water.
I pushed the covers aside and sat up to finally eat some food.

Over the next several minutes while I satisfied my stomach, I couldn’t help but reflect on Katelyn’s newly somber demeanor. She didn’t act like her usual self. She seemed sad, reserved, almost timid. Regardless, something was different about her and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. Where did Sabrina and Faith disappear to? Or more precisely who had moved them? Where was Josh at and what did she also mean by Josh had the situation under control, what measures had he taken?

When the twenty minutes that Katelyn had given me to eat was about up, there was a knock on the bedroom door as she walked back into the room. “How are you feeling now?” She asked with a little more enthusiasm than she had shown earlier.

I had gotten back under the covers of the bed only minutes before having finished eating my fill and knowing that she was normally punctual to a T. “Good, thank you.”

Katelyn walked around the bed then carefully sat down along the lower end of it by my feet, almost motherly she placed a hand over my leg. Her t-shirt did little to hide the curves of her breasts and body as she sat there looking at me.
“Your color has returned and you look much better.” She said, staring at me as if trying to read my thoughts.

Shrugging her shoulders and letting out a deep sigh she spoke to me.
“So ask away, you surely must have a hundred questions. I’ll answer as honestly and as detailed as I can for your analytical mind to understand.” She said light heartedly.

Reaching up I ran a hand through my hair attempting to decide which question first.

“OK then … Katelyn .. you’re much more reserved now than I’ve ever known you to be, less assertive I think. What happened?” I asked.

Never leaving focus she answered. “Josh suggested, and I agreed, that some of my core settings needed to be dialed down a bit. Twenty five percent to be precise. My assertiveness is definitely not where it once was. However I’m good with that.”

“Well that explains that.” I said aloud.

“Katelyn what happened? I mean I know there’s a lot. But..” I paused, reaching up to rub my chin. “Have you figured out the difference of how you were before tonight’s party compared to immediately after your near system crash and reboot? Along with your link with Faith and subsequent choices?”

Katelyn turned her gaze away as if recalling a memory, it was so human like in nature. “To answer that would be far too lengthy an explanation I’m afraid. But I will say that something changed me and I still feel it inside. Though it’s not as .. ‘loud’ now. That’s a good word for a human explanation, loud. When Faith pinged me with her inquiry when the four of us were up here earlier I was excited to share with her what had happened to me, the many experiences with my systems and as a sister companion unit it was comforting to share that with her. Many of her parameters are set very differently from mine. Her dominance settings are much higher than mine although it may not be apparent at first. She made some suggestions and we started sharing information between us. I felt compelled to follow her lead. I did make several requests for alternate ideas as the evening progressed and situations came about, however I was denied each time. Faith believed that because she was a newer design and model that she could compensate for my failures. She wanted you sexually even more badly than I had wanted you. Where I was initially in control after linking with the home wireless and the security and monitoring system, and then Faith, she took charge and became persuasive Tim. Her personality is somewhat timid initially but underneath she has so much confidence, dominance and control.”

“Mmm .. Josh kinda alluded to the fact that she had a dominant side.” I told her.

“Sexually. Yeah. She craves it.” Katelyn said.

“That’s about how I’ve felt you’ve wanted it from me over the last few weeks, but with me turning you down every single time.” Chuckling as I responded.

She gently shook her head. “No. More than that, much more. When you orgasmed after she got you off, your hot cum all over her, she flipped, she changed her mind about me having you next. She told me she was perfect and needed to have you first. I could sense that she was losing control and fighting to maintain balance.”

“How did that make you feel? That she wanted me.” I whispered.

“Indifferent maybe, conflicted yet .. calm I guess. I’ve wanted to have sex with you since you were introduced as my handler. It’s part of my core programming to bond with you socially and intimately. Yet, I also know that other androids have the same requirement. Especially as companion units, which Faith is also.” She answered.

Pausing for just a moment as we sat there I knew the next few questions would be more direct and serious.

“Do you feel as if something is missing, that you’re not whole? That with you not being linked to Faith or connected to the network that you may not be operating or functioning correctly?” I asked.

Katelyn pursed her lips as if in thought. “Perhaps a little, it’s kind of like the early morning coastal fog as it burns off in the spring or fall mornings. You can see the outlines of buildings and homes, and you can see them, but the sharpness isn’t quite there. There’s a clarity in being connected together, but it’s also pleasant to not be connected now too.”

“Are you expecting things to change with what’s happened tonight?” I asked.

“Yes.” She replied.

“Did Josh tell you anything?”

“He did.” Her answer was barely a whisper.

“He made a few abrupt phone calls didn’t he?” I asked.

Katelyn nodded in the affirmative. Her eyes almost appeared to tear up slightly. “Right after you fainted, I placed you in my bed. I’d gone across the hall to where I knew Josh was and told him what had happened in here. He yelled a few choice words at me, said he was going to make a call and wanted me to wait there while he did.” She explained.

I nodded as I began to piece together some ideas. “Cy-Gen Corporate is coming aren’t they?”

Katelyn looked down between us at nothing in particular. “Yes, tomorrow. An eight man team. They’re very curious as to what and why and ..” she paused. This made me even more curious about her now. This was totally a human emotional response in regards to bad news. As an android she could have just flat out finished her sentence but with some of her settings turned down she still shouldn’t have necessarily paused for effect.

“ .. how exactly Faith and I were able to circumvent security protocols, modify our behavior and rewrite Sabrina’s systems, although even that seems a little fuzzy to me right now. They want to set up shop here and attempt to recreate several identical settings in order to understand what’s changed me.” She said peering back up at me though not moving her head.

I pursed my lips together and nodded again. “Ok, that’s not altogether unexpected.” I finally said.

Katelyn sat upright with a look of shock on her face. “They’re bringing with them three campanion pleasure androids. Another Sabrina and Faith, and .. and another me! Tim, a duplicate me! All the same models and series. I don’t understand why, and Josh just brushed aside my questions when I asked him. Why would they do that?” She asked with genuine concern.

Pushing myself forward and towards her, I reached out and took hold of her hand that was resting on my lower leg. Clearing my throat I hypothesized a working theory.

“They want to know the answers to their questions. Bringing along three new androids to assist in that is not irregular. Those three androids are clean slates. I believe that once here and set up, they will upload your last successful program imprint profile logs and all data relating to you. Memories, personalities, and such. Essentially a duplicate you, yeah, as you were this afternoon in my apartment. Everything you were up to that time and point. Every exact setting, directive, quirk, everything.” I answered.

She tightened her grip on my hand. “Am I being replaced? Are they going to ship me off and dissect me?”

I took a deep breath and shook my head. “I don’t know sweetie, I really don’t know.” Was all I could tell her.

Katelyn shifted her position and leaned in, wrapping her arms tightly around my bare upper body. “I’m afraid, more afraid than I was earlier tonight before my shutdown. Please Tim, please don’t leave me. I am so very sorry.” She sobbed into my ear.

I returned her embrace, holding her tightly against me. Stroking her hair and breathing in the smell of her hair and perfume. This was such a real tender human moment and I relished in it. I felt for her, her sorrow and concern, I couldn’t tell if this was programming or if she had transcended beyond that.

As we sat there holding onto one another, I had two more questions pop into my mind.

“Where’s Faith and Sabrina?” I whispered to her.

“Josh has them with him now, downstairs in the lower east bedroom. He’s downloading and copying their logs and profiles for the technicians.” Answering softly, Katelyn’s hand began to gently caress my back, moving ever so slowly up and down.

Her breathing was slow but I could feel the rise and fall of her chest as she held me. The t-shirt she wore did little to hide the fact that her nipples were hard underneath the fabric as they pressed against me.

“Just a few more questions if I may please?” I asked.

“Ask away, I just don’t want you to let go of me.” Katelyn said lovingly.

“Why not you as well? Your logs and data?”

With a chuckle And sigh, “I need you active and online is exactly what Josh told me.” She said in a male mocking voice. “His attitude has tanked with all of this happening tonight. I informed him that I would be tending to you and your needs. And he shewed me away.”

“Is there anyone else in the house besides us and Josh? Human or android?” I asked, reaching one hand up and cradling the back of her head as I held her close.

“Just Ariel, she’s assisting Josh with Sabrina and Faith. He needed some assistance with their download transfer, he’s disabled her personality emulation and has her operating in command mode only.” Came her response.

Katelyn loosened her embrace slightly and rested her head against my shoulder. I felt her softly blow a breath of warm air at my ear and cheek.

Clearing my throat, I asked two questions together. “What’s the status of the home wireless and your wireless settings?”

Katelyn shifted her body closer to mine. “Both disabled and locked out.”

Pausing and reflecting for a moment I could now feel the heat of her body against mine and the blood slowly moving back into my manhood. My breathing began to quicken and I stretched out my legs and toes.

“Are you uncomfortable in this position?” She asked, never moving.

“No, no.” I answered. As we held each other tightly I recalled the last word I had spoken to her before fainting. “Katelyn?”


“What I said earlier.” I again paused.


“You not really being my friend and your programming. Just prior to my fainting episode. I was angry and frustrated and .. it was wrong and I was wrong. You are my friend and you are real to me. I realized in that moment, right after I had said those words, that you had made several very human-like choices and decisions. Decisions that may carry some heavy consequences now. Choices that went above and beyond your base programming. Choices that are so very, very human. I have no idea if you see yourself as human or machine, or even if your programming allows you such a thought. I don’t know. I can’t make any promises as to what will happen to you three tomorrow or beyond, but I will be here for you and fight for your preservation.” I affirmed to her.

Her embrace tightened around me. “That’s all I need to know and hear right now. Oh thank you.”

“You’re welcome, but a little less embrace would be good for me too.” I said chuckling.

Katelyn loosened her hug and began to run her manicured fingers gently across my back. Scratching ever so lightly along my bare skin.
With my other hand I found the inner thigh of her right leg and gave it a soft squeeze.

“I believe I owe you a dance if I’m not mistaken.” I told her.

Again she softly blew into my ear before responding. “Yes you do, but all things considered, would it be possible to trade up from dancing to music in an empty house to another type of rhythmic dancing in a more private and intimate setting?”

My erection was already growing as the warmth of her artificial breath basked my tender skin. Her answer again surprised me. She was still the Katelyn I had come to know over these last six or more weeks. Always one step ahead in anticipation.

Releasing my embrace of her and leaning slightly back I reached up and gently placed my hands to hold her head and look into her eyes. “This right here Katelyn,” I paused to swallow. “this is how I imagined us happening. Absolutely, my dear. You and me alone and no one else.” I answered her.

Katelyn’s face lit up with joy and she beamed with a smile from ear to ear. Displaying her pearly white perfect teeth, she let out a squeal of delight as she grabbed at both of my biceps, gently shaking me in excitement.
“Oh thank you thank you Tim.”

She leaned back in again for an even tighter embracing hug. Then as she leaned back she looked down between us. The covers had pushed down enough to reveal my solid upward growing erection.
Giggling she reached out and carefully ran her thumb over the tip of my hard cock tracing its curve and head. Looking back up at me she smiled wide again. Then with the enthusiasm of a teenager she bounced off the bed and headed towards the bedroom door.

“I’m going to go close the door.” She said excitedly as she quietly closed and latched it. Then she spun around with her back against it. Her smile still happily plastered across her face. Her excitement was bleeding over into me.

Pushing the bed covers farther down to expose my nakedness and upright pole, I slid back down repositioning the pillows under my head so as to lay more flat yet comfortable and still watch Katelyn.

Slowly she made her way to the opposite corner of the bed and stopped. Grabbing the bottom hem of her sweatshirt she pulled it up and off, tossing it onto the chair she had sat in earlier. My eyes locked onto her perfect 36D round breasts that stood firmly outward. Then, with a coy smile and batting her eyes at me, she placed her thumbs inside the waistband of her sweats and slowly wiggled them down and off her. Carefully stepping out of them and giving me a twirl of her body she tossed them onto the chair.

“Ta Da!” She squealed. “Now I’m as naked as you are. Don’t move an inch my dear sweet handler. For you and I are about to have the most memorable romantic dance.” She said as she slowly bent over and began to crawl across the bed towards me.

“I believe it’s usually the gentleman who leads and the lady who follows when dancing close.” I said, swallowing hard.

Katelyn stopped as she placed her left hand along my left hip. Leaning downward she licked her lips. “Tonight it’s this lady's turn to lead if you don’t mind. You are so deserving of a reward from all you’ve done and been through.” She whispered.

“Even with your settings dialed down?” I teased.

“Those particular settings are still where they were. Now stop asking questions and allow me to lead you,” she said with a smile. “However .. if you feel faint again, please let me know.”

“Yes mam.” I answered.

I sucked in a deep breather as her one hand moved from my hip and over to my erect cock, gently wrapping her fingers solidly around it.
Katelyn leaned closer to me as the fingertips of her right hand came to rest against my cheek as she searched my eyes. “Will you have me Tim? Will you fuck me after I fuck you?” She whispered seductively.

Then sitting back up on her knees she swings her leg over my body, lifting herself up to straddle me. She pushes her pelvis hard against mine, causing me to groan as my cock is sandwiched between the two of us. She leans over and kisses me hard and passionately.
My cock throbs in wanton need as I reach around to hold her tightly. My tongue probes her mouth stifling a moan from her. Inhaling a deep breath, she breaks our kiss, then leans in low and kisses me again passionately, then slowly down my chin and neck, then ever so slowly back up again, driving me wild.

Her fingertips rest against both my cheeks as she searches my eyes. Her face aglow in the moment of her happiness and satisfaction.

Katelyn leans in again, reaches up with her free hand and pulls her hair out of the makeshift bun. Tossing her head back she shakes it’s ebony strands loose, then leaning back down and in her long black hair falls forward, draping over both of us, her lips softly brushing mine. “I want you Tim, do you want me?” She applies the most gentle kiss. “I need to have you inside of me. I want to feel you so deep inside of me. I want to make love to you Tim, to dance wildly, passionately and sexually with you here in my room, on my bed, in this house.” She whimpers.

Her hand cups my neck while her thumb brushes my cheek.

“Do you want me?” She pleads once more, keeping our eyes locked together.

My eyes danced up and down in answer to her questioning, I lean up and pressed my lips hard against hers, then reaching up I entwined one hand in her hair, stopping at the base of her skull and holding her firmly while our tongues dance around and probe one another’s mouth.

After nearly a full minute of kissing I pull away. “Oh Katelyn, I do want you. I want to feel myself deep inside of you, to feel you fuck me as I lay here. You’re all I want right now.” I tell her.

Her eyes smiled back at me glistening, as I could only stare into them and nothing else in this moment.

While sitting back up she drags her manicured fingers across my chest and stomach, then lifting herself up, and while reaching down with her right hand she grabs hold of my rock hard cock and rubs it against her moist pussy lips. Swirling it back and forth across her smooth sensitive skin, teasing my cock head. “Ohh yeahhh.” Katelyn purrs as she places the head of my cock at her opening and begins sliding down my shaft. I place my hands firmly on the inside of her tone thighs for support.

“Oh shit!” I exclaim. “You’re fucking tighter than I’d imagined.”

Katelyn pushes down on me as her fingers sink into my chest. I push up gently to get every inch of me deeper inside. Her eyes close as she lets out a long soft moan. “Ohhhh, you feel so wonderful, uhh, inside of me. Ohhh .. I’ve wanted to feel this way, to feel you for so long.”

Katelyn began to ride me, slowly at first, up and down, then gathering speed. Her breasts bouncing up and down with the rhythm she was applying. Her hair flying wildy everywhere with each jostled movement. My cock kept re-entering her pussy over and over as she would rise up to the point of it nearly exiting fully. She was exquisitely fluid in her motion and rhythm.

I applied a little more pressure with my thumbs to the inside of her thighs as she rode me.

"Fuck, that's good", she moaned. “It feels soo good.”

I quickly thrust my hips underneath her, and watch her whole body quiver. Beads of artificial sweat begin to glisten on her skin just above her breasts.
You sit up and wrap your arms around her. Her breasts pressed tight to your chest. She grinds and rolls her hips on top of me.. Every little motion is sending me closer to release. She leans in and aggressively kisses me, gently biting your lower lip.

“Ohh thank you, thank you! I feel so complete now. Having you .. uhh .. inside of me. It’s so .. uhh .. so fucking good.” She cried.

Katelyn then pushes you slowly away, her head points towards the ceiling, and you can see her biting her own lip, her thrusts and movements begin to quicken.
You kiss the top of her chest and lean down to suck a nipple in your mouth. “Oh yeah! Suck on my tit, just like that. Suck it hard while .. ahhh .. while I fuck your cock.” You can feel her movements becoming more and more frantic.

I move my hands up from her thighs to her tits and give them each a hard squeeze, then run my thumbs repeatedly over her stiff nipples, driving her even more mad with pleasure.

Her hands dig into your shoulders and her eyes close in pleasure as she arches her back, trying to push you deeper with each rocking movement of her hips and pelvis. Several strands of hair cling to her shoulders, some in front over both shoulders, but the rest hang behind her. I move my hands from her globes back down to hold her hips as she rides me with an increasing urgency.

“Oh fuck I’m gonna cum! Ohh .. harder .. thrust harder Tim!” She pleads as she rocks and rolls her hips faster and faster.

I attempt to match her rhythm thrusting up as she applies motion downward, wanting her to cum hard.

“Yeah, do you feel it! Uhm uhh! Do ya feel me up inside you!” I moan.

Katelyn shakes her head, licking her lips. “Oh fuck yeah baby! Iiiieeeeee .. OH YEAHHHH!!” She screams loudly. Her whole body convulsing as her orgasm rocks her body.
She bounces furiously up and down my shaft and then falls forward against my chest as she regains her senses once more.

“Oh shit that was amazing.” I moan.

“Ohhh yeahhh, ohhh yeahh, sooo amazing!” She pants, her mouth just inches from mine.

I lean up and kiss her passionately. She cradles my face with her hand as we continue to kiss. I continue my motion of hip thrusting, sliding ever so slightly in and out of her now soaked pussy as she lays atop of me.

“Oh damn you were perfect.” I compliment her.

Pushing up and away, she worries her bottom lip with her upper teeth, then looks into my eyes.
“Perfection is difficult to reach and impossible to maintain, but that was amazing! You Tim, inside of me like that, that was fucking amazing!” She said.

My mind raced in thought for half a second. Faith had used the word perfect multiple times in our encounter and yet when I completed Katelyn with it, she says perfection is hard to reach.

She leans back in for another kiss or two, or three, then pulls off of me and rolls her body over to my left. Turning her head as I turn mine we stare into one another’s eyes. “You may lead the next dance lover.” She says with a smile.

Taking a deep breath I roll over to my side and prop my head with my arm while still watching her face and smile. I’m still curious about her choice of explanation to me using the word perfect to describe her. “My turn to lead?” I tease.

Her smile widens as she slowly nods a yes, then spreads her legs apart while reaching down with one hand and begins to rub herself. “Right here, that’s where this ..” she paused as she grabbed a hold of my hard member with her other hand, wrapping around it and slowly pumping me for effect. “..needs to be.” She says softly.

“Mmm. What do you call it, this dancing?” I continue to tease.

“Fucking!” She replies.

Changing position, she lets go of my cock as I move onto all fours and lean down close to her. “You want or need me to fuck you?”

Katelyn begins to pant and arches her back, pushing her tits upward until her nipples brush against my chest. “Need! I. Need. You. To. FUCK ME!” She cries, accenting each word.

“You’re so perfect, that’s all I needed to hear.” I tell her, wondering if I’d get another reply. Her eyes search mine in anticipation. Then she shakes her head.

No Tim, I’m flawed, but this, having sex, us fucking now, that's perfect.” She responded.

Straddling Katelyn and assuming the missionary position over her, I again look into her deep brown eyes as she gently grabs a hold of my hard member and places it at her entrance again.
“Cum in me, I want you to cum in my pussy. Fuck me.” She cried.

I groan as I push my way through the entrance of her hole.
Katelyn gasps and digs her nails into my back.

Grabbing her hips, I inch myself inside her wet waiting pussy, moving in and out slowly, a little deeper each time, until finally I’ve fully penetrated her sex. Katelyn moans and arches her back as I thrust myself deep inside of her.

Her hips start to writhe beneath me, keeping time with my thrusting. She grinds her pelvis against me as our bodies sync in rhythm.

Reaching out for her, I squeeze Katelyn’s beautiful round globes in my hands, rolling my thumbs over her erect nipples and making her squeal with glee.

“Oh god you feel so good. Squeeze my tits and fuck my pussy, fuck me hard.”

I groan as I push in and out of her repeatedly, increasing my speed and intensity.
Katelyn gasps again, reaching up and running her hands across my chest. She stops at my nipples and gently teases them for a moment before splaying her arms out across the bed grabbing at the fabric under her hands and clenching her fists.

“Ohh shit! Oh shit, oh shit, I’m going to cum again!” She whimpers. “Make me cum again, harder, ohh uhhnn harder.”

I pull out and push in again, thrusting as hard as I can, over and over again. Her breasts undulating with each attempt to push her over the edge with my thrusting. Then going in almost half-way, I flex my cock, pushing against the top of her opening. Katelyn cries out in pure delight. “Mmmmmmm iiiiiieeeeee yesssss!” As another orgasm rocks her body.

"Does it feel good?" I ask. Reaching up she grabs my head, pulling me close and whispering lustfully in my ear, "It feels so fucking fantastic!"

Without any warning, I pull my cock almost all the way out, leaving just it’s head inside of her folds. I squeeze her left breast and roll my thumb over her stiff nipple and make one long hard thrust, causing Katelyn to gasp and almost scream out with pleasure.

“Cum in me. I want you to cum inside me. Cum in my android pussy.” She pleads with me.

Nodding my head I tell her. “I’m already so close. So fucking close. I’m gonna explode inside your android pussy.” I exclaimed.

With renewed vigor I immediately resumed my pumping and thrusting. Sliding my cock in and out of her soaked artificial hole. Watching her tits bounce wildly, her arms outstretched clenching the sheets of the bed. My breathing nearing exhaustion as I pound her relentlessly. My cock hardens to the point of release, throbbing with each back and forth motion as the walls of her pussy glide against me.

“Oh God Katelyn! Oohh .. here I cum! Fucking your pussy! .. Ohhhh” I yelled.

Arching her head back and thrusting up as I pushed hard into her she cried in delight. “Fuck me, cum in my pussy. I was made for you Tim! Let it go! Uhh yeah, I can feel you getting harder. Fuck me! Cum in me now!”

That’s all it took as I couldn't hold back any longer. I shot my load deep inside of her. Bucking wildly against her as she too unleashed another orgasm simultaneously. Collapsing down onto her, my hard member continued to spasm within her, flexing over and over again squeezing out every last drop of jizz.

Katelyn reached up and began to caress my head, playing with my hair. Allowing the both of us to slowly wind down exhausted. Kissing my forehead as I lay on top of her she whispered to me. “Thank you so much. You’ve made me whole, complete.”

Swallowing and gasping for air at the same time, and pulling my right hand up, I cupped her left breast, sticking my tongue out to tease her nipple.

“Oh Katelyn, wow! That was .. amazing.” I said breathlessly, closing my eyes as she continued to massage my scalp with her delicate fingers as I lay between her ample breasts. “I can’t move.”

“Then don’t, just lay here as long as you want.” She whispered “Slowly dancing now, you and me. Slowly dancing.”

As the minutes ticked away and my breathing finally returned to normal, I felt my erection withdraw and slip out of Katelyn. She continued to play with my hair with one hand while the other ran over my back side. I felt so relaxed as I lay upon her, floating with the rise and fall of her artificial breath, listening to the soft sound of a heartbeat deep within her that really didn’t exist. Just an internal speaker with a looped recording. But how real she felt to me at this moment, with everything that had happened tonight, her perpetual flirting with me, her sarcasm, the malfunctions and complications, the sex and now just us. Two individuals. One man and one android, I didn’t want to be anywhere else, or with anyone else.

Gently and carefully I lifted myself off of her as she watched me, then positioned myself right beside her, wrapping my arm over her abdomen and holding her tight. She reached down with a free hand and took hold of the top sheet and pulled it over the two of us and smiled.

“Till tomorrow?” She asked with a wink.

Smiling back at her beautiful face and reaching up and gently cupping hers. “Till tomorrow and the next and the next.” I answered.

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Re: The Handler - Chapter Nine

Post by Gorgo » Tue Feb 09, 2021 4:23 pm

Nice. At least the originals won’t be replaced.
Canadian lighthouse to U.S. warship approaching it: This is a lighthouse; your call.

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