Shame.exe, Part 2: Hannah

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Shame.exe, Part 2: Hannah

Post by gynoneko » Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:56 pm

Part 1

“That stings!” Hannah complained as I helped her to her feet. She was limping from her left foot, and she was holding her side.

“What happened? Are you ok?” Zoey asked as she stood on the other side of the couch and watched.

“Long story…” Hannah said. “I could use a look over, and maybe some power.”

“You look terrible,” I noted. “How low is your battery?”

“3%” she explained. “Uh… make that 2.” Zoey and I looked at each other. That was really low, we never got Zoey anywhere close to that. I brought Hannah into the kitchen and sat her down in a chair while Zoey got her a charging cable.

With her finally sitting and plugged in, Hannah exhaled and closed her eyes. “Oh, thank god I found you!”

“Are you hurt anywhere? You’re limping.” I asked.

Hannah took her time to answer. “Yeah… I think I pulled something in my leg. Literally. I think a muscle disconnected. And… my side hurts.”

I kneeled down and took off Hannah’s boot. She winced as I did, so I tried to do it as gently as I could. Once it was off, I took her foot into my hands and looked at it.

“Do you need anything? Can I help?” Zoey wondered.

“Some water would be nice,” Hannah requested. Zoey busied herself getting Hannah a glass of water as I tested her foot, making her wince.

“Push down,” I told her as I held her foot.

I felt some motion, but nothing like a push. “I’m trying,” Hannah claimed.

“Yeah… looks like something is out of place. You know I’m not a repair guy.”

“I know… but I… I had nowhere else to go. You modded Zoey, I’m sure you can manage this.”

Zoey handed her some water, and Hannah gulped it down. I felt her thigh, noting to myself how much thinner and smaller than Zoey she was. Sure enough, I could feel something out of place. Reaching up to her feminine thighs, I pulled Hannah’s thigh-high fishnet stocking down off her leg entirely.

“Hah!” She gasped at my touch. “Sorry.”

“I need to access your panels… can you open them?”

Hannah looked down at me. “Yeah, sure. One sec…” A moment later, the skin around her ankle and shin popped out of place where hidden panels had been. I was still impressed with this amazing technology but focused on fixing her. It was easy, just a muscle had popped out of the connection on the joint, making her leg stop working properly. I clicked it back into place, tested her movement, and closed her back up. I couldn’t help but appreciate her smooth soft skin.

“How is that?” I asked as I finally put her foot down and let her move it.

Hannah lifted her leg, twisted and rotated her foot, and ginned. “Yeah, much better. I must have pulled it when I was walking around.”

“Why were you walking around? What happened?” I asked.

Hannah sighed. “Johnny…”

“Did he hit you?” Zoey asked. I guess she suspected something from him too.

However, Hannah shook her head. “No… not on purpose. I mean… not like that.”

“How’s your side?” I asked as I looked at how she was holding it still. She pulled her hand back to show me a cut.

“I fell and landed on something sharp. It isn’t deep.”

I moved her hand farther and got a better look. She had a form of circulatory system, but the coolant blood she used had long since dried and the bleeding stopped. The cut wasn’t that bad, it looked like it grazed her. A simple skin repair kit could fix that.

“Does it still hurt?” I asked as I touched it to make sure it wasn’t deep.

She winced a little. “Yeah… some. Um… Peter, can you keep this a secret from Johnny?”

I looked up at her. “Of course. I can fix this but… you better start explaining.”

“Alright, alright…” she sighed. “It started a few weeks ago, right after you modded Zoey.”

“Can you get me my repair kit, please, Zoey?” I asked quietly trying not to interrupt her. As Zoey went off to get the kit, I cleaned up the dried blood and listened to her story.

“Well… the new models were announced that week and Johnny was really interested in them. He wanted to order one… you know, for the shop. At first, I thought it was going to be fun with another girl around, but I later realized he was replacing me! I didn’t want to be scrapped, so I… I kind of installed that mod you were telling me about. The one you put in Zoey. The shame one.

“I thought, maybe if I was a little more interesting, a little more naturally appealing and… maybe acting… well… like how Zoey does now… all shy and cute or something, maybe he would keep me. No one else showed off a floor model with that type of mod. But it only made him mad. Like… really mad.”

She held her face in her hands and rubbed her features briefly until she released her face. It was around that time that Zoey came in with the kit and I started going through it looking for the skin repair stuff. As Zoey sat down to listen, Hannah continued.

“I didn’t know it would make him so angry at me. What I thought was going to save me got me kicked to the street. Literally.”

“He kicked you?” I asked, shocked.

“More like shoved with his foot.”

“You were thrown out…?!” Zoey realized.

Hannah nodded. “Yeah. He threw me out. Like trash. He didn’t even bother to turn me off. Although, I think if I didn’t run he was going to shut me down the hard way…”

I assumed she meant he was going to break her.

Tears started to silently fall from her eyes, although she just wiped them off as though they were unwanted flies. “I fell and landed on something as I tried to get away. I ran… I can’t run very well, apparently. Somehow I pulled my muscle. I didn’t know where to go, but I remembered your address. And… I knew you’d help me.”

“So this just happened?” Zoey asked as I started to repair the damage to her skin.

Hannah shook her head. “That was last night. I… I’m not a smartphone. I don’t have a GPS in me.”

“That’s strange, I have one…” Zoey noted. “We’re the same model, aren’t we?”

“Yeah, but Johnny didn’t want to pay to activate it in me. I wasn’t going to go anywhere other than staying in the shop, so I didn’t need it. And I don’t have a map app. I just wandered around town all night trying to avoid everyone.” She leaned forward and covered her face again. She took a few deep breaths and then shook her head and sat up again to continue.

“I had to borrow someone’s phone to look up your address and get directions. It took me all day to get here. Oh, man… I was terrified! I didn’t think I’d make it here, and I tried to avoid everyone. I was so low on battery, and my leg wasn’t working… I had to crawl here!”


“Are you sure you’re ok?” Zoey asked. “Do you want any food?”

She shook her head. “I don’t eat, but thanks. Are you sure I can stay here?”

“Won’t Johnny be looking for you? I mean you are his property.”

“Mmm… technically… I’m not. Check my registry.”

I was just finishing up with her side and decided to hook my laptop up to her. She sat still for me as I connected it to her head. A quick search later… “Babes and Bots, Inc.” I read out loud. “The shop. You are registered to the shop.”

“I WAS registered to the shop. As the official owner, the moment he kicked me to the curb…”

“You became public property,” Zoey said, holding her mouth in surprise.

“Like trash,” Hannah admitted.

“Don’t you have anyone else you rather go to? A friend? A co-worker? A client?”

She let out a short laugh. “No… I have no friends, I’m a floor model. My job was to sell robots. And my co-workers are all jerks that would just… well, let’s say that’s not an option.”

“Wouldn’t you rather stay with someone you… you know… slept with?”

She laughed even louder. “That wasn’t my job, Peter. I didn’t have any clients like that.”

I looked at her confused. I swore she did. “But you… nevermind.” I decided to drop it.

“Is it so bad that I came to you first?” She wondered.

“No… I mean I’m flattered. But why me? Was I the only person you knew?”

She blushed as she looked between me and Zoey. “I… uh… I knew you were familiar with my model… and I guess we got along.” I felt like she was hiding something from me but I wasn’t going to pressure her on it.

“Well, I don’t mind you staying here, are you okay with that, Zoey?”

Zoey looked at me and back at Hannah. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I don’t want to impose,” Hannah claimed. “Even though… I just did…”

“It’s fine. You can stay for as long as you need,” I explained.

“That’s great! I can help around the house, and uh… I don’t eat or need a room.” She looked down at her side and touched it. “Hey… not bad. I knew you were the right person to turn to.”

”Thanks. But you need a bath.”

She blushed at the idea but nodded. “Of course. Say… Peter… can I ask for one more favor… just one… little… um…” She ran her fingers through her hair as she looked down at her lap.

“Sure, anything.”

“I need you to register me.”

I coughed on my own spittal a little. “W- What?”

“I need you to register me,” she repeated.

“I heard what you said. But why?”

She looked up at me with concern in her eyes. “I’m still public property. I’ve been avoiding people as much as I could all day… I don’t want to be taken by some random perv.”

I stood up and looked at Zoey. She returned the concerned gaze to me. I knew she was right, and something inside me had actually wanted this for a long time. But I had Zoey now, and I didn’t know what to do.

“Of course he will,” Zoey answered for me. I never told her about my crush on Hannah, or why I only bought Zoey because Hannah talked me into it, and I was so impressed with her. Fuck, I still fascinated being with her, even though I was trying to avoid going to the shop. I thought Zoey was enough, so I fell out of touch with Hannah… but I still had a huge crush on her.

I was there that night they activated her. Funny enough, at first she thought I was her owner and bowed to me before Johnny corrected her. Ever since then, I would flirt with her when I could, making up whatever excuse to go to the shop. It was why I had a box full of porn I bought there but never looked at under my bed.

But if Zoey was ok with this… “Are you sure?” I asked her.

Zoey nodded. “She needs your help. And you two have a history.”

“Yeah… but I mean… she’ll be registered to me like you are.”

She smiled. “I won’t get jealous, Peter. As long as we are still together.” She was serious about this, and I was impressed that she understood what I was asking.

I turned back to Hannah and nodded. “Alright, I’ll do it.”

Hannah smiled widely, showing her pretty teeth. I felt my heartthrob and knew I never got over her. A few moments later, I typed my name into the laptop and hit enter. Hannah grinned as she nudged me with her arm.

“Thanks. I… I really appreciate this.”

“Of course. Now about that bath…”

Hannah looked away. “If it’s okay with you, can… can Zoey help me out with that? I’ve never used a proper bathroom before.”

I let Hannah charge a little more before having Zoey take her into the bathroom. Movie night was apparently off, but this was a welcome and exciting change. Hannah was unexpectedly staying with us now, and… she was registered to me now. I couldn't help but smile and think back on all the times we would hang out at the shop.

I heard the water running in the other room as the two girls bathed. I really wanted to watch that. Would they stop me? Get mad at me? I tried to busy myself with preparing for her, arranging some clothes and a place to charge on the couch overnight. But in the end, lust overpowered my reasoning and I found myself trying to open the bathroom door.

It was locked. But they must have heard me mess with the lock because I heard them both giggle afterward. I decided to knock.

“Don’t come in, we’re indecent,” Zoey said through the door.

“Right. I just wanted to let you know I set up some clothes for you out here, and you can use the couch to sleep and charge.”

“Thanks, Peter,” Hannah replied.

I hovered near the door for a little longer but gave up and walked away. As I was cleaning up the tools and the kitchen, the girls came in. Zoey was wearing the pink nightgown that I bought for her, while Hannah was wearing one of Zoey’s blue ones. It was clear it didn’t fit her at all. Not only was Hannah taller than Zoey, but she was much thinner with a smaller frame. As a result, the gown didn’t even cover her panties, which were a little loose on her, and the chest hung low enough that I could see more cleavage than was intended. She covered herself with her hands but said nothing.

“Oh… Um… Hey. Have a good bath?”

“Yes,” Zoey smiled as she took my arm. She was ready for bed.

“Yeah… I guess I'll stay out here?” Hannah asked.

“On the couch is more comfortable. I got you a blanket, a charger, and a pillow.”

“Oh, cool. Thanks.”

That night, while Hannah settled in on the couch, Zoey joined me in bed as usual. She was more affectionate than normal. I had adjusted her shame.exe levels so it wasn’t as severe as before, but she liked it to be a little high. It excited her more, and it worked for me too.

As a result, she would often do things differently than before. And tonight was no exception. Her libido was still high, meaning she would engage in sex on her own, and as she curled up to me under the covers I could feel her run her hands over me and silently stroke me. When at last she got me hard, without saying a word, she rolled on top of me, slid her panties to one side, and took me inside her while biting her lip.

It was quiet sex, and she was more tight than usual. She didn’t even take her top off, although I did run my hands up her gown and caress her that way. She pulled my hands out though and leaned over me, pressing her chest into mine as she ground her hips and bounced against me. I actually came pretty quickly and held her there as I pumped her full of my semen. Zoey sighed as she had a small orgasm herself, her pussy gripping and releasing my member.

To my surprise, despite how quiet we were, I was sure I heard the door latch closed after that. I looked down at the door. I was sure I had closed it, and it was closed now, but I heard something. Zoey looked down as well and blushed.

“Do- do you think she was peeping at us?” She whispered.

I shrugged. “I don’t know. I don’t see her now.”

Zoey pulled me out of her and got under the covers, holding onto me. “Oh god! She could have seen everything from that angle!” She groaned silently as she buried her face into my chest. I held onto her and smiled.

“It’s ok. I’m sure it was nothing.”

The next day, Hannah was all smiles. Zoey was skeptical at first, but soon she was in a good mood too, smiling and acting coy. Hannah had prepared us breakfast as a thank you.

“I downloaded the cooking app last n- err… this morning. I hope you like omelets.” She explained. Zoey could eat a little, and Hannah knew this and made her some too.

“I was thinking we could get you some better fitting clothes today,” I suggested.

“That would be great. I… I’ve only ever worn the same thing every day at the shop. I don’t really know what looks good on me.”

I shrugged. “Honestly, the punk look you have going is a good fit, but you can do whatever you want.”

She sat down next to us as we ate. “Punk? More like a prostitute. This was Johhny’s idea. Besides, I’ve always wanted to wear a dress. And maybe pants.”

All afternoon we took her down to the stores and bought her some clothes. I did something like this with Zoey when I first got her, and I made a point to get her new clothes every now and then, but it hadn’t been that long since I got her. I decided to focus on getting Hannah what she needed. Bras, panties, jeans, pants, skirts, blouses, dresses… whatever she wanted, within reason.

A few hundred dollars later, we were heading back with a dozen or more bags while Hannah was sitting in my passenger seat wearing a white blouse that came off the shoulder and jeans with black sleek boots. It looked amazing on her. Zoey tended to wear more girly things, like skirts, dresses, and the like.

“Thanks so much for all this! I… I really don’t deserve it all.”

“It’s nothing,” I told her. “You have never gone shopping, and you need to wear clothes. I am honored to be able to help you with this.”

She grinned at me while Zoey silently watched in the back seat. When we got back, both of them wanted to take me by the arms, but there were just too many bags so we shared the load.

“I only have one bedroom, but you can change in there when we aren’t using it,” I explained as I set up a metal clothing rack for her in the corner of the bedroom. It was a temporary cheap solution, but we were still figuring things out.

“Thanks. I… I really appreciate this,” Hannah admitted.

“Peter, what do you want for dinner?” Zoey asked. “I should get started with it.”

I shrugged. “Surprise me?”

Zoey liked to surprise me. “I have just the dish in mind…”

She vanished into the kitchen to start cooking. Hannah finished hanging up her clothes with me and nudged me.

“This really is too much, Peter. I can’t repay you for this.”

“You don’t owe me anything.”

She grinned widely and gave me an appreciative look. Damn, she was cute in her own way too! “I think I want to change into something more comfortable. No, I mean literally. These jeans are great but tight and I want to wear something around the house that is less restricting.”

“Right. The bedroom is all yours.”

I left the bedroom and closed the door behind me. For the next half hour or so, I busied myself with work while the smell of Zoey’s cooking filled the house. I took a break to go to the bathroom and was just walking past the bedroom when I heard something. Something naughty.

I pressed my ear to the door and listened. It was clearly Hannah breathing heavily. “Ohh… Peter!” She called out silently. My heart raced again, and I couldn’t help myself. I silently opened the door a sliver and peeked inside.

Hannah was laying on the bed, her jeans were on the floor, her blouse was on the bed, and she had her legs spread wide apart. She held my pillow to her chest, covering one of her breasts, as she inhaled my scent from it, while her other hand fingered her wet pussy in perfect view to me.

I was mesmerized as she alternated between rubbing herself and sticking her fingers in and out of her wet hole. I had never seen her like this, and not even Zoey masturbated to me that I knew of. I could see everything, and I was really impressed with how human she was. She was already about to cum as she started to rub her clit hard.

“Mmmmmmnnnn!” She bit into my pillow moaning to silence her voice. “Oh, Peter! I’m cumming from your huge di- Hah!” She let out a squeal but buried her face in my pillow. I watched as she started to press her hips into the air, her legs shaking. A squirt of fluid got the bed wet as she kept rubbing herself until she stopped shaking. “Sy- System error! MMMMmmmmm…”

Her body collapsed onto the bed as she caught her breath, covering her face with my pillow entirely. After a moment or two, she lowered the pillow and rubbed her slit, lifting her hand to look at it. She spread her fingers and blushed as she looked at her sticky fluid before lowering her hand again for more. She suddenly shot up in bed, and I was sure she saw me.

“Oh no, oh no, oh no! Why now? Why did it work this time? Look at the mess! Oohhh… He’ll be so mad!” She panicked a little as she rushed to straighten the bed and figure out what to do about the large wet spot she left. During her frenzy, I closed the door and left her alone. Holy shit. That was hot!

“Peter, dinner!” Zoey called out. I rushed to the bathroom and closed the door behind me.

“Be right there,” I called out, trying to make it sound like I had been there the whole time to not alert Hannah that I was in the hallway watching her. I left again, and went to the kitchen, ignoring the bedroom.

The fajitas were delicious, as always. She was good and was always getting new recipes, and because she could eat too she was always able to taste the dishes as she was making them. A few minutes later, Hannah came into the kitchen wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt from a band I never heard of. She was carrying our blankets with her.

“Just thought I’d do some laundry while I was changing. Don’t mind me.” She claimed.

“You know how to do laundry?” Zoey asked.

Hannah paused. “I- I can figure it out. I’ll just download an app or something.” She blushed, thinking she was almost caught.

“Thanks, I guess, “ I said. “It needed a wash…”

That night, a different freshly cleaned blanket was on our bed, and I noticed our old one was lining the couch as Hannah sat on it. She must have liked my scent. I didn’t recall hearing the washing machine being used all day.

Zoey was a little more concerned about Hannah peeping on us that night and tried to stay under the covers. Even though we didn’t have sex as frequently as we did before the mod, she seemed to be in the mood more often with Hannah around. This time she tried to have sex with me without looking at what we were doing. I was certainly turned on after what I saw. We ended up with Zoey on top, sucking me off under the sheets while I licked her. Good ol’ 69. She was usually too shy to do this position. But for some reason tonight, as long as she was under the covers, she was fine with it. In fact, we both got off really easy.

In reality, even though she was under the covers, her back half was clearly sticking out, and her moans would turn anyone on. As her legs shook under the touch of my tongue, I couldn’t help but remember how Hannah’s legs shook as she started to squirt on the very same bed. It drove me to the edge, and soon Zoey had to swallow my load.

Afterward, she turned around under the covers. “Oh… wow…” She grinned. “You were definitely excited. I barely got started on you.”

“You’re one to talk. You were wet before I even started.”

She blushed but snuggled closer. “I… I guess I was… in the mood or something.”

“Is it Hannah?”

She blushed even more and covered her face under the sheets. “What are you saying?” She asked, her voice muffled by her hands.

“Does the thought of her possibly watching excite you?” I suggested.

She tensed up but uncovered her face to look at me. “Uh… I- um.” She nodded without forming full words. This was an interesting turn of events.

“I see. You like to be watched.”

Zoey covered her face again and hit me gently. “Don’t say that out loud! It’s too embarrassing.”

“But it’s true, isn’t it? You want her to watch.”

“I didn’t say that!”

I smiled at her and pulled the sheets away from her face. “You don’t have to. Look at how red you are when I suggested it.”

Zoey pouted her lips and narrowed her eyes. “Stop teasing me.”

“Alright, alright. I’ll stop.” I swore. She sighed and uncovered herself.

“I need to brush my teeth after that. You should also.”

She walked to the bathroom in her nightgown not waiting for me. I hit the nail on the head. She was totally turned on by the idea of a voyeur watching her. Kinky. I guessed she still had more secrets to unveil. I got up to follow her but decided I needed to pee as well and waited for her to finish. Even though we regularly got naked and even bathed together, she still preferred we do some things privately.

When she finished, I did my business, brushed my teeth, and headed back to bed. Only, I heard a sound from the other room. Lustful curiosity got the better of me, and I followed the noise, moving silently.

As I suspected, Hannah was on the couch engaging in another self-love session. This time, she borrowed a carrot from the kitchen to assist her. Her sweatpants and panties were around her ankles as she squeezed one of her breasts through her shirt with one hand while her other hand was behind her leg stuffing the carrot in her hole. She had her eyes closed and was biting on the blanket. The carrot was thick, but not as thick as the real thing.

She moaned silently as she violated her pussy with the vegetable. I could clearly hear the sounds of her wet cunt mixed with her muffled groans as she increased the speed. It was a crazy sight and managed to get me hard again.

Hannah arched her back a little as she pushed her knees farther apart, giving me a clear view of her privates illuminated by the moonlight. Her toes curled and she furrowed her brow as she changed the angle of her attack a little.

Suddenly, I saw her eyes glance toward me, and she pulled the carrot out of her pussy and closed her legs in a hurry. I backed up and ducked out of sight. She saw me! I didn’t want to be labeled the pervert, but she was the one masturbating in my living room. I stayed quiet as she whispered something I didn’t catch. She mumbled something else I couldn’t catch. Shortly after, I heard the sounds of her wet slopping juices again and decided to let her have her private moment.

I quietly entered the bedroom and got in bed, making sure to point my erection away from Zoey to avoid either another session or an awkward conversation. It was hard to get any sleep for a while, but eventually, about an hour later, I drifted off.

Sometime before lunch the next day, as I was busy working on my laptop and Hannah was browsing the internet, Zoey came up to me fully dressed and carrying a bag. “Oh! You’re working. I won’t bother you then.”

“What do you need?” I questioned as I looked up at her from my screen.

“We need to go shopping for food. We don’t have anything for dinner. I was sure I had some carrots...”

“I can take a break. This isn’t due for another week.”

“No, no. You concentrate on your work. I’ve taken up enough of your time already. You… You don’t suppose I can do it by myself? It’s only a block away.”

“You want to go shopping alone?” I wondered.

Zoey nodded and stood up straight. “I’ve been meaning to try more things on my own. In case you need me to help in some way. Like if you get sick or something.”

I thought about it briefly. “That sounds like a good idea to me. Can you carry all the groceries back alone?”

“It only needs to last a few meals. I should be fine.”

“It is in the middle of the day, and it isn’t far. Yes. I think it’s a great idea! Take my wallet, and call me if you need anything.”

She nodded with a big grin on her face. “I’ll be back before you know it!” Zoey gave me a kiss on the cheek, grabbed a grocery bag or two, took my wallet and keys, and skipped out the door. I watched as she giddily took charge of her first solo mission. Cute!

“Oh, thank god she’s gone!” Hannah blurted out.

I looked over at her, but she was already putting the tablet down and walking toward me. Before I knew it, she was standing over me, closed my laptop, and planted a big passionate kiss right on my lips.

It was a shock, to say the least, but as she held my face in her hands and continued her onslaught, I found myself returning the affection. She tasted faintly like candy. It took a little but I managed to gather enough willpower to pull away.

“What are you doing?”

“Kissing you, dummy!” She went in for another but I held her back.

“I mean, why?”

“Now that she’s gone we have some alone time.” She explained.

“Wait, I thought you had that shame mod installed.” I wondered.

She shrugged. “I do, the settings are low. But I’m still a sexbot, and I still have my own needs. And right now I need you.”

I held her back as she tried to lean in, not that I was really fighting her. “But, why so suddenly?”

She moved my laptop and sat down on my lap side-saddle letting out a big sigh. “Peter… I’m sorry. I- It’s hard to explain, but… oh god… I’ve been needing this for like a million years! From you, specifically. It’s driving me mad!”

“From me? Why me? I’m sorry Johnny-“

Fuck Johnny. I came to you for a reason, Peter! There- there’s something about my model that… well, it isn’t a well-known fact because usually, people don’t have to deal with it. We sometimes… well… us early models… we have a bug.”

I raised my eyebrow as I placed my hands on her waist. Damn it she was so sexy! “Wh- What kind of bug?”

She sighed and bit her lip, trying to hide her embarrassment. “You see, we- You see we’re supposed to imprint on our master, but sometimes… we sort of jump the gun. I jumped the gun. Some of us will… kind of imprint on the first person we see. Which I did…”

“And… that was me.”

She nodded slowly. “You remembered. I’ve been fantasizing about you since we first met!”

“But Johnny was your master, and you two…”

She lowered her gaze. “Yeah. We did it. Often. At least at first. But… how should I put this… I hated it. He never did it for me. He never got me off. The only way I could ever bear it was to imagine he was you. Or… you know...”

I shrugged as I gently touched her skin around her torso, noting how soft and cool she felt. “What?”

She looked away from me and fiddled with her hands a little. “I would… um… t-touchmyselfthinkingofyou,” she mumbled.


“I m- m- masturbated to you.” She clarified. She turned back toward me, her face clearly flushed red, with an awkward smile. “When you stopped coming in I thought you hated me… It was torture.”

“N- never! I didn’t hate you!” I ran my hand up her back over her shirt, trying to calm her. “So you mean to tell me this whole time you had a crush on me?” I asked.

She shrugged. “Sort of. What could I do? I was owned by his company. I… I tried so many times. I wanted you to take the bait. To whisk me away.”

“I- I had no idea.”

Hannah shook her head. “It was always a long shot…” she admitted. She then sat up and covered her mouth with the tips of her fingers, sitting back a little. “You… You don’t like me that way, do you?”

“Honestly, I… I did. I tried not to think about it. You weren’t available, you were Johnny’s! So I did the next best thing and got Zoey.”

She took a moment to process this. “You mean… you do like me that way? But you bought Zoey because… you wanted me?”

I winced at that idea. It wasn’t like I didn’t want Zoey. I couldn’t even think of life without her now. But to be honest, she wasn’t my first choice. “That’s not how I’d put it.”

She looked me in the eyes. I could feel her body tremble a little as she put her hands on my shoulders. “Peter. Do you still want me? Do you like me like I like you?”

I leaned in and kissed her this time, catching her off guard. However, she didn’t miss a beat and leaned into me, wrapping her arms behind my head. I almost didn’t notice when she stood up during the kiss to straddle me.

When she finally pulled away, she was trembling even more and panting, avoiding looking at me as she lowered her head. “Fuck! No one has ever kissed me like that! I didn’t think it would feel that good… I really need this.”

I realized something about what she said before. That she said she and Johnny had sex ‘at first’. “How long has it been since you’ve had sex?”

She tensed up and pressed her body into me, hugging me as she brought her face next to mine and lowered her voice. “About 4 months. Are you sure about this?” With a smile, I pulled my shirt up and off and let her lean back and look at me. She bit her lip as she ran her fingers over my chest and abs. “Oh wow… You look even better up close.”

“Up close? So you did spy on us!” I smiled.

Hannah looked mortified as her face flushed red. “Uh… I… uh…” Looking down from my face, she nodded and held up two fingers.

“Twice? I guess that makes us even.”

Hannah shot a look at me, her mouth hanging open. “You peeped on me too?! Oh my god! I knew someone was there… You sneaky-! You- You saw all that!?”

I grinned at her as she tried to deal with her own shame. Her settings might have been lower than Zoey’s, but it was fun to watch her get flustered. To my surprise, she started to laugh. I had heard her giggle, chuckle, even fake a laugh before, but I had never heard a laugh as genuine and sweet from her as this one before.

“Hahaha! What a pair we make!” We laughed together, but as it died, we found ourselves still holding each other in a compromising position. Hannah pursed her lips with a smile and sat back, lifting her shirt up and over her head and pulling off her bra. She was now in my lap, topless, running her hands up her sides.

I reached out and touched her perky small breasts, but as I made contact, she grabbed my hands and pulled them down to her hips. She leaned in, pressing her naked chest against mine, her hard nipples poking against my flesh, and slid off my lap. She took my hand and pulled, quietly asking me to stand up.

I did, and she guided me to the couch, where she pushed me back into it and settled on her knees between mine. Hannah’s hands ran up and down my crotch. I was already getting hard, and she could feel it. It didn’t take long for her to unbuckle my pants and pull out my cock. Just like with Zoey, she too was taken aback by it so close to her face, but despite her embarrassment, she started to stroke me.

Her hand was even smaller than Zoey’s, but she was more sure with her grip and tightly grabbed hold, pumping in and out with it next to her face as she looked up at me. As much as I loved the feel of her hand, her mouth was even better. It was clear she had the same or similar sexual programming as Zoey, although her programming made her more confident in her motions. She even deep throated me like Zoey used to do before I modded her.

“Hah!” Hannah breathed as she released me from her mouth, getting saliva and precum down her front. I was almost ready to explode already, but I resisted it. I needed to get inside her! I was glad to see she was thinking the same thing. Rising to a stand, she pulled her jeans down, one side at a time, inch by inch, teasing me, but blushing the whole time. She was hornier than she was shy.

By the time she got her jeans passed her butt, I could see her light blue panties had a large wet spot on them. She leaned over, pushing her jeans down, but after she stepped out and started to stand again, I pulled her closer and ran my fingers over her crotch.

“HAH! Peter! Ohhh… you don’t need to do that. I’m… hah! Ooohhhh… I’m so close already…”

I pulled her underwear down, revealing her sweet pink pussy, which smelled strangely like perfume. Before I could bring my face to her crotch, she pushed me back onto the couch and sat on my lap, aligning herself to me. It was awkward at first as she tried to get it in the right spot, but once we found it, she pressed her weight down slowly and took me inside her.

“Ohh!” I grunted as she put her full weight on me. “Yes… Finally!!” I could feel her insides twitch as she sat there with her eyes closed. She really was close already, I could see it in her face.

I reached up and took the opportunity to caress her breasts. She inhaled sharply at my touch and started to press her chest out. “Peter… I’ve wanted this for so long!”

She opened her eyes and leaned forward a little, pulling up until I almost popped out of her, and pressed her chest against my face. I enjoyed licking her boobs and teasing her nipples as she gyrated her hips a little before lowering herself again.

This time I put my hands on her waist and started to guide her, allowing me to start thrusting up into her. Hannah instantly reacted with gasps and squeals. Her body was so different from Zoey’s, despite being the same model. It was a testament to their customizability. But it was also a dream come true. As much as I loved Zoey’s curvy voluptuous body, Hannah’s athletic and svelte thin frame and small breasts excited me to no end.

I started to increase the tempo, filling the room with sounds of sex. Hannah suddenly put all her weight on me and gripped me tightly, trying to hold me in place. “Don’t move,” she whispered. I was throbbing inside her, begging to finish, but she pressed her head against mine and stopped me. “Wait…”

I looked up at her, holding her in my hands and feeling her insides begging for more. “You’re about to cum, aren’t you. You’re… you’re edging.”

She chuckled. “Yeah… Hah… I want this to last as long as I can.” I wanted to keep going, but for her sake, I stopped.

“Hannah, have you ever had an orgasm? During sex, I mean.”

She shook her head. “I know I can, I’m- I’m so close right now… but it never felt right with him.”

I tried to move again, but again she stopped me. “I’m- not ready yet!”

After a minute, she smiled and looked down at me, moving her hands to my head. “Say… do you remember that day we snuck onto the roof?”

I smiled widely. “Oh yeah. It was what… 3 months after you activated? We had to sneak out when Johnny was with a customer.”

“Yeah,” she confirmed. “It was such a beautiful day, we just sat there and watched the birds.”

“There was an old futon or blanket or something, remember? We… we just looked up at the blue sky. You said you had never seen a sky so blue.”

Hannah grinned. “I had never seen the sky at all. You took me there to see the outside.”

“That’s right!” I remembered. “And we fell asleep out there. I remember waking up later to find you were asleep snuggling against me. And your shirt was so loose your nipple was out. Oh! And you had your hand resting on my crotch!”

She laughed, which tightened the muscles around her vagina and stimulated me. “HA- hah…” Her voice proved that she felt it too. “You know, I wasn’t actually asleep,” she grinned as she whispered in my ear.

“Oh? Oh!” I realized. “You tease!”

“You remember, you gave me a kiss…”

“Yeah… right on the forehead to wake you up” I recalled.

Hannah kissed my forehead slowly and gently. “Right here,” she said. “But that wasn’t the kiss I was talking about. Remember?”

“Oh yeah… You woke up and kissed me on the lips! And… I remember feeling your hand grip me down there. Were you just teasing me?”

“I was trying to seduce you,” she admitted.

I pulled her in and kissed her lips, gently and playfully. As I pulled apart, she kept her eyes closed and enjoyed the lingering sensation. “Oh yeah? Well, it would have worked too if Johnny didn’t come looking for us.”

She opened her eyes in a shocked smile. “Really? I… I wasn’t sure if you wanted it.”

“I never wanted anything more.”

She smiled. “Now I wish we had kept going anyway.” She ran her fingers through my hair and played with it a little. “You know, that was our first kiss.”

“It was also our last kiss until now,” I pointed out. “We never got the chance to be alone after that.”

“Yeah… Johnny was pretty mad. The roof door set off a silent alarm and he had to talk to the cops. He was so mad, but it was worth it. That jerk.” She laughed again, and again her tight pussy clenched around me.

“I almost forgot about that.”

“You forgot our first kiss?!” She shot back.

“No… I almost forgot the alarm though.”

She laughed and started to move again, slowly, her stomach muscles contracting.

“So why did you bring that day up now?” I wondered.

She leaned in next to my ear, letting her breast barely brush against me. “It was the best day of my life, until now.”

“Yeah? I bet I know how to make this day even better?”

She pounded her hips down onto me and held it there. “Do you, now?” she grinned.

I pulled her body toward me and grabbed her butt with my hands, pulling her cheeks apart as I started to slowly thrust inside her again. She was caught off guard and I took the opportunity to guide her right breast into my mouth, teasing her nipple with my tongue and teeth.

“AHHN!! Peeeeter!” She moaned.

She didn’t stop me, so I kept going. Somehow, my finger found its way to her tight asshole and I stuck just the tip inside. Instantly, Hannah threw her head back and tensed her shoulders. “OHH!! That’s not fair! I… I’m sensitive there!”

I moved my finger in her ass a little while I continued to pound into her, holding her body steady. Hannah grabbed my hands and pulled them forward, and onto her hips, letting her take control again.

She started to pick up the pace on top of me, running her hands over my body and hers as she bounced up and down on my lap. It was truly amazing but I knew a better position to really get her going.

I held her hips down and guided her to lift her knees. She followed my guidance and put her feet on the couch next to me. Like this, she could bounce with more control, go high, and press down harder. And she took full advantage of it.

Hannah’s face instantly tensed up as she started to lift her ass up and down on me, taking me from head to root in her hot pussy, and slapping her hips against mine. Using my hands to support her from under her thighs, I was able to help guide her so I didn’t pop out as she bounced furiously on me. I matched her rhythm, getting her to let out her voice more.

“Ah!! Ah!! Ahh! It’s so good!! Harder, Peter!!” She begged with her eyes barely open.

I complied and started to thrust faster and harder, like a jackhammer. Slap! Slap! Slap! Hannah placed her hands on my chest for support and squeezed her arms together exaggerating her petite chest as she arched her back. Her small but perky breasts started to bounce wildly in front of me with every thrust as she leaned back and let me take complete control over her. I could feel her tighten on me. I didn’t think I was going to last long enough to get her off though!

“OH GOD! Yesyesyesyesyes! HAH! Fuck!” She squealed. I reached my peak and pounded as hard as I could into her, making her squeal, and held it there as I pumped my seed into her. “OHHH!!! FUCK!”

As my hot seed flowed into her, I felt her climax on me. It was amazing to feel my cock throb as I pumped her full of semen while her vagina contracted and released, almost in time to me. Her legs began to shake next as she held her breath. After a few agonizing moments of ecstasy for both of us, she collapsed against me, lowering her knees, and catching her breath as she twitched and jerked from her climax.

Hannah leaned over me, panting heavily, as her bright eyes gazed into mine. Her eyes were telling me how much she needed me, that she wanted even more, and that she was all mine. She leaned in and ran her tongue up my neck, to my mouth, and kissed me. She continued to jerk as her body finished her orgasm, but it was clear she needed more. At last, we parted our lips. I throbbed one more time inside her, making her yelp with pleasure. She was still so sensitive, she was probably ready to burst again!


Hannah’s looked up from me and she instantly tensed and covered her chest. I glanced behind the couch. Zoey was standing there, the grocery bag on the floor spilling out, with her face bright red and her hands both covering her mouth. Oh shit!

Part 3
My heart and soul locked up in a cold steel frame
- Brian May

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Re: Shame.exe, Part 2: Hannah

Post by TW » Tue Mar 17, 2020 5:15 pm

Zoey and Hannah must be insanely advanced to be a couple of mods away from their default state to where they are now. And the last part - well, we knew we had to end up here - but damn that was incredibly detailed. Great work, see you in Part 3!

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Re: Shame.exe, Part 2: Hannah

Post by DollSpace » Mon Mar 23, 2020 9:27 pm

Stellar second part - where will it go from here?

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