Regarding Fembot central accepted themes.

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Regarding Fembot central accepted themes.

Post by --NightBattery-- » Tue Feb 04, 2020 3:55 pm

Good evening my name is Night Battery or the artist formerly known as Battery, or Battery for short. Whatever. Other people also call me sky.

I am happy to see that Fembot central has become more diverse in what seems accepted topics for robot erotica.

I remember that "Fembot gallery" on one of its many incarnations accepted the inclusion of trans bodies of the female variety for a short period before they were taken away.
Back then I didn't follow the discussion closely so I am not sure what was the logic of taking a step back.
The community was a bit smaller and less communicated too, besides this message board. But that was then.

If I understand correctly the inclusion of manbots to the wiki means that now we are able to scavenge, manipulate, write and create content regarding android erotica and homosexual android erotica among males.
Is this correct? I hope so!

I assume there is no particular limitation to this besides the same limitations taken to gynoids.
So now I have to ask the current moderators, what are the limitations taken to gynoids? (now artificial beings in general)

Granted, it has been said many times: No under-aged sexual themes That is quite easy to understand.

But what about other themes?

It seems it depends a lot on the modesty/practicality of the admins in turn.
I am not sure if there is a master list of what we are not allowed to share independently of personal tastes.
Let me bring some themes that also involve robots, please if you read them please be respectful of them even if they are off-putting to you personally.
I am not saying I am in love with some of the ones I will mention but I can understand some of their appeals.
I just want to know if they are acceptable for scavenging, manipulate, write and create. I am not asking for personal opinions.
I am not asking if they are enjoyed personally, I ask if they are acceptable. I am not attacking the following, I am respectful of all kinks and I just ask so I can have a moral compass so to speak.
It is my hope that we can have an updated theme list. If there is already one, I am sorry, I couldn't find it

Naked women/men ala playboy with robotic elements and writting> accepted, no doubt.

Homosexual themes of both human genders >Accepted. (right)

Filiality> fantasy writing of incest and artificial family taboo themes Accepted (right)

Anthros> Accepted and everything above applies to them. (right)

Holograms> Finally accepted

But what about these themes

Focus on body parts> Accepted (No problem, right? each to their own)

Transformation and cyborgs>> Accepted (old as time)

Nonhumanoid forms> ???? (example: R2D2, Assimo, sentient vehicles, transformers, zords )

These next are much less vanilla, discretion advised:

Robot Beastiality> ??? (what is fembot central politic about robotic animals? I don't mean anthros, I mean robotic quadruped and similar)

Damage and humilliation> Accepted*
(But what about Eroguro, Mekabare, battle damage, self-destruction, sentient dissasembly, defeated heroes, robot abuse, robot torture, bad endings, and personality death?)
I personally enjoy these themes and I would love to expand them, perhaps some previous warning about this type of content might be necessary for its most gruesome forms?
What about cyborg destruction involving synthetic flesh and organs? for example Silver Raina or Hime Gear?

waste and fluids> ??? (semen, leaking robot coolant and battery fluid is okay, right? what about solid wastes? those can be a huge humiliation element but they are equally scandalous to some, perhaps under the right content warning, we might have these too? )

well, those are all I could think of.
It is not my intention to offend. I just ask since fembot central is meant for all technosexuals out there and sometimes certain themes can overshadow particular fetishes.
For example the taking down of she-males back then.


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Re: Regarding Fembot central accepted themes.

Post by TheShoveller » Tue Feb 04, 2020 8:42 pm

This... is actually a good question. The other admins and I will talk about this. I'd say ultimately use your best judgment here - if you think you shouldn't post it, then likely don't post it.

As for a more concrete answer, we'll have something for you in a few days or so.

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Re: Regarding Fembot central accepted themes.

Post by BD » Wed Feb 05, 2020 2:38 am

i think it's all a measure of context and reception.

Some of the stuff that is accepted (for example) i do not agree with, but i just skip those stories when they make me uncomfortable.

It actually works better when it is an obvious thought experiment where the purpose is to see (inside the story) what is a measure of repulsion and all that entails. (a.k.a.: good old science fiction)

For example for non-humanoid / bestiality. They look more or less the same to me.
• If the "thing" is an actual thing then it ranges from "the dude/gal just found a way to masturbate him/herself in a very unhortodox fashion" think of them like dildos/fleshlights but more elaborate. Think of it like a dildo/fleshlight with a cloud AI attached or stuff like that. It's their function to do as they do they are incapable of actual conversation but might respond to requests and stuff. If said dildo/fleshlight has limbs, it's not much different than those "robot" sex dolls we see today which can do little more than gyrate their hips and answer some question with your usual "cloud AI" capability of understanding anything (that is: next to zero). Any robot that is just an imitation of intelligence for human interaction comfort (that is: so that people don't have to study a manual to fuck a dildo/fleshlight) works for me.
• if the "thing" is a person, then it ranges from "why is it even capable of sex?!" which could be interesting and/or funny and could be explored to all good old sci-fi ranges and stuff ranging from "man whoever built that person really f-ed 'em up proper" to basically the equivalent of slapstick comedy. Think of it like a dalek with a fleshlight going "ex-perminate" or R2D2 adding a dildo to his chassis and connecting it to his neural network because he wants to feels what it's like to have sex. Or what if the sexual organ has no "soft parts", something like this . Or... well... you know, any robot which is implied to have human-level intelligence but definitively of alien/non-humanoid built and/or with anomalous sexual organs... trying to have sex... would be an interesting story ranging from "but why would you even?!" to "hell yeah!".

I mean, fact is... as long as we agree that both parties are having fun or that there is just one party involved and the other is just a pale imitation of intelligence it all works.

• the problem raises when the thing is obviously implied to have animal-level intelligence. Which is above case 1 and definitively below case 2 i said above. At which point stories become... questionable. Think of it like a person in space (an asteroid an alien planet) who has a farm, and that farm has a ... i dunno ... a semi-intelligent harvester that is supposed to do some stuff in some ways (just came to mind because of all the discussions raging on about how harvester firmwares lately have become very closed and do not allow farmers to modify them). So it's supposed to have a certain degree of intelligence, it's an harvester designed to operate in an alien world, how to plant/harvest seeds how to work on the crops and stuff, what do i know... but it's unable to speak, cannot voice opinions and in general... you know... it's an harvester. It's a machine and while it was supposed to have some level of intelligence, it was definitively never supposed to hold a full conversation with a human being and definitively not supposed to have sex with one. The farmer modifies a doodah this harvester has (originally intended to do other functions) in order to allow it to double as a fleshlight/dildo... well... suddenly this has already started to become rather unpleasant for me as a thought experiment and i'm cutting it here. We are not talking about something built for the specific purpose of having sex, we're talking about modifying something that already exist to function as sexual gratification. Sure, it can be explored to see how or why this person would do such a thing (extreme loneliness? Inability to function as a human being in a society?)... but if the entire point of the story is the same as most fiction... well... yeah. It would definitively be one of those stories i would skip.

In general i'm against full on censorship, mostly because i've found true gems in utter trash and i saw the point it was being made by some of the stuff i've read/watched... but still ended up skipping because they made me too uncomfortable... buuuut as i said there are things that definitively make me uncomfortable, and i definitively know some topics are extremely... "hot potato" stuff that bring out the worst in all of us.

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Re: Regarding Fembot central accepted themes.

Post by tdlsn » Wed Feb 05, 2020 7:55 am

Although a discussion regarding fembot central accepted themes can lead to the above ideas,my wish is rather straight forward. FEMBOT gallery and a few others began as a community of males with a fetish for FEMALE robots. It seems inevitable that whenever there's a space created for the interests of and by hetero males in the universe, there must be something leaning toward the nefarious and therefor must include ALL other sexual orientations. I can't change that. All I could ever hope for here going forward is that when posting material of your interest for all others to see,be a little considerate and give a small labeling maybe an acronym indicating where in "the spectrum" the material lies so that the consumer may have a choice. We may see a little more of Female robots here and there in the nearly 25+ years I've known of this community but it'll be impossible to convince me that the idea of a sexual playTHING in the form of a fully functional female robot is not TABOO. Gay sex, even furry (bestiality),going or has gone mainstream on the other hand.

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Re: Regarding Fembot central accepted themes.

Post by Toastdroid » Thu Feb 06, 2020 3:39 am

I'm completely fine with content standards as they currently are, to be honest extreme content like the given examples would really add much to this community, and I imagine since this is a public site with no content filters (as is FW) to screen it out it'd more likely result in a negative impact. I don't believe it would be censorship to exclude such content, either; While I don't judge people based on their respective kinks I also recognise that certain content can be harmful.

I think we're at a good "sweet spot" where it's safe for the vast majority of people here to browse FC and FW without any content warnings at all, and the recentish expansions on what is acceptable content are good for the over all community, which I routinely learn is a much more diverse bunch than I ever would have thought. There are definitely edge cases, but I think we're fine with where we are now.

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Re: Regarding Fembot central accepted themes.

Post by Saya » Thu Feb 06, 2020 4:32 am

I think certain extreme fetishes--scat, guro (organic), extreme domination--should have some sort of warning tag on them, since these are subjects that are commonly seen as objectionable. In addition, this would also allow people who do like those sorts of things to find what they are looking for with a greater degree of ease than if they were simply scattershot examples. Realistically, these themes and fetishes do tend to be somewhat rare and difficult to find, so I think this would work out both ways.

I've seen a few sites which have it programmed in (like E-Hentai galleries) where you get a warning before being directed to such content. I'm no programming expert, so I have no idea if that's a thing here, but if that is at all possible, I think that would work really well. Outside of that, some kind of topic or subject tagging system would work just fine.
"If the time should ever come when what is now called science, thus familiarized to men, shall be ready to put on, as it were, a form of flesh and blood, the Poet will lend his divine spirit to aid the transfiguration, and will welcome the Being thus produced, as a dear and genuine inmate of the household of man."
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Re: Regarding Fembot central accepted themes.

Post by DollSpace » Sun Feb 09, 2020 4:28 am

My Replies Inside:
--NightBattery-- wrote: Tue Feb 04, 2020 3:55 pm Good evening my name is Night Battery or the artist formerly known as Battery, or Battery for short. Whatever. Other people also call me sky.

I am happy to see that Fembot central has become more diverse in what seems accepted topics for robot erotica.

I remember that "Fembot gallery" on one of its many incarnations accepted the inclusion of trans bodies of the female variety for a short period before they were taken away.
Back then I didn't follow the discussion closely so I am not sure what was the logic of taking a step back.
The community was a bit smaller and less communicated too, besides this message board. But that was then.

If I understand correctly the inclusion of manbots to the wiki means that now we are able to scavenge, manipulate, write and create content regarding android erotica and homosexual android erotica among males.
Is this correct? I hope so!

I assume there is no particular limitation to this besides the same limitations taken to gynoids.
So now I have to ask the current moderators, what are the limitations taken to gynoids? (now artificial beings in general)

Granted, it has been said many times: No under-aged sexual themes That is quite easy to understand.

But what about other themes?

It seems it depends a lot on the modesty/practicality of the admins in turn.
I am not sure if there is a master list of what we are not allowed to share independently of personal tastes.
Let me bring some themes that also involve robots, please if you read them please be respectful of them even if they are off-putting to you personally.
I am not saying I am in love with some of the ones I will mention but I can understand some of their appeals.
I just want to know if they are acceptable for scavenging, manipulate, write and create. I am not asking for personal opinions.
I am not asking if they are enjoyed personally, I ask if they are acceptable. I am not attacking the following, I am respectful of all kinks and I just ask so I can have a moral compass so to speak.
It is my hope that we can have an updated theme list. If there is already one, I am sorry, I couldn't find it

Naked women/men a la playboy with robotic elements and writing> accepted, no doubt. Many stories here are about this already!

Homosexual themes of both human genders >Accepted. (right) There are a few...mostly two females. Since this is FembotCentral, I would have to assume a story or art would need to include a fembot, but I could be wrong on that. I have no problem with it being two males.(Tag needed in subject and on first page if it is only a homosexual encounter with just men)

Filiality> fantasy writing of incest and artificial family taboo themes Accepted (right) Kind of a secret thing for me that I have no desire to fulfil in real life but love reading about it lol! As long as the ages are ok I'm fine with it. (Tag needed in subject and on first page)

Anthros> Accepted and everything above applies to them. (right) Just like furries only actual anthropomorphic creatures...not my thing but if they play by the age rule it's fine, i.e., no cubs.(Tag needed in subject and on first page)

Holograms> Finally accepted I like holograms, but for this board it's probably best if the hologram is connected via AI to a computer of some sort, but there are so many different types of holograms, and I could certainly get into a hologram story lol, so you don't have to follow my ideas lol! (Tag needed in subject and on first page)

But what about these themes

Focus on body parts> Accepted (No problem, right? each to their own) I'm not sure I understand what you mean by this?

Transformation and cyborgs>> Accepted (old as time) For transformations, at least a third of the site likes transformations better than built robots. For cyborgs, some like them, some don't, but I gather they're ok for now.

Non-humanoid forms> ???? (example: R2D2, Assimo, sentient vehicles, transformers, zords ) No. They may play into a story or something and an article on them may have a place in the off-topic section but otherwise, no.

These next are much less vanilla, discretion advised:
Robot Bestiality> ??? (what is fembot central politic about robotic animals? I don't mean anthros, I mean robotic quadruped and similar) No. It wouldn't be acceptable in human form so not in this form, either.

Damage and humiliation> Accepted*
(But what about Eroguro, Mekabare, battle damage, self-destruction, sentient disassembly, defeated heroes, robot abuse, robot torture, bad endings, and personality death?)
I personally enjoy these themes and I would love to expand them, perhaps some previous warning about this type of content might be necessary for its most gruesome forms?
What about cyborg destruction involving synthetic flesh and organs? for example Silver Raina or Hime Gear? There are a lot of people who love damage (and some who despise it). It can be done really well (though I usually hope the robot can be repaired), and that can tie in with humiliation (if the robot can be programmed to feel that. Damage can be caused by any number of things, so battle damage or self-destruction gone wrong are fair game. Robot torture and abuse are ok if they are a ways to a means, like part of a story so a bot can be rescued.. Abuse for the sake of abuse is just going too far. The closest we've come here is after repeating countless times the robot was not sentient, but even then, reading caused me great distress. A bad ending where the character dies, or their program is wiped out, is acceptable cos we can't all have happy endings (sigh). Mekabare is just artwork that shows the humanoid robot with a view into her internal mechanisms or plugged into a diagnostics machine or charging. It's only humiliating if the android is trying to pass for human. Ero guro nansensu is an art style typified by its erotic, grotesque and nonsensical imagery. As long as it doesn't break the rules here, artwork like that can be posted, but the mods for that section will probably take a good look at it and may remove it. Destruction of cyborgs with artificial flesh sounds incredibly painful and would not be for the faint of heart, but if it were a robot or cyborg in a lot of trouble or getting lots of damage done to it, it would be okay. But if you're just known for writing stories or posting art of dissembled robots or ones in the state of disassembly, people will look at you funny, especially moderators of the forums here. There are only so many times that kind of ending is acceptable.

waste and fluids> ??? (semen, leaking robot coolant and battery fluid is okay, right? what about solid wastes? those can be a huge humiliation element but they are equally scandalous to some, perhaps under the right content warning, we might have these too? )

Waste and Fluids: Semen and vaginal fluid is fine. Sweat and saliva are ok. Leaking robot fluids (such as coolant, battery fluid or hydraulics) is ok. Urine is, for the most part, not. There could be some humour aspect occasionally but I can't think of it ever being relevant. I suppose someone could have a urine fetish (urophilia) but I don't think a story regarding that would have a wide audience on the site. I could be wrong. Solid waste is also not.

well, those are all I could think of.
It is not my intention to offend. I just ask since fembot central is meant for all technosexuals out there and sometimes certain themes can overshadow particular fetishes.
For example the taking down of she-males back then.

So those are my thoughts and I'd love for another moderator to give these a look-see to if they seem rooted in reality. We now (as far as I know it's still active) also have a sister (brother?) site called something like ManbotCentral for those who like the masculine form, too, These are only my opinions and don't reflect FembotCentral policy as my position as a moderator, but they are meant to get people talking and hopefully facilitate an end to the debate.


Re: Regarding Fembot central accepted themes.

Post by --NightBattery-- » Sun Feb 09, 2020 3:36 pm

Hi dollspace and everyone, thanks for the reply.

By focus on body part, I meant attention directed towards the exaltation of specifics such as feet, arms, body shapes and crossed eyes among many others.
I am sorry if this is starting to turn into a byzantine discussion a bit.
I am sorry also if some of you consider this unnecessary, but at least I consider there is still some confusion toward accepted themes.
It is not my intention to exasperate anyone.
At least I, pretend to accept the new liberty given to us, to make and search content about shemales, manbots, and holograms.
(This gives me a perfect excuse to binge-watching robocop for screencaps!)
I understand this might take some time, perhaps a lot, to consolidate given that most of us don't want censorship while neither want to compromise the continual survival and flavor of this ASFR space.
No need to rush into a conclusion.
But at least I can say I am shy about sharing "male" content given past limitations and not being sure where to add scavenged content not made by me (none yet*).

About nonvanilla type of content:
Enjoying some type of fantasy doesn't necessarily make you antisocial, but certainly, it has been known of fetish sites where true psychopaths emerged such as cannibal and gun forums.
I don't think that can happen here given that we focus on making content not directed toward us (besides that one occasion someone was looking to be turned into an actual robot .)
I believe even extreme content can be written/made tastefully, there are several examples that are so well done they do not register as distasteful under an adequate build-up.
even scatological matters have gone with no one batting an eye as they made sense under the context.
Although Robots are perhaps the safest way to representing things like violence, submission/dominance even in main media,
maybe those of us that want to create extreme fantasies in a direct approach might benefit from a warning screen on the wiki as Saya said?

I don't know. I realize now this is more complex than expected and depends a lot on intention.

Anyway, thanks for the responses. I am glad this has sparked a bit of an orderly discussion for the current effort of making the wiki a bit better.


Oh...and...manbot gallery/central unfortunately did not lasted long , I believe even before the year was over (2009?), the place was down. I guess girls objectify boys less than we do them. heh.

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Re: Regarding Fembot central accepted themes.

Post by tectile » Mon Feb 10, 2020 10:22 pm

I have to say I really struggled to make sense of this thread.
As long as you aren't posting something illegal, just post anything you want.
Your response from the members will let you know if something isn't acceptable.
If you want to post something that you think may upset some folks then just put a disclaimer at the top of your post.
"This story contains manbots having sex and dismembering a robot dog"
I'm, not going to read that story!
I like to stay positive. If I see something on FC I don't like, I just say nothing.

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Re: Regarding Fembot central accepted themes.

Post by Aaack » Tue Feb 11, 2020 5:14 am

I would like to know why there's certain taboo topics.
While the law is pretty clear, I find confusing why you want to add additional limits at a website scale even if they're not illegal, it confuses me, what's wrong with a tag system and just skip whatever doesn't float your boat?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not protesting, I'm just questioning why.

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Re: Regarding Fembot central accepted themes.

Post by Toastdroid » Tue Feb 11, 2020 5:31 am

Aaack wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 5:14 am I would like to know why there's certain taboo topics.
While the law is pretty clear, I find confusing why you want to add additional limits at a website scale even if they're not illegal, it confuses me, what's wrong with a tag system and just skip whatever doesn't float your boat?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not protesting, I'm just questioning why.
Some of the topics mentioned are illegal to possess images of in certain countries, even artwork iirc, but even discounting that I think that there isn't any problem with content curation, it helps make moderation much easier. Having standards =/= censorship.
Additionally, this site doesn't have any kind of content filter (nor does FW), so there's no way to give any prior warning without putting it in a thread title, at least for images, and that isn't ideal at all.
Keep in mind that this site is publically viewable to anyone who has the link, including minors potentially, that's why I think it's best to err on the side of caution for this.

I'm not necessarily against such content (I even prototyped a quick tag box for story pages on the wiki at one point), but to cover everyone's bases it should ideally be hosted offsite somewhere with a content filter (eg, pixiv) and not embedded. Alternatively, the only other way to make an effective filter would be to make content subforums members only, tho that doesn't cover FW.

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Re: Regarding Fembot central accepted themes.

Post by Aaack » Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:48 am

Some of the topics mentioned are illegal to possess images of in certain countries
Aha, right, I should have clarify my questioning is about stories, not images, I understand those can be tricky as certain countries are quite censorious.
including minors potentially
Under that reasoning 99% of the artistic corpus of this website/wiki should be wiped. In my personal opinion the protection of the minors aren't a responsibility of a website or a government, it's a duty that falls on the parents. I'm aware that apparently my point of view is considered "outdated" though, nowadays it seems parents are ok by having their children raised by the estate.

Having said that...

I get those two are reasons, wether I'm agree with them or not, also a more practical side I didn't considered is what you said that there's no mechanism to implement tags so far, that's unfortunate on one hand but it could be partially circumvented by adding a tag text on the story header, in a way you read that first and then decide if the story is of your liking or not, right?

Again, I'm talking about stories, not pictures.

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Re: Regarding Fembot central accepted themes.

Post by DollSpace » Wed Feb 12, 2020 12:26 am

Aaack wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 5:14 am I would like to know why there's certain taboo topics.
While the law is pretty clear, I find confusing why you want to add additional limits at a website scale even if they're not illegal, it confuses me, what's wrong with a tag system and just skip whatever doesn't float your boat?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not protesting, I'm just questioning why.
I think we'd have too many tags, but I think that's the system we should go with for now. It's late here and I need to go charge, but can anyone suggest any necessary tags? Meanwhile I'll see if I can have a chat with the mods to see if anything is straight out and wouldn't be accepted at all.


Re: Regarding Fembot central accepted themes.

Post by --NightBattery-- » Wed Feb 12, 2020 12:46 am

DollSpace wrote: Wed Feb 12, 2020 12:26 am
Aaack wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 5:14 am I would like to know why there's certain taboo topics.
While the law is pretty clear, I find confusing why you want to add additional limits at a website scale even if they're not illegal, it confuses me, what's wrong with a tag system and just skip whatever doesn't float your boat?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not protesting, I'm just questioning why.
I think we'd have too many tags, but I think that's the system we should go with for now. It's late here and I need to go charge, but can anyone suggest any necessary tags? Meanwhile I'll see if I can have a chat with the mods to see if anything is straight out and wouldn't be accepted at all.
but....I need to go to recharge...myself. will do later.


Re: Regarding Fembot central accepted themes.

Post by --NightBattery-- » Wed Feb 12, 2020 1:01 am

this is a list of the current categories (tags I guess) that exist in FW.
they are more useful than what they look. ... &limit=500

I don't understand why so many of you dont take the time to upload your own works.

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Re: Regarding Fembot central accepted themes.

Post by Aaack » Wed Feb 12, 2020 3:54 am

DollSpace wrote: Wed Feb 12, 2020 12:26 am I think we'd have too many tags, but I think that's the system we should go with for now.
For stories, it may be a better system like a one or two liner description of what you can find in the story, not a synopsis.


Group sex between a Slot A, Pin B, Wrench C and one oversized bolt, contains malfunctions, smoke, a robot snake and badly brewed tea.

I guess it's a tag system but less dry, maybe?

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Re: Regarding Fembot central accepted themes.

Post by Toastdroid » Wed Feb 12, 2020 4:44 am

Here's a tagging system I proposed back when we were backing up/mirroring the wiki ... Tag_Tables

basically, the idea was that you'd put it at the top of a story, list all the things that a reader might either like or dislike, and that way they have an immediate idea of whether it's a story they'd want to read. It doesn't necessarily require everything to be a formal category in FW's system either (personally as someone who worked on some of the categories on FW, they're kinda not really ideal for that). It never got off the ground cause it'd be pretty difficult to to retroactively apply it to the hundreds of stories already there.

That said, anyone's free to use it themselves if they wish, tho it'll need tweaking to fit the new default skin.

This wouldn't work with images though. That's why I think it'd be better to either host that stuff off site or not allow it at all.

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