I think I found something disturbing on YouTube.

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I think I found something disturbing on YouTube.

Post by Muchacho » Mon Nov 02, 2020 4:20 pm

I was just looking for some new content on YouTube to post in here and stumbled upon a video which title says:

Robot girl takes a walk through the woods


It drew my attention and I opened it.

There's no robot girl in the video but just a common girl walking in the woods.

The weird (and disturbing) thing is that the guy who is recording her is following her as she doesn't seem to notice because sometimes he hides behind some tree and then he keeps doing that.

I really don't know the context of this situation but... It looks really strange.

What do you guys think? Would that guy be some sort of stalker or psycho?

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Re: I think I found something disturbing on YouTube.

Post by Muchacho » Mon Nov 02, 2020 6:17 pm

Nevermind... I just took a look into his channel and found a lot of creepy stuff. Those seem to be some sort of weird artistic videos with an ASFR theme...


Re: I think I found something disturbing on YouTube.

Post by --NightBattery-- » Tue Nov 03, 2020 12:49 pm

My take is that it might be one of those "Alternate reality games" youtube channels on the making.
Inferences can be made that the goatee guy is the owner of the channel and the girl is his girlfriend.
She has some good quadriceps, a walker no doubt.

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Re: I think I found something disturbing on YouTube.

Post by JeffCapes » Sat Nov 07, 2020 6:49 am

Look at the other vids on their channel defo a fake vid and it's his girlfriend.

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Re: I think I found something disturbing on YouTube.

Post by fembot_stalker » Sun Feb 20, 2022 1:16 am

I just saw the video myself and I came 2 this conclusion: If it/he walks like a stalker, behaves like a stalker and/or acts like a stalker, then it/he most likely IS a stalker. 👁️👀 That YOUTUBE Channel does seem kind of creepy. I really don't think this has anything to do with TAMO/ASFR at all; I'm just saying.
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