An Important Message

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DukeNukem 2417
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An Important Message

Post by DukeNukem 2417 » Sat Jun 09, 2018 6:21 am

Not a typical "my thoughts on" video by any's my reaction to the sudden passing of Anthony Bourdain and a very important message for all viewers of my channel.
Elvis Lives. Not in this timeline, but in quite a few others.
I am a traveler of both time and space, to be where I have been.


Re: An Important Message

Post by KingJeremy » Sat Jun 09, 2018 9:27 am

Good post. Had an issue myself over a decade ago where a doctor prescribed Wellbutrin to quit smoking. It worked and he stopped prescribing it. Spiraled into a 2 year cycle of depression that often included thoughts of suicide. Turns out you're supposed to be weened off it not just quit cold turkey. Depression is real and horrible and can make you do things you'd never normally do.

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Re: An Important Message

Post by tectile » Tue Jun 12, 2018 12:13 pm

I've lost two of my best friends in the last 15 years to suicide.
The first was a guy who I knew had some problems with violence,drugs and alcohol in the past but I knew him during the 10 years or so when he had pretty much pulled his life together so he could be a father to his young son.
He was smart, funny and my dogs absolutely loved him. He was a welcome guest in our home anytime.
I started referring to him as "Uncle Gene" because we were like brothers and my dogs are my children.
Many of our mutual friends started calling him "Uncle Gene" :)
He was the kind of friend you could call at 1:AM and ask for help getting rid of a body and I would have done the same for him.
He had a seemingly never ending custody battle with his X and was always in danger of loosing his visitation rights.
He shot himself on his son's 10th birthday.

The second was a talented musician and artist I had known for 25 years. We played in bands together and became fast friends pretty quick. We had complimentary abilities and respect for each other. We would work together doing home and car repairs and lots of other stuff.
We were in constant contact nearly every day with a phone call or email a month or so before he took his life.
He was due to retire soon and was making plans about what he wanted to do with his life.
He seemed very optimistic and happy about getting out of the 40 hour grind so he could play and teach guitar and paint full time.
My wife and I went to see his band about 2 weeks before his death.
It was the last performance he would do with his X wife. They had been divorced a year earlier. They had worked together for 20 years in a great band and Jim thought the sun rose and set on her but not enough to keep him from straying from their marriage.
At the gig, Jim asked me to sit in and play a few songs as was our custom. When I left the stage, Jim gave a little speech saying how much he appreciated me as a friend. That seemed a little out of character to me at the time but it was a sentimental night for his band so I really didn't think much of it. My wife said later that Jim had hugged her and kissed her cheek as we were leaving the club. She is often more perceptive than I and she thought something was off. She said "I think he was saying goodbye to us. "
Again I just sort of thought it was an emotional night with this being his bands last gig.
Jim shot himself two weeks before he was due to retire with full pension from a company he had worked for 40+ years.
I found out later from Jim's lawyer that his finances were a mess. He had spent a ton of money supporting his two adult kids and the woman he had the affair with.

I like to think that I'm a perceptive person and would have picked up on signs that these two friends were contemplating such a drastic step but I guess I'm not.

The thing that just drives me crazy is that I could have helped.
I'm not rich but I have extra space in my home and enough money that I could have kept them in groceries and gas money until we got their problems figured out. All they would have to do is pick up the phone and ask.

I miss them both everyday.

R.I.P. uncle Gene and Jimmy.

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