Content Creator Masterlist

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Content Creator Masterlist

Post by Toastdroid » Thu Apr 25, 2019 9:35 pm

This is kinda an alternate idea to the one that Shoveller posted (I was just gonna post this in that thread but since I kinda disagree with that idea I didn't want to seem as being "no, MY idea").

I think that having a wiki page with a list of clip producers/content creators (artists kinda already have galleries, so maybe more of an other creative kinda thing) as a primer for what a person can expect from them would be useful.

It'd be best to keep it super simple and to the point, so something like:
-Store links
-A picture if it's an individual model
-A rough overview of the kind of content that they make (eg, specific kinks, whether they use SFX or not, how much sexual content etc)
-Whether they're currently active or not
-Whether they take customs
-Maybe one or two recommended clips or whatever, or previews of their work

Keeping it to basic information only is probably ideal because it stops certain producers being favoured more than others from the get-go. Think of it less a recommendation page and more of a buyers guide on who's done actual robot stuff (mostly so no-one buys a hypno clip or whatever by accident). It's a starting point, not a detailed review page.

I suggest this instead of a drive for direct feedback because:
-It gives producers who've only made 1 or 2 good clips, or producers who are new or obscure a bit of spotlight
-It doesn't require the model to be active and posting here
-Not everyone likes the same thing, and it better reflects that by focusing on mostly basics and objective stuff
-It's more permanent and centralised than even a sticky thread would be
-It doesn't require constant activity or organisation to maintain, and could be maintained by one person with little effort if need be
-More people browse the wiki than here, and often more frequently (this is kinda based on circumstantial evidence, but I believe it's true)
-Adding to a wiki page is a little less public than a forum (obvs you'd need a wiki account, but there's plenty of people with those)
-It gives a much bigger overview of what kinda stuff is out there

I feel this could work because there's already a media masterlist, and there's already a page listing phone sex providers with a similar concept (though this'd probably require writing a little differently). I'd also suggest that it be on the sidebar too, or the frontpage, like the masterlist.

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Re: Content Creator Masterlist

Post by Stephaniebot » Fri Apr 26, 2019 3:46 am

In truth, the 64 million dollar question is, what would the content creators/producers prefer, as they are the ones who are going to need to keep us updated, provided us with current info, and how they would prefer it promoted?

I dont use Wiki in truth, other than the odd picture link, but that's probably an age thing with me? I do have access, obviously though. But as to which gets the greater traffic, no idea, though I would have thought outsiders are more likely to see this board, than the Wiki.

I also assume that if on here, it would have its own sub board, like the commercial updates thing has now. So having it next to that in list sort of makes sense to me?

As to those in the industry that dont want to actually join, how about a generic email address they could make contact through? Could also be given to media for interviews/contacts, if needed, or survey requests. I'm sure word would soon get around as needed.

But in the end, having this in comments is good, but do the content providers actually look at this board? Do we need some sort of direction suggest on the commercial products board to get them here to respond?
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Re: Content Creator Masterlist

Post by TheShoveller » Fri Apr 26, 2019 2:40 pm

I also like this idea. It's less personal, but would still help with compiling a list of who-does-what and where to find them.

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Re: Content Creator Masterlist

Post by Toastdroid » Fri Jul 19, 2019 2:48 pm

I had some spare time, so I created a draft of this idea and put it on my userpage on the wiki for now - I don't know where it'd fit in the wiki proper and it's still a work in progress so it seemed appropriate to put it there (I was gonna fit it into the main master list but I don't wanna step on anyone's toes). Bear in mind that this is only a work in progress for now.

I've added a few examples of how it could look, using the phone sex page as a template and images already on the wiki. I've tried to keep the language neutral and descriptive for now. The idea is that eventually it'd be filled out to include even producers who have only made 1 or 2 good clips, giving everyone equal space and attention (It could be expanded by giving the larger producers their own wiki pages if appropriate).

Does anyone have any thoughts on the content or suggestions on how it could be expanded, what kind of stuff it could include, etc?

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Re: Content Creator Masterlist

Post by Stephaniebot » Sat Jul 20, 2019 4:36 am

It looks fine to me as a good, standard guide to creators/actresses, as far as we can go. The snag is seemingly getting creators/actresses to come forward and add information to promote things this way. Given this is the first action here for 3 months, the question is, do they know its here, and if they do, why they feel its not worth adding info here? If they dont, does someone need to promote it to them?
And, I hate to say it, but it needs to be said, if they do start interacting with us, beyond literally, here is my video/recording, please buy, is anyone going to talk back? Because as a writer, and actress, one thing I know I love is feedback. But if they talk to us, and no one responds, well its not going to get far, is it?
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Re: Content Creator Masterlist

Post by Toastdroid » Sat Jul 20, 2019 6:53 pm

Stephaniebot wrote:It looks fine to me as a good, standard guide to creators/actresses, as far as we can go. The snag is seemingly getting creators/actresses to come forward and add information to promote things this way. Given this is the first action here for 3 months, the question is, do they know its here, and if they do, why they feel its not worth adding info here? If they dont, does someone need to promote it to them?
And, I hate to say it, but it needs to be said, if they do start interacting with us, beyond literally, here is my video/recording, please buy, is anyone going to talk back? Because as a writer, and actress, one thing I know I love is feedback. But if they talk to us, and no one responds, well its not going to get far, is it?
Oh it's not really intended for as a direct thing for creators to actually engage in, nor is it intended to increase feedback. It's much more hands off, merely a way to give potential buyers a better idea of who's making the kind of content that they'll like. The idea's that if people have a better view of what's out there, they're more likely to buy or order customs, and that the increase in traffic at least would give creators incentive to make more good content, maybe it'll bump up people reaching out too, but in a less formal manner.

Of course, this is only really a hypothesis - I don't know how many people actually look for this kind of stuff to purchase (I imagine not really many) and I don't know how much of that number would find this useful, or find it at all. I'm mostly just going with what I'd probably find useful and if it's useful for others, that's good too.

I'll probably add a few more examples and then push it to the wiki proper, where do you guys think I should put it? I imagine it should be easy to find to be really useful so maybe I could roll it into the asfr masterlist? (also, side tangent but shouldn't reference pages like the masterlist be linked on the front page as well? they're easily missed just being on the sidebar or index).

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