Suggestion: Content Creator Spotlight

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Would you post feedback / ask questions in a Content Creator Spotlight thread?

Yes (both ask questions and give feedback)
Yes (ask questions, but will not give feedback)
Yes (give feedback, but not ask questions)
No (won't ask questions or give feedback)
Total votes: 13

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Suggestion: Content Creator Spotlight

Post by TheShoveller » Mon Apr 22, 2019 5:43 pm

Alright, so I have an idea to pitch that could help with this sort of thing in the future.

Let's start a content creator spotlight. People who write stories, make videos, make audio clips, make art, whatever - we focus on one for two weeks or so (or maybe one a month,) and have either Robotman or Kishin (or some other designated admin / mod / authority figure specific to this) talk with the person in question, get some links, or have them write up something themselves they can present, and present it. People can post about stuff they've read / seen / bought from this creator, pitch ideas to them, and it'd give them a bit more focus than simply posting in a random link or thread in a section people might not see. Some things they could cover:

-What type of content they create
-Where their content can be found (free / paid / galleries / whatever)
-What they've done in the past
-What they're working on
-What they have plans for, even if they haven't started it yet
-A little info about them and their likes / dislikes (nothing in-depth or super-sensitive - "I like mechanical fembots, I like anime, I think G-Gundam is a goddamn gift from god!" whatever they feel like)
-How people can support them (be it commissions, feedback, a tip jar, whatever)
-A chance to ask the community a question or two, for specific feedback if they want it

I feel if we did this, it would give the creators a chance to get a bigger focus than just a thread or a post or two in a section some people might never go to, and it would give them a chance to ask the community directly for feedback on something (or somethings) they were honestly curious about. However, it would require a bit of work to do such a thing - a creator would have to be willing to have one of these threads about them (some might not want that, and that's fine,) and we'd need someone to spearhead this, and we'd also need people who would actually comment on these sorts of things, and know that it takes all types.

It can be a stickied thread that gets archived every time we get a new creator, and if we run out of creators to go over, maybe we can have a brief recap, or cycle back through them. For example, "Tek has this he's working on right now, and Sweet Delilah has this she's working on. Kim's got a new clip based around this idea, and she's working on another based off this other thing." Kind of a content recap for everyone on what's going on during that period of time.

What do you guys think?

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Re: Suggestion: Content Creator Spotlight

Post by Stephaniebot » Tue Apr 23, 2019 3:22 am

Providing current content creators are happy to deal with an 'old crock' like me, and assuming that what I've been told by various medical people recently is correct, that I will need to take medical retirement a few years before the standard date (I'm 61, normal date over here would now be 66), I'd be happy to take this on, if desired. For those who dont know already, I had a 'few' grand mal seizures last month, which knocked my brain a bit sideways, and just about finished off the last of the mobility I had after my spine fracture issue. See neurologist in June, and expect to be signed off after that. But, if they did solve the issue (robotization would be nice), then clearly my free time expectation cuts back dramatically. But I'm told the chances of that are slim, to put it mildly.

I have done some non adult robot stuff in the past, though pretty much all of it is about 20 years ago, or, err, so. Have been hypnotised as a robot since then, but was 'tame stuff' but an interesting experience, so you could say I know what its like to be a robot, lol. Acting wise, I started at primary school (pre 11, as no idea what that equates to US wise), and it carried on fairly regularly for about 35-40 years, before last move, and sort of 'retired' after that, as couldn't be bothered to find new local groups at nearly 50. I even did a TV thing through here, back in about 2005 for some Canadian TV company about the Fembot thing too.

So I know what acting life is like, even if I've never done anything adult, I'm open minded, so doesn't concern me, those that do. I'm not likely to pinch ideas off content creators, as at my age, the only way I'm playing a robot now is in a full body suit, probably requiring hood/helmet/mask! :lol: I am open to offers on that sort of thing, mind. There is the issue of whether creators would rather deal with their someone in their market audience, or someone strictly neutral, like me?

But yes, assuming the neurologists cant solve my issues, I'm going to have spare time, so could take it on, if desired. But it would require others to comment on the content obviously. But there are others here who have more contact with current creators than me, so they may feel happier talking to them, I have no idea. The other thing I should point out is that due to the seizures, my current organic brain doesnt always work as well as it could. So weird replies, and slight delays would have to be accepted, or you can upgrade my brain, pretty please.
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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