New manips.

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Re: New manips.

Post by JeffCapes » Mon May 31, 2021 2:08 pm


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Re: New manips.

Post by N6688 » Tue Aug 24, 2021 1:31 pm

Opening the crate.
"She's finaly here.......come up."
The front panel of the crate falls open.
"Oh my god....."
Full resolution: ... _crate.png
"She's even more beautiful then i imagined...."
"Let's get her plugged in......"

The doll suddenly comes to life
"RUSSCORP K4T-4R1N4 онлайн."
Her features of a blank robotic doll turn into the smirk of a seductress.
"Как я могу ... служить?"
"Dammit, russian, i don't speak russian!"
"English detected, how may i be of...... service."
"Uhm, a......."

Absolutely godsmacked at the russian accented beauty in front of him he is only able to utter nonsensical replies.
She slowly and methodically steps out of the crate, slides her red latex jacket from her shoulders on the floor, embraces him and lays her right index finger on his lips.
"Shhhhhhhhh......don't speak, now unplug me, close my panel, take my hand and guide me towards your bedroom so i can......."
The russian doll moves her pink lips right next to his left ear.
"Fully imprint you...."
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Re: New manips.

Post by N6688 » Mon Oct 18, 2021 6:31 am

Russcorp help desk, how may i help you today?
Uhm, well, uhm.....
Sir, whatever is the matter with your unit i am sure we can help you in some way.
Well.....i accidentally may have damaged my unit's synthskin a bit.
Oh, well sir you wouldn't be the first person who might have been....a bit excited. :wink:
What kind of damage are we talking about.

Well's a bit excessive.
Can you describe it, OR even better make photograph of the damage sustained to your unit.
(full resolution: ... ce_off.png)
Oh, a faceoff! :faceoff:
I kinda got, like you said... too excited when we did bdsm......
I can't realy blame you sir, we Russcorp girls are kinda attractive inside and out.
Wait, you're a-
Yes sir i am.
What model?
I'm a custom 1R1N4 1200 model especially made for the helpdesk department. :D
But back to the matter at hand sir because my supervisor is glaring at me. :lol:
Oh, uh, sorry about that.
No problem sir, lets fill out some basic info and we'll get your unit fixed in no time.
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Re: New manips.

Post by N6688 » Tue Oct 26, 2021 11:24 am

"Warning, power at 20%, advise to recharge this unit."
She states in a monotone manner.
"I'm sorry honey, but i'm running low." :(
"But if you plug me in i'll be fully charged up and ready to go when you return from work"
She rises from the bed and seductively sways towards the power outlet and kneels.
A panel opens up from her chest and it swings towards the side.
The LED's around her power port glow red indicating that her power reserves are dangerously low.
He retrieves her power cable from the nightstand, plugs it into the socket and stands in front of her with the other end.
He strokes her cheek, gives her one last kiss and plugs her in.
"RUSSCORP V4L3NT1N4 1800 shutting down."
Her eyes widen and lips part relishing the feeling of the power flowing trough her.
(full resolution: )
Soon she will be ready again to serve her owner, but for now she rests.
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Re: New manips.

Post by JeffCapes » Thu Oct 28, 2021 4:10 am

Great stuff!

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Re: New manips/Commissions i ordered.

Post by N6688 » Fri Dec 31, 2021 8:07 am

So,i saw examples of this artist's work on the wiki.




He is available on Deviantart:
But you can also contact him on his discord (which he prefers) under the username: Blitsplatapus (Koalacatto)#3271

After seeing these i took the plunge and for the first time ever i ordered a commission.
The price was verry reasonable.
He normally accepts paypal but for me he made an exception since i had huge problems with paypal customer support and he allowed me to pay him in another way.
He's verry patient, and has lots of initiative and creativity.
I only gave him some basic pointers about how the character should look and that a couple of logos should be incorporated.

And with that little amount of info he made this.
( full resolution: )

It's somewhat based on an RP i did where my character's original chassis gave out after 30 years of operation and she had to get a replacement.

I was very impressed with this result and in the future i will definitely commission him again.
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Re: New manips.

Post by dingdongdug » Sat Jan 01, 2022 6:51 am

Very nice work!!!

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Re: New manips/Commissions i ordered.

Post by N6688 » Sat Jan 01, 2022 7:26 pm

dingdongdug wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 6:51 am Very nice work!!!
I didn't make it, i just ordered and payed for it. :wink:
All the credit goes to Blitsplatapus (Koalacatto)
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Re: New manips.

Post by N6688 » Thu Aug 18, 2022 1:31 pm

Security breach.
"Oh, thank god!"
"I think i lost her!"

He says while out of breath.
"I need to get out of the main street befor-"
While he turned the corner and walked into what he presumed the safety of an allyway he unfortunately came across a familiar face.
(Full resolution: ... breach.png )
And the dread settled in.
"Don't you "Uhhhhh" me."
"Thought you lost me, huh?"

The poor man frantically looks anywhere and everywhere for any means for escape.
"Yeah, don't even THINK about running away this time."
"Dammit, is she a mind reader as well?" he thought.
"You see when i came to you, i MAYBE thought you could be a suspect in my investigation."
"But my suspicions were pretty much confirmed the moment YOU HIT ME IN THE FACE WITH A SHOVEL WHEN YOU OPENED YOUR FRONT DOOR!!"
"Also, who the hell has a SHOVEL next to their front door as a weapon?!"
"A crowbar, YES!"
"A baseball bat, YES!"
"But a SHOVEL?!"
"We're in the MIDDLE OF MOSCOW!"
"You live in an APARTMENT COMPLEX!"

She closes her eyes and breathes in and out to calm herself down.
Then she opens them, and presents a pleasant smile.
"Let's start over."
"I'm Yelena, i work for the internal security department at our work, Russcorp."
"But i guess you already knew that since YOU HIT ME WITH A SHOVEL THE MOMENT YOU OPENED THE DOOR!"

She breathes out her frustration again.
"............But enough about that."
"We had a breach in our A.I. research department yesterday, but again, you already knew that........."
"We had our suspect list narrowed down to 5 people, you were included on our list."
"You see, i didn't have much to go around with clues and all, whoever broke in was....... verry carefull to clean up his mistakes."
"So i was PLANNING on interviewing everyone."
"You know, ask questions."
"Use all the fancy equipment in my noggin to measure your stress levels, body heat, check your tells and whatnot."
"I was going to be the android equivalent of Sherlock Holmes!"
she says with an air of hope while she gazes up towards the heavens.
Only for Her hopefull visage to turn to a scowl.
".............Only for you to shit your pants, panic ,and try to take out an android DESIGNED FOR COMBAT AND DURABILITY with a damn SHOVEL!"
"Now, you got two choices."

A black Audi E-tron rolls up and stops behind our poor man that was operated by another gorgeous woman in a leather outfit who blows him a kiss and a playfull wink.
"Another robot?" he pondered.
"Either, you silently and voluntarily step in the car with me."
"We head to the main office and management has a nice chat with you and you will disclose EVERYTHING you have done and who you worked with/for to steal the data for our new model's A.I. software, and i go to the maintenance department to fix the damage you did to my faceplate."

The android's eyes fire up like they were the pits of hell itself.
(full resolution: ... yes%29.png )
"I will break both your legs, stuff you in the trunk and i will have the entire night in the basement to BREAK you before i kill you off and dump your body into the Moskva."
The man slowly takes one step back in terror and accidentally stumbles and falls on the hood of the car.
The android leans over him, her eyes still blazing red that could only be described as a blazing fury.
But they suddenly dim, and return to her original ice cold blue eyes.
She straightens up and claps her hands once in pure joy and presents a radiant smile.
"Good choice!"
She walks back to one of the back doors of the car, bows in a servile manner, and extends her arm in an over dramatic fashion to guide him to his place in the vehicle.
"Please sir, enjoy our ride with us, and thank you for choosing Russcorp security for your forceful escort back to work."
She says in a mocking tone.
The man defeataly shuffles towards the back of the car and collapses in his seat.
All the while the android behind the steering wheel is doing everything in her power to prevent herself from bursting out in laughter.


Here's also a natural version if you don't like the make up and the red eyes ... ral%29.png
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Re: New manips.

Post by N6688 » Thu Sep 15, 2022 5:09 pm

Deadly Dinner Date.

Ah, here i am.
Sitting in my favorite restaurant, eating my favorite meal, violin music fills the room with the perfect tranquil atmosphere.
I only wish that my company was different.

(Full resolution: ... Date_1.png )
-Don't you like going on a date with me?
"-My word, mister Brostovitch, you hurt my feelings."

The gorgous blonde woman feins shock.

This ISN'T a date.
"You're a glorified babysitter."

The woman smirks "-And that would make YOU the baby."
"-Kind of fits the description, you constantly whine, throw imature hissy fits all the time."

Brostovitch looks unamused by his date's (apt) description of him.

"-It's your own damn fault you know, you shouldn't have stolen from the company."

"And the company has the right to keep me hostage then?"

"-Don't be so dramatic."
"-You get to go out, you live in luxury, and you are in the constant company of beautiful wome-"


The blonde looks offended by his curt statement
"-........As i was trying to say, Women."


"-Listen, all the people around us have at least glanced one time in our direction."
"-They literally talk about how the hell a guy like YOU, got to be with a girl like ME."
"-Most people would be happy with having others being envious with them."

"That's the thing tough, you AREN'T a girl."
"You're just a modified combat robot with some synthskin and a blonde wig."

"-Ouch, if i had feelings i would have been insulted."
"-Listen, it doesn't matter to me."
"-Either you enjoy your summer evening, eat that delicious looking tiramisu, maybe take a walk around the river to clear your head and go to bed to have a good sound sleep."

"-You can be a dick, keep insulting me and tick me off"

"You just said that you don't have feelings."

"-No, but i emulate them verry well, and frankly it seems VERRY apt right now to emulate that emotion because you clearly are forgetting in what for a situation you are in."
"-Let me make it VERRY clear."

"-You ARE going to stop your whining, you ARE going to do your job, and maybe, just MAYBE, you can have your freedom back after a time when the company deems you trustworthy again."

"Or what." the man says with the arrogance of a man with his wealth.
A man that clearly never had to work for anything.
A man that clearly thinks that others are beneath him.
The blonde android looks at him with full contempt.

Her eyes start to glow red, the skin around her arm suddenly hardens and starts to shift & move.
(full resolution: ... Date_2.png)

"-Or i'll sever your legs with this thing."
Her voice starts to digitally distort, prevoking an "uneasy feeling" inside him.
"-Last time i checked, you don't NEED legs to design robotic systems."

Knowing that she made her point, and seeing that her charge is properly terrified she sheats her blade back into her arm.
Synthskin shifting back into place and becomes soft to the touch once more.

She takes a glance at his tiramisu.
In her normal lovely voice she asks "-Are you going to eat that?"

"............Be my guest, i.......i lost my appetite"

"-Ah thank you, you realy know how to spoil and treat a girl." she says mockingly.
"-Later we'll take that walk around the river and go to bed."

"You mean, i'm going to bed."

She takes a sip of his coffee.
"-Did i stutter?" she says while presenting a devilish grin.
"-I have this new dildo i wanted to try out on you."

".......Oh crap......."
The end.
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Re: New manips.

Post by N6688 » Sat Oct 01, 2022 4:25 pm

Introducing the CL4IR3-M4X.
The ultimate tomboy android.
(full resolution: )
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Re: New manips.

Post by N6688 » Fri Feb 23, 2024 3:34 pm

Last edited by N6688 on Fri Feb 23, 2024 3:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New manips.

Post by N6688 » Fri Feb 23, 2024 3:34 pm

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Re: New manips.

Post by N6688 » Tue Jun 04, 2024 7:37 pm

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Re: New manips.

Post by D.Olivaw » Wed Jun 05, 2024 2:39 pm

Terminatrixes (matrices?) aren't usually my thing, but something about this one does it for me.
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Re: New manips.

Post by N6688 » Fri Jun 07, 2024 3:41 am

D.Olivaw wrote: Wed Jun 05, 2024 2:39 pm Terminatrixes (matrices?) aren't usually my thing, but something about this one does it for me.
It's the model.
Ivy is quite a beautiful woman and even better she's one of us.....well more or less.
She loves to cosplay as an android.
Last edited by N6688 on Fri Jun 07, 2024 3:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New manips.

Post by N6688 » Fri Jun 07, 2024 4:03 pm

"Honey are you ready?"
"-I'm still putting on my face!"
"Damn, what's keeping her so long........"
meanwhile in her dressing room
(full resolution: ... y_face.png )
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Re: New manips.

Post by N6688 » Tue Jun 18, 2024 10:38 am

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Re: New manips.

Post by N6688 » Sun Jun 30, 2024 9:57 am

Since i heard it was Ivy's birthday today i just had to give her a present.
(Full resolution: ... 2C_Ivy.png )
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Re: New manips.

Post by N6688 » Sun Jul 07, 2024 8:23 am

This is A.M.I. (Armatec Mechanized Infantry).
(full resolution: ... try%29.png )
( full resolution: ... amaged.png )
She's part of my OC's universe and is the American answer to the soviet's Natalya unit that was presented to the public in 1988 ( ... _photo.png )
"Designed in 1989 and completed in 1991 she was the american response to the proposed mechanization of the soviet infantry.
Ofcourse with the soviet collapse those plans got scrubbed and the US saw no reason to put A.M.I. into full production.
Just like her soviet counterpart she was relegated to a propaganda piece to show off American engineering.......even tough large parts of her design was stolen from the soviet unit."
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Re: New manips.

Post by N6688 » Thu Jul 11, 2024 8:44 am

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Re: New manips.

Post by N6688 » Tue Jul 23, 2024 7:07 am

"Robot wives have needs, too"
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Re: New manips.

Post by JeffCapes » Wed Jul 24, 2024 12:59 pm

Oooh nice

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