Introducing the perfect wife part 5

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Introducing the perfect wife part 5

Post by petey » Sun Dec 19, 2021 12:01 pm

Read Part 4 here

I pulled out the blazer and skirt combos I had ordered before my conversion to fit this chassis. They were still in the dry cleaning bags they had been delivered in. They ranged from black with grey pinstripes to grey with black pinstripes.

“I am such a fucking old lady,” I mumbled to myself.

I popped the tags off a black bra and panty set, and picked out a white blouse. As I was rolling on a new pair of pantyhose, it occurred to me that I wasn’t feeling that buzz from obeying an order. I kept going, and everything fit perfectly. Almost like they had been provided with an exhaustive list of my dimensions…

I even put on some heels to see how I looked in the full outfit. I was definitely going to be confused for an intern. But that was a glass 1/10 empty way of looking at it. I stood in front of the full length mirror on the closet door and posed. I had just proved to myself that my body would look sexy even in a brown paper bag. I went to the bathroom to put some makeup on. It wasn’t quite like I was letting my chassis control my hands, but I was confident I wasn’t going to poke my eye out or smear anything despite applying everything with record speed. I had done all these motions before, my chassis was just giving me an assist.

I didn’t normally bother with this much eye makeup, but if the result was going to be this good after two minutes of effort, I’d have to reconsider. I might even have to start watching some makeup tutorials with Melody. Lord, I hadn’t watched many of those in the last 25 years.

I went back and continued my little personal fashion show. I left on the same blouse and tried on all the skirts and jackets. Everything looked perfectly professional. They were definitely cut in the waist for a woman’s curves, but not meant to lewdly accentuate them. I still looked like a billion bucks, but it was boring. Necessarily so, but still boring. I opened up an extra button of my blouse, but it didn’t help much.

I looked at myself in the mirror while wearing the last set: a solid tan ensemble that would really need a different blouse and pantyhose when I wore it. I saw my face and realized the smile was gone. I didn’t look angry, just relaxed. Being beautiful was getting to be routine, and the thought brought the smile back. But the relaxed look also made me want to experiment with something else.

I adjusted my posture to maximize my balance, looked forward into the mirror, made my expression as neutral as I could and started switching things off. No breathing. No heartbeat. No blinking. No eyes watering. No face twitches. No movement at all. It produced the intended effect. I looked like a very very expensive mannequin, modeling business wear.

The only sound was the A/C humming away and every now and then someone in the kitchen would adjust their chair or make some other noise. I turned off my hearing. It was only a small improvement to the experiment, but noticeable. I turned off my tactile sensations. That was a lot more disorienting than I thought it would be. It was a floating sensation different from the light-headed joy I got from obedience. Any distress I felt didn’t show on my face.

I tried shutting off my vision first, then the tactile sense. That was a little better, like my brain wasn’t trying to overcorrect for not being able to sense if I was about to topple over. I shut off my taste and smell too. You don’t notice that neutral taste until it’s the only thing you have.

That left me shut off from the world, alone with my thoughts. It felt weird. I don’t know what I was expecting. I had features, so I wanted to fiddle with them. I guess I thought it would be more arousing than it turned out to be. It was a series of inhuman actions and an inhuman experience, but I felt more like a floating brain than a robot.

It got me thinking about why I wasn’t more aroused by trying on the outfits. It was an order from my Master. I really enjoyed it, but I should have enjoyed it more. I tried remembering what I was actually told. I didn’t mean to do any fancy, but suddenly I felt like I was reliving the moment. And it was a moment, just the few seconds it took to replay his words, then it was back to the void.

I immediately understood that he gave me permission to try on the outfits here, but ordered me to find a store for my new party dress. That explained the initial buzz. But now I was more interested in what had just happened.

I tried to remember something else. I thought about showing everyone my armpit charging port last night. Nothing happened. I thought about something vivid but more distant, like giving birth to Grace. Nothing happened. I remembered it the way I normally would. Then I thought about asking Grace to go clothes shopping.

Boom. I was in the kitchen. I couldn’t change the view, or do anything, but I could relive it. And I could see Grace’s shoulders droop when I asked her. I didn’t notice it the first time, probably since I was eager to get back to Master. This time I caught it. She was having a really tough time with the new me.

I replayed it, and tried to relive other memories with Grace. It didn’t take me long to figure out it didn’t work for anything before my maintenance session. Now I was really disappointed I hadn’t given James a blowjob this morning.

It was easy to lose track of how long I had spent in the void, but it was time to turn things back on. I started with my tactile senses and felt something soft against the back of my head. I turned my hearing on and heard feet shuffling. I figured I had been shut down for longer than I thought and someone had found me. I turned on my vision and sure enough I was staring at the ceiling.

I briefly considered just staying frozen. But no, people were worried about me.

I turned taste and smell back on then started turning on motor controls, followed soon by turning the lubrication in my mouth back on. My mouth tasted horrible. I turned my head and Pierre nearly leapt across the room in surprise.

“She’s awake!” He yelled out the door before dashing back over to me. “Is everything okay?”

I sat up and realized he had unbuttoned my jacket and blouse, probably trying to find a way to check what was happening. I patted myself down before closing everything up. At least he hadn’t tried to slice open my skin looking for problems. And he hadn’t sliced my clothes to get to my armpit. I kept turning on the little things that helped me simulate being human.

Grace and James barreled into the room. I was surprised James was home. I didn’t think I had been out that long.

“I’m fine, everyone. I was experimenting with turning systems off and I lost track of time.”

Grace looked pissed. “What if something had happened like a fire? We shook you and moved you and you didn’t respond at all

I resisted the urge to shout back at her. “You’re right, I should have had someone with me, especially since I’m new to this body. I discovered some new features and spent more time with my senses off than I originally intended when I shut them down.”

James sighed, “I’ll call the conversion center and try to cancel the house call.” I had disappointed Master. That was crushing. I felt like throwing myself to the ground, weeping and begging for forgiveness. I turned my tears off just in case and tried to hide at least some of what I was feeling.

Grace huffed and stomped out of the room. I felt bad about that too. Pierre asked, “Do you need any help? Do you need to get back down to the maintenance station?”

I shook my head no “I just need to get dressed in something more casual.”

He nodded back and left the room. I checked the clock. I had gone dark for maybe an hour. It must have been real shitty timing and Grace looked in on me right after I turned off my hearing. I realized James shouldn’t have been done with his meeting yet. That meant Grace called him and pulled him away.

How could I have been so fucking self-indulgent? Of course they would freak out. I must have looked like I had bricked. I could have spent 15 fucking seconds looking up how to set some alert so they could wake me up. The fact that my chassis helpfully gave me instructions on how to set a decibel trigger to re-engage certain functionality really didn’t make me feel better.

I changed back into the jeans and top I was wearing in the morning and headed back downstairs to face the music. James was on the phone. Grace and Pierre had their noses back into their laptops. Grace didn’t even acknowledge me. So I did what I usually did, I went into my office and did some work.

But unlike what I usually did, I focused on doing the parts of my job that didn’t involve managing people. I knew I wasn’t in the right headspace to do it fairly. And if my interpretation of case law involving foreign assets held in the name of the plaintiff purchased with funds from a joint account sounded a bit mean in the draft, I could clean it up later.

James came back in to check on me. “Got the house call canceled, no charge. The center finished their meeting without me and the templates look fine. So no harm done.”

My lip quivered. I felt so grateful that I didn’t hurt Master as much as I could have, but I felt guilty all over again for making him go through that effort. And I felt so lucky to be forgiven.

“I am so. so. so. so sorry, Honey. Do you want me to lock out that functionality? I did figure out how to set it so people can wake me up, but I might screw that up too.” If I hadn’t disabled my tears, they’d be flowing. I didn’t want Master to feel bad that I was upset. Maybe this would be just enough to show him I knew I was wrong.

“I don’t think that will be necessary. But no more experimenting on your own, okay?”

I wanted to get on my knees and say ‘Yes Master, this unit obeys’. Instead I nodded and said “Absolutely. I’ve learned my lesson.” The little buzz of pleasure I got from being commanded made me feel guilty too. “How can I make it up to you? Can I make dinner for everyone?” James still handled most of the cooking duties, but I could follow a recipe well enough. I thought about doing it just for him wearing nothing but an apron and spending his entire meal beneath the table, slowly enjoying his cock while he enjoyed the food.

“I think that would be nice. There are some chicken breasts thawed in the fridge.”

I didn’t complain that it wasn’t an order. “Eat at 7?”

“That’ll be fine.”

I smiled and got closer to him. “That’s quite some time from now.” I ran my hand over the front of his pants.

He smiled back, “I should be working on fixing things with Shining Hope.”

“And I could be working too.” I gave him a kiss, which he returned. I could feel my angst disappearing. I reasoned that if Master wasn’t angry with me, I shouldn’t be angry with myself. And wallowing in that anger wasn’t going to help me serve him. That just made the negative emotions dissipate faster. It wasn’t natural, but neither was I.

James broke the kiss and leaned into my ear to whisper, “Go upstairs, shut yourself in the closet. When you hear me snap three times, come out and give me a blowjob.”

I pushed myself against him and gave him another kiss. There wasn’t just the thrill of being ordered, Master was treating me like a robot. And I got to play out a fantasy of his - I assumed - even after I had screwed up.

I could have kissed him forever, but I was under orders. “Can you give me 5 minutes before you come up?”


I tried to be casual going up the stairs. I didn’t think we were going to entirely fool Grace and Pierre, but me giggling and dashing to the bedroom would be waaaay out of character, regardless of if I felt like doing it.

My clothes were on their way off as soon as I was in the room. He didn’t request it, but I didn’t want anything to get in the way in case he wanted more than oral. Plus I wanted him to see the manufacturer information on my hip.

I dashed into the bathroom to touch up my makeup. I didn’t care if it was going to get messed up in short order, I wanted to look my best for Master.

Looking at my face, I started to ponder what scenario he wanted. I easily could be the giddy plaything for him. Or I could be an emotionless sex drone for him. That wouldn’t be hard to pull off either.

I looked at my eyeliner pencil and got an idea. It was a little tricky doing it in the mirror, but I wrote “UX-49a4” in black above my left breast. I smiled at my reflection and then watched the result as I started shutting off microexpressions and my face went slack. I shut off my blink reflex too. Looking like that, I doodled a barcode on my forehead too. It wasn’t great, but it got the point across.

I grabbed some hairpins and hustled into the walk-in closet. I made sure my hair wouldn’t fall out of place as I listened for James to come in and summon me. At first I positioned myself on my knees, between James’ slacks, like I was something stowed away for when he wanted to use it. Then I started worrying if I could hear James when he came in and when he snapped, so I got back up and stayed near the door, trying to figure out if I could peak through a crack between the door and the jamb.

Standing there, it occurred to me that this was something I could have done when I was still flesh and blood. Sure, I wouldn’t have been smoking hot, or as good at keeping a straight face, but drawing robot identifiers on my body and giving him a blow job wasn’t pushing any manufacturing limits. I silently lamented the time wasted on pride and power dynamics.

Something else was nagging at me. I realized I hadn’t completed the order to find a dress for Yves’ party. There wasn’t anything I could do about it right now, it just gnawed at me. It gnawed at me more than the thought of uncompleted work gnawed at me before. The only thing that stopped it was hearing the bedroom door slowly open, putting a different order front and center.

I tried not to make any noise as I waited for the signal to serve Master. I heard his clothes come off. I heard him at least sit on the bed. And then nothing. If he was enjoying making me wait a little longer, it was just making me hotter.

Three snaps. My hand was immediately on the doorknob. I made a quick decision to walk stiffly and robotically into the bedroom rather than swing my hips. Master was sitting at the foot of the bed naked, which meant I needed to take a few extra steps to reach him. He had his phone in his hand, the back of it pointed at me. It was obvious he was shooting video.

When I was in middle school, my mom told me about the time when she was in high school where her best friend had let her boyfriend film them having sex. Within a week he had shown it or sent it to all his buddies, who sent it to their buddies until just about everyone who wanted to see it had seen it. Her friend dropped out and finished her degree with virtual courses.

I always suspected my mom, who joked about her virtual high school graduation, had been the ‘friend’ in the story. Either way, I had never taken a picture or video or myself nude, or let any of my partners do it. I had described it as a hard limit to James when we were dating.

I took a little pride that I didn’t flinch at the camera now.

I said nothing. My face remained blank. I could see James working some saliva back into his mouth at the sight of me. I maintained eye contact as best I could when I knelt and spread his knees a little further apart before starting to stroke his dick with my hand. I ignored the camera and focused on Master, feeling him grow fully hard in my grasp.

I smoothly leaned down to lick the cockhead before taking the shaft between my freshly painted lips. I could hear his heavy breathing. I kept my eyes down and my attention focused on his penis. I fondled his balls and took my time. There was no work to do, no camera to worry about, no other orders, just the simple pleasure of giving fellatio to my Master. It was better than physical pleasure, it was pure emotional satisfaction to hear Master groan softly.

Considering there were other people in the house, I didn’t bother trying to extend the session by slowing down when I felt James get close to climax. I bobbed my head a little faster and enjoyed the sense of accomplishment I felt when his cum erupted in my mouth. I ran my tongue around his softening member before removing my mouth from around it. I looked up at him - which meant looking up at the camera - with my mouth open. I don’t know if I had seen it in a porno ages ago or just heard about it, but I let James and the camera see the spunk in my mouth before I swallowed it into my fluid tank and opened my mouth again to show it was gone.

Master wasn’t saying anything, so I figured playtime was over. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I started re-activating things. I had a big smile when I opened my eyes again and asked “Was that what you wanted?”

James smiled back, “More than what I was expecting.”

I ran a finger over the unit number written above my breast, “Do you like my little customizations?”

“They’re a very nice touch.” I think James realized he hadn’t stopped the video, since he started fumbling with his phone.

“I was thinking you could make this one permanent…”

He was a little pink in the face from everything else, so it was hard to tell if the idea made him blush. “Seriously?”

I opened my mouth to talk about how he could do anything he wanted to my body and mind, but there was that fraction of a percent chance someone would overhear and get suspicious. Actually “you could” instead of “I could” was already suspicious now that I thought about it. Instead I just nodded.

“I’ll think about it. Let’s clean up.”

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Introducing the perfect wife part 6

Post by petey » Thu Dec 30, 2021 11:13 am

James needed a shower, but all I really needed was to wipe off the bar code and serial number then touch up my lipstick. I headed downstairs and poked my head into the kitchen. Grace and Pierre didn’t lift their heads from their work, so I went back to my office. I did a quick check of my phone for urgent messages, and after finding none I started searching for reviews of fashion boutiques.

I got some text messages over the next hour, but ignored them. Then I got one from Dr. Ngoepe.

<Hey Liz, it’s Brittney from Sunny Valley. Doing your 24 hour check-in. Is everything ok?>

Wow, it really had only been a day.

<Feeling great! Had a little problem fiddling with my settings earlier, but it’s been amazing.>

<Have you logged into the SVCS secure message system? I’d like to know more, but privacy is required.>

<No. I’ll log in now.>

I had a few good leads on where to find a dress tomorrow, so I felt like my orders from Master were sufficiently finished to move on to other tasks. I logged into the SVCS Web site like I had before I became a gynoid. There was a chatbox pop up as soon as I was in the secure area.

<Hey there, UX-49a4!>
<Are you still logging in on your laptop?>

I looked around the room for a camera. <how did you know that?>

<Session information. And everything sounds different when you’re talking to a browser instead of another unit.>

<I’m not comfortable hooking my brain to the internet…> I hoped Brittney would understand.

<Suit yourself, but trust your doctor here. There’s an airgap between your brain and the networked part of your chassis. It would be like hacking your laptop by showing images to your camera.>

I almost understood that <I’ll look into it later.>

<Is your owner enjoying his new toy?>

I peeked to be sure no one was looking.

<As much as he can. I spent most of last evening with the kids. One of which is in the kitchen with her husband and one of which should be back from school in an hour. >

<OK, so you don’t want anyone peeking over your shoulder.> Our conversation before my last statement disappeared. I assumed that was Brittney’s doing.

Another message from UX-0118 appeared <So what was the problem earlier? I saw you had an urgent service call requested then canceled.

I spent a few minutes typing up a description of the event and letting her read it.

<Oh wow, I’m so sorry that happened to you right off the bat. But don’t feel too bad, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Did it make you feel like a machine?>

<during, yes. I was too busy apologizing to Master afterward to think about it in other terms>

We spent some time talking about the memory replay I had stumbled across, some times UX-0118 had frozen in public, and ways to gently nudge an owner to do something in his interest. Then Brittney started a new topic.

<When are you going back to work?>

<I’ve gone through some emails, but I’m back to the office Monday. Friday night one of the other partners is hosting a party for me with a lot of friends and staff.>

<ooh! I love reveal parties! Do you know what you’re going to wear (if anything :-p)>

I smirked at the idea of walking in there nude, standing on a coffee table and freezing in place. <One of my commands was to find a nice dress to wear. I want it to be as revealing as I can get away with.>

<I have just the thing. I’ll send it to you. Don’t be worried that it’s coming in two boxes.>

<Are you sending shoes too?>

<I wasn’t, but I am now! :-D>

Well that’s a bit odd.

<Thanks for pinging me, UX-0118, but I need to get dinner started.> I smiled, I already felt like such a little homemaker and I hadn’t even started cooking.

<Great talking to you too UX-49a4. Ping me back if you need anything. The Perfect Wives Club is excited to meet you, if you’re still interested.>

<I’m guessing that’s the name of that group of machine women you mentioned before.> It was catchy.
Last edited by petey on Fri Dec 31, 2021 7:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Introducing the perfect wife part 6

Post by petey » Thu Dec 30, 2021 11:14 am

We exchanged some information about time and place, then Brittney logged off. I checked the more official messages from the conversion provider and logged off too.

I walked into the kitchen, brought out the cutting board and started slicing chicken and veggies. Grace looked up from her laptop just long enough to make a comment about how surprising it was I knew where the cutting board was.

Preparing the meal was surprisingly pleasant. Even if I wasn’t going to be eating it - or maybe not much of it - I got that well-being feedback from doing something for my husband and kids. I wasn’t going to go all 50s housewife, but I wouldn’t mind it if James wanted me to take over this chore when I had time.

Grace and Pierre logged off and moved to the den for a little bit to watch some TV and decompress. Melody was home by then, so she helped me set the table and get everything lined up for the people with stomachs to build their fajitas.

I poured myself some wine - mostly out of habit - and took my seat at the table first. I enjoyed the taste, but I was a little disappointed that I didn’t get a buzz from it. I wasn’t really expecting one, but I had hoped there was another feature of my chassis I had missed. Everyone else sat down and weakly complimented me on the meal. I didn’t mind, I figured I’d get better. I picked a piece of James’ chicken off his plate, popped it in my mouth and chewed it thoroughly. I wondered if the chicken was bland or my palate had changed. Maybe both.

That evening, the main event was going through my manual. I had downloaded my manual before the conversion, but hadn’t read it. After reading a little I decided it was going to be a better use of my time to go through it when I actually had a chassis to reference.

Everyone downloaded it to their phones, picked a section, and started reading. And whenever someone came across something interesting, they’d tell the group. Every now and then, we’d do an experiment on me. Obviously nothing invasive, but there were a few things to check out. Everyone got a kick out of how much my singing voice had improved. Locking my limbs in place until they were moved by someone else was more fun when everyone knew it was intentional.

I found out that me ‘knowing’ stuff was one form of communication from my chassis. I switched to a head’s up display and got a few chuckles as I moved my head around to see if the floating yellow text moved with me. I found I preferred just knowing I was at a 60% charge rather than looking at my battery status in the lower right corner of my vision.

I also got a great chance to freak everyone out by popping out my eyeball. We found the instructions on hooking the optic connector to other camera devices, but couldn’t think of any useful applications. I removed my upper teeth like a pair of dentures to a similar amount of unease. Melody joked that I had turned into an old lady after all. I was wondering how it would affect oral sex, and if there were any interesting replacement pieces.

The downside was when I found features that I’d love Master to test, but not with the kids in the room. The instructions on how to shut down my mind and revise my ‘preferences’ made me squeeze my thighs together. I hoped no one else caught me doing it. I also had to suppress a giggle at the euphemism of “administrator directives”, separate from the instructions for reprogramming me. I could get an “administrator directive” to do something, and my instinct would be to obey, but I could resist anything too out there. Editing preferences meant that I wanted to do those things or think that way. There were all sorts of warnings about only doing it with expert supervision.

Grace still didn’t seem fully at ease, but she was a lot less reserved than she was the night before. Maybe knowledge of how my body worked made her less intimidated by the process. There was no magic, or deal with the devil, just engineering.

We retired a little earlier than the night before. I had sex with Master again, but with a little less urgency. It still felt unbelievable. I had offered to get on top, but we had some nice missionary sex instead. It filled me with butterflies when he said he’d rather see my lovely face than use my asshole.

I cleaned him off with my mouth, and Master said he was satisfied for the evening. I had my robe on and was heading to the door when I heard the moaning. Either Grace was trying to compete with me, or Pierre was giving it to her extra hard.

“Do you hear that?” I whispered to James.

“Nope.” He rolled over.

I snickered and stayed in the room. I didn’t want the sound of the door to disrupt them. I laid on the bed with Master, wrapping an arm around him. “This does remind me of something.”

“If you’re thinking of the time my Dad walked in on us while carrying Charlie, I’d rather not be reminded.”

“Not that, do you remember in the car, when you ordered me not to climax until you said to climax?”


“You haven’t ordered me yet.”

James sat up in bed and turned to me, “You haven’t cum yet?” He put a hand over his mouth, after saying it a little louder than he intended.

I shook my head “no”. The moaning stopped… Master and I waited… then we started hearing the guestroom bed creak again.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It never came up.”

“Wait, you said it was the best sex of your life, and you didn’t cum?”

I snuggled up closer to him and spoke softly, “Being with you, sexually pleasing you, it’s so intensely satisfying now. I didn’t think a climax of my own would add to the experience very much.”

James rubbed his temples and spoke softly back, “Still, I want you to tell me if there are any orders like that that are lingering, ok?”

“That’s the only one.”

Master smiled at me. “Kneel on the ground, pleasure yourself for one minute, then climax.”

My head swirled as I got the order. And I obeyed. I got on the ground, opened my robe, spread my legs wide and let him watch. I started teasing myself and licking my lips. In short order I decided it was better to move my arm so I was reaching between my legs from the back and using my other hand to tease my nipple. It gave Master a better view. Master lay there on his side, smiling at me as my hips writhed in the air.

Then the world went white. I don’t know if it actually overloaded anything but for a split second I had an out-of-body experience. The pleasure reward overwhelmed everything else I was thinking or feeling. I’m not even sure if I cried out, and if I did how loud it was. Considering Master was still smiling at me, I guessed it wasn’t very loud.

I stood up and licked the extra lubricant off my fingers. Then I walked over and gave him a kiss. “Thank you”.

“My pleasure, baby. Turn the light off and when you think Grace and Pierre are done, go downstairs for maintenance.”

I smiled at the double order and nodded my assent. It was a little fun, standing there in the dark, waiting for everyone else to do what they needed to do before I could do my nightly routine. It felt right, rather than an imposition or a chore.
Last edited by petey on Fri Dec 31, 2021 7:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Introducing the perfect wife part 6

Post by petey » Thu Dec 30, 2021 11:15 am

The night was uneventful. I hooked up to the maintenance station then got some more work done. The messages were coming faster now that people knew I was around enough to answer them. I quietly snuck upstairs to wake James up with a blowjob, but he had gotten up before his alarm. Not me, the one on his phone.

Grace and Pierre took the two-hour drive home in the morning. With Melody at school, I took the opportunity to close the blinds and walk around the house naked. It also meant I could act like James’ obedient robot wife. It was really fun when he snapped his fingers and I stopped typing in mid sentence so he could fuck me on my desk. It was almost as fun when he ordered me to fix him lunch, place a grocery order, or bag up the laundry for our service to pick up.

Maybe this couldn’t be our lives forever, we still had bills to pay, but it was so nice to have a day where I could just be his machine. I had that floaty feeling in my head even when Master wasn’t in the same room as me.

I threw on something casual before Melody got home. Fortunately that coincided with the delivery guy arriving with Brittney’s packages… all three of them.

Soon enough, it was Friday afternoon. I stood in the mirror and admired the dress UX-0118 had sent. It was floor-length and a solid charcoal gray. And while I might have initially dismissed neutral tones, It did fit with the “I’m a robot” motif. The top was held up by two thin straps over my shoulders and in the front was a solid piece from my neck on down. In stark contrast, the back was almost entirely uncovered - the two thin straps were the exception - down to just above my butt. The front of the gown got wider the closer it got to my waist, enough that it hugged and covered my hips. And it left my arms free to open up the access points in my armpits.

The back may have been risque, but it did have a purpose. The extra box UX-0118 had sent contained a large clear plastic… I suppose ‘insert’ is the best word. The seam up my back was left open and the skin on either side attached to the insert. From the bottom of my hairline almost to my rump there was a 10 cm wide window into the mechanisms inside me. Mostly it just exposed grey synthetic muscle, but it was very exciting to show everyone, with certainty, that I was a machine now.

I turned around and tried to get better looks at what the maintenance station had done. The gown didn’t have a lot of extra fabric around my legs to flow outward as I spun. I was definitely going to need pictures.

I checked my makeup in the mirror again. I had put on some silver eye shadow and more mascara than normal to compliment the dress. I also had my hair pinned up so it wouldn’t obstruct my spine window. But I did leave two strands dangling down to frame my face. The maintenance station was also a fair hairdresser.

Melody was downstairs in her waitress uniform when I descended the staircase.

“Damn, Mom.”

I smiled at her, “There are definitely benefits to not eating or breathing.” I did an additional little spin.

“What’s that on your back?”

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