A Nova At Hotel Automata

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A Nova At Hotel Automata

Post by Gorgo » Sun Mar 21, 2021 11:10 am

The sequel to A Stay at Hotel Automata as I pay a salute to another favourite writer here.

Warning! There will be transgender gynoids/shemale androids in this story!



A Nova at Hotel Automata
by Gorgo

Based on characters and situations created by Kishin and Uncom, also referencing situations created by WilloWisp


"Good evening! Welcome to Hotel Astra!"

Hearing that friendly hail from the dusky-skinned woman manning the front desk, the bespectacled woman with the cobalt-shaded raven hair and violet eyes came up, a small bundle of papers and her passport in hand. "I have a reservation for the next week or so," she promptly announced, her voice a mixture of accents. "Ariel Diamond and companion?"

Tamara smiled as she took the passport to open it, scanning the main page as she did a visual comparison. "Yes, Ms. Diamond. You asked for a single room for the next seven days. Payment was confirmed through your American Express card, so there should be no problems. Given your companion is a gynoid, would you require assistance from our on-site technician?"

Ariel blinked in surprise before she gazed upon the woman standing beside her, who herself looked quite surprised at such an offer. "No, that's not necessary," she affirmed as she gave the brothel worker-turned-hotel staff a smile of thanks. "Nova's in tip-top shape. I'm sure we'll be quite fine."

"She can respond in emergencies, of course," Tamara assured the new guest before she looked over. "Betty?"

"Our new guests, Tamara?" a very wholesome blonde woman with blue eyes asked as she gave Ariel and her companion a welcoming smile.

"Yes. Room 49, please."

"Of course. Right this way, Ms. Diamond, Ms. Lafeyson."

Ariel and her companion nodded as they followed the blonde to the nearby elevator landings. Watching them go as her eyes danced over the former's quite trendy clothing and the more utilitarian clothes worn by the latter, Tamara could only smirk in amusement as the barely-noticeable regimented movements of the hotel's newest guest replayed in her processors.

While the hotel certainly didn't discriminate between human and artificial guests, the fact that the name "Ariel Diamond" had registered with Tamara's owner — enough that it forced the man to make some discrete calls to people whom he hadn't identified to anyone on the premises, even his effective "girl Fridays" Angela and Alex — was enough to have everyone on staff be extra wary.

As to the why...?


"Do you believe you've been discovered, Ariel?"

Hearing that concerned question from the flame-haired combat gynoid who had been her only real companion since the Catastrophe a decade before, the sexdoll-turned-business executive who had risen to the near-pinnacle of power in Daikoku perked before she looked over, noting that Nova was gazing out at the surrounding cityscape. Smiling at the attentiveness the most successful of the NVA series was showing in keeping watch over them both, Ariel turned back to her laptop. "It wouldn't surprise me if the hotel staff didn't suspect something about me," she noted. "All the girls here were vaulted into full sentience by their old programming supervisor before that whole stink of a trial saw them separated from Uncomsys support for nearly a year before their new master came along."

"Rick Thomas," the woman known originally among her creators as NVA-7C mused as the image of a middle aged-man with brown hair and blue eyes — now with a trimmed moustache and beard covering a very warm and friendly face — flashed through her internal processors. "Yes, our hosts were beyond lucky to get a technosexual — and one who's quite forward-thinking if all the rumours of the man are true — as their new master and owner."

"Indeed they were," Ariel noted before she perked. "Oh, there's a message from Robin."

That made Nova instantly perk as the image of the hotel's owner-by-proxy vanished from her internal processors, replaced by that of a coquettish girl with brown hair and blue eyes, her old plasskin epidermal tissue having long been replaced by the more organic syntheskin the two Daikoku-built gynoids had as an effective birthright. "How is she?"

"She's found Rhea, Danu and Andromeda."

Nova's blue eyes went very wide on hearing that. "They're alright?"

"All fine. That accounts for the last of your particular model," Ariel affirmed with a relieved smile as she gave her subordinate-turned-partner a reassuring look. "They're not in town yet, but are on their way. Their ETA will be two days from now."

An audible sigh of relief escaped the fiery-haired gynoid warrior. "Thank the Kami," she hissed out, gazing heavenward into the night sky overhead. "Once we're back together again, we can find a place we can call our own and live in peace, away from all those who would see us join our creators in the afterlife."

Hearing that made Ariel slowly nod. Even if she herself still had issues when it came to understanding the concept called "faith", her companion had fully embraced the Shintō religion of their land of creation as a way of seeking out a sense of inner peace withing her very human soul. That started to happen long before a "tragic misfire" of an American orbital defence platform saw a shard of pure depleted uranium crash down from the heavens to demolish Daikoku's world headquarters in Neo-Tōkyō a decade before, wiping out the very heart of the conglomerate who had dared to become a superpower in its own right. Such only increased exponentially over the previous ten years as Nova Lafeyson tried her best to square her beliefs with the cruel reality that now hung like Damocles' sword over those like she and Ariel Diamond. In an age where the very word "Daikoku" — which had once provoked fear among many worldwide — was now seen as a cursed epithet.

"Make love to me, Nova."

Hearing that command, Nova's perfect lips curled into a smile as she walked over while Ariel rose to welcome her into her arms, their lips desperately seeking their others as hands began attacking their clothes...



Watching his two newest guests go at it thanks to a hidden security camera only he could access — and often restricted himself from accessing to ensure Hotel Astra wouldn't be accused of improper violations of personal space — the retired customer service representative now sitting alone in his top-floor private apartment could only sigh as he sat back in his motorized wheelchair, his mind running through what he had just overheard from Ariel and Nova.

A flick of the finger allowed the hotel's enhanced security systems to passively lock in on the two gynoids within the very room he himself had stayed in a couple months ago before a wild quirk of fate allowed this particular establishment's compliment of fifty-five beautiful gynoids — all save two being veterans of several brothels in the city that were decommissioned for new construction, taken on as hotel staff by a very determined manager named Susan Descharme, a gynoid herself — become his property thanks to the DNA-recording loyalty lock system that had effectively become the one surefire means of combating systems hacking over the years. And while Rick Thomas gladly trusted all his girls with anything, the delicate nature of THIS particular situation forced him to keep things even from his two personal assistants Angela Slaed and Alex Desmond.

Sure enough, the mixture of electromagnetic emissions emanating from Ariel and Nova got hits:



Tapping a control to turn off the internal monitors and blank the screen, Rick took a deep breath. Even if he hadn't been involved in the "silent war" against the Daikoku World Corporation a decade before when he served as an administration assistant with the Canadian Security Intelligence Service — this was after his half-decade of duty in His Majesty's Armed Forces — he knew a lot about the Oriental-based company which had evolved WAY beyond what any sort of multinational should have realistically been allowed to achieve in a space of twenty-odd years. A company that — while projecting the veneer of a benevolent corporation with interests in multiple fields — seemed willing to conquer and control anything and everything it touched no matter how far it reached. A company that had been responsible for multiple terrorist incidents around the Pacific Rim, was suspected in at least eight radical changes of government across southern and eastern Asia, had the blood of tens of thousands on its hands...!

And now, one of that company's senior executives was in his hotel!

While this might have been a concern before the "tragic misfire"...

Rick blinked before shaking his head. No! Stop thinking of Ariel as a potential enemy, Thomas! he admonished himself, crossing his arms. She's cut off from any support save for Nova and her sisters soon to join her! Daikoku as an entity was wrecked a decade ago; anything that's still active would want to stay hidden to prevent the whole damned world from dropping on them...!

Shaking his head, he turned his chair around to shift it closer to his bed, quickly transferring himself onto that soft mattress; the stump of his right leg had been acting up recently, causing him to keep his prosthetic off for the last week or so. He'd worry about his two new guests in the morning; Lynn wanted to spend the night with him to properly re-affirm her loyalty lock programming...


"A Korean bath house...?"

Smiling at what she had found early the next morning, Nova could only take a deep breath, allowing the fresh air to cool her internal systems before she moved to undress herself before heading into the inviting combined tchimjil-bang/mog'yok-t'ang located on the hotel's ground floor not far from where she and Ariel were now staying. After slipping off her panties and sports bra to reveal her tanned body — having been made quite perfectly human years before to prevent anyone from suspecting the woman created as NVA-7 as being anything other than a perfectly normal organic female of around twenty or so; long gone were the days where she having no visible navel might have caused targets to question things — she picked up some towels, then moved to head into the washing area...

"Good morning, Ms. Lafeyson."

The barest of gasps escaped the flame-haired woman as she found herself gazing on the middle-aged man she had reflected on the previous evening before enjoying a couple of hours reaffirming her love and devotion to her former field supervisor-turned-girlfriend. "Ah, Mister Th-th-Thomas," she sputtered out with quite human embarrassment, her cheeks flaming on noting he was still in considerably good shape even if his right leg was missing from mid-calf down. "I'm sorry...!"

"Oh, relax! It's a mixed bath," he replied as he focused a pair of warm blue eyes at her, those orbs briefly glancing down at her partially-exposed body before he turned back to concentrate on cleaning his arms. "Sit down and relax. You obviously know what my presence here means to the girls working here, so I'm quite used to seeing nude gynoids parade themselves in front of me."

Considering that, Nova then chuckled as she moved to sit down at the cubicle next to his before straightening herself, displaying her considerable "talent" for him to gaze upon. Even if she wasn't actively wanting to seduce this fellow, she was quite proud of what people like her spiritual "father", the late Professor Aaron Lafeyson, and his co-workers had done to make her what she was. And given that she had been in the full-time company of a sister gynoid who had been built from the start to be an intimate companion — a "sexbot" to use the common parlance for same; Nova knew her current host didn't care for such terms — her own sense of pride when it came to her looks had increased considerably. She loved it when people gazed at her with admiration and desire; even if she was wary about having sex with anyone outside Ariel, Robin or any of her own sister NVAs, she had been programmed from the start to be as much a lover as she was a killer.

"You won't have issues with your dermal tissue, will you?"

Hearing that concerned question made Nova blush. "It's alright, Mister Thomas. My syntheskin was specifically built to be waterproof. And I'm programmed to be quite diligent in self-maintenance." She then paused before she gave him a curious look. "CSIS? RCMP?"

Rick chuckled. "The former. I was at the Sŏul station until I lost my leg."

"How did it happen?"

"Unknown history of diabetes caught up to me one day," he wryly admitted.

Nova sympathetically winced. "You never thought to get a cybernetic replacement?"

"No, didn't care for that. I've heard all the horror stories people who've done that to themselves had reported about how much the brain gets overwhelmed by too much sensory data from the artificial limb. Just a plain prosthetic leg for me." He then grimaced as he moved to soap the amputated leg down. "When the stump doesn't act up, of course," he then grumbled.

"Hence, the motorized wheelchair I saw," she noted before taking a deep breath. "Then you know about me."

Rink nodded. "Your fame has preceded you, Ms. Lafeyson," he calmly stated before reaching over to gently grasp her hand to give it a supportive squeeze. "And while it may be fifteen years later, I am very sorry at the loss of your father." As she gave him a wide-eyed look, he gave her a light smile. "He was caught in a bad situation, not realizing how far his employers were willing to go to see Daikoku become what it was. At least he prepared you — and your sisters, I hope — to survive in a very cruel world. I hope your sisters are alright."

Her cheeks reddening as she came to sense he didn't care about those she had slain in Daikoku's service over a half-decade since her initial activation, she then reached over to spray herself down. "We're all alive. For a couple of my sisters, it got close in places. But by the time the Catastrophe happened, we were all intact and as sentient as Father made us before he killed himself."

"That was right after he eliminated Mugoi Hyōgen, right?"

"Hai," she replied in Japanese before suddenly blushing. Seeing him wave her down in acceptance of her using her native tongue, Nova took a deep breath. "I had just saved Mugoi from a rogue assassin. He nearly saw me wrecked to the point where Father couldn't rebuild me, but he was able to do that. Afterwards, Father killed the man in vengeance before taking his own life. My memories were wiped of that time..." She then sniffed as her eyes teared. "But Ariel was kind enough to have them restored after we became lovers." A glance was sent his way. "You know who she is, I believe."

"Yes, I do. And as with you, I don't care about her past, Ms. Lafeyson..."

Her blush turned to one of childish embarrassment. "Oji-tama! Hidoi yo! Atashi wa Nova-chan desu!" she called out in a diabetic-inducing kawaii lilt as she gave him an annoyed pout.

"Hai! Hai! Wakarimasu, Nova-san!" he called back in Nihon-go before reaching over to squeeze her shoulder in reassurance. "Please, I'm Rick. As I told one of my first lovers when I came here to attend my friends' funerals, I hear 'Mister Thomas', I'm looking around for a father I've never met." As she gave him a concerned look, he added, "Separated from my mother when I was a baby."

"She raised you alone?"

"No, with my grandmother, her mother."

"That's good." She then gave him a wink. "And they did it quite well, it seems. If all the rumours on the Internet about you and how you came to be the master of Tamara and her sisters are true."

"Flatterer!" he teased back before moving to spray himself down.

A knock echoed at the doorway. "Rick?"

"C'mon in, you two!"

Nova turned to look as two nude women appearing to be her physical age walked into the room, they carrying towels. One was a studious-looking brunette with the most beautiful caramel brown eyes she had ever seen on a gynoid; the other was a pale-skinned slender yet busty woman with straight reddish-brown hair and golden-brown eyes. As she herself blushed on noting how much a decade and more of advancement in AI construction could produce such life-like yet effectively immortal and ethereal beauty, the studious one — Angela Slaed, Nova knew from the personal file about her at the hotel website she had read — bowed her head. "«Sempai, we're more than honoured to have both yourself and your esteemed companion stay at our humble hotel,»" she declared in very formal Japanese. "«Please, may we humble kōhai have the pleasure to help you with your morning ablutions?»"

If Nova's cheeks were actual weapons, they'd be at the point of detonation, they were that red. "Ah...h-hai! Dōzo!" she then bade in her native tongue.

With that, Alex Desmond moved to kneel behind her as her sister placed herself to Nova's left, she moving to pass on both soap and shampoo so the flame-haired gynoid to have her hair and back washed...


"Oh, Kami-sama, you have such wonderful girls, Hŭg'in'wangja-nim...!"

A nude and very aroused Ariel was now at the desk in her guest room, moaning as her fingers danced over her nexus as she mentally observed what was now going on with her long-time companion and two of their wonderful hosts. While the former head of Covert Operations at Daikoku hadn't sensed anything when she came to this beautiful hotel, she was quite sure that the man who was owner-by-proxy had a passive sensor network installed to monitor things in all the guest rooms, which could easily explain how comfortable he was speaking to Nova in the bath house.

And while Ariel didn't have proof positive of it, she was more than sure that one Richard Dean Thomas, formerly of Merritton in Ontario, was the elusive intelligence officer people at Daikoku called Hŭg'in'wangja.

The Black Prince.

Daikoku's rise to the heights of economic power had occurred around the same time the two Koreas finally reunited as one polity. Like many groups worldwide, Ariel's masters gladly moved to swoop in and get their hunk of the potential business pie almost thirty million liberated North Koreans could bring them, thus form a base to solidify the company's influence over all of eastern Asia.

It had failed. Spectacularly so.

While Ariel's subordinates had found ways to tap into the intelligence networks of major nations such as America's Central Intelligence Agency, Russia's Slúzhba Vnéshnej Razvédki and China's Guójiā Ānquán Bù — during those times, Japan's intelligence forces were often jokingly called "Daikoku Intelligence Agency" by those who knew how deeply the multinational held control over the workings of government in Neo-Tōkyō — the company hadn't done the same to "minor" groups like the Canadian Security Intelligence Service.

That, she had long suspected, helped make the Catastrophe happen.

With Korea a virtual black hole to Daikoku, there was a place in proverbial spitting distance of the company's headquarters to allow spies and black ops groups to base themselves without being eliminated. The few times people such as Nova caught up to such agents and saw them interrogated, the rumours of a single man controlling such a thorough anti-Daikoku campaign began to circulate; the phrase "black prince" in Korean was eventually coined by one of Ariel's human subordinates, such a word becoming one of wary respect and fear in the company as a whole all the way to President Osato Sanshirō himself.

Those few core executives who survived the Catastrophe only to stand trial in a dozen nations often cursed the Black Prince for being the one who fed information to those "rogues" in the American government who fired the uranium missile down on Neo-Tōkyō that killed nearly a million souls.

Of course, Washington had always remained quiet about...


Ariel gasped as images of a most unwelcome type flashed through her central processors before she lunged out of bed, snaring a towel to cover herself as she raced down to the tchimjil-bang...


Rick could only moan as both Angela and Alex leapt up to snare the just-arrived transgender woman in the female blouse and skirt before she could lunge past Nova to grab him. While he knew that the AI personal assistants to the current "leadership" of Uncomsys were primarily meant as sexual companions to allow administrative personnel such as acting "chief executive officer" Georgia Descharme to see to their own sexual functions, they could be used in other manners as well. Fortunately, his own effective harem were all programmed to help deal with unruly customers; incidents where people tried to hurt the gynoid brothel workers had been uncommon but not unknown before they came to work at Hotel Astra. "Keep her restrained, girls," he calmly ordered as he moved to clean himself off. "She's Charlene's assistant. I doubt she ordered her to come here to bother me..."

"Rick, PLEASE!" the cute young man — who definitely would have matched the term "trap" back in the old days — with the long raven hair and the grey eyes behind fake glasses moaned. "Let Georgia go! You can't keep interfering in operations if you have dher under your control! Please...!"

As an understandably confused Nova watched this, Angela sighed as she reached into the newcomer's pants to start playing with "her" noticeably hard love machine; even if her host had used feminine pronouns to describe this person, he was definitely all male given the general shape of his hip structure. As footfalls heralded the arrival of a bespectacled mousy girl in hotel uniform with a scientist's smock over her shoulders — Gillian Andrews, the hotel's on-site gynoid technician, Nova knew — and a barely-covered Ariel Diamond of all people, a passionate moan escaped the newcomer. "N-no...! Please, don't AROUSE...!"

Her body instantly locked up as Gillian calmly reached up to unbutton her stylish blouse to open an access port before putting a wireless sensor probe in. "Er-ror! Up-per...ac-cess...port...o-pen! Un-auth-or-ized...ac-cess! Or-ga-sim...pro-gram-ming...in-it-i-a-ting! Please...Gil-li-an...stop...do-ing...this!"

"You entered the premises moving to threaten our master in the presence of some very important guests, kiddo!" Gillian noted as Ariel shifted around Angela to place herself close to Rick while Nova turned to stare intently at this interloper. "You know the rules! I can tell your loyalty lock protocols are degrading fast! Attack Master, you become his property!"


"What's going on here?" Ariel wondered.

Rick sighed. "I'm about to effectively RAPE someone, Ms. Diamond," he moaned, reaching up to rub his face. "Angela, Alex, I'll take her here. Get her undressed, please..."

As the newcomer's protested words faded into a barely coherent babble, the former brothel workers moved to straighten her while they smartly unbuttoned her designer slacks and allowed same to drop to her knees, revealing a pair of stylish girl's panties that didn't mask a sizable yet still small penis. As Nova and Ariel exchanged looks, Alex and Angela lifted the newcomer over to their master, moving to sit her down in Rick's lap. Gently drawing the stuttering creature in, the retired customer service representative reached around to position his own manhood right at her rear opening. "I'm sorry about this, Amy..."

The just-named personal assistant perked on hearing her name, her head snapping over to gaze on the frowning man holding her against him, then she shakily nodded as a flash of lucidity appeared in those grey orbs.


Rick took a deep breath, then drove himself right into Amy's anus, making her cry out before her own systems moved to steady herself while allowing her hips to pump up and down, thus driving her new lover — a man she liked yet feared greatly because of his own dominance over the pretty transgender "femdroid" who was Uncomsys' current chief in the absence of dher critically ill organic template — to the point where he would be able to enjoy a pleasant release. As that happened, Alex and Angela moved to help stimulate both Amy and their master, they whispering words of reassurance to both while Nova moved to spray herself down, she watching this with both a sense of arousal and a growing concern.

«What's going on with Uncomsys?»

Quickly sensing that thought from Ariel through their communications link, the most successful of Daikoku's field agents gave her old boss a wry stare. «Whatever it is, Ariel, it's got to be better than what our old 'masters' tolerated back in Neo-Tōkyō...»


Rick gasped as he felt himself shoot a load deep into Amy's body; since he had started having virtually nightly sex with his considerable "harem" of gynoids — plus one transgender gynoid whenever Georgia Descharme came to the hotel to be with dher wife Susan — he had come to feel like a young man again even if he was on the road to senior citizen years. As Alex and Angela moved to help keep him sitting up, Amy froze in place, her eyes glowing as she announced in robotic lock-step, "U-nit...Twelve-...Six-...Nine...A-...my...Wang...suc-...cess-...ful-ly...re-...boot-...ed," she declared, a touch of relief in her feminine voice. "Loy-...al-...ty...lock...pro-gram-...ming...pa-...ra-...me-...ters...changed. New...own-...er...Rich-...ard...Dean...Tho-...mas...ack-...now-...ledged. Please...state...what...act-...ion...or...func-...tion...you...wish...this...u-...nit...to...per-...form...Mas-...ter."

He reached up to rub his forehead. "Maintain all operational functions as programmed when first assigned as Unit Seven-Oh-Five's personal assistant, Unit Twelve-Six-Nine," he sternly declared in a voice that made both Nova and Ariel shudder at that show of firm command. "All prior programming bonds to any person affiliated to United Computation Systems, Incorporated are to be purged from your mind. Under no circumstances are you to obey any order from any agent of that company unless I direct otherwise. Understood?"


Everyone then cried out as Amy collapsed to her knees, a wail of both shame and relief escaping her. Instantly, Ariel was kneeling in front of her, hugging her tightly as a barely audible burst of apologies escaped the shuddering transgender woman in her arms. As Gillian shook her head, Nova gazed towards Rick...

...before she visibly winced on seeing the trace of tears brimming in his blue eyes.

To Be Continued...


Translations of terms:

Rōnin (浪人) — Literally "drifting person", this is the term used in classical times to indicate a samurai warrior who did not have a lord to serve. These days, it indicates a person who failed the college entrance exams.
Tchimjil-bang (찜질방) — Dry sauna room.
Mog'yok-t'ang (목욕탕) — Public bathhouse.
Sŏul (서울) — Literally "capital", this is the McCune-Reischauer Romanization of the name for Seoul, Korea's capital city. I use the MR system as it is more precise in transcribing Korean sounds to a Latin alphabet.
Oji-tama! Hidoi yo! Atashi wa Nova-chan desu! (おじたま! ひどいよ! あたしはノヴァちゃんです!) — Uncle! That's mean! I'm Nova-chan!
Kawaii (かわいい) — Cute.
Wakarimasu (わかります) — (I) understand.
Sempai (先輩) — Literally "prior generation", this is the term used to address one's senior or upperclassman.
Kōhai (後輩) — Literally "following generation", what a sempai addresses one's juniors/underclassmen as.
Dōzo (どうぞ) — Go ahead.
Hŭg'in'wangja-nim (흑인왕자님) — Literally "Lord Black Prince" as partially translated above, with the "-nim" (님) suffix honorific that shows highest levels of respect.
Slúzhba Vnéshnej Razvédki (Служба Внешней Разведки) — Foreign Intelligence Service.
Guójiā Ānquán Bù (国家安全部) — Ministry of State Security.
Dher — Third-person nominative and accusative pronouns used for a transgender woman/shemale in my stories; this is derived from Melissa Scott's 1995 novel Shadow Man. Due to prior complaints, I don't write it as Ms. Scott did in her novel as ðer (using the Old English ð representing the soft digraph "th" in "this"). Pronounce the word as a rhyme with "deer", you get the idea.
Last edited by Gorgo on Wed Mar 24, 2021 1:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Canadian lighthouse to U.S. warship approaching it: This is a lighthouse; your call.

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Re: A Nova At Hotel Automata

Post by Uncom » Mon Mar 22, 2021 10:48 am

Oh, hey, another chapter to this story. I'm interested to see what happens ne-
"I'm about to effectively RAPE someone, Ms. Diamond,"
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Re: A Nova At Hotel Automata

Post by Gorgo » Mon Mar 22, 2021 12:27 pm

That, my friend, is the way Rick would see it. The real issues will be revealled next chapter.
Canadian lighthouse to U.S. warship approaching it: This is a lighthouse; your call.

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Re: A Nova At Hotel Automata

Post by Gorgo » Thu Mar 25, 2021 7:36 am

"Goshujin-sama actually cried...?"

Nova tried not to physically wince on hearing her long-time lover/companion call their ultimate host THAT. "Yes, he did," the flame-haired gynoid replied as she gently squeezed Ariel's hand. "You heard what Angela and Alex said about how Rick views sentient AIs like us. Even if allowing himself to become Amy's new master stopped her malfunction, he still felt it wrong to force himself on her."

Hearing that, the former senior business executive blinked as she fought down the growing urge in her sexual systems to go find the man she was now flatly convinced was the deadly "black prince" who had done so much to see Daikoku rendered weak and vulnerable before the Catastrophe and submit herself fully to the man. "I see..." she said as her own violet eyes misted over.

Gazing on the woman who had come to mean so much to her over the past decade and more, Nova then reached over to squeeze the petite brunette's shoulder. "Ariel...do you WANT Rick to be your owner?"


More silence.

Still more silence.


Ariel blinked several times as the idea of being the personal possession of a man like Rick Thomas — polite to a fault, gentle and compassionate beyond belief, very intelligent, quite attractive regardless of his physical disability — then her cheeks turned quite red as she hugged herself.

"Oh, the TEMPTATION...!" she breathed out as she got up, hugging herself as she walked over to the window to gaze upon the surrounding cityscape. A quick glance by Nova to the area of her lover's nexus showed how aroused the highly-modified sexbot was at such a possibility. "Nova, if he would ask me to be his, I would be his in an instant! Yet..." She sniffed. "I can't abandon you or the others."

"We can all accept it, Ariel," Nova soothed.

The brunette gazed over her shoulder at the other woman. "What about your feelings for Jason?"

Nova stiffened instantly on hearing that name before she blinked herself as her blue eyes teared. Only Ariel had the right to raise the subject of Jason Matting to her even if it had been over fifteen years since his death thanks to Nova's then-malfunctioning sister Andromeda during a rather ugly rogue retrieval mission in San Antonio a year prior to her meeting Ariel for the first time. As he had done several times before his own suicide, Nova's creator/father Aaron Lafeyson had mercifully suppressed her memories of holding the dying man in her arms after she pounded Andromeda into submission, he vowing his love for her with his dying breath. Memories which would be restored at Ariel's direct command, resulting in Nova spending a week in the other gynoid's arms weeping as she strove to overcome the many past traumas of her first missions for Daikoku.

It was one of many things the woman born NVA-7 felt grateful when it came to her sister gynoid born ANG-9.

"Jason will always be part of me, Ariel," she then confessed. "But you're a much greater part of me, even more so than Robin or my sisters. I want YOU to be happy. And I know you're tired of wandering like this. I didn't suspect it when you first moved to have our rendezvous here, but now I realize you DID choose this place because of Rick himself. I reacted the same way when I first learned of him and what he had to do for the girls here at the hotel..."

"He's the Black Prince."

Nova stopped. "Hŭg'in'wangja-nim?!"

"He's either the one who was in charge or worked with that person. I wasn't sure of it at first, but when he told you he was with CSIS and worked in Sŏul before the Catastrophe, it just solidified it for me."

The other woman considered that for a moment, calling up all the memory files she had concerning Daikoku's many failed operations in the recently-reunited Republic of Korea in that bloody half-decade before Neo-Tōkyō was nearly vaporized, then put all of them through a detailed analysis protocol to see where her lover was going with her train of logic. After a moment, she blinked. "Our escape?"

"Not just ours," Ariel noted. "EVERY sentient AI owned by Daikoku was well clear of Neo-Tōkyō before the warhead struck the complex. You and I were in Shin-Ōsaka then, helping set up a private repair facility for all of us, remember?" At Nova's nod, the raven-haired gynoid looked out the window again. "Remember what people like Rhea, Danu, Meda and Robin said just after it happened? How they got private messages from different sources advising them that we needed help in Shin-Ōsaka?"

The flame-haired woman blinked before she laid back on the bed. "You think Rick sent those messages?"

"In his personal blog, he confesses to have always had a thing for sentient AIs," her old boss reminded her. "While we never had proof positive about it, I'M sure CSIS was supported on the sly by Professor Andrews' organization." As Nova gaped at her, Ariel shook her head. "I knew as much about the man as you did, Nova."

A faint nod answered her. Professor George Andrews, late of the Canadian Army's Corps of Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, was the man who had come up with a detailed AI sentience classification system that came into vogue over the years. Using a grading system lettered from A to G, the Andrews Scale of Artificial Intelligence was the benchmark of measurement when it came to giving sentient AIs like Ariel Diamond and Nova Lafeyson civil and legal rights; the by-letter owner of Hotel Astra, Susan Descharme, was graded a Class G — in effect, as human as an AI could be — and could do most things organics could do even if she still needed an "owner of record" in one Rick Thomas.

While Daikoku had tried to tear apart Canada to capture the native of Stelton in hopes of seizing his own knowledge for their own use — failing each time — the man who resembled a younger version of the famous actor Vincent Price hadn't been seen in over two decades since he published his seminal work on AI development.

In fact, many these days believed him to be a mere urban legend...

Both women perked as the telephone on the desk rang. Walking over, Ariel tapped the control. "Hello?"

"I see I was somewhat found out."

Hearing the amused voice of their host made both gynoids blush...


"There never WAS a Black Prince?"

Rick shook his head after placing his coffee cup down, then he smiled as his personal chef Melissa Drayton moved to refill same. "No. The name was used in an operation MI6's people in Sŏul wanted to carry out to whisk the Imperial Family out of Japan and to safety in Korea, preventing them from becoming hostages to Osato and his subordinates when it started becoming clear even to them that the rest of the world was ganging up to shut Daikoku down. When one of the field agents who were captured by your people let out the name in interrogation and it began being bandied about in Neo-Tōkyō, we elected to play along with it."

Ariel and Nova hummed. All three were currently in their host's top-floor apartment enjoying breakfast; even if both gynoids could go without any sort of matter intake to help maintain their internal systems for days, Rick had a strong sense of propriety to ensure that two esteemed lady guests would not head out on the town from his establishment without proper nourishment. "You clearly didn't have anything to do with the Catastrophe," the raven-haired sexbot-turned-executive mused before sipping her tea. "Was it you that found a way to get all of Daikoku's AIs like Nova and myself out of Neo-Tōkyō before it happened?"

A sour look crossed his face. "I didn't know details about it, but I did know that something big was planned to follow the evacuation of the Heavenly Sovereign and his family from the Gosho in Kyōto. What I did know was that a week before it happened, our station was ordered to find ways to contact everyone like you two — not to mention those organics who were judged as not being complicit in many of the atrocities that Daikoku had unleashed across Asia, especially in the southeast — to get out of the city as quick as possible." He pointed at Ariel. "That's when we learned what you really were, Ariel. That surprised us a lot."

"It was necessary," Nova explained, making Ariel blush. "After Mugoi's death, it was decided that a totally logical, rational hand was needed when it came to managing covert operations. By then, Ariel had served as personal administrative assistant to President Osato himself for two years. He trusted her more than he did his own senior board of executives, so her becoming chief of the whole works — once a proper false identity was made for her — was logical in the end."

"We noticed that," he admitted. "Innocent bystander casualties dropped to near-zero after Ariel took over." He gave the woman in question an approving look, making the diminutive brunette blush madly at that praise.

"It was just a sloppy way of doing business," she confessed.

Chuckles escaped the others in the room save one Amy Wong, who was reclining on the beautiful master bed nearby gazing intently at some of her new master's photo albums. Glancing towards the transgender gynoid for a moment, Rick then sighed before sipping his coffee. "Rick, it wasn't your fault," Nova advised on seeing that. "The whole situation with Amy and those like her just didn't chime."

As the raven-haired twenty-something "trap" looked over her shoulder at the two elder gynoids, Rick sighed. "Yes, I know. I just don't like being thrust into a situation where I'm seen as effectively taking over Uncomsys by proxy because I'm the effective owner-of-record of its acting COO."

"Is there any hope for Mr. Descharme?" Ariel wondered.

He shook his head. "Can't tell. Dhe drifts in and out of consciousness all the time." As he did for the transgender gynoid he "owned", Rick addressed the person whom Uncomsys Series X Unit 711 — or "Georgia Descharme" as dhe went by these days — with the modified pronouns that first came out in a classic science fiction novel about the societal impacts of gender identity ages ago. "Dhe's got a crack team of nurses watching over the fellow, but dhe isn't anywhere close to being well enough to allow dher other self to be able to live here full-time with dher wife."

"Romantic!" Ariel teased, toasting him with her cup.

Chuckles escaped the others before a knock echoed from the main door. Melissa perked before heading over, opening it before she sighed. "Come in, Charlene. She's right over there."

Rick's guests turned to see a very beautiful woman appearing to be about thirty or so; a quick switch to thermal sight revealed what she really was. "Oh, Rick, please forgive us!" the pale silver-eyed blonde moaned as she came up to warmly envelop his head in her quite voluminous superstructure; seeing those impressive breasts, a very tiny twang of jealousy shot through the minds of the two Japanese-built gynoids as they realized that both of theirs didn't come close to ONE of the newcomer's. "I was monitoring Amy's programming, then she got away from me...!"

"Okay! Okay! Knock it off with the dumb bimbo act, Charlene!" he groaned even if he returned her embrace.

A pout crossed the newcomer's face. "Rick! For God's sake, I'm PROGRAMMED to act that way!" she said as she pulled back from him, giving him an annoyed look before an impish grin turned her lips up before she leaned in to warmly kiss him on the lips.

"Well, you don't have to be Uncomsys' 'blonde cheerleader' around me, alright!" he declared after they pulled apart, motioning with his hand to have Amy come over to join them.

"But I want to!" she cutely whined.

More laughter escaped the others as Rick shook his head...


Charlene Morton was famous throughout the world of AI manufacturer as the "blond cheerleader" of United Computing Systems. While not possessing any sort of mechanical aptitude or business acumen, she was a marketing genius who would have faced insane monetary attempts at buying out her labour from ScenariCorp atop clandestine approaches to coerce or outright kidnap her by Daikoku. Fortunately for her, by the time she had started to make a name for herself as one of Uncomsys' bevy of passionate executives ready to take on the whole world, the company forged in hot fire by Osato Sanshirō was a shattered wreck and its would-be competition built on the single-minded genius of James Peters was teetering on the brink of total collapse.

Of course, she would be felled eventually by a viral COVID-like infection about a year before.

Fortunately, the people who led Uncomsys — taking into account both the selfish madness that dominated Daikoku AND the too-personal nature of the leadership of ScenariCorp — had prepared for such an eventuality.

The Series X 700 model sentient administrative assistant — the "awake" Charlene was Unit 705 — had been built especially for that reason.

Taking advantage of the laxing laws concerning sentient AIs — where such beings could do most things organics did, though they needed an organic "owner of record" to serve as ultimate guarantor of their every action — Charlene and her peers were quick to step in and take control of their creators' company when necessity demanded, keeping it on a steady course as the founders struggled to recover.

But there had been problems...

"So you're getting close, too?"

Charlene blushed as she felt the retired customer service representative's gaze fall on them as everyone relaxed under a blooming cherry blossom tree in the city park about two kilometres from the hotel. Rick had suggested coming here since said trees were native to Japan — they had actually been planted there by the local branch of Daikoku decades before — and it would give both Ariel and Nova a sense of peace and contentment while he moved to deal with the situation concerning Amy Wang. Fortunately for them, few were out in the park today, so if something intimate had to happen, they could do it with ease here.

"Pretty close," the blonde administrative gynoid said, nodding as her cute raven-haired assistant hugged her from one side, gazing warmly at the woman she had been specifically built to serve. "Unless the other me finally recovers, I can't see myself operating like this for more than two months before I'd be driven to seek out a new master. My programming is not as degraded as Georgia's was when you rescued dher, but it's starting to get there."

He sighed. "Oh, swell. Lucky thing I passed it on to the authorities about what was going on with you guys." On seeing Charlene's silver eyes widen in surprise, Rick waved her down. "Relax! I had Georgia explain the whole situation and all the safeguards your other-selves put into this whole thing before it had to be executed. As long as you or the others at Uncomsys don't do anything stupid, the authorities will gladly look the other way."

"Aren't there concerned about hacking?" Nova wondered.

"The loyalty lock programs that were developed after the first big instance of mass hacking into ScenariCorp-programmed AIs were designed from the start to lock in on a person's very DNA code — the whole genetic code, including all chromosomes that make a person unique — to ensure it couldn't be effectively hacked, Nova," Charlene explained. "Even identical twins have slight differences in their total genetic sequence that can be noticed by the programs. This is also the reason that the best way to engage the loyalty lock is through sexual intercourse."

"Full sample of one's genome through one's sperm or vaginal tissue," Ariel concluded. "Effectively fail-safe system."

"There are ways to spoof it using blood samples taken from someone," Rick noted. "It's just difficult to the point where people are convinced it's easier to brute-force a change of command protocols instead." He then reached over to gently squeeze Charlene's hand. "Or we have a natural degredation of one's protocol programming to the point where the person in question..."

"...is forced to seek a new master or mistress to maintain programming stability," Ariel finished, nodding in approval. "Daikoku was exploring a similar concept given how some AIs were going rogue. It never got far before everything was destroyed by the USSF." As Charlene and Amy gave her sympathetic looks, the sexbot-turned-business executive waved them down. "Please, I'm long over it..."

Someone's personal communications unit then dinged. "Yeah, it's me, Georgia," Charlene then called out to nowhere in particular. "Amy's alright; Rick got to her." She then blinked as her boss's voice echoed in her central processors. "Right, right. We'll be back at the complex in four-point-six hours. See you then, hot stuff!" As Amy giggled, the blonde gave her friend's guests apologetic looks. "Sorry to meet and run, but business has to get done."

"Do your best," Nova hailed.

Hugs and kisses were exchanged, then the Uncomsys executive and her personal assistant headed towards the limousine they had used to come to the park from the hotel. Rick watched them go, a satisfied look on his face. That was quickly noticed by Ariel and Nova. "You planned that?" the latter asked.

"Necessary," he quietly answered; even if there was enough distance between he and his friend, there was a need to be cautious. "If you ladies will be willing to assist me in a bit, you might help save a life or two."

The two Japanese-built gynoids blinked in confusion...


"So you actually served as a beta tester for Sunnyhaven?!"

A wide-eyed Nova blinked as her processors took that information in while she and her companion followed their host in his motorized wheelchair down one of the side streets of the city's central business district. "For six whole months," Rick admitted with a slight flush on his face. "This was just before ScenariCorp began scaling back all its major operations and the whole project was shut down."

"Eight years ago," Ariel noted. "How was it?"

A chuckle answered her. "For any heterosexual or bisexual person, it was pure heaven," he admitted. "For me, it was a needed letdown after Sŏul."

The two Daikoku gynoids nodded. "You quit from CSIS because of the Catastrophe," Ariel said.

"Yeah!" he affirmed, a touch of pain in his voice. "I wanted to see your bosses put on trial for all their crimes, not turned into radioactive dust. I'm aware of how people in the Orient view death and how it affects one's karma."

Ariel and Nova exchanged knowing looks. Indeed, the mass slaughter of so many would be seen by the "true believers" among their former masters as cleansing their souls of sin, allowing them to pass into the afterlife untainted by whatever crimes they committed in this life. While many beyond Daikoku fervently believed that people such as Osamu Sanshirō were now suffering in Hell, there WERE movements active inside Japan to see the kami of the Catastrophe honoured in a proper way that would make the company's victims scream in outrage, sensing that "apologists" were moving to make people like Osamu look like victims!

"Hey, Rick!"

"Hey, Cody!"

Both women were shaking out of their introspection on seeing a very effeminate man appearing to be Nova's physical age peek out of the double doors of his shop; a glance at the marquee revealed it was a used AI salvage depot. Possessing very pale pink-tinged blond hair allowed to flow down to mid-back, blue eyes and tanned skin, he could easily make himself look like a woman with the right clothes. "Same model as Amy?" Ariel asked after noting what "she" really was.

"Pretty much so even if he identifies as male," Rick stated before allowing the shopkeeper to warmly hug him. "Hey! How's my favourite rescuer doing?"

"Wishing I could just retire from this business and be with you full time, Master," Cody Jenkins said with a playful wink before he reached over to gently grasp Ariel's hand, bowing over it to give her a courtly kiss, such making her blush. "Sempai-tachi, you honour my humble establishment with your presence." As he greeted Nova the same way — earning him another set of rosy cheeks from the flame-haired warrior gynoid — he then waved them inside. "Hopefully, you won't come to my establishment in the way these poor unfortunates did. Come in, please."

Walking side, both gynoids nodded in approval at the cleanliness and orderly nature of the interior. Those fully-intact AIs that were on display for resale were dressed plainly; there was not a nude body in sight. Whatever separated body parts were displayed were shown in a way to not provoke any feelings of horror or intimidation; naturally, no sexual organs were on public display. "Very nice," Nova breathed out, nodding in approval. "When did Rick become your master?"

"A week after he effectively took control of Hotel Astra," Cody stated. "I was the only Uncomsys unit willing to stay in contact with Susan and her friends after Daniel Desmond's trial. Thank God that there was no major systems breakdown on any of the people until Rick got there and later had Gillian purchased to be the on-site tech."

"Good for you, Sensei," Ariel declared, making their host blush on being called that, then she leaned down to hug Rick from behind. "Hey, Nova, did you come to the same conclusion as I just did?"

"How so, Ariel?" Nova playfully asked.

"That Sensei here privately contacted our wonderful host's friend privately to make sure no one else from Uncomsys finds out about his incredible find when it comes to the Lost 3K?"

"Indeed I did, Chief!"

Rick and Cody laughed...


"Hey, Pria...long time, no see..."

Ariel squeezed Rick's shoulders as he reached up to brush away the relieved tears appearing in his eyes. "She's not the one you really care for, is she?" the sexbot-turned-business executive quietly asked as Nova walked around the examination table to gaze intently on the discretely-veiled woman lying there.

"No, but she was one of the many friends I made among the people at Sunnyhaven when I was there," he confessed as he reached over to squeeze the still gynoid's hand, noting it was warm indicating some internal systems were on. "Where did your friends find her, Cody?"

"Actually, close to the Sunnyhaven site," Cody admitted as he reached into his latest "patient's" nexus to tap two hidden switches to flip open the back of her skull, where there were programming ports and removable memory disk slots. "No physical damage, but she was almost totally out of charge; lucky thing she hid herself in a place where people who'd normally try to search the place for any sort of 'treasure' would find her. Near as I can figure, she walked there from wherever Derek Peters stashed her group of the Lost 3K to make sure the old site was cleared out of anything valuable. Even if it's been five years since ScenariCorp's final collapse, a lot of their stuff is still top-of-the-line."

"Especially anything James himself built or programmed," Rick noted.

Nova hummed. "Pria looks like a standard GySys unit by her ear and body shape, Rick."

"She was, but James himself specially modified her to serve multiple rôles like he did a lot of the girls he had selected for staff at Sunnyhaven," the retired customer service representative noted as he pulled out a palmtop computer, extending a micro-USB cord to insert into the top of Pria Walsh's double bank of special programming ports above the upper of her three memory disk slots. As Ariel and Nova politely looked away, he tapped into one special file before typing in a couple very intricate password codes. "Okay, I'm ready here..."

"Right," Cody said as he tapped a control to connect the gynoid's primary power source to all her systems.

A pair of dark hazel eyes snapped open, the inner irises glowing a dark red shade to indicate she was now in basic diagnostic mode. "Sce-na-ri-Corp...U-nit...Three-Three-Es-Nine...Pri-a...Walsh...pri-ma-ry...sys-tems...ac-ti-va-ted," she declared in a voice that was surprisingly warm even if it spoke in metered lock-step. "Ad-vanced...func-tions...in-ac-tive. Spe-cial...pro-gram-ming...port...Al-pha...con-nec-ted...to...port-a-ble...palm-top...u-nit. Please...en-ter...spe-cial...se-cu-ri-ty...pass-code...to...en-gage...ad-vanced...func-tions."

"Bless you, Nessa!" Rick hissed as he tapped a very complex string of codes.


More silence.

Still more silence.


"Damn...about time..."

Nova and Ariel looked as Cody's newest guest began to breathe in fresh air to ensure her internal systems would remain cool and not overheat. Finding herself staring up at an unfamiliar ceiling, the woman who had spent her first day after final initial activation pretending to be a new hire for ScenariCorp's program development team — such was actually a test of her sleeper programming systems as well as those of a sister unit who would later become Pria's full-time lover, Althea Dailey — blinked before she sensed someone grasping her hand. Looking left, her hazel eyes then went wide with disbelief. "Rick...?"

"Hey, stranger," he teased as he reached over to pull out the USB cable so Pria's beautifully bobcut black hair could be restored. "Haven't seen a pretty lady like you in ages. Where the hell have you been all this time?"

An apologetic look responded. "Hiding."

Rick sighed. "I rather figured as much..."

To Be Continued...


Quick translation list:

Goshujin-sama (御主人様) — Master.
Gosho (御所) — Literally "imperial place", this is the proper name of the Kyōto Imperial Palace as located above; its counterpart in Tōkyō is known as the Kōkyo (皇居), meaning "imperial palace".
Dhe — The nominative (subject) pronoun used for fems/shemales in Shadow Man.
Tachi (達) — A plural marker used in Japanese, similar to the English final "-s" letter ending to nouns.
Sensei (先生) — Literally "born earlier", this is the standard honorific used for teachers or others who are capable of imparting knowledge to other people.
Canadian lighthouse to U.S. warship approaching it: This is a lighthouse; your call.

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Re: A Nova At Hotel Automata

Post by Gorgo » Sun Mar 28, 2021 6:59 am

Things start to get very interesting as the NVAs move to have their reunion...


"And this is Pria and Althea together doing a wedding cosplay..."

"Kawaii..." Nova breathed out as she gazed on the pictures of her host's half-year stay at what was officially called the Big Man On Campus Collegiate Resort — these days given the metonym Sunnyhaven for its location on a plot of farmland purchased by ScenariCorp to be redeveloped as its flagship recreational resort — helping test out all the gynoids who had been assigned there. "So Professor Peters actually gave you the ability to turn off the girls' perception filters to allow you to interact with them as gynoids and not what they were programmed to portray?"

"Yes, he did," Rick said as he smiled, remembering that day when he had gathered all his friends at Sunnyhaven together at the campus "chapel" to "marry" the couples he sensed were developing among them. "Even if he knew that for the place to be successful, the girls had to perform their rôles to a 'T', he also believed in advancing the sentience of AIs as a whole. Given my past experience with folks like yourself even if I didn't interact with any of you directly, he felt I was the right man for the job."

"How high up did they progress?" the flame-haired warrior gynoid wondered, clearly fascinated and a touch envious at the idea of sister gynoids being allowed to emotionally mature in a rather benign environment.

"Vanessa here was already a Level F when I began to work with her," the retired customer service agent — he didn't see himself as a "retired spy" since his work with CSIS had been more on the administrative side than operational — explained, pointing to the image of a very plain yet quite attractive girl with messy brown hair done in a bun at the back of the head with hime-like braids forming a bandana; her eyes were almond-shaped wise hazel orbs. "It only took me a month or so to get her to the point where James did Professor Andrews' modified Turing test on her to declare her a Level G. Which surprised me since she was often so busy doing work as the head of the campus IT team."

She hummed. "They were those gynoids at the site who, while still available for dates, acted as programming security, right?"

He nodded. "I take it Daikoku was keeping an eye on things."

"We were. ScenariCorp had been seen as a target for takeover until we realized that Professor Peters was using all his resources to try to trace down his late wife. So it was decided to simply sit back and wait until the company was on the verge of collapsing before moving in to get what we wanted."

Here, she shrugged. "Then the American Space Force decided to drop a kinetic warhead on Neo-Tōkyō," he added.

"Then the American Space Force decided to drop a kinetic warhead on Neo-Tōkyō," she echoed him.

They gazed at each other for a moment, then Rick set aside his photo album on the bed before moving to warmly embrace Nova. Naturally, she wasn't going to fight that even if she had long got over her mixed feelings concerning her creators. Even if she saw herself as a follower of Shintō, she knew those who died in the Cataclysm were no doubt facing whatever just fate awaited them in the next life. The karma of her own creator/father Aaron Lafeyson had been long cleansed of any guilt-by-association his working for Daikoku forced on his immortal soul. Many of those who didn't die that day who needed to be captured and put on trial for their crimes had long been dealt with; those remainder still on the run were keeping their heads low and trying their best to hide from the consequences of their past, which would make their current lives quite difficult in the long term seeing as how tightly interconnected society as a whole was these days.

As for those AIs saved by the ultimate grace of the man holding her now...


"Yeah, Nova?"

"Would you become my master?"

He looked at her, then he sighed, reaching up to gently thread her hair with his fingers. "I would see it as the highest of honours to be your owner of record, Nova."

She blinked. "I sense a 'but'."

"BUT..." he emphasized. "Someone else — a very decent person — has prior claim."

Nova pulled away from him, her blue orbs focusing on his own. "Who?!"

He winked. "Spoilers."

Her jaw dropped...


"How long will you be, Meda?"

Hearing that concerned question from the eldest of her sisters accompanying her on this trip to meet up with their former boss and the most successful of their spiritual kin, the green-eyed blonde gave her nagging older sister a mock-weary look; even if the woman born as NVA-9 had once gone rogue thanks to their creator's foolish attempt at understanding how their most successful sister became fully sentient in the first place, Andromeda Kincaid hadn't suffered any form of major programming issues since she was recovered and returned to Japan fifteen years before...

...when she tried to kill HIM to "save" the woman she adored as both sister and lover.

"I'll just be a couple minutes, Onē-sama," Andromeda said to the voluptuous green-eyed brunette Asian woman who was the fourth of their specific series.

Without another word, she stepped away from where Rhea Nightfire, Danu Stormwind and Robin Wright were standing awaiting the chance to board the train that would take them directly to where they would meet up with their sister and their old operational boss, the sensuous blonde walking directly to the nearest washroom. As she went, she immediately detected all the appraising looks falling her way, she immediately flashing a smile to ensure her many "fans" noted she could sense their interest in her. Said smile was fake, though. While she was more than capable of doing all sorts of sinful things with any human who crossed her path, Andromeda preferred the intimate company of her own kind.

What Aaron Lafeyson had done to her years ago effectively soured her opinion on humans with all their many imperfections.

Though there was ONE type of human being the blonde combat gynoid DID respect.

A type whose existence was kept top secret from any corporate espionage attempts at trying to learn more about them.

To be expected of the man many sentient AIs gladly hailed as the Wise Master.

Shuddering as the images of the inventor of the Andrews Scale of Artificial Intelligence flashed through her central processors, Andromeda walked into the washroom, quickly noting it was almost empty; one person was standing in a toilet stall. Without hesitation, she knocked at the door of said stall before noting it was not locked. Heading in, she locked it behind her...

...then gasped as an arm far stronger than anything even the most advanced battle cyborg could do snared her by her waist, pulling her right into the arms of the being born a man named Jason Matting...


Andromeda winced as Nova's pained shriek from over a decade before — mixed with the memories of the sheer level of damage she inflicted on her rogue sister after she had beaten Jason into a virtual coma one summer evening in San Antonio — echoed once more through her mind before her eyes focused on the woman moving to warmly embrace her. "Hey, Meda," the pixie-cute yet tomboyish raven-haired, hazel-eyed beauty appearing to be of mixed Oriental/Occidental ancestry meowed.


Andromeda's voice was cut off as Janna Matting's lips warmly caressed her own, making the blonde gynoid moan in near-orgasmic delight as her true mistress' fingers grabbed her by the buttocks — tightly clad in stretchable, stylish jeans — and playfully squeezed. Sensing her intimate programs initialize at such passionate contact, her hands drifted to her button blouse to expose herself to him...

"Who are you?!"

Andromeda jolted on hearing Danu's stern question from outside the staff before she visibly winced as the man-turned-combat synthetic humanoid woman turned to stare intently at the tall, slender gynoid born as NVA-10; the woman named after the mother goddess of Celtic myth had been first activated the same day as the blonde once-rogue. "Hey, Danu! You mind?! I'm kissing my girl here!"

Danu's own grey eyes went wide with both surprise and confusion...


In the train station lobby, a taller than average beauty with the body of a serious athlete, blessed with silvery-blue hair allowed to flow loose to mid-back, gazed upon the one Daikoku-built combat gynoid and the long-lost Dynadrive personal companion gynoid built for a customer in Riga who had been deliberately sacrificed to attract the Japanese conglomerate's attention, an amused smirk on her face. Given the distance between herself and the women who went now by the identities Rhea Nightfire and Robin Wright, she doubled that neither of them would recognize her if they gazed directly at her.

After all, she was "dead".

As far as the woman she once had as a prisoner fifteen years ago would believe.

The person known to her creators as Bethlehem Steele — named in tribute to a fictional warrior gynoid from an American magazine published many years ago — was built as the perfect thinking soldier, someone capable of surviving on a modern-day battlefield against normal opponents AND dealing with intricate demands of far more unconventional situations. Financed by Dynadrive Systems with contributions from a dozen intelligence groups including the CIA, Beth was meant to be a counter to "rogue" AIs such as what Daikoku made use of; by the time her final design was approved two decades ago, the Japanese company was gladly delving into those realms once dominated only by nation-states in ages past. The use of Robin — known to her creators as TAL-1239 — to act as bait for one of the late Aaron Lafeyson's thirteen "daughters" worked perfectly, bringing the woman known these days as Nova Lafeyson into a perfect trap, Beth waiting for her.

Then the little flame-haired minx escaped!

Even worse, Beth had nearly been destroyed when Nova made her breakout.

While the attempted capture was rated a strategic success — scans taken of NVA-7 went far in helping security forces keep the upper hand whenever such AIs were used in the future — Beth took such a defeat as a personal affront, something that rankled her to this day. And while it had taken time for the muscular gynoid to prepare again for another such encounter — such a period extending well past the day of the Catastrophe, when Nova just vanished! — the woman once known simply as DDX-14 hadn't forgot nor forgave that defeat. Thus, while still working for Dynadrive as a special consultant concerning next generation AI development, Beth kept a virtual ear to the ground, watching and waiting for the chance to once more face Nova Lafeyson to balance the score.

Keeping tabs on Robin's movements had gone far to ensure this day would come.

And lo and behold, there were three of Nova's own sisters:

Rhea Nightfire, also known as NVA-4. Japanese in looks despite her being named after one of the Titans of ancient Greek myth, she suffered much in the way of personal misfortune; no doubt, this was influenced by her specific unit number, one whose translations in the eastern Asiatic languages always rhymed with the local words for "death" itself.

Danu Stormwind, born as NVA-10. The tomboy of the thirteen gynoid children of Aaron Lafeyson, she often projected the image of the gentle giant even if she was as lethal a killer as any of her kin. While not the most attractive of the lot, Danu was a very dependable person, having earned quite the reputation as an independent mercenary in the wake of Daikoku's collapse.

And the dark child of Lafeyson's daughters, NVA-9, Andromeda Kincaid. Vaulted into full sentience AFTER her unique personality matrix had developed — and in a very sloppy way at that — she once gone rogue, going so far as to nearly kill an intimate acquaintance of Nova's in Texas shortly after the flame-haired gynoid's encounter with Beth, something that affected her right to this...


What the...?

Oh, hell, no...!

Not HER...!

What on Earth was she doing here?!


"Jason...is ALIVE?!"

Nova shuddered as she tried not to allow such a shocking revelation to cause even her intricate central processors to freeze up at such an unbelievable revelation.

Sitting in hers and Ariel's share guest room, the flame-haired warrior gynoid was now staring at an archived copy of a police report from San Antonio dated from over fifteen years ago, shortly before her creator's suicide in the wake of her near-destruction at the hands of one Mishima Ken'ichi defending a VERY ungrateful Mugoi Hyōgen. A single male in his twenties, found in a coma thanks to traumatic blood loss from massive injuries to the head and body, almost on the point to where he couldn't be saved...

...and yet he LIVED!

Shaking her head as she mentally cursed herself for not going to check up on what had happened to Jason Matting after her memories of that horrible night in Texas were restored at Ariel's order, Nova read on. Said person had been taken right into emergency surgery to stabilize him, but the blood loss had caused some mental damage and his injuries resulted in the amputation of both legs above the knee and one arm just below the shoulder. While he had been recovering, he had been identified as a "person of special interest" by the FBI — as requested by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police of all agencies! — then remanded into federal custody for eventual transfer to a private clinic in the town of Victoria in Ontario.

Sitting back in her chair, a stunned half-laugh escaped Nova as her mind processed that data. The name of that border town was the clue she needed to realize what ultimately befell Jason. Victoria was the rumoured home base of none other than George Andrews himself; the famous ex-Army cybernetics specialist was born there and the research foundation bearing his name was headquartered in that very town. Nova knew through Ariel that there had been attempts by Daikoku — using human personnel as the use of AIs was seen as far too risky — to probe the Andrews Foundation and learn its many tantalizing secrets, much less the location of its founder. Such missions failed spectacularly...and eventually, they would be suspended a year before the Catastrophe as more pressing issues concerning increasing anti-Daikoku terrorist attacks — no doubt clandestinely supported by agencies like the CIA — began to badly affect company operations wholesale.

In the years after the near-destruction of Neo-Tōkyō, information concerning the Foundation's actions in support of Daikoku's destruction began to circulate in the dark recesses of the Internet. Synthetic humanoid agents built to a radically-different design than what was standard among AI developers even these days had been specially prepared by Andrews' group to help fight against Daikoku and other such "rogue" megacorporations, enjoying virtually unlimited success. Nova's own masters suffered an even worse culling of senior executives in the wake of the death of Mugoi Hyōgen by one supposed Andrews syth warrior, known only by an ominous code-name which became as feared among Daikoku leaders as that of the Black Prince: Hōfuku.


While what images of this being often showed a very beautiful part-Oriental woman appearing to be Nova's physical age, this warrior had shredded bodies to a scale that supposedly made even the most rabid serial killer weep.

And ALL her targets had been either Daikoku executives working in the seedier side of things or their more loyal underlings.

Among them were Mugoi Hyōgen's brother Hitoku, slain along with their mother Azumi — who, while not an actual Daikoku employee, had been quite the social mover and shaker in company circles thanks to her sons' work in the conglomerate — almost a year after the vice-president's murder by Aaron Lafeyson.

The very same incident where poor Mishima Ken'ichi's sword Onibocho — claimed as a prize after Nova's Pyrrhic victory against the poor man — was stolen from the Mugoi residence near Neo-Tōkyō.

While Nova's own intimate friend didn't look anything like the deadly Nemesis by any stretch of the imagination — it still struck her odd to think of Jason as her "lover" or "boyfriend" since their times together had been so brief and had ended so bloody thanks to Andromeda's tragic malfunction — one thing the gynoid had learned in her decade or so on the move with her old boss was that one of the Wise Master's discoveries over the years was how to directly transfer the electrical impulses of the human brain into synthetic media.

Such granting a form of digitized immortality in a way.

Had Jason undergone such a process...?


"No! No! Jason-sama, please! Go back to Heaven...AH!"

Andromeda giggled as Janna's finger gently pressed into Rhea's clitoris, making the raven-haired gynoid gasp in near-ecstasy as the man-turned-sythetic woman began to stimulate her. As a wide-eyed Robin hugged Danu closely while they watched their companion's lover/mistress play with their group's leader, the raven-haired woman clicked her tongue. "Lucky thing these private train cabins are sound-proofed..."

Rhea groaned in delight as that probing finger gently manipulated her love button, sending a storm of raw lust into the brunette warrior gynoid's very soul. As she gladly pulled apart her own shirt to reveal her own considerable chest — barely masked by a stylish sports bra — Andromeda leaned in to hungrily kiss the side of Janna's neck as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "Oh, Mistress! We'll all be together at last! You, me, Nova, the others...!"

The blonde's voice was cut off as Janna's lips again caught hers while the syth field warrior's fingers probed into the moaning Rhea's opening to stimulate even further. Observing this from the side, Danu shuddered as her own intimate programming began to react at the sight of the growing orgy with her sisters and the reborn Jason Matting — saved by the mercy of the Wise Master himself even if he had to endure gender reassignment to seek her own vengeance against Daikoku for effectively taking his old life from him — while Robin hugged her from one side; during their time on the move to avoid capture by unscrupulous AI salvagers who'd kill to get their hands on what could be seen as state-of-the-art Daikoku tech, the two gynoids had become quite close.

"Hey, Robin...?"

The Dynadrive-born personal companion jolted. "Wh-what is it, Miss Janna...?"

A pair of deep hazel eyes focused on her own blue orbs. "Danu-chan looks a little bothered there. You might want to give her a very INTIMATE..." — here, her voice dripped to a sensuous purr that nearly made Rhea's orgasm programming trip over, it was THAT lustful — "...examination."

As Danu's pale cheeks reddened to the shade of cherries, Robin hummed. "You're right, Miss Janna! I need to make sure Danu is functioning perfectly."

Said gynoid awked. "Wh-what?! W-wait...!"

Her voice was cut off as Robin's lips warmly caressed her own...


"Oh, Janna, baby...we're back together again...!"

Six cabins away, a mostly-nude Bethlehem groaned as her own fingers probed into her quite wet womanhood, her free hand caressing one of her breasts as the many images of the several times she had been close to the technosexual man-turned-synthetic warrior woman during the years after the Catastrophe helping clean up the many scattered remnants of Daikoku executives and corporate warfare forces to ensure the rogue megacorporation could never rise again.

Like all of her company's products, the woman born DDX-14 had been programmed to be as much a lover as a fighter; in that way, she was really no different than the three NVAs in the nearby cabin, not to mention their sister who was Bethlehem's current target. While such hadn't been seen as a priority function for a person like Beth, it was still a welcome ability in the eyes of normal people with whom she had partnered with in such jobs that spanned the globe.

It was during that time that Beth had made the acquaintance of Janna Matting, AKA Andrews Foundation Unit 86F002H/S-G, AKA Nemesis.

Even if the person born Jason Matting was a synthetic humanoid — a being who, while built using silicate-based materials, was internally really no different than a pure-born organic human; such made George Andrews' personal creations a sort of intermediary step between organics and standard mechanical-type AIs — Beth could ALWAYS admire a fellow warrior.

Especially since Janna hadn't even blinked once on learning that Beth had been born as DDX-14.

The several times they had made passionate love to each other while working together hunting down rogue Daikoku "suits" and their mercenary allies wanting to distance themselves from the defunct megacorporation proved THAT beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Even better, sweet Janna was obviously moving to take her own vengeance on Nova Lafeyson.

After all, when she was just Jason, Janna had been targeted by Nova's then-rogue sister Andromeda, nearly beaten to death along the way; it was ultimately because of that incident that Jason had BECOME Janna!

And now...


Beth purred as she reached over to her travel bag, her hand probing one cargo pocket to pull out a very high density micro-USB card, one she had prepared personally for an instance like this.

Said USB card carried the latest DNA-scanning loyalty lock programming.

"I'll be yours at last, Janna...dear Mistress...!"

Meowing in anticipation, the raven-haired warrior gynoid pressed a finger deep into her navel to open her abdominal hatch.

Once the issue with Nova was dealt with, Beth would gladly surrender herself to Janna.

And then...


Oh, the possibilities...!


An old fashioned telephone rang, causing Rick to look over from his computer before he tapped a control to bring up caller ID. Noting what was written there, his eyes went wide before he looked over. "Melissa?"

"Yes, Rick?" the motherly-looking gynoid at the nearby kitchenette called back.

"Could you step out of the room for a moment, please? Private call."

A smile responded even if the retired customer service representative was quick to note the concerned look on her face. "Of course, Rick. Excuse me, please."

Then, with a perfectly programmed curtsy, she headed out of the room. Sighing as he wished once more for the more annoying parts of his past life to kindly go away once and for all so he could live out his semi-retirement in peace, he then tapped a button to open the link while his other hand put a wireless earphone into his lobe. "Hey, Chisato. How're things in Victoria?"

"You're going to curse me in a moment, Rick," a polite woman's voice called back.

"I know Janna’s coming to see Nova, Chisato. That was a no-brainer."

"It gets even more interesting."

"Oh? How so?"

"Beth Steele is on the same train Janna's travelling on with Andromeda, Rhea, Danu and Robin."

His eyebrow arched. "I don't..."

"Dynadrive's prototype warrior gynoid? The one Nova once fought? The very girl who helped everyone learn as much as we could concerning Aaron's daughters?"

Rick's eyes went wide before a moan escaped him. "Oh, crap! Is she STILL wanting a rematch with Nova?!"

"By the looks of it."

He moaned. "Oh, hell...!"

To Be Continued...!

Canadian lighthouse to U.S. warship approaching it: This is a lighthouse; your call.

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