The student, part 1 (new story)

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The student, part 1 (new story)

Post by Mirage » Tue Dec 03, 2002 10:46 am

The student

"Come on! No one in their sane mind can fall in love with a machine!" exploded Dr. Kurts to his fellow Science teacher. "I am telling you, in today's age, people are having real loving relationships with androids!" the other teacher said softly. "That is absurd! No machine can produce the emotion LOVE! Pure Rubbish!" Dr Kurts continued saying loudly while entering a room full of teachers and scientist, all seating at a giant round table. Both of them sat at their chairs and listened to what the head of the University had to say. "Welcome all, as you are all aware, we just received funding for a new A.I. android project. All of you read the project plans and each of you were chosen for specific task." the old man continued. "I will one by one see you later today in my office with the android to whom you are to familiars yourself with. Her designation is Jane. Please feel free to ask her any questions.". "Excuse me, but I thought it was suppose to be a male android!" asked one of the professors. "Because of changes to the project that I cannot disclose, the android was chosen to be female. I assume all of you should have any problems with that?" the old man asked. "Maybe! Is she a looker?" one of the younger teachers asked. "Very funny, haha.. Yes, she is. But remember that she is just a simple machine, much alive as your computer notebooks.". The old man paused and coughed a bit and continued "This project rely on all of you. If you have any problems at any time, please come and see me." he said, sitting in his chair slowly. "Any questions?" he asked loudly. Dr. Kurts slowly rise and spoke loudly "This project? I still not sure of it's use! We are all here to stimulate the A.I.'s programming to see if it actually can become sentient or it's only just good programming that we can control? We all know machines are never to be "sentient". Any knowledgeable man knows this!" he puffed out.
The old man smiled "Dr. Kurts, you are our best psychiatrist teacher here, are you not?". "The best, if I do say so myself." Dr. Kurts chuckled. "Then, you must understand that we, the human race, are on the verge of a new age for machines. We must understand if we are going too fast on technology for our own good. What happen if we suddenly find out all our weapons controlled by A.I. suddenly becomes sentient? What to do? This project should had valuable data to this. I hope this answer your question." the old man grinned. Dr. Kurts sat there, quietly, thinking of what the old man said and smiled nervously.

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