Pr. Jenkins 12,567th Invention - Part 2: Rant

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Pr. Jenkins 12,567th Invention - Part 2: Rant

Post by The Liar » Thu Mar 16, 2006 4:33 pm

Pr. Jenkins 12,567th Invention - Part 2: Rant

“Behold the M.A.I.D.S — P01!” Pr. Jenkins pronounced loudly, temporarily distracting Gerald from the robot, “Which stands for Mechanical, Android, Intuitive, Domestic, and I’m not sure if the S should stand for Servant or Slave. I mean slave gives a sense of power that some might find appealing, but also has a negative connotation. Where as servant has a much more milder feel to it, you might be friends with a servant. What do think?”

Gerald was still highly uncomfortable with the situation, though slightly less than before having learned it wasn’t a corpse.

“Umm,” Gerald began asking awkwardly, “Aren’t you supposed to have the name before you make the acronym?”

“What?!” Pr. Jenkins replied “Don’t be silly! You come up with the acronym first, then you try to find words to fit, everyone knows that! Acronyms should tell people what they are. Do you think the guy who invented the Seasonal Affective Disorder Syndrome, chose that name by accident. No, he called it that so it’s acronym would be SADS, a clear sign of what he was selling, though why anyone would want to buy it is beyond me.”

There was a small silence as Gerald resisted the urge to point out that SADS, wasn’t something invented, nor was it something you buy.

“Anyway,” Pr. Jenkins continued “that’s beside the point. We’re not here to debate acronyms, we’re here so you can look and marvel at my great genius. Look! Look! You’re not looking!”

Gerald turned to look back at the robot. He was rather uncomfortable doing so. Even if it was just a robot, it was a naked female robot, and had difficulty focusing on the robot over the naked female part. He started by looking at it’s face.

It’s appearance seemed to be about 18 — 20 years of age

It had short light blue hair, it’s eye’s were closed so he couldn’t tell the eye colour, their seemed to be a metal band in it’s neck inlaid with a gem ( probably costume) .

He proceeded downward to the arms and torso. He blushed as he looked at her breasts, they were at least a C- Cup, starting slightly higher up and ending at a point in between them there was an outline that seemed to indicate a triangular panel.

There was a seam just beneath it’s breasts that went across her whole torso, and another just a little beneath that one.

On it’s shoulders there seemed to be three dots, there seemed to a seam right under the dots and a small panel under the seam. There was also a seam just before her elbow and another just after it. There was a seam on her wrist and a panel on her forearm.

“Well, what do you think?” Pr. Jenkins asked interrupting him.

“Um, seems to have lots of seams.” Gerald replied, not knowing what else to say.

“I did that on purpose.” Pr. Jenkins said somewhat defensively, “I could of make her look completely human if I had wanted to, but some people would be uncomfortable being unable to tell a human from an android,. So I made it human like, but clearly not, and you can’t even feel the seams look.”

Pr. Jenkins grabbed Gerald’s hand and moved it to the androids arm. You could barely feel the seams and it was surprisingly soft and smooth.

“See, what I tell you?” Pr. Jenkins said smugly.

“It’s Soft.” Gerald said a little surprised.

“Oh, that’s nothing, see here.” Pr. Jenkins grabbed Gerald’s hand yet again and quickly moved it to the androids breasts.

Gerald flushed red. The breasts were definitely soft, he was now fondling them, and his hormones were starting to kick in spite of him constantly reminding himself it’s just a machine.

He averted his eyes downward to avoid looking at her breasts. This didn’t help because for the first time he was looking at her lower half, specifically her crotch. The area had seams around it. The point of his discomfort was the realisation that she was a bit more of a woman then originally thought. He flushed redder.

Pr. Jenkins caught were he was looking.

“Oh, that,” Pr. Jenkins said nonchalantly, and totally oblivious to Gerald’s state. Let go of Gerald’s hand, and turned around in his ‘I am a Pr. listen to me’ way. Gerald took this time to take his hand of the robots breast and look away to regain his composure.

“It’s totally functional. Well, okay, not totally functional. Procreation is out of the question, but it’s fine just for intercourse.” The Pr. continued “That’s not a standard feature mind you, but someone was going to do it eventually, and I refuse to lose out a market share to some PERVERT PUNK WHO FOUND AN INTRESTING WAY TO MODIFY MY ROBOTS!!!” Pr. Jenkins went from calm composure to livid rage as he spoke these words, but as quickly as it had come the rage was gone.

“I put it in the prototype so I could have a working model for the patent.” Jenkins continued again, “Actually I’ve already patented it’s entire body! Every piece of it! It’s A.I. on the other hand … is as of yet … unmarketable.” As the Pr. said this last part he seemed to get lost in thought.

“Well,” Gerald chipped in, “it would be the hardest part to make a working A.I.”

“What?!” the Pr. shouted sounding offended. “It works! Awareness , conscience, emotions, learning, language, it all works. I could win a Nobel prize for programming… again.”

Gerald was surprised it was that advanced.

“Umm, but you said-“ Gerald began, but was cut off by Jenkins.

“I said unmarketable, not defective,” The Pr. cut in “it just has a few issues with it’s logic architecture.”

“Um, so what?” Gerald asked “Does it want to wipe out humanity or something?”

The joking nature of the statement was lost on Pr. Jenkins.

“What?!” Pr. Jenkins cried out , “God no! Where do people get this idea robots are going to rise up and destroy them. Humans do stuff like that because they have an evolutionary imperative to survive and reproduce, power is believed to help this. Robots on the other hand, at least this one, and all others I would make, are programmed to enjoy, even desire servitude. She’s sweetest thing really, wouldn’t hurt a fly! Always eager to be of use, and help others. Yet you would make such ridiculous accusations!”

“Okay, um, then what’s the problem?” Gerald asked weakly, his nerves were really starting to be worn by the professor.

“Well,” the Pr. said, his rage gone again. Gerald wondered if he had a neurological problem. “I was trying to create an adult like persona combined with the control programming. However it didn’t quite workout, right. I mean the amount of knowledge a human being learns in the first five years of live, let alone the amount they get on their way to adulthood is staggering. Probably it would have been better if I had made a data gather unit first then used it for the archetype. Yes I should do that! Oh, anyway the product was something that was highly creative but devoid of common sense, or social understanding. In combination with it’s skill programming, which is more theoretical then practical, we have something that thinks it can do something but can’t. But really you should just meet her for yourself. It’s rude of me talking about her behind her back.”

At that the Pr. leaned over and pressed the gem on the robots neck…

To be Contniued…
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Post by DollSpace » Thu Mar 16, 2006 8:15 pm

I like where this is going :) I can't wait to read more!


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Post by Stephaniebot » Fri Mar 17, 2006 1:21 pm

I've picked up on this too, same sentiments as Ryn
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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