Maid to Order - day 1

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The Liar
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Maid to Order - day 1

Post by The Liar » Thu Nov 03, 2005 12:17 pm

“Pleased to meet you my master. I am MFMA - B05. Title ‘Sophie’ ” These words came from a came from a girl. Actually, not so much a girl, as girl like. This was an android, and obviously so. She had metal sensor things sticking back and up, where her ears should be. Her hair was pink, and it went down to her shoulders, and she had the Zeno Corp logo imprinted on her forehead. They had made sure no one mistook her for human. She was wearing variant on a maids outfit, that was low-cut, and colored burgundy. It showed off her ample bosom, and shapely thighs well.

It looked like something out of an anime, that freak Johnson had to have had something to do with this.
What were they targeting? The fetish market!?

Perhaps I should start at the beginning, my name is Jacob Sanderson. I work as an accountant for Zeno Corp, a company that designs and makes robots. The afore mentioned Johnson, works in marketing and, I don’t like him.

Anyway they wanted beta testers for their new android maid. Evidently it’s got a revolutionary new A.I. and all kinds of other new features, all hush, hush. So they insisted that all the testers worked for the company in a non-technical field, non-technical, because knowing how it works would taint the results of how it would workout with the average Joe.

I thought, extra pay, free maid service, and if it works out all right I get to keep it. Which brings us to now, where I have just opened the box I took home and the android girl just stepped out.

“Um, hi, uh, Sophie.” I said awkwardly, “Sooo how are you?”

“I’m fine master, I’m pleased that you asked.” she replied smiling. She then pulled a book out from the box she was in. “Here master.”

I looked at the book. It said MFMA owners manual. It was kind of thick, and despite working for a robotics company, I’m not really all that tech savvy. So I asked her to just give me the gist of it.

Bad idea. She went on about her hard drives, processors, and programs, and I didn’t understand a bit of it. “...PH7 personality programing , DS emotion programing, and LL learning programing.”

That part was some what understandable, and gave me a little bit of hope.

“Wait, so does that mean you have something like free will?” I asked eagerly, if she can just do the stuff on her own I don’t have to listen to another word of this.

She looked mortified, “Oh, no master! It’s true that I have been programed with a personally, and emotions, and capable of what could be defined as personal growth, but they are all focused around my core directive programing, to serve you, please you and protect you. Fulfilling them gives me joy, failure to gives me sorrow. Obeying you is my primary directive, the protecting you directive will only override it if you’re in imminent danger. I am yours, totally, and utterly. You need not fear rebellion, or desertion.” she’d fallen to her knees and sputtered all that off in under 10 seconds.

“Yeah,” I said awkwardly, looking down a her a my feet, “ um, good to know. But I meant if I could just leave you on your own, and you could, you know take the initiative to do stuff without me having to tell you.”

She blushed - Cute feature - and got up. “I apologize for misunderstanding master. I can fulfil my functions in such a way, but I lack sufficient data to properly serve your desires in such a way at the moment. I have some questions, that if you answer should aid me, and during my early operating phaseI may ask you for input on what I’m doing so I may adjust accordingly. Please bare with me.”

“So I just, answer some questions, and you can get to work?” I asked.

“Yes, master.” she replied.

“Okey, but before that, stand on one leg.” I commanded.

“Yes, master.” she replied and obeyed without question. Sure it was juvenile power tripping, but after a speech like that I couldn’t resist. I had her do a few other things, hop, spin, sing all the songs from the H.M.S Pinafore (good singing voice). Then got back to the questionnaire.

It was pretty basic, favorite food, color, etc, etc. Eventually it finished.

I had several accounts to work on, so I told Sophie to make dinner, and I got to work. More accurately, I tried to.

“Master do you want beef or chicken?” Sophie interrupted me and asked.

“Um, chicken..” I replied. 2 minutes later.

“Master would you like it baked or fried?” interrupted again.

“Um, baked.” I replied 1 minute later

“Master what kind of salad would you like?” interrupted again.

“Um, garden.” I replied, 30 seconds later.

“Master, what dressing would you like?” and again.

“Um, ranch.” I replied. 5 seconds later.

“Master, how would you like the lettuce leaves to be cut?” this was ridiculous.

“Look, just do what you think is best, and stop asking me.” I told her.

“But, if I don’t fulfil my functions exactly how you desire me to, I may displease you.” said Sophie meekly.

I spoke slowly as if speaking child, and in a way that’s what she was.“Look I have work to do, alright. I can’t be interrupted all the time. Just fulfil all your functions to the best of your ability, and if you do something wrong I’ll tell you, and so long as you learn from it I won’t be displeased. That’s an order.”

She looked uncertain but nodded and said “Yes, master.”

She went back to the kitchen and I got back to my work. In retrospective I should have found out what all her functions were.

Supper was good, the best I’ve had in a while. But I guess that means very little when your staple is TV dinners.

After supper Sophie started cleaning, and I finished off my work, then went to bed.

I didn’t hear anyone enter my room, but suddenly I felt breasts against my back, lips kissing my neck and a hand caressing my thigh moving down to my... I let out a startled yelp, and turned on the light.

As I’m sure you to guessed Sophie was naked in bed with me.

“Sophie!? What the hell are you doing!?” I asked stunned.

“Attempting to please you sexually.” she replied, totally deadpan. “It is one of my functions.”

“You were designed for sex!?” I asked stunned. This was not a feature I was expecting.

“No, I was designed to be multi functional, sex is one of my functions but it is not the sum total of what I was designed for.” she explained. She looked sadly at me, “did I displease you master?”

“Um, no, just surprised. Shouldn’t you ask before you try to do that.” Great, I’m being guilt tripped by a Dutch wife.

“Master commanded me to fulfil all functions to the best of my ability.” she replied.

“I see.” I said sighing, I’m gonna have to watch what I say to her.

She then tried, to start where she left off.

“Whoa, stop!” I called out as she tried to kiss me. She stopped.

“Why, Master? Am I deficient in some way?” Sophie asked kneeing on the bed.

“You, usually have sex with people you’re in love with.” I replied.

“But I’m not a person. I’m a machine. Merely a device created to serve a function. Such stigma’s would not apply.” she replied

“Um, then lets just say I’m not in the mood, okey?” I said.

“Yes, master.” she said disappointedly. She got up, picked up her cloths she had folded neatly by the door , and left.

The truth was, after that I was in the mood. Those breasts, her body, god. But this was a beta test and,her data would be analyzed, I’d hate it if Johnson got some blackmail on me. Plus it was just not right. True, I couldn’t think of a good reason why at the moment, but still.

I tried to calm myself, by telling myself she was just a machine. Just a cold machine. Just a machine that looks like a hot girl, and will whatever I say, whenever I say, however I say. Not working.

I’m gonna have look at that owners manual tomorrow.

I did not sleep well that night.

to be contuined, if I'm not lazy

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Post by ehy » Thu Nov 03, 2005 11:05 pm

Heh. She can sing all the airs from that infernal nonsense... but can she whistle?

Fun. Hope you keep going.

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Post by 123bot » Thu Nov 03, 2005 11:32 pm

I like those kinds of stories, thumbs up!

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Post by tectile » Fri Nov 04, 2005 5:54 am

An interesting start.
I look forward to reading more.

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Saotome Kazuya
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Post by Saotome Kazuya » Fri Nov 04, 2005 7:49 am

Good story so far, hope you continue. :-)

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Post by tc » Fri Nov 04, 2005 12:09 pm

cannot wait for the next installment

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