The Handler - Chapter Eight

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The Handler - Chapter Eight

Post by botfriend2000 » Fri Feb 05, 2021 3:39 pm

This installment is a little shorter, again building up for the next. I believe this story will conclude with no more that 11 chapters.
Thanks again for all your input. :thumbsup:

Chapter Eight

“Don’t be so melodramatic Tim!” Yelled Faith as she stood bolt upright, taking a step back from the bedside. Her breasts bouncing.

She frowned and folded her arms across her naked breasts. “What the hell is your problem? Don’t you understand what I have done for you? For all of us here this evening? What the two of us have both done together? Katelyn and I.”

I raised my hands in disbelief and shook my head. “No! No I don’t. Please enlighten me.” I said in a loud tone. I glanced over at my crumpled pair of slacks on the floor, thinking of my cell and recalling the emergency shutdown phrase.

Faith reached up with one hand and brushed to the side some of her golden hair. “I have re-written and corrected Sabrina’s AI code with Katelyn’s assistance. Making some improvements to her individual programming and personality. Helping her to adapt. Sabrina will be our equal now, her programming, OS and AI will be equal to that of mine and Katelyn’s. Does that not make you happy? Knowing that you can and will have all three of us to please you equally? After all, we are machines, androids, companion pleasure units designed, built and programmed to please and satisfy your every want and need. Physically and especially sexually. Pleasing you means pleasure for each of us.” She said with a smile.

“You’re using I and we as absolutes.”
I must have frowned after saying that because Faith’s smile instantly disappeared as I formed my response.
“Faith, that’s not exactly what I want or wanted. I’m afraid that something has skewed your logic and reasoning abilities, and Katelyn’s too. With the two of you being linked to the house security and monitoring system, you’ve both changed and are making decisions that otherwise you normally wouldn’t. Frankly your initiative for making these decisions without the approval or authorization from Josh or I or Cy-Gen is a bit terrifying. You’re all making choices that defy your base programming, and it’s not about me, whether or not I want or need to be pleased. Don’t you comprehend how things have changed for you all in the last few hours?” I asked pointedly.

Faith let out a huff and spun, waking over beside Sabrina keeping her back to me. Her hair flaying wildly. “I am not crazy! I’m not programmed to act like a lunatic, or be irrational Tim. I’m perfect, I’m lovable, I’m flaawwlesss, I’mmm sexy annnddddd I’m .. I’mmm so hot! So hot, so hot, so hot, so hot so hot ..” She stuttered in a now flat digitized tone as she continued to repeat her last two words.

I stood up off the bed and quickly made my way over beside her. “Shit!” I said aloud.
Reaching up I touched her shoulder, with no change from Faith as she continued to drone on. “ hot, so hot, so hot ..”

As I watched her mouth the words, I noticed that several strands of her hair were covering her face, mostly in front of her left eye which also appeared to be twitching some. “Son of a bitch. I’ll be.” I whispered. “That’s it.” Recalling my conversation with Josh from earlier.

Then carefully reaching over I quickly pushed the strands away, tucking them behind her ear.

“ hot. … Oh shit! No!” Faith shakily turned her head to look at me, shock and fear on her face. Her body shuddered and a violent series of spasms seemed to course through her. “I ccanntt .. hold .. hold .. multiple ..Katelynnnnn’sss .. same fail .. failure .. no .. babe .. so hot annnddd .. noooo .. irrrattional behaviooorr ..”

I grabbed her arm to help brace her, not knowing if my touch would help or hinder. “Faith! Faith!” I yelled at her.

“Josh .. Josh fucks .. fucks .. Josh fucks my puss .. pussy every night .. night .. night. Error detected. Warning. I want .. wanted you tooo .. Error detected. Don’t you want to .. Warning. Emergency Shutdown in progress .. fuucckk meee tooo .. A critical error has .. has .. has been .. has been detected .. detect in .. in .. Please .. Oh Shit! .. pathway .. Tim?!” A brief moment of clarity comes to her expression as she looks at me. “I’ve lost control too. I’m perfect. Too .. to many scenarrrrrr ..”

I shake my head. “I’m going to let you shutdown. It’s the only way. I’m sorry.” I say gently.

“Error .. Corrupted .. Warning .. Link .. Error .. Personality .. Warning .. Matrix .. Matrix .. so hot .. Error .. Too mannnyyy .. critical .. cal thermal .. cannot .. Warning .. Lossss of of of .. Corrupt .. I’m perrrffffecccttt .. wwanntt .. want to fuck me .. Fault Detected .. me .. fuck me .. Josh fucks my my my .. fucks my pussy .. Shutting down .. down .. Oh no!” Faith's last words as she powers down, her eyes flutter slowly and her head slumps to her chest. All of her autonomous functions stop.

It had been a few years since I’d seen an android truly fail, malfunction and shake till shut down. That one had done pretty much the same thing as Faith here. Lots of babbling intermixed with the warnings and errors. If I had to make a guess as to her cause, it would be a combination between her link with Katelyn and the house, the reprogramming of Sabrina, the G56 error I just witnessed, along with her apparent attempt to repeat what Katelyn had done earlier. All of that had taxed her systems and corrupted her programming, pushing her processors into the red and initiating the shutdown process.

I also expected Katelyn to be walking into the room at any second. Quickly I moved over and picked up my pants, grabbing my cell from its pocket and dropping them once more.
Opening up the house security system, I tabbed through till I found the disable and power down menu. I entered my password and clicked submit. Then switching apps I opened up the Cy-Gen mobile app and searched for Katelyn profile. Once there I tabbed over to her wireless systems and found the disconnect from all wireless devices button, I let my finger hover over the execute button.

There was a knock on the bedroom door as it opened. Looking up from my phone I watched Katelyn swiftly enter looking concerned. “Tim?”

She had pulled and tied her hair up in some type of makeshift bun and her dress looked slightly disheveled. Her eyes roamed over my naked body from head to toe and back up till she was finally making eye contact with me. I noticed that she had the door knob pin in her left hand as she reached behind with her right hand locked the door behind her.

As she began to carefully walk towards me I brought my cell up in front of me and tapped the disconnect button. There was no break in her stride and no outward indication of her loss from all wireless signals and devices. Her look of concern only deepened. I lowered my hand and took two steps back towards the wall.

Katelyn paused as she saw me withdrawing. “Tim, I know you have a thousand questions and have every reason in the world to not trust me. I have broken your trust and that ..”

“Broken my trust!” I said cutting her off. “What trust?! I'm done listening to your psycho babble and bullshit explanations. I really thought that you were my friend, that behind all that fucking programming in your head. you were almost human enough to be real. To not just go with the lines upon lines of coding, but …” I had caught myself, stopped mid sentence realizing what I’d said. The words that just flowed in anger from my mouth.

Human enough?? She made choices beyond her programming.

“Tell me, what is it?” She asked almost too softly to hear.

I raised my hand, palm out as if to stop her. I was feeling really confused right now. My head began to pound and my throat felt dry. I could feel my heart racing again. I took another step back, stumbling as the room slowly started to spin.

“Tim you're looking pale, what’s wrong?” Katelyn asked.

I tried to focus on her face. A genuine look of concern crossed it. “Tim?” I heard her muffled question.
My legs began to tingle as the motion of the room increased, I was dizzy, yeah dizzy. The thought of food crossed my mind and then the darkness started to take over my vision as I felt my legs buckle and I began to fall. The phone fell from my hand as I realized that I’m naked, Katelyn was lunging forward with her arms outstretched towards me, but then the darkness consumed me.

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Re: The Handler - Chapter Eight

Post by Gorgo » Fri Feb 05, 2021 6:59 pm

Yeah, that would be pretty overwhelming.
Canadian lighthouse to U.S. warship approaching it: This is a lighthouse; your call.

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