The Handler - Chapter Six

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The Handler - Chapter Six

Post by botfriend2000 » Sun Jan 24, 2021 10:25 pm

:D Disclaimer warning: This chapter is pretty lengthy, it’s got a lot. Some twists and hopefully an unexpected event or two. With that being said my initial idea for this part of the story isn’t what you’ll read. As with any story, thoughts, ideas and concepts change continually. I’d actually wanted to introduce another character, but I felt that there were already enough. It can be hard to juggle so many characters and keep everything straight and moving forward. I reached out to Dollspace here on the forum for some advice, and although our efforts were unable to produce much, I do greatly appreciate her willingness to be available. I won’t spoil too much for you, just to say there is some sex near the end of the chapter. If that offends you, then find a way to skip it. Our fetish here is female androids and robots and often that will involve malfunctions, errors, machines breaking and gratuitous sexual interactions. Take it as you will. I’ve many ideas scrambled in my brain for chapter seven, so it may be awhile before that gets posted. Your comments are appreciated and I will try to like or reply back as you give them. Thanks for reading my rant. And now…...

The Handler - Chapter Six

As Katelyn and I descended the stairs I surveyed the living room and hallway areas. The couple that had been engrossed in their public display of affection earlier on the sofa, now appeared to be heading towards the front door through the main hallway and towards the dining room I saw the trio of guests were still engaged in their conversation at the table.

I gave Katelyn’s hand a squeeze and turned to look at her as we reached the last step. “Are you sure you’re feeling alright?”

She returned my squeeze in kind and held it firmly. “Baby, I’m good. Look, I could feign a headache and ask everyone to leave now, or we could let the evening play out and see if it ends early or later. But I promise you, I’m fine, really.” She said smiling.

“Hey! There you two are!” Sabrina yelled over to us as she rounded the corner coming straight towards us from the kitchen.

A knot developed in the pit of my stomach as I remembered Sabrina mentioning a plot between her and Katelyn while enroute to the party. Along with the curious wording used by Katelyn calling me ‘Babe’. That was actually strange.

Sabrina stopped just inches from us both with a grin from ear to ear. “Where have you been?”
She looked at me, then Katelyn.
But before either of us could answer she raised a hand to her mouth in surprise. “Oh shit! You finally fucked him!”

I grabbed Sabrina’s arm, shaking it, to get her to focus. “We’ve been talking, that’s all.” I told her.

Katelyn looked surprised by both Sabrina’s outburst and my immediate reaction. “Everyone just stop.”

Sabrina shook her arm, breaking my hold on her and turned back to Katelyn. “Seriously! Dammit Katelyn, I thought you said that I could..”

Katelyn swiftly moved her hand to cover Sabrina's mouth, stopping her from finishing her sentence.

“Sabrina! That’s enough!” Katelyn said between clenched teeth. “Tim was helping me with a problem. No, we didn’t have a quick fuck. And yes, I did say something about that subject to you earlier.” Then she looked past Sabrina and around the room and back to me.

“Tim, please excuse us for just a moment.” She asked.

I let out a sigh and quickly walked midway over to the dining room as Katelyn turned Sabrina away to talk privately. I tried not to eavesdrop on their conversation and attempted to focus on something or anything else. I could hear the music outside, people talking and laughing, I glanced back at the two android women who now appeared to be having a heated discussion. Arms were moving and hands pointing in all directions. It was surreal in the fact that they were machines designed to act like humans, and now they were doing precisely that.

Looking across the room to the back doors I could see Josh and Faith mingling with a few other guests further outside near the pool. Faith was running her hand across Josh’s back, probably in an attempt to help soothe and relax him. Josh was always one to over react.

The two young men who had been previously engaged with Sabrina at the kitchen island were now seated at the dining room table along with two other girls. None of whom I recognized.

I took a deep breath and decided to pull my cell back out and open up the Cy-Gen application again. Another glance back to Sabrina and Katelyn. The discussion appeared less heated as Katelyn now wore a smile and wasn’t as outwardly reactive.

I flipped a tab in the app to see just how many android units there were on the premises. Eight, six female units and two male. I pulled up an overlay of the property so as to see roughly where each was currently located. Four of the females were in the house and two outside. Katelyn and Sabrina over at the stairs. One near the front entry of the home and the other was in a basement bedroom. One of the male units was also outside and the other appeared to be located in the garage area.

It was a no brainer to guess what the male in the garage and the female in the basement bedroom were engaged in. They were after all companion sex units. I was so focused on my phone that I hadn’t noticed Katelyn come up from behind.

“What are you looking at?” She asked excitedly.

Looking up at her and shoving my cell back in my pocket I nervously adjusted my shirt. “Oh, just stuff. I was curious about something is all.” I managed to say.

“Oh, it looked like work to me.” She said with a pouty frown.

“Geez, Katelyn, this all is work, everything here.” I said as I waved my hand around in the air gesturing about. “Where did Sabrina go?”

“She’s heading upstairs, upset at me. But I think she’ll get over it.” Katelyn answered somberly.

“So be honest with me please. What the hell did you two plan? Meaning with me? Sabrina told me she’d asked for a favor and I knew I was in for something. So just tell me.” I pleaded.

Taking a deep breath and reaching up to fix her hair she smiled wide. “If I told you, you’d be upset too, you’ve probably already pieced together something sexually explicit because that would be how your mind works. Am I right?”

I let out a huff of air and shook my head in disbelief. “God, there’s really nothing wrong with you. You’re still you and up to the same old teasing flirty shit. Or maybe, maybe yet, you wanted me to freak out a little and planned all of this just to give me a mental breakdown. Katelyn you can’t keep doing this to me.”

I turned and started to walk away when Katelyn reached for my arm. “Tim please.”

I stopped, reached up and pushed her hand away, but held onto it and laced my fingers through hers. “Katelyn!”

Her gaze held mine for several seconds, my mind was racing again. I quickly backed her up into the main floor hallway opposite of the entry and against the wall. I grabbed her other hand, raising both of them both out and above her shoulders. Pinning them to the wall. Her breasts pushed out as she slightly arched her back, yet keeping her ass pinned to the wall at the same time. She licked her lips. “Tim?”

Slowly moving in so our faces were just inches apart. My chest against her chest. Both of us breathing rapidly I looked into her perfect artificial brown eyes. “If it weren’t for a house full of guests here right now, I’d pull this ridiculous excuse of a dress off of you, slap your ass hard, and take you from behind!”

Katelyn feigned resistance in an attempt to push my arms away. “Oooh, I finally struck a nerve. Take me then and punish me. I deserve it. fuck me from behind.” She said,
biting down on her bottom lip, still teasing me.

Part of me wanted to actually strip her here and fuck her in the open hallway. Another part of me wanted to just laugh all this off and walk away frustrated. I had had girlfriends in the past that would tease or say certain things in a certain way just to prove a point or put me in a position. But none of them were remotely like Katelyn. Her personality was unique. She could be sweet, caring and gentle one moment and the next she’d be mischievous, conniving, maniacal and manipulative.

“You’d like that wouldn’t you. Whichever way you can maneuver the situation to get me to say yes and fuck me.” I hissed through my teeth.

Katelyn smiled mischievously.

That was it, the final straw in my resolve, I pressed in and passionately kissed her hard. My hands released her wrists, moving up to her hands, our fingers interlacing with each other.
Her tongue pushed into my mouth, probing and gliding along my teeth. Katelyn moaned softly as I twisted my tongue along hers and explored her mouth.

Inhaling I caught the sweet smell of her perfume, she again attempted to free her arms from the wall, pushing forward in a futile effort. I wasn’t ready to let her have control just yet, and her programming allowed me to be the dominant one in control of our current situation.

Breaking our kiss, I leaned back. At the same moment she thrust her hips towards mine, pushing hard against the increasing bulge in my pants.

“Ah ah, you naughty nymph. You’ll get more, but not just yet.” I told her.

“Let me make an excuse and send everyone home. I’ve got to have you soon.” Katelyn cried.

Again she tried to break free from my grip and push away. She was strong, and certainly she could have, had she really wanted to. I could feel the hardness of her nipples against my chest. Our closeness and interaction was really turning her on.

“But you have so many guests and it’s only been a little over an hour since your party started.” I stated.

Katelyn leaned in and kissed me again, she broke her right hand free and reached behind my head, running her fingers through my hair. Holding my head firmly as we kissed. Another throaty moan came from within her. Her kiss was sweet and intoxicating. Finally after several seconds she parted.

“I don’t think that will be a problem. Josh and Faith are informing everyone that I’m feeling unwell.” She whispered. Then a quick kiss again. “So it might be wise for us to find a room and wait for everyone to leave.” She blew out a hot breath of air towards me.

“Damn Josh, couldn’t relax and trust us.” I muttered under my breath.
Glancing away and toward the dining and kitchen, I could hear an increase in voices and discussion. “Your link with Faith is still open.”
I said, but not asking.

There was a door just to the left of us, about three feet away. If I remembered correctly it was the laundry room. “Alright ‘babe’ in there. Quietly and discreetly please.” I said, motioning with my eyes towards the door on her right, and emphasis on the word babe.

Letting go of Katelyn’s wrist she paused looking at me, then ran her hand down my chest, stopping at my belt buckle. She gave me another teasing look then slid along the wall and gracefully opened the door on her right, keeping her back to the wall. Once inside she reached up grabbing my shirt and pulled me in after her. I closed the door and flipped on the light.

“You're linked with Faith? Why? Sabrina’s not gonna buy the not feeling well line.” I blurted out. “Her human female emulation is pretty spot on.”

Katelyn released her hold on my shirt and slowly did a 360 twirl of the room. She presented a coy smile as she faced me, then she slowly walked back towards the laundry counter and stopped once she had reached it.

“Faith. Initially the link with her was so I could inform her of what had happened to me, what I’d done to cause so many errors. She was genuinely curious and concerned.” She stated.

Katelyn looked down, and for a moment she appeared genuinely sad. “I told her everything. Shared everything with her about what I’d done and what had happened.”

She leaned forward and looked back up at me. All I could focus on was her luscious cleavage in my direct view. Smiling, she reached down and pulled open a wide linen drawer between her legs.
Then she braced herself, pushing up to sit on the counter, placing her feet on the drawer, heels and all. Then slowly she sat up and back, opening her legs and allowing her feet to spread apart at each end of the drawer.

I gulped down the huge lump in my throat. I was really going to have to write another thank you email to programming and development. What Katelyn was doing and demonstrating now was sexually exquisite and phenomenal.

Katelyn sighed and tilted her head to the left. “Sabrina, Sabrina, Sabrina. She proposed an idea to me this afternoon when we spoke about the party. After I had asked if she could pick you up.”

I hadn’t moved and my breath was catching. My heart was pounding knowing what was soon to happen between us. Katelyn flexed her legs farther apart repeatedly, almost nervously. She smiled at me and licked her lips again in that subtle way.

I cleared my throat. “What idea was that?”

“A threesome between us. She was going to entice and seduce you at a time and place tonight , where shortly thereafter I would then find the two of you entangled and insert myself along with the two of you.” She said softly.

I nodded, sweat beginning to run across my forehead.

“Tim, you had refused my every advance and suggestion. Girls talk to each other about such things you know. We’re programmed that way and Sabrina thought up the plan to help us both out.” Katelyn explained.

I sucked in my lower lip, processing the new information. “So….where is Sabrina now? Because I believe that plan is out the window and another is in play.”

Katelyn chuckled and laughed. Her eyes briefly left mine and then went blank. Her arms stiffened and her hands appeared to grip tightly to the counter. The rise and fall of her chest appeared to quicken slightly, other than the weird smile and blank stare she now presented. “Katelyn?”

She abruptly returned to life and shook her head as if trying to remember something. “Woah!” She whispered. Then looked back at me with a fearful look, then it quickly changed to excitement.

“WHAT??!!” I yelled at her, taking a hesitant step forward.

“I...I am not sure how to explain it really?” She said looking over at me with a need I hadn’t seen in her before.

“What do you mean you don’t know how to explain it Katelyn?! You’re a machine, a waking computer! EXPLAIN IT TO ME!” I yelled louder and more forcefully than I actually intended.

Her expression was uncertain, “I … I’m still trying to …”
I pulled my cell out from my pocket. “No wait! Please don’t!” She cried.

Her eyes were darting all over the place as if reading hidden lines of code within her field of vision. “I’m …. I’m …. I’m done now.” She said as her posture relaxed and she immediately clenched her thighs together. “Oh shit … ahh wow!” I watched as her whole body shuddered, her hands held tightly to the counter top, Katelyn bit her bottom lip. An orgasm, she just experienced an orgasm.

“Sabrina’s up stairs. In the shower. She just fingered herself to orgasm. I asked her to go shower and change into something more revealing.”

I was puzzled as to how she would know this.

Katelyn looked at me again with wanton eyes. “Tim, somehow I’ve opened a back door access port into the home wireless network and into the Cy-Gen companion surveillance and monitoring system. Faith and I are both now linked to it somehow. We’ve been exchanging information since we were upstairs. We both experienced Sabrina’s own orgasm simultaneously. Except….” She trailed off.

I took another step forward, inches away from her now. “Except what?” I asked.

“Except somehow, with us linked together and observing Sabrina, it multiplied our sensory systems feedback threefold. But it wasn’t just Sabrina we were seeing. It was Nick and Ariel. They’re each having sex right now too. Tanya, Rachel and Ken. We witnessed and felt what they all were experiencing in that moment too. It was amazing Tim! I have no reference point to try to understand how it’s possible. I wasn’t programmed to be able to … to do this.” Katelyn explained excitedly.

I hesitantly placed my left hand on her right knee, while never breaking our eye contact. “Ok .. How’s Faith processing this experience?” I asked, trying to act calmly.

“Good, I believe she may have handled it a little better than I did. No one appeared to have noticed when she froze for a second.”

I nodded. “Tell Faith to please disconnect from all wireless networks and to enter airplane mode and stay with Josh. Would you please do the same Katelyn. For your safety please.”

“Done.” She said, then turned her gaze to my hand on her knee. Then back up at me, her face still looked concerned.

I took a deep breath, my heart was pounding, my cock was throbbing and needed to escape the confines of my jeans. But not just yet. I needed just a second to process everything.

“Katelyn, I don’t process information as fast as you, so I need to think with my head for a minute before I can think with my dick ok?” I asked, trying to add a little humor to the situation.

She giggled and nodded acknowledging my request.

With both of them disconnected from all the wireless devices, they no longer could communicate with each other, and … could no longer be influenced by any actions from any of the other androids on the premises. This was an astounding development, almost as if both android women had become self aware in a sense. No, it was something more than that, something very different. The 2.0 Day & Night O.S. AI already allowed that awareness of I’m a machine acting as a flesh and blood human. They knew what they were. I really wasn’t sure what to make of all of this. The network and monitoring systems would have logged all the traffic and activity. That’s protocol and all files would be sent for dissemination and study once this event was made known. From this point moving forward both Katelyn and Faith should be fine to operate and function normally. They will be called in for an evaluation and assessment to have their systems surveyed, scanned and picked through for data logging and to discover the what, how, and why’s of all this.

I felt I had taken the appropriate steps and everything was manageable at this point. No need to deactivate either of them or be concerned. I sat my cell down on the counter, looked at Katelyn and smiled. “God, you’re special!” I exclaimed.

“You’re not going to turn me off now are you.” She whispered, no longer looking afraid.

“No no no. It’s all good Katelyn. Like I said. I just had to think for a second and make sure that I’ve taken the correct steps to make sure that everythings alright from this point forward. With what you’ve explained and experienced, you and Faith together. It is amazing. I don’t understand all of it, but I’ll be here with you as we figure it all out. It may not be tonight or tomorrow, but however long it takes, I’ll be here for you.” I reaffirmed to her as I gently rubbed her knee with my thumb.

She nodded again then took a deep breath. Her smile brightened and once again she bit down on her lower lip teasingly. Slowly she relaxed and leaned back till both her head and shoulders rested against the wall behind her. Then she relaxed her legs, spreading them wide apart.

“While we wait in here, do you think Tim, that just maybe … I’m feeling super horny with everything that’s happened and I really, really need you to service me.” She said sweetly.

I couldn’t help but smile back at her. “You want me to do what?” I teased her back.

“Lick my pussy.” Katelyn exclaimed, drawing away the front of her dress to the side and exposing her soaked blue lace panties.

She pushed herself closer to the edge of the counter. “Help me take these off. Mmmm please.”

Moving close and more centered in front of Katelyn, I reached down carefully with both hands, adjusting her dress for better access to the waistband, then gently slipped my fingers between the fabric and her warm skin. I watched her facial expression change to joy as she felt the warmth of my fingers touch her body. Katelyn pushed against the counter, lifting her ass up and away. The wood of the drawer straining as the arches of her stilettos pushed on the corners.

“Like this?” I asked, as I slowly pulled her panties up, off and away.

“Mmmm humm” She nodded.

She lowered herself back down and brought her knees together as I slid the wet fabric up and over her knees and then down to her ankles. Lifting one foot at a time I maneuvered them off and tossed them across the room.

I gently ran both hands up her legs and over her knees then down along her inner thighs. My thumbs stopping just inches away from her opening. Her labia was already swollen and I could see her glistening wetness seeping out it’s tender opening. Looking up at Katelyn I smiled. Her eyes pleading with me to continue

“Oohh I’ve waited so long for you to touch me like that. Please Tim, taste me, lick me, eat me, go down on me, just don’t keep me waiting any longer.” She cried.

I knelt down between her legs and bent over, holding firm to her inner thighs and gently blew across her folds. A shiver ran through Katelyn’s body. “Oh please!” She cried again.

Knowing that the companion androids fluids were all flavored and that there was not a strong musky odor associated with them as there sometimes can be with human females, I didn’t hesitate to draw close and extend my tongue out, teasing with a quick gliding touch across her labia.

“Mmmmmm yessss! More, MORE!” Katelyn expressed as she spread her legs further apart.

I gave in and dove at her pussy, tasting her sweet honey flavored juices as I began to suck at her folds, exploring the surface of her smooth sensitive skin. Teasing along her curved opening at first, then pressing harder until my tongue was deep inside. My hands slid down beside her ass, cradling her and holding her firmly while I serviced her with my mouth. As I dove in and out of her pussy with my tongue, Katelyn squirmed and rocked almost in sync with my ministrations.

Katelyn began to moan louder and then began to grind against my face, pushing herself closer to the edge of the counter, yet maintaining her balance as I slurped and lapped at her pussy.
I began to lick faster, teasing and probing my tongue along her folds, then in and out of her wet clit. Faster and faster until she clamped her thighs down around my head and screamed as she came. Unleashing a stream of her sweet cum across my face as she orgasmed.

“Ohh iiiiiiieeeeeeeeee! Yess yess YESSSSS!!!”

Her right hand reached over and pressed the back of my head firmly against her loins as the waves of pleasure gradually dissipated. Her warm honey flavored cum slowly subsiding from its initial gush. I licked feverishly to consume it all, flicking and teasing her folds, thinking I should bring her again to another orgasm she pushed or rather pulled my hair and face away from her mound.

“Wait.” She panted. “You're going too fast. Slower, go slower and use your fingers. Finger fuck me while you suck on my clit. I may be a machine, but I’m designed and built like a real woman. Build me up slowly and you won’t be disappointed.”

I nodded. “I’m sorry, my bad.”

“No, don’t apologize Tim, that was fantastic and I needed to release. But now, just go nice and easy, set a pace and I’ll match it.” Katelyn cooed.

I reached out with my left hand and gently began to massage her groin area in a circular motion. Then leaning forward, I again began to softly blow across her folds as I lay my head against her left thigh. Adjusting my head so I wasn’t positioned so directly in line tongue to clit, but angled slightly, I began to tease and lick at her pussy while running my fingers across her sensitive skin.

“Oohhhh, yeah baby. Uh huh. Yeah, that’s perfect.” She whimpered.

Slowly at first and then adding some momentum I licked across and circled her labia, quickly teasing my tongue along her folds. Then bringing my left hand down and extending out two fingers, I gently pushed against heropening and slid in.

Katelyn’s body tensed as I entered her and slowly pushed in. My fingers feeling for her artificial nub, her G spot. My lips brushed against her soft skin, licking the juices that oozed out from her pussy. I began to slide my fingers in and out, slowly at first then building momentum. Pistoning in and out of her as I sucked, licked and pushed against her skin.

As the seconds turned into minutes her passion matched my passion. My face was wet with her artificial juices, her pussy and groin were slick from the combination of saliva and cum. She began to rock and thrust at my increased speed of finger fucking and sucking until she was finally at the edge.

“OOHH YEAH, I’m gonna explode again. Yeah yeah yeahhhhhhheeeiiiiii!!!!!” She screamed as another orgasm rocked her body.

I sped up my fingering of her clit as I sucked hard on the top of her folds, her hot cum running along my fingers and down the side of my hand.

“Oh Katelyn, you’re so wet, and you taste so good.” I told her as I pulled away looking up at her.

She continued to grip the counter and arch her back. “Th..that was wonderful. Oh….oh I’ve never cum that hard before. Oh fuck your good. I… I think … I think..” she trailed off.

Sitting back on my heels I watched her for a second as she wound down from her climax.
“Katelyn?” I called out to her.

Slowly she turned her head to look at me. “Malfunction, error at script line FX7392G-H2849B Malfunction.” She stated in a monotone voice.

I bolted straight up and slapped her right knee. Recognizing the Cy-Gen test malfunction code. “You sexy shit! That’s not fucking funny!” I yelled at her.

Katelyn immediately sat forward and started laughing as she wrapped her arms around her knees. “Gotcha!”
She continued to laugh and then I too couldn’t help but laugh along with her. My pulse returned to normal as the two of us finally regained some composure and just stared at one another. Katelyn sitting on the counter, her dress disheveled and wet, looking sexy and beautiful. Me, standing before her, her friend, handler and maybe something more now. Just the two of us in that room as the silence grew until one of us finally spoke.

“You’ve earned a reward that I hope you’ll let me take all night in giving you.” Katelyn said softly.

I took a deep breath and was about to reply to her, when out in the hallway there was a loud crashing noise, followed by several yelling voices.

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Re: The Handler - Chapter Six

Post by frou » Mon Jan 25, 2021 9:20 pm

It's getting better and better! Keep on please!

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Re: The Handler - Chapter Six

Post by Bilbo1 » Wed Jan 27, 2021 6:43 am

This story is certainly building into a classic :applause: :applause: :applause:

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