The Handler - Chapter Three

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The Handler - Chapter Three

Post by botfriend2000 » Thu Dec 24, 2020 11:59 am

:party: Merry Christmas Eve and Happy Holidays to you all. Here is Chapter Three. I will be working on the next few over the next few weeks. Thanks again and I wish you all well.

This chapter contains a reference to another story written a while back by Hlprhlpr - Sparx Troubleshooting a Design Flaw. (Read it on Stories on the wiki) Thanks for the inspiration.

Also for my muses in this story. (Muses meaning persons I find intriguing, physically attractive and of body type to what I like in an android) Katelyn is based on Katelyn Runck. a WBFF pro model. Her Instagram is @katelyn_runck
Sabrina is based on Katharina Mazepa, an Austrian model, see her on Instagram @katharinamazepa
Faith is loosely based on Abby Dowse, see her Instagram @abbydowse.
All of these beautiful women are inspiring in their own ways. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and that you’ll be patient for the next. Merry Christmas to you all, and happy holidays. Enjoy this season regardless of beliefs, life is to be enjoyed.

Chapter Three

I decided to take advantage of having Sabrina with me as her plus one. We walked arm in arm through the gate and up to Katelyn’s residence.

Her house sat mid way up in the foothills and offered an amazing view for the city. CyGen Corporate obviously owned the house, as this was really out of her income as a yoga studio owner and entrepreneur.

Part of her cover story and fictional story is that supposedly it was purchased with an inheritance that she received from a close family member. A good cover story, and no one really questioned it.

As we stopped and I rang the bell, Sabrina pulled me closer and rested her head against my shoulder. I stood a few inches taller than she was. It was a very comfortable feeling having her that close. Moments like these made it hard to forget that she wasn’t real.

The door pulled open and there was Katelyn holding a half full bottle of Corona and wearing the most revealing blue colored evening dress I had ever seen.

“Well it’s about time you two showed up!” She said with a smile. “Sabrina, I hope it wasn’t an inconvenience for you to pick up Tim here.” She said with a coy wink.

“Oh no. Tim’s always the gentleman, and it was no problem” Sabrina said as she let go of me and entered past Katelyn.

“Oh my God Katelyn! That dress …. Wow!” I said in amazement. She stood there with the biggest smile as my eyes wandered over her barely covered body. Every curve of her dress, and exposed areas of her body were tantalizing. She was a goddess.

“Tim?” Sabrina asked, also sporting a huge grin. “Are you gonna stand a stare at her all night?” She teased.

I slowly followed suit passing just to the left of Katelyn and stopping closely beside Sabrina.

“You like it? It’s by Faeriesty, it’s their Royal Blue Halter Maxi. It was a gift.” She stated. I noticed her eyes glanced downward towards my building bulge. “Mmmmm” she hummed.

“Uh yeah. It’s stunning on you.” I stammered.

“I’m guessing you’ve undressed me about six times by now, along with every other guest I’ve invited tonight.” Katelyn laughed.

“Oh! I think you’ll be happy to know that I invited Josh again tonight. He mentioned that he wanted to visit with you. I hope that you won’t talk shop all night.” She said closing the door.

“I don’t mind if you boys do a little work while here at my home, but I want you to relax and have fun tonight. It’s worried me that I may have upset you earlier today Tim. We are still friends right?” Emphasis on friends she said.

I smiled wide as a crazy thought hit me. I reached for the bottle in her hand, took it and brought it up to my lips. Slowly licking the mouth of the bottle and then I quickly downed three gulps. Smiling, I handed it back to her with what little remained.

“Oh yeah! Now we’re really good friends.” I said laughing.

Sabrina laid a friendly punch to my shoulder. “Tim! That’s the Tim I wanted in the car with me on the way here, now this is the Tim we’re all used to seeing.. Living in the moment. Nice!”

And with that she gave me a peck on the cheek and was off to say hi and socialize. Katelyn and I locked eyes for a moment.

“Go. Go find Josh. You better find me later though.” Katelyn said playfully, giving me another look from head to toe.

Beyond the entry foyer lay the various guests and party goers. When Katelyn threw a party, it was a party. Music played throughout the home. The main living area was a buzz with laughter and chatter. Beyond that, out on the back patio and terrace near the pool, the buffet, mini bar and DJ were bustling with even more of Katelyn’s friends and acquaintances .
All in all there had to be at least fifty to sixty people here. Of those fifty or sixty guest were at least eight to ten Cy-Gen companion androids.

As I passed through the crowd, waiving at those I knew and smiling back at the ones I didn’t, I tried to look for the familiar face of Josh. One of CyGen’s lead characteristic programmers and developers. Once I was out back in the fresh air of the patio, I clearly heard his distinctive voice and laugh.

He was seated back on the left with a charming blonde tight against him wearing a snug fitting yellow party dress. He had the attention of four or five others as he appeared to be telling a story. The occasional laughter erupting from his audience.

Upon seeing me approach, he raised his arm and waived me closer.

“My friends! This here’s Tim, a man of honor and integrity, my occasional wingman and ..” he paused for effect. “..a bachelor with no current girlfriend or attachments.”

As his audience turned to me, there was applause, whoots, and whistles from them all.

I raised both hands high into the air. “Thank you, but no applause necessary, just throw money please.” II yelled out.
The crowd burst into laughter, the blonde seated beside Josh reached into the top of her dress, at her cleavage, thumbing for something, then withdrew a ten dollar bill and held it high, waiving for it for all to see.

“Come and take it please.” She said with a huge smile and a lovely melodic voice.

“And who might you be?” I asked as I plucked the bill from her hand.

Josh stood, then pulled her up alongside of him, quickly wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her close. She looked at Josh with a grin.

“This is Faith.” He said, formally introducing us. “Faith, Tim.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Faith said with a slight bow of her head and a drawl I was trying to place.

“Ah, the pleasures mine. Introductions to lovely and beautiful ladies are always delightful.”

I couldn’t help but momentarily stop and stare at her breasts. Her nipples pushing hard against the fabric of her dress.

“Always the gentleman Tim, you suck up.” Josh said with a laugh.
“Faith, would you mind if I had a word with Tim in private for a few minutes?”

“Why no, not at all?” She said with a bit of a southern accent.

“Oh, and could you get me another drink please? The rest of you, please hang tight and we’ll be right back. Enjoy, socialize, have some drinks and food too.”

“Yes of course sweetie.” Faith replied, brushing Josh’s arm before walking away.

Josh led me away from the group and the rest of the guests to where a private conversation wouldn’t be overheard. Then he turned me back around so we could see everyone else.

“Josh you sly dog. Going for the younger southern women now huh? She barely looks to be twenty one or twenty two, and to say that her dress hides nothing from the imagination, it’s so thin, and her nipples are so hard they're about to poke through.”

“I think she’s why everyone was so glued to my story. They couldn’t take their eyes off of her tits. But she is supposed to look that age. What do you think?” He replied.

I glanced back at Josh confused. “What?!” Then back to the crowd and Faith who was just returning to the circle of those we had just left. A fresh drink in hand for Josh.

“Wait, what?” I shook my head. “Faith’s an android??!!”

Josh’s smile was from ear to ear as I asked my question dumbstruck.

“Oh yeah! She’s actually the new eleven hundred series companion prototype. Faith series 0001 Model FA1. And!.....and, not only that, she’s running version 2.2 of day and night.”

I could feel my eyes bulging wide as I stared back at Faith. “No shit.” I said nearly mumbling. “That’s the smallest chassis I’ve seen on an adult companion unit. What is she 5’ 3” or 5’4”?

“Impressive huh? 5’ 3 inches, but in those heels she 5’ 7inches.”

“Wow, I’m totally surprised. I mean, our companion pleasure units are so lifelike and all, but I had her pegged as real.” I stated. “So….have you .. done the test drive?” I asked.

“Fuck yeah man! Too many to count. She is a minx in the sack. I’ve never had better sex. Human or machine. Fuck Tim, I’d say she’s even better than Katelyn.” He said with a slap on my back.

I cringed slightly, not at his slap, but at the fact that I hadn’t taken advantage of Katelyn or the numerous opportunities she had openly prospected me with yet. Josh saw my reaction.

“Dude! Please tell me that you’ve fucked that fabulous piece of ass?”

I took a deep breath. “Nope, not yet. I’ve kinda been waiting for when it feels right.” I had to admit.

“Feels right? What the hell Tim? It’s part of your job to kick their tires and light their fires. Fuck ‘em and fuck ‘em hard. Titties, mouth, ass and especially their pussy’s dude! What’s it been? Four months now since she was assigned to you?” He asked with encouragement.

I nodded in affirmation.

“What’s the hold up buddy? I know she hasn’t been holding back on you, she’s aggressively programmed to want it. She needs it.” He said as he gave my shoulder a firm squeeze.

“Well that explains why she’s been upping the flirting and flaunting. She’s been practically begging me to bang her on an hour by hour basis. Katelyn’s even fucked a couple of her yoga boy client customers in hopes of making me jealous. I just had reservations about doing it.” I explained.

“Do tell my friend. What is it?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “I already had a similar conversation with her earlier today on this very subject.” I looked back to the group and Faith. Then beyond to see if I could see Katelyn anywhere in the crowd.

“I see her as a real friend, almost as if she were real flesh and blood Josh. This ‘Day and Night’ O.S. where she’s aware of her true mechanical nature but doesn’t reveal it, is just too damn good. The sleeper protocols on the others have amazing personalities and it’s hard to even see past those. But with Katelyn, I feel like I could ruin the friendship we’ve built. I know it’s stupid, but that’s been my hang up.”

Josh gave me a serious look, then bowed his head and slowly shook it.

“Tim, I’m truly sorry.” He started, held his breath, then burst out laughing.

“Hah! That’s the biggest load of emotional shit I’ve heard in a long long time. Tim! Are you out of your mind, did I not send you an email upon assignment of Katelyn?” He asked, but didn’t wait for my response.

“Tim! There is no way to fuck up your relationship with her. I know how real she is, how real her personality, her character, her core beliefs are meant to be! Katelyn’s programming essentially imprints you as her best friend, lover, companion, mate, whatever you want to call it. Take her to bed it’ll do you both some good. He took a deep breath.

“Hell my man, she’s probably run a hundred thousand algorithms trying to figure out and compensate for why you keep rejecting her. Don’t break her before you even have the chance to bang her.” Josh stated.

I was shocked, I ran both hands through my hair and then clasped my hands interlocking my fingers behind my head.

“Geez man, thanks for the empathy.” I exclaimed.
“Now I feel like a screw up.”

Josh placed a hand on my shoulder. “No worries Tim, that’s why I’m here.”
He gave a wave to Faith who was watching our exchange. Sabrina and Katelyn had joined her over at the small circle of friends. They appeared to be in a conversation with two others of the group.

“But seriously my friend, you really need to service that girl. Someone higher up the food chain might get curious as to why it hasn’t happened yet, especially after nearly four months as her handler.”

I gave a nod of my head in affirmation as I shook Josh’s shoulder.

“Thanks man, message received.” I let out a sigh and took a deep breath. “Katelyn said you wanted to visit, I’m guessing it was about Faith?” I asked.

“Yeah yeah. So, like I said, Faith is running version 2.2 right.” He paused. “ So far I’ve not noticed any real differences with her emotional displays, conversational skills, cognitive and rational systems and the like. But one thing I think I saw happen was last night, while she was giving me a monster suck off as I lay back on my bed.” Josh looked over at the circle of people and focused on Faith.

“Did I mention she craves the sex? Anyhow, she twitched, almost like a split second rewind or kind of stutter. She was bent over me, one hand wrapped around my dick, she looked up at me through her tangled mess of hair, popped off me and swirled her tongue over my tip. Her eyes lost focus I think. Her eyelids did a flutter and her head jerked a second. She stuttered as she called me babe. And bam! It was over and she was right back at it.”
He explained with some genuine concern.

“So, maybe I’ll bring her by tomorrow or the next and you can do a scan.”

I reached up with my left hand and rubbed my chin. “Wow! Uh sure, sure, bring her on by. That sounds an awful lot like what some of us used to call a G56 error code.” I said.

“G56?” Josh asked.

“Yeah, are you familiar with Sparx International Systems from a few years back?”

Josh gave me a shrug and shake of his head. “Not really?”

“How about Sparx Clubs? Exclusive lifelike sex androids?”

“Oh shit, yeah! Those clubs you paid top dollar to get into. That Sparx, yeah I know of them.” Josh answered.

“Those are the ones. Sparx was the leader in cutting edge android technology for a while several years back. They had these few private clubs across the country and some really hot sex machines. Anyway, they were about to roll out a new model and had been testing her in one of their clubs when she had a glitch. They found an issue between some hardware and the models OS and they called it a G56. Faith’s issue may not exactly be that, but your description just jogged an old memory.”
I told him.

“Old memories or old flames?” Asked Sabrina as she approached both Josh and I. She carried drinks in both hands.

“Faith said you asked for this.” Handing the one to Josh, then turned towards me smiling. “Here’s your usual Tim. Bourbon with a maraschino cherry on ice.”

I reached and took the glass from her hand. “Thanks Sabrina, I said before taking a generous swig and feeling the burn go down my throat.

“Easy there big boy. Are you talking about an old girlfriend here speaking of memories?” She asked.

“Shop talk on an old project is all.”

Sabrina looked at me and then at Josh.

“No seriously Sabrina, work, but now we are finished.” Josh raised his glass towards her. “Thank you for bringing this, Tim, why don’t the three of us get back to the others and have some fun.”

“I wholeheartedly agree with that.” She said pivoting and positioning herself between us.

As we approached the circle of guests, I made eye contact with Katelyn and she turned to look at the three of us returning.
I gave Josh a nod and moved over alongside Katelyn who had extended out her left hand to me, which I happily took upon reaching her side.

I quietly cleared my throat. “Uhm, I need to, and must apologize to you Katelyn. I am so sorry for my behavior earlier today,” I paused, looking directly at her now. “and for not acknowledging your feelings, your needs and apparently a deeply rooted programmed directive that you have. I am sincerely sorry for the jerk I’ve been these last several weeks.” I released her hand and reached around her waist, pulling her in close beside me, never breaking eye contact.

Katelyn smiled wide, showing her brilliant white teeth. Her expression was one of joy and amazement.

She brought her right hand up over mine and we interlaced our fingers. “Thank you Tim, can I ask why the sudden change in perspective?”

I gave her hand a squeeze. “Let's just say that Josh shared some insight that I was blind to.”

She then lay her head against my shoulder and gave an approving “hmm” as we listened to another one of Josh’s stories.


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Re: The Handler - Chapter Three

Post by DollSpace » Sun Dec 27, 2020 1:01 am

Getting good, and better :) It'll be interesting to see where this is going, and if Tim can have a real, genuine relationship with Katelyn while still getting to enjoy her, and whether Faith's G56 malfunction turns out to be anything more, err, serious. ;) I'd definitely like it if at least one couple can have a meaningful relationship...too many just end up being sex dolls or whatever, but Katelyn's aware of what she is already! Meanwhile, Faith has a lot of potential for so many many things... :)

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Re: The Handler - Chapter Three

Post by Bilbo1 » Sun Dec 27, 2020 4:50 am

Once again an enjoyable and pleasant read, the story really is warming up....

Bring on Chapter Four!!

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