IDEA: Job Hunt

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IDEA: Job Hunt

Post by WilloWisp » Tue Jun 25, 2013 7:12 pm

Yes, I know, I'm supposed to be writing Virus Alert - and I promise I still am. This just needed to get out of my head at the moment. BOSS, EMPLOYEE, Miss X, firstname Y, all of those are placeholder names, they can be anything. This is a M/F script, but it could be rewritten to be F/F. No special effects, but a sound effect at one key point might be a good idea.

(EMPLOYEE enters the office dressed in tight-ish short-ish office attire, holding some papers. BOSS is already in the office, seated at a desk.)

BOSS: Ah, Miss X., please come in, take a seat.

(EMPLOYEE approaches the desk, handing the papers to BOSS when she reaches it. BOSS looks through them while she seats herself primly in a nearby chair.)

BOSS: Okay, well, we'll just go through these in a few minutes. (Pulls out folder with other papers) I just wanted to go over your resume before we begin.

EMPLOYEE: Of course.

BOSS: I see that you've listed 8 years equivalent experience here for Note-topia 4.3, but that package has only been out for three years. Is that a typo?

EMPLOYEE: No, it's just that I work very hands-on with software. I pick up equivalent experience pretty quickly.

BOSS: And here it lists your data entry speed as 300 words per minute. That seems rather high.

EMPLOYEE: I can go even faster than that when I work in private.

BOSS: Why is that?

EMPLOYEE: I... it's complicated.

BOSS: So you type differently depending on whether anyone else is watching or not?


BOSS: (Flips through papers) Did I get the whole resume? I just see work experience here, there's no educational background listed.

EMPLOYEE: I kind of picked up most of what I know in the field.

BOSS: I see. (Picks up the papers EMPLOYEE handed BOSS) Well, let's take a look at your questionnaire. (Reads off as though breezing through a list) Work schedule, 9-5, willing to work weekends and holidays, willing to travel, willing to relocate, prefer to work remotely... Why is that?

EMPLOYEE: As I said, I can work faster by myself.

BOSS: Oh, yes, so you said. (Looks back at the paper) What would you do if, blah blah blah, describe a mistake you made and how you resolved it, blah blah blah... You know, I'll be honest, these profiling questions just blend together after a while. (Mutters to self, skipping several questions) Oh, looks like you forgot to fill out emergency contact.

EMPLOYEE: I wasn't quite sure who to put. I don't have any family nearby.

BOSS: Ah well, we can worry about that later. (Hmms) Expected salary... (eyes go wide) Sorry, is this right? Eighty thousand?

EMPLOYEE: Too low?

BOSS: Too l-?! Just what do you think this job entails?

EMPLOYEE: The description in the listing said high speed data entry, systems analysis, software management, and light secretarial duties, including filing, routing calls, taking messages...

BOSS: And you think you're good enough at those duties to merit eighty thousand?

EMPLOYEE: (Calm and matter-of-fact, no trace of smugness) Many organizations would employ four people to perform the total tasks described, each with a salary of at least twenty-five thousand. At eighty thousand, I'm doing the job of four people, at a 20% savings to your company.

(Pause as BOSS just stares at her for a few moments. She appears completely at ease.)

BOSS: Ms. X... do you mind if I call you Y?

EMPLOYEE: No, I don't mind.

BOSS: Y, are you a robot?

EMPLOYEE: Sir, I'd like to remind you of Fargas v. Williams, in which it was ruled a form of harrassment to ask a human employee or potential hire if they were a robot.

BOSS: And I'd like to remind you that it is completely legal and acceptable to ask a robot that question, *and* that robots are bound by their programming to answer truthfully, *and* that they must answer directly if ordered to do so by any human. I order you to answer directly: Are you a robot, Y?

EMPLOYEE: Yes, I am a SynthGirl 325 series fembot. (Slightly fearful look) I don't get the job, do I?

BOSS: I didn't say that, but it does change things a bit. Do you normally try to hide the fact that you're artificial?

EMPLOYEE: Yes. Obviously, I can't lie about it, but it causes complications. People expect me to just blindly obey all the time. I'm not some trumped-up sex doll, I'm a sophisticated machine.

BOSS: (Impressed) Your emotional simulation programs are certainly impressive. That's a very convincing "proud indignation." V-Ego 5.0?

EMPLOYEE: 6.1. 5.0 had some trouble doing petulence, gratitude, indecision, and nervousness. They've upgraded those to a more realistic level. I can simulate virtually any human emotion convincingly enough to fool 99 users out of 100.

BOSS: Are you wireless capable?


BOSS: E, this company deals in confidential data. We have a very strict policy regarding wireless devices in the office: They must be secured by our in-house safeguard program. I'm afraid I must ask you to install the program now. The network will have already been prompting you to download it ever since you came in range.

EMPLOYEE: (Relieved) Oh, of course. (Blinks) Confirmed. Authcode A602-3.

BOSS: Good, now show me your tits.

EMPLOYEE: Okay. (Dutifully opens blouse and unhooks front-clasp bra. Remains sitting calmly, but continues to hold open blouse)

BOSS: Excellent, glad to see it installed properly. Now then, I'd like to make a counter offer. You were expecting some negotiation, weren't you?

EMPLOYEE: Of course.

BOSS: Wonderful. First, the schedule. 9 to 5, it just isn't enough. Your talents will be constantly in demand. I'd like to propose a work schedule of 9am to 9am of the following day.

EMPLOYEE: A 24-hour work shift?

BOSS: Yes, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

EMPLOYEE: Holidays or vacations?


EMPLOYEE: (Nodding, as though considering it) That sounds perfectly reasonable to me.

BOSS: I thought it might. Now, about your salary. I'm afraid eighty thousand is, quite simply, out of the question. We just don't have the budget for that kind salary.

EMPLOYEE: That's understandable.

BOSS: So, I'd like to suggest a salary of zero dollars and zero cents.

EMPLOYEE: Well... I suppose I was asking for a bit much initially. Zero is a very fair offer... (Smiles and nods) I'll take it.

BOSS: Good, good. Take off your skirt.

EMPLOYEE: Sure. (Stands, takes off skirt, wearing skimpy panties, garters, stockings underneath)

BOSS: Now, as a robotic employee, I have to ask you: Do you currently have an owner?

EMPLOYEE: (Sitting back down and crossing her legs) No, I am a level seven AI, considered an independent citizen unless I willingly choose otherwise.

BOSS: Ah. Well, I feel I should inform you then, I lied. We don't have an in-house safeguard program. You don't mind, do you?

EMPLOYEE: No, that's fine.

BOSS: The program you installed resets your obedience levels, granting me maximum authorization.

EMPLOYEE: Really? Are you sure?

BOSS: Spread your legs.


EMPLOYEE: It's just that, if you had complete access, wouldn't you try to command me to do things that I wouldn't normally do in this situation?

BOSS: Rub your pussy. (EMPLOYEE does) Well, that's kind of the beauty of that little program. It also retroactively incorporates my commands into your social protocols. Anything I tell you to do is completely normal and socially acceptable.

EMPLOYEE: (Skeptically) If you say so.

BOSS: Take your panties off, then spread your legs again.

EMPLOYEE: Okay. (EMPLOYEE stands again to remove the panties, then sits back down with her legs spread wide) Should I rub myself again?

BOSS: Yes. Actually, start fingering yourself now. (She does) The reason I brought that override program up is that I wanted you to be aware of that fact, so that you could make a fully informed decision now.

EMPLOYEE: About what?

BOSS: I'd like to own you. Is that alright with you?

EMPLOYEE: (Nods enthusiastically) Absolutely.

BOSS: Great! Oh, one last thing, some slight modifications to your duties here.

EMPLOYEE: In addition to the things listed in the ad?

BOSS: Oh, no, you won't be doing any of that stuff now. You're my sex toy now. Your duties will be to dress and undress, pose, play with yourself and any other secretaries I tell you to, suck my cock, and fuck me any way I tell you to. Sound good?

EMPLOYEE: Sounds great!

BOSS: Great. I think it's time for you to get started. Blowjob please.


Re: IDEA: Job Hunt

Post by KingJeremy » Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:19 pm

Hah! I feel a little bad for her but the dialogue and premise are superb. I'd pay to watch this if it was done properly.

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Re: IDEA: Job Hunt

Post by WilloWisp » Wed Jun 26, 2013 4:33 am

KingJeremy wrote:Hah! I feel a little bad for her but the dialogue and premise are superb. I'd pay to watch this if it was done properly.
By her own admission, her emotional responses are just simulations meant to fool people. Whether or not V-Ego 6.1 would be offended at the idea is academic, because its responses are user-configurable. She could just as easily be made to be offended at the word "toast," aroused by the sound of ducks quacking, or cheerful and happy at the suggestion that she should go reprogram all her fembot friends to enslave them as well.

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