DVD Releases: X2 & Angelic Layer

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DVD Releases: X2 & Angelic Layer

Post by KOS-MOS » Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:21 am

Tuesday the 25th sees two new robotgirl related DVD releases for live-action and animation fans.

X2: Mutants Unite features Kelly Hu as Lady Deathstryke, a sexy and stylish cyborg under the spell of mind control. She is a supporting character and has roughly 15-20 minutes worth of total screen time if my memory serves me correctly. Fembot appeal: 3 out of 5, for a frigid killing machine with a touch of metal, but not a full on droid.

Angelic Layer Volume 2 is also out and features a variety of Lilliputian fembot toys which are controlled by the minds of children and made to battle eachother. I am unsure of which episodes this DVD contains as I have already downloaded the fansubs of the series a few months back. Fembot appeal: 1 and a half out of 5, lots of little girlbot characters with wires, but the Lilliputian size and involvement of children will probably not rank this high with most ASFRians.

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