NYC Mech Comic

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NYC Mech Comic

Post by keraptis » Sat Feb 14, 2004 8:13 pm

Apparently, this April Image Comics will be releasing the first issue of NYC Mech, an ongoing series set in a future in which robots are the dominant "species" on the planet. I first read about it in Comics Buyer's Guide ... that article isn't online, but here's an excerpt:

The story tells of the mechanized New York through the eyes of a robot girl who is trying to get ahead by any means possible. It deals with the evolutin of crime for her on a personal level, not for evil but for a personal vision of success.

"NYC Mech is a series for fans of just about everything," co-writer [Ivan] Brandon said. "It's realism in the face of the New York day-to-day, through the eyes of robots dealing with the same problems we all have. It's about love, money, politics, crime, and fast food. It's about metal hands that work, play, and fight and big consequences when you least expect them."

About the only thing I found out about it online is message board gossip: ... eadid=8815 ... eadid=8583


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