New Japanese Doll-Horror Indies Film - Marronnier DVD

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New Japanese Doll-Horror Indies Film - Marronnier DVD

Post by JungleSCS » Tue Nov 18, 2003 5:40 am

We just stocked the new indies doll-horror DVD, Marronnier. They're nearly sold out already, but we hope to get a second batch soon. Please check the details on our website: ... marronnier

I'm sure many Fembot readers will like the themes in this film. We meet a famous dollmaker who murders his anxiety-ridden wife. After the deed is done and his spite wears off, the dollmaker gets his wife's body from the swamp and places it in a device to turn her into a mannequin. In this form, he can truly express the love for her which he'd always had.

The bulk of the movie concerns the dollmaker's protege, a socially inept young stalker called Numai. He is obsessed with the film's main character Marino (who herself loves dolls) and her circle of friends, and has plans for them and the mannequin device. Along the way there are grisly murders, lots of surreal special effects with animated dolls (all constructed by the director, Itou Junji), and a very clever ending.

Here's a link to the Marronnier website (in Japanese):

The film is in Japanese, without any English translation. But the movie's atmosphere alone is worth the import price! The coworkers and I here all really enjoyed it.

Thanks for your time, everyone!
- Justin
Jungle Special Collectors Shop, Osaka

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