Fresh Frozen Females

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Fresh Frozen Females

Post by andoroido » Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:30 pm

This guy has been coming up with mostly hypno/freeze stuff, but seems to mainly exchange posts on hypno boards (basictek). I know some people in ASFR like freezes, too (me included, just pretend they're freezing because they're gynoids)
There are supposedly some slowdown, wind-down, and looping clips, too. Those basically qualify as ASFR to me, at least the no-panels, and she-acts-mostly-human variety.
Final key point, most of the girls are pretty damn hot (which is something most fetish sites can't really brag about) but there is no nudity (which is probably why he can get hotter girls)

Has anyone bought any clips? Are they good as quasi-gynoid material?

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Post by Spaz » Sat Jan 09, 2010 1:20 am

Yes, they are quite good.

There are a few mannequin clips where they pose them. Some they use remotes to make the women loop, speak slow, mute or pause.

Most of the others look like they just have the women freezing and unfreezing after hearing a bell or sound.
Check out my stories:

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Thanks for the compliments!

Post by hypnogold » Wed Apr 28, 2010 9:10 pm

Hello everyone. I am one of the people behind Fresh Frozen Females and I'm very happy to be a new member here. I was contacted by one of your founders who thought that I might find a ready audience for my videos if I included some fembot/robot material. I told him I would be happy to do that, so here I am.

A word about my videos. As you probably saw in the links above, we have both a store on Clips4Sale where we sell our clips, and a YouTube channel where we give away free previews. The women you see in the videos all have been hypnotized and then, using post-hypnotic suggestions, are triggered to freeze or otherwise do the things you see in the videos. We have mostly done freeze so far, in part because we like it, but also because there seems to be a good market for it. But the robot material interests us as well and if the market here is good then we would be happy to shoot material going forward that fits your interest.

With that in mind, let me ask what this group would like to see. Most of the women we use are deeply hypnotized and I know several of them would TOTALLY accept a suggestion that they were a robot and act accordingly. If we did that, what should we have them do? Help me understand what you are looking for and I'm sure we can achieve it.

We have just finished two shoots in Las Vegas and LA, but we can include robo stuff in our next shoot which will probably be next month some time. Also, just as a coincidence, my shooter/editor confirms that we have shot a couple of robot segments in past shoots. They may not go quite as far as you like but they are good subjects so we'll dig them up and post them so you can see them.

I guess that's about it. Please check out our YouTube channel if you want to see a free sample of what we shoot. If you see something you like, please stop by our C4S store and buy a clip or two. The more people buy the more we can shoot. And as was noted above, our top priority is finding the most beautiful women we can. That takes money! lol

Thanks again for the interest. I look forward to meeting your needs with our videos.


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Shooting Robo-Hypnosis tomorrow night, need suggestions

Post by hypnogold » Mon May 03, 2010 10:16 am

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that I have lined up two AMAZING hypnotic subjects for tomorrow night and am going to do some robo material for this group. (One of the subjects is Manoa who has been in several of my clips already. If you would like to see what she looks like go to and search for Manoa, but I can tell you she is gorgeous!) That means I need ideas for scenarios to shoot with them. So can anyone who has an interested please leave their suggestions in this thread? We shoot at 8:00 Pacific time tomorrow night and I'll check this board before we do.


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Post by wjbaines » Mon May 03, 2010 12:03 pm

Hi, Hypnogold! Glad to have you here!

I'm very happy to hear that you are interested in catering to our fetish. We need more like you!

You ask for advice from us. I'd be glad to get into great detail with you, but seeing as you have a finite deadline with this trial run, please don't be offended if I simply re-transmit a previous message. This is an email that I sent to a hypno guy who was wondering about our fetish a few years back... just before he became one of the top-rated studios on Clips4Sale, if I recall correctly. I would update this if I had time, but I think it captures sort of the essence (for me, at least). Please check it out, but understand that we have no doctrine, and no two of us agree 100%. This is just me. But, again, the email below was part of the genesis of a very successful Clips4Sale studio enterprise.

Thanks again for your interest, and you can easily check my profile for my email address if you want. I'd be happy to help in any way I can.


This friendly email is just to give you a couple of more ideas as to where you could take your shoots, if you so choose. At the very end, I have a semi-concrete proposal for a shoot, or at least a new concept for you, and if you feel like pursuing it, give me the word and I will go into in exacting detail as to how it might be done. Before that, however, I have a few words by way of introduction, and then some general guidelines I think the robot-fetishism community stands by, for your information. Please be gracious and read on

So I’m one of the “robot” guys. I’ve really liked some of the stuff you’ve some up with, especially recently. I’m a contributing member of the message board of which you are already aware and, although the interests there are very diverse — as with any online community of 1,000+ members — my material has been pretty well received. Definitely check some of it out if it helps you get a better idea of the barometer. I’m “wjbaines

“Why I think you should actually read this whole email.":

But the bottom line is that this has the potential to be a GOLDMINE for you if you decide to run with it, because people (like me, for example) WILL BUY your clips, for sure. The community is STARVING for independent content, since pretty much everything else at clips4sale (for example) has to do with guys getting stepped on, women blowing cigarette smoke into the camera, and other assorted bullshit. This robot thing is a virtually untapped niche! At fembotcentral, you are already on the radar screen. Your clips keep getting better and better and the community’s interests have been piqued. I hope my ideas in this email earn you money.

“Brief preamble before I get to the ideas”

I don’t know squat about hypnosis. I’m skeptical, because I’d have to think that the Army and Russians would have been all over it for decades by now if it were real. But so what? Maybe they are and they just don’t tell us! Probably, it’s a lot more complicated. Also, I don’t know if this is just a job for you or if you have some professional sensibilities and respect for what you do as a cultural practice, as art, or whatever, and what that balance is for you. That doesn’t matter to me either — RESPECT either way, to be sure. If you “compromise” with robot-fetishism, you’ll definitely make money off of us. I don’t know if you’ll simultaneously be driving away your existing hypno-fetishist base by catering to us more. That’s a business or artistic decision for you (I don’t know which or to what degree, of course). So, my preamble finished, here are the kinds of things I (and by extension, a large part of the robot-fetishist community) would like to see.

The most important thing for most of the people on fembotcentral is MALFUNCTIONS. Basically: otherwise, what’s the point? This is why many there became disenchanted or frustrated and stopped buying your earlier “robot” clips. The more malfunctions the better. And let her keep going (malfunctioning) for a while instead of “rebooting” or whatever after a couple of seconds. Those couple of seconds are the whole reason we buy the clips in the first place!!! I can’t emphasize that point enough, and that’s the virtually 100% consensus at fembotcentral. Plus, it adds to the length of the clips too, as an added bonus for you (i.e. more $ for you).

Here are some suggestions for these malfunctions (in no particular order, sorry):

- Some kind of calibration problem as far as depth-perception goes, causing her to bump (especially repeatedly) into walls/furniture/you, etc. That “Toy Kitty” clip was (inadvertently?) great for this and comes immediately to mind. Maybe difficulty picking up objects in the same vein: missing an object and then wondering it's not in her hand, etc. This needn't be some dumb, overly mechanical-looking thing. And maybe, as a result of messed-up optics/depth perception, she somehow manages to get wet. Spills a glass of water on herself, for example. You can take it from there. longish pauses between questions or commands and her response (while she's 'computing'); subtle jerky motions, especially of the head, laterally, for some reason.

Logic traps (usually a favorite). Your Karina clip was a good start. Pity she turned herself off so quickly!

Another real plus would be if the girl realized that she was malfunctioning. She might say or stutter things like "I think I'm - I think - I think - I think I'm mal - I think I'm malfunctioning!" And perhaps a kind of plaintive: "What's wrong with me"? or "Fix me!"

Forget any ear/bellybutton/chin/etc. “buttons.” Those are distractions for us, pretty much universally. The pen on the back thing — if that works for you — works for us. You don’t seem to use any props, and props can also definitely backfire and become a distraction if done poorly. Still, you might consider taping, for example, a calculator to a girl’s back or something. It’s not my bag (again we’re a diverse group), but I don’t think that would be poorly received.

Another hint: It’s nothing to do with the “Yes Master” BDSM thing. There’s no submission because it/she’s just a device in the first place. “Master” is superfluous — it’s a given. So you can bin that if you want.

Here are some other suggestions I’ve gleaned for you directly from the fembotcentral message board:

One contributor (not me) at fembotcentral said this: “I think a lot of us would also like the blank stare with a smile, like a flight attendant or Stepford Wife type thing. Which leads to just getting the hypnotized girls to act like Stepford Wives, as long as they've heard of the film, and know there's some stuttering and twitching involved, it could be a great alternative to the standard robo-voice arms at 90 degrees stereotype.”

The same contributor also said: “Another game could be that the girl is a very realistic android, but she becomes convinced that she can hear her own motors whirring whenever she moves if it's really quiet. At first she will stop and just try moving one joint at a time (in effect doing robotic motion) just to try to hear the "whirring". She might even try to get other people to notice the "sound" by standing still and only moving one joint at a time "Hey, listen to my elbow!”

Also: “Getting them to stutter or repeat words sometimes (without the typical stressed-out voice of a stuttering person) would be very robotic. Or just repeat all short words 3 times, " a..a..a.." or "the...the...the..." whenever they come up in the sentence would be an easy little instruction, maybe. This changes " I can't move my arm" to "I..I..I.. can't move arm." Very robotic, even if the voice is kept full of emotion as normal.”

Another suggestion: “A funny ending to the session might be convincing the person that the only reason they've been hypnotizable all along is because they actually ARE robots, but never knew it. But if they find out they're actually robots, they will become confused and freeze up.”

Another idea, one I’d be most enthused to see: Perhaps the girl at first in fact tries to deny that she is a robot, rather than mildly accept the notion as fact immediately. For example, as a 'technician' who’s just doing a job, you might start by blandly saying on the camera her serial number, model type, and so on (like doctors record information during autopsies, for example). She might interrupt you in protest. Keeps denying until you confront her with questions about her past (which she can’t answer because she doesn’t have one — or has only a thin veneer of one - ”blank” in hypno-parlance, I guess). In other words, her whole original malfunction was that she thought that she was a real person. The dawning realization that she is not, causes her to malfunction in some of the various ways mentioned briefly above or like the very nice Alloni clips you just did. Except that she should really come across like a real girl at first. You don’t have to have a really jerky, mechanical aspect or even a monotone voice — at least not at first. For many of us, the gradual revelation of true nature is the most important turn-on. The girl may appear genuinely confused and her movement quite fluid — at least until things start to go wrong. I know: who makes up these crazy rules!?

This is all just for your information. If you think going down the whole “robot” path is a waste of time after all, or you’re not interested, that’s, of course, ok. However, if you’re curious about using any of these ideas and want to find out more first, email me back or visit

And you don’t have to take my word for any of the above suggestions as to how representative of the community they are. But I’ve been in the community for years (longer than the site’s been up), and I think I have a good idea of the pulse. This has a potential to be a really nice symbiotic relationship!


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Post by andoroido » Mon May 03, 2010 12:11 pm

Just a few ideas knowing your limits.
(I know many on the thread would like special effects and such, but we know that isn't gonna happen, although a few people, me included, would gladly add audio effects or even visual effects just in exchange for the raw material)

Keeping with the "plausible for people hypnotized to thinking/acting as if they're robots" theme, but something different from just a freeze, and where you could go from there, just brainstorming:

1. Freeze, but computer freeze. Just imagine they are robots with too many programs running, so everything slows down. Eventually they can only do 1 thing at a time. like Windows Vista on a low-end laptop, So to walk, they can move 1 leg, then an arm, then turn the head, then move the other leg, then maybe talk, but word by word, unnatural. All 1 thing at a time, getting slower and slower until they can't do anything.

2. Stepford wife. Smiling and happy and saying pre-programmed lines, then looping and freezing if they get confused by something unexpected. such as, any "human" female friend asking why they're acting weird and Stepford-ey. This would fall outisde the "do anything to please my husband" program. The Stepford wife gets "confused" and walks randomly, bumping into tables and repeating the same pre-programmed lines. IF they're all Stepford wives, then the malfunction and confusion of the first girl will make the others also confused and malfunction.

3. Human brain in cyber body. The woman can work as a model because she had her human brain transplanted into a beautiful cyber body, but maybe got a second-rate cheap cyber body which has glithces (though looks great!) Totally human thoughts, but the cyber body and the link to the human brain is malfunctioning. Talking with friends and notices (or her friends notice) that she suddenly locks up or loops for 5 - 10 seconds due to some kind of short circuit. Then she expresses worry about it, as the freezes get longer and worse. She can be talking and then her arm or neck starts twitching. The "What's happening to me?" line comes into play.
Eventually she ends up frozen stiff on a couch, able to speak very slowly, word by word, syllable by syllable, asking for her friends to call the cyber doc to fix her.

4. Stealing the power cell.
The robots batteries/power cells/control units are worn on belts (like cell phones can be worn on belts) 2 or 3 girls in a scene are all robots/cybrogs seeming totally human. Suddenly, one notices she is low on power and just grabs the power cell from another girl to replace her own. Without a power cell, the girl can move for about 15 seconds due to residual power in her system (enough time to replace a power cell on her own) but getting slower and weaker until power runs out. Maybe she can grab teh power cell from the 3rd girl. If a girl's power cell is taken, she can struggle to get it back, but has only 15 seconds or so before she totally loses power and freezes up.
In the end the second girl's power cell also runs out so the 3 girls are struggling to get the last power cell, perhaps dropping it in the struggle, so nobody has a power cell and they all freeze up.

5. Reboot.
One (or two) girl is a robot but needs to reboot and recalibrate her movement and get the lubricant flowing to her joints. She starts frozen, and can't move anything unless a friend works the joint a bit, kind of like a Tin Man. She tells her friend the problem and what to do, through clenched teeth at the start. So she needs someone to open and close her jaw so she can talk properly, someone to move her arms at the shoulder and elbow so she can move the arms herself, move the legs at the waist and knees (maybe starting on a sofa lying down would make this easier)
While the freind is helping to get these parts working, she finally realizees there's a switch on the robot's neck, and pushes it, which turns her off, in mid-sentence, frozen. Turning her on again means she needs all her joints wokred on again.

6. "You could be hypnotized so easily because you're actually a robot."
End a hypnosis session by "revealing" that the reason the girls are so "good" at accepting hypnosis cues is that they are actualy robots, which causes them to get confused and break down "I'm not a robot. I'm real" looping slower and slower and freezing.

7. "Mind" transfer.
One slightly older robot with some not-so-human movement and speech wishes she had the body of another 2nd robot, a newer model who seems almost perfectly human, and asks a third robot to sneak up and swap her main chip over to the "better" model. So the 3rd girl shuts down the 2nd robot and the 1st robot, perhaps sitting frozen, or standing frozen, facing the camera. She "opens" the "rear panel" and pulls out a chip (memory card from a camera or whatever) and "puts" it into the 2nd robot and turns it on. The girl maybe has some problems moving the new 2nd body, moving robotically for a bit, stuttering.Then the girl completes the exchange, and puts the 2nd robot's chip into the 1st robot's body. She also has some troubles rebooting, is not happy to be in an older stiffer body with limited movement, but eventually gets control and demands she be put back into her original body.
Go further and say the wronged bot turns off the 1st bot and the 3rd bot, and reprograms the 3rd bot to put things back the way they were.

7. Thunderstorm (needs simple sound FX of thunder)
2 or 3 robot girls are hanging out and acting human, but there's a thunderstorm, whenever lightning strikes nearby, they short out and twitch or freeze for a few seconds. Or maybe only 1 or 2 do so each time, leaving the other friend confused.

8. Nanobots
One girl is an android (maybe an invading alien species, or mad scientists' project, your choice), she injects nanobots into her friends, which cause them to slowly freeze in place, shocked and worried, and after a bit, are converted from humans into androids. I suppose the slow freeze and maybe twiching as converted in androids is the point.

9. "Help me"
A girl gets a call from her friend saing only "help. me." (very slowly) and runs to help the friend in her apartment, find the door unlocked, and the friend on the floor or standing bent looking at, but too far away from an electric outlet, with an electric cord in hand which seems to be coming from under her clothes, frozen. It is pretty obvious the frozen girl is a robot needing to recharge. Maybe she says "Bat - ter- ry" as a final gasp when the friend comes into view.
The friend tries to plug her in, but the cord is too short, so she has to muscle the frozen girl over to near the outlet. After the initial shock of seeing her friend is a robot, maybe says "I wonder why she called me?"
almost immediately after finally dragging her friend near the outlet and plugging her in, the "human" exclaims how tired she feels and starts to freeze up, and lets out a final word "bat-ter-ry". She's an android too.

10. If ANY of the girls can do a GOOD robot dance or popping/locking. Have them do it.

11. Remote control
The girls find out that their friend(s) are robots, and that their cell phones also work as remote controls.
Could just start with one girl asking to borrow another's cell, and when pushing a button or two, the cell phone's owner freezes. Pushing more buttons gets a marionette-like effect.

12. Downgrade
The girls are told they are top grade androids, but each time the bell rings (or whatever) they lose one chip, and they perform slower. Slower speech, longer thinking time, slower/stiffer movement. Less and less human, more and more stiff and robotic. After about 3 rings, they are no way human. After 6, they are not much better than Disneyland animatronics.

13. Spokesmodel
One girl is an android spokemodel for some product, with another girl as the inventor/controller, so the goal is actually to sell the android spokesmodel to some PR/advertising client. This is a demo. However, the spokesmodel keeps stuttering and freezing, slowing down, slumping forward frozen. The inventor has to keep resetting the android by pushing the switch at the back of her neck. The inventor assures the client that this normally doesn't happen.
The twist ending, the "inventor" stutters and freezes, she's an android, too.

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Post by hypnogold » Mon May 03, 2010 3:35 pm

Very helpful guys. Please keep it coming. Also, any clips that you like that may be posted online that I can view would be helpful too.

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Post by Frostillicus » Mon May 03, 2010 6:11 pm

As far as I know, the only clip that EVERYONE agreed on was "Plug It In" by Basement Jaxx.
Thaw me out when robot wives are cheap and effective.

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Post by robolvr » Tue May 04, 2010 6:10 am

Hello there,

Been a fan of your work for quite sometime. Therefore, I was bvery happy to read you are making plans to try some robot material.Your work has been consistently outstanding (both content and technically.) And can't wait to see your results.

One concern I always have about these types of videos is finding models who "get it." (And by it, I mean robot.) As someone who's produced ASFR content, I know how hard it can be to get quality talent who really gets this whole robot thing. My suggestion would be to start off with some basic stuff and see how they respond. If it goes well, you can bring them back for more fun stuff. (Then again, you know the talent better than we do and you should be able to judge their abilities.)

I was watching your "Dianne Kimberly Manoa Remote Control"---which is awesome----and really thought that many of those ideas could carry over: mute, loop, pause. You can also add more specifics like: monotone (they speak in a monotone voice), movement (control their ability to move like a robot.)

If things are going well, you could try to work in some of the aforementioned ideas:
1. Computer Freeze
2. Stepford Wife
5. Reboot
10. Dancing
11. Remote Control
12. Downgrade

I think one of the best hypno/robo clips out there is Becky Speed - Fembot 2:
(The segment where the robot is in control of Becky's body is very nice.)

I would love to offer up more ideas, but unfortunately, time does not allow me. I'd be happy to speak to you IM or email about further ideas.

I think I speak for lots of us to say that we're VERY excited about this endeavor and look forward to seeing what you produce. Good luck.


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Post by wjbaines » Tue May 04, 2010 11:46 am

Hynogold - here are a few addititional excerpts from email messages I sent to another Clips4Sale producer (the same as in my previous post). I'm traveling at the moment, and so am away from my home computer - these are quotes lifted straight from a series of years-old emails. Same caveats as before apply. Thank you for your interest.


As far as further advice, if you want it, I’d just say that there are plenty of other generally-liked scenarios and larger themes (in addition to minor details like twitching, stuttering, etc.) that you can explore in your clips. One that I forgot to mention in my last email is a pretty big one so I’m kind of surprised. It revolves around the whole idea of “perfection” that isn’t quite. Especially when the robot annoyingly proclaims to be perfect (either the most beautiful, sexiest, some kind of know-it-all, “perfect girl/girlfriend/etc.”) and is then revealed as being far from it. For a really basic example of this, see: [url for Fection's story, "Charlie's Second.Hand Angel"]. It’s pretty long and I don’t expect you to read the whole thing try and do an edit/find for the word “lasagna.” I know that sounds weird, but trust me, that’ll take you to the relevant part. Also, note that I didn’t write it. The author, Fection, has been around the community pretty much since the beginning and is well-liked. Basically, the robot keeps going on about how perfect she is, even when it’s obvious to everybody else that she’s not. I don’t know — just another thought for you.

This brings me to the second suggestion. I have enjoyed how, in some of your previous examples the “robot” becomes increasingly “simple” or robotic/less human (or vice versa). I’d recommend making this alteration even more extreme and one way you can do this is in connection with dialogue. Maybe try to have the “robot” be almost indistinguishable from a human being at first, and then slowly let fall some hints that she isn’t what she seems. This makes the final revelation all the more delicious. I will say here that almost all of us like that. Sure, it’s great when we know from the start: “Ah, that’s a robot.” But what at least half of the stories over there are about is the “Holy shit! She’s a robot!” moment. Something you might consider.

One final idea. If you ever get another chance to hypnotize two girls in the same session again…I once read this great story where there were two robots and one was pretty basic and the other was a lot more advanced and didn’t even know she herself was a robot. This latter one more-or-less mocked the former until — naturally — stuff went wrong. Anyways, we robot-fetishists love that kind of twist/irony. So…just in case you even get another pair of girls on at once.


Distress. I guess a fair number of us (perhaps more of us than like to admit it) prefer the robot to appear distressed. I’ll admit that it’s not much fun for me if the girl acts completely indifferent to her malfunctions...but distress isn’t the word for it. Confusion, frustration, or embarrassment on her part might express it better. Of course, a robot could never actually have any such feelings, and it’s a bizarre contradiction with us — or with me, at least. I just ask that you keep this point in mind, because really I think the fetish boils down to the fantasy of the woman losing control of herself.

Stilted voice. Kendra’s voice was very stilted. I think a happier medium might be achieved. Nikki, I thought, generally did a better job. There is sort of a difference between “robotic” speech, and simply artificial speech. Do you understand what I mean? To each is own, and obviously, different members of the community will have different opinions on this subject. For myself, I like the saccharine (i.e. artificially sweet) voice much more than the awkwardly mechanical type.


My first suggestion for a scenario runs basically thusly: Let’s for a moment forget that I told you that one major theme of the fetish is the revelation that a woman actually is a robot (i.e. pretending to be something she isn’t). I did, and that’s still true, but there’s also another direction you might find popular with some customers. In a nutshell: a robo-babe who knows exactly what she is, and is proud of it. For example, you get the latest model of sex-bot shipped to you and turn her on. She’s boastful of her specs, brags about how top-of-the-line she is, how no man could resist her charms, etc. (similar to your set with...Elektra, was it? Except that this one really doesn’t act like a robot at first). You could go a lot of different ways from that starting point. The main point would be, essentially, to make it a humiliation scenario, if you want to boil it down to the crudest of terms. In my view, the most important aspect of it would be that she herself becomes aware of her own fallibility and imperfection, to her own disbelief and embarrassment. Like: “What the fuck? I’m...that’s impossible! I’m malfunctioning?! But I’m - ...” And it just goes downhill from there. One thing you could do is tell her that you don’t find her attractive (which, um, I guess wouldn’t exactly compute...I think a scenario like that would be awesome; she’d be driven to ever more provocative attempts to seduce you to confirm what she was programmed to believe about herself — but with every rebuff she has a harder and harder time of it) or you could go the standard stimulus-overload-type route, which would lead to the same disbelieving conclusion on her part: that she’s nowhere near as perfect as she thought. Just one idea.

Here’s another one you might think about, especially if the right girl comes around. I think that a lot of us are pretty freaking nerdy, to tell you the truth, not to mention pathologically insecure (at least in my case). Why not get the girl trussed up in some nerdy-looking schoolgirl-type-outfit (glasses, even) who is just little-miss-perfect? Here, it would be the same deal as above. Have her brag about her superiority (in a pretty-much totally human manner...again, at first) in...I don’t know. Whatever, like school, or something. How brainy she is. Then feed her some kind of logic trap, or maybe a series of them. There are a lot of those floating around on, and if you can’t find any, maybe you could send out an email to anybody from the community who has contacted you with suggestions or praise in the past. She’s in disbelief that she can be tricked or confused...and this adds to her confusion. You could spend some real time on her going off on how much better and smarter she is, just to build up the tension. You could, for example, have a spelling-bee and then give her nonsense words to which she wouldn’t react well. Maybe have a look at Heinrich Brueckmann’s “The Hustler” or “Smell Bridges Burning” over at the Legacy of Timeless Beauty Story Archives (google “LTBSA”) for a hint of the kind of atmosphere to be created

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Post by robolvr » Wed May 05, 2010 5:27 am

Any word on how the session went?

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Session report

Post by hypnogold » Wed May 05, 2010 7:06 am

Good morning. I would say it went pretty well. As expected, both were great subjects and accepted the robot suggestions completely. We were able to shoot four or five scenarios (I had to get in all my freeze stuff for those customers too.) I would say you will be pleased with most of it and if nothing else it will be something to critique and make suggestions on for the next shoot.

Look for a notice here soon once the clips are edited and posted. As we usually do we'll make one or two free clips and post them on YouTube pointing to some pay clips at C4S.


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Post by robolvr » Thu May 06, 2010 5:24 am

Fantastic news. Can't wait to see the clips!

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Post by robolvr » Wed May 12, 2010 5:59 am


Any update on how the clips are coming along?

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Clip Update

Post by hypnogold » Wed May 12, 2010 8:03 am

Hi. The editor has them and is working. Hope to see something later this week or weekend.

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Post by robolvr » Tue May 18, 2010 10:20 pm


Any news yet?

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Post by eyebore » Wed May 19, 2010 8:11 am

It looks like he's started to upload the new clips

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Post by hypnogold » Wed May 19, 2010 9:06 am

Indeed. Phew, it has really been a struggle with the clip host but finally there are four clips up there from the robot shoot. One is a freeze clip for that set of fans but the rest are robot. There are about 10 more clips still coming from this shoot so please bear with us. But I hope you like what you see. Please give suggestions for improvements. We hope to shoot more robot segments with different models as early as the middle of next month.

Our C4S store is at:

And our YouTube channel with free clips is at:

The top clip there is a preview of the robot clips. I just uploaded it so give it some time for the rendering to complete for full quality.

Thanks and enjoy!

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Post by robolvr » Fri May 21, 2010 10:15 am

Very impressive. I want to watch them a few more times before I fully comment, but again: very impressive. Look forward to seeing more of your work!

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Post by andoroido » Fri May 21, 2010 10:19 am

Hey, just seeing the preview clips on c4s, it looks really good.

hot girls, trying hard, you're already 90% ahead of the pack.

First impression as for making things "better" if you (hopefully) plan to put in a robo clip or two every now and then

If the girls "power down" or whatever, probably freezing just as they do in the regular freeze clips is better IMHO, rather than slumping forward so we can only see their backs, shoulders and hair covering their faces. I think most here like to see the frozen face, and as men, probably more men like seeing the chest than the back. ;)

So, either freezing upright, or freezing leaning back, or stiffly slumping onto a chair/sofa, or to the floor facing up. Or freezing with bending over at the waist, but with the back arched and face still looking up. Or if they just plain slump forward, to turn their head to the side so we can see their faces. These are pretty girls after all! ;)

I think the a main "goal" of people here is to see the robo-girl, in the end, in either a freeze or a twitchy broken state (like a Stepford Wife), sometimes with / sometimes without speaking, stuttering or looping, and either a shocked, surprised look, or a blank stare, or a Stepford Wife type smile. I'd wager 75% of the guys here want to see that.

The path taken to get there, and the change from human to not-human is the way to shake it up, many are fans of the process. Some prefer she be a robot the whole time.

As a personal thing, I like hands/arms in "mannequin" or more natural poses, instead of fingers locked stiff and straight and elbows bent 90 degrees like someone trying to "do the robot". No "real" gynoid built in the year 2035 would have that in the program, so it just makes the whole thing seem more like someone without imagination trying to pretend to be a robot. Suspension of disbelief is a bit ruined. But that's maybe just me.

Thanks for giving it a shot, I hope it sells well!

As for another scenario idea that would fit the conditions you're working under (admittedly, my previous list was long and pretty crap)

Have a girl doing a spokesmodel/trade show type speech in rehearsal.
(The girls probably have such expereince already in real life) but she is actually a robot and keeps freezing, stuttering, looping, breaking down, basically everything that can go wrong does, and her partner has to keep whacking her like a broken record player her or totally rebooting her for bigger problems or plugging her in to charge up, etc.
For the Twilight Zone twist at the end, her partner is a robot, too, and malfunctions at the end.
Last edited by andoroido on Fri May 21, 2010 10:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by hypnogold » Fri May 21, 2010 10:21 am

Thanks! In the middle of converting and uploading four more files. Should be in the store tomorrow, but frankly it's been such a struggle with C4S that it might take until Sunday.

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Post by hypnogold » Mon May 24, 2010 2:57 pm

Okay, despite a four-day outage from Comcast I have managed to get four more Manoa-Andrea clips up on the C4S site. These are more freeze, with slow/pleasure freezing and self-freezing, but there is also a robot body clip and a forced language switching.

You can find them, as always, here:

I have four more clips from this shoot to put up, probably Thursday or Friday, but they are al freeze clips. But if you are into it they will include a FIVE-MINUTE FREEZE! It was amazing!

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New Robot Clip Up

Post by hypnogold » Tue Jun 08, 2010 2:26 pm

Hi all,

Just posted a new robot clip along with a couple of other hypnosis clips. This one features one of our favorite models, Victoria, who has been hypnotized close to a dozen times. She's that good!

Anyway, we did one robot bit with her that I think people will like. She moves robotically, powers down, and describes what it feels like, among other things. This was shot before I found out about this forum and got your suggestions so it may not include all of what you have asked for. But fear not! We are shooting again this Thursday and will work in a lot of robot stuff.

No YouTube clip yet but there are three clips are up in our store, including the one plainly labeled Victoria Robot:


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Re: New Robot Clip Up

Post by keraptis » Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:38 am

hypnogold wrote:Hi all,

Just posted a new robot clip along with a couple of other hypnosis clips. This one features one of our favorite models, Victoria, who has been hypnotized close to a dozen times. She's that good!

Anyway, we did one robot bit with her that I think people will like. She moves robotically, powers down, and describes what it feels like, among other things. This was shot before I found out about this forum and got your suggestions so it may not include all of what you have asked for. But fear not! We are shooting again this Thursday and will work in a lot of robot stuff.

No YouTube clip yet but there are three clips are up in our store, including the one plainly labeled Victoria Robot:

I decided to give the clip a try, and it was very nice. That's a gorgeous girl, and she's fun to watch. I like the fact that there's no nudity and no "yes master" stuff. My only wish is that it was longer!

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Post by hypnogold » Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:47 am

Thanks very much. We're shooting tonight with an all new set of girls so we will definitely look to make longer clips!

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