My AI generated content has been removed... by me.

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My AI generated content has been removed... by me.

Post by Condor621 » Fri Mar 22, 2024 8:40 am

As someone who lurked here for years and years, enjoyed the contributions made by all the gifted artist here, and then recently as a "contributor" to the scene, the last thing I want to do is get banned or lose access to the discussions, community, and content (Images, stories, etc). I know that I have been walking a razor thin line regarding "AI Images", but after The Shovelers last post and to maintain good will with the admins here keeping this site running, I have removed all of my AI Generated work (Videos, Pics, etc).
The issues with AI art and why we don't allow it here. Broken down into two bullet points:

1. It can (and has) easily flooded websites, image galleries, and the like because of the sheer volume of content people put out;

2. It is ultimately unethical, as no artists are credited despite their work being used in the creation of the final product.
This post is NOT to debate the merits, effort, or anything else involved in content generation, but simply to let you guys know that I WILL be continuing to make videos (I took a brief hiatus from finishing Nikitas story to make something I think is coming out as my BEST work yet, and YES, I am still working towards concluding the Nikita (La Fembot Nikita) storyline. I just won't be uploading them HERE anymore...

I'm setting up a Vimeo Page to host my videos moving forward. Streamable doesn't allow me to upload more explicit or racy content, and as I continue to work and learn, the videos are becoming (IMO) better and better and more detailed and realistic, allowing for some more mature/adult content. Vimeo is the best option moving forward. When I get things figured out, I will let you all know.

Just FYI, and this was NEVER my plan, but with the cost of creating on several different platforms and systems and now with having to pay for Hosting, I will probably be setting up a pay site, NOT to "Profit", but just to cover some of the costs of content generation. It will be VERY low cost, but if I want to keep creating, I need to do so. Seriously. I have... I don't know HOW much invested in the Nikita Videos alone. Hundreds? A Thousands of $$'s?? (123 individual HeyGen generated Clips, Voices, image generations, Stock Images, Stock Video, Sound/Video FX, etc.)... JUST for Nikita. :D

This will also allow me to set up for "Commissions"... and if there's no market, then it'll just go back to being a personal, private hobby.

Cheers, all the best, and have a GREAT weekend!!


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Re: My AI generated content has been removed... by me.

Post by Devil » Sat Mar 23, 2024 3:22 pm

Damn ok.

Keep us posted where we can follow your work.

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Re: My AI generated content has been removed... by me.

Post by Condor621 » Sat Mar 23, 2024 6:46 pm

Devil wrote: Sat Mar 23, 2024 3:22 pm Damn ok.

Keep us posted where we can follow your work.
Page is under construction, but heres a sneak peak of another story I've been working on. Nikita will ALSO return...

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Re: My AI generated content has been removed... by me.

Post by Condor621 » Thu Mar 28, 2024 1:12 pm

Or... maybe not. LOL. All good. I hope people enjoyed what I made for a while, but with the Prohibition on any AI creations here, the cost, and the lack of interest and minimal support beyond a very few of the folks here, I believe I am going to be hangin' it up in this realm to focus on more "Mainstream" Sci-Fi content.

Seems like this is a repeating pattern around here...


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Re: My AI generated content has been removed... by me.

Post by dubhdanaidh » Thu Mar 28, 2024 11:22 pm

Sorry to hear that Condor. I really enjoyed your work.

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Re: My AI generated content has been removed... by me.

Post by hypercube » Tue Apr 02, 2024 5:26 am

Uh, I really hope you're gong to move all your old/existing videos to your Vimeo account?

I'm only half way through watching "Nikita", and now most of the links have disappeared... :cry:

(BTW I appreciate the effort that went into making these: They're great, I just want to say! :thumbsup:)

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Re: My AI generated content has been removed... by me.

Post by TW » Wed Apr 03, 2024 7:18 am

Likewise, I unfortunately never made it all the way through these before they were taken down. It sucks you're not getting the engagement here you're looking for - I do think much more of the active community can be found on discord now, and while it's hit or miss on which servers allow AI-generated content, you're more likely to get more substantive interaction there.

I do hope you continue posting these to your Vimeo and follow through with your plans for commissions. This is fantastic work and I'd hate to see it fall off and disappear while the debate over AIGC continues.

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Re: My AI generated content has been removed... by me.

Post by Condor621 » Thu Apr 04, 2024 11:22 am

Just an update, The Vimeo site is being built. I have too much "content" and stories to just let them gather digital dust in my hard drive. The full story titled "Emergency Repair" is in final editing... and Nikita's story WILL continue, along with other new content. As I said, the site will more likely be a small sub fee, because I don't want this stuff just "out there", and the cost of this is getting to be prohibitive. It won't be large - promise. and just as a teaser, I reworked the beginning of Nikita's story (The early eps were sloppy and inconsistent as hell and it bothers me... plus I'm much better now at getting the results I want. Here's a peek at what I'm up to as I remaster the whole series...

Thanks to those of you who have expressed appreciation and interest in my "work".

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Re: My AI generated content has been removed... by me.

Post by Anderson88 » Wed Apr 10, 2024 5:31 pm

Just catching up, missed all of these developments in the past few weeks. Chiming in to say I also look forward to this Vimeo page, Condor, and whatever platform you plan to use as a repository for your previous content!

I definitely understand the argument against the use of AI here in these forums, as AI in general is generating a wave of terrible content (I see that a lot in the Fembot section of C4S), but your content stands out among that awful mess. Please keep producing, it's definitely appreciated by me especially.

I also look forward to commissioning work from you whenever that time comes!

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Re: My AI generated content has been removed... by me.

Post by Spaz » Wed Apr 10, 2024 6:27 pm

Good grief, yes....the Fembot C4S page has been utterly taken over by all that garbage A.I. content. I wish more of it were like Condor's, but alas...
Check out my stories:

Current story status: The Small Business Chronicles: Season Two | The Doctor is in - The Clinic (In progress...)

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Re: My AI generated content has been removed... by me.

Post by Condor621 » Wed Apr 10, 2024 9:54 pm

Spaz wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 6:27 pm Good grief, yes....the Fembot C4S page has been utterly taken over by all that garbage A.I. content. I wish more of it were like Condor's, but alas...
The problem isn't the AI tools, it's the writing. Writing dialogue over the course of a full story using AI voices is DIFFICULT. But... its also FUN.

Thanks, man!

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Re: My AI generated content has been removed... by me.

Post by Condor621 » Wed Apr 10, 2024 9:56 pm

Anderson88 wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 5:31 pm Just catching up, missed all of these developments in the past few weeks. Chiming in to say I also look forward to this Vimeo page, Condor, and whatever platform you plan to use as a repository for your previous content!

I definitely understand the argument against the use of AI here in these forums, as AI in general is generating a wave of terrible content (I see that a lot in the Fembot section of C4S), but your content stands out among that awful mess. Please keep producing, it's definitely appreciated by me especially.

I also look forward to commissioning work from you whenever that time comes!
Just uploaded the link in the Updates section. Pretty much everything is loaded there, plus some new content. AND, I "fixed" the start to Nikita's Story (New Title: Bravery Is Not an Algorithm). I think it makes the story even better...

Here's the link for convenience: Feel free to share as you see fit, the more subs, the more content I can get to. And I have some decent ideas churning around...

Enjoy! There are discussion boards enabled for any content discussion as well.

Thanks to ALL of you for your support! This has been an... interesting journey so far....
Last edited by Condor621 on Tue Apr 16, 2024 9:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: My AI generated content has been removed... by me.

Post by Devil » Fri Apr 12, 2024 9:35 am

I will check it out, thank you for the update.

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Re: My AI generated content has been removed... by me.

Post by Condor621 » Wed May 22, 2024 10:41 am

All links have been removed by admin to my site. It is what it is.


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Re: My AI generated content has been removed... by me.

Post by xeran-gere » Sat May 25, 2024 7:37 am

It's a flawed state that we're in and it will come to high abandonment of this already few and far between group of members. Trust me I'm in advertising and create media all day long... AI is not going away and it's going to become more prominent in the next 12 months. We're doing these things at our cost and not charging, so for all general purpose even if you're using the likeness of someone it's fan art, satire, repurpose, or creative licensing like any other site. If you're selling it that's another thing and need to be careful there.

There's no going back there's only moving forward... and if we don't move forward we're going to find ourselves missing out on some of the best new "close the gap" on the fetish artwork ever.

Much like yourself - I'm basically now creating for myself and my own private library to say "holy crap" that's amazing.

Enjoy the weekend

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If you can't tell then why ask.

My Westworld work -

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